Research Article
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Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 816 - 830, 30.09.2022


Sayısal veri iletiminde, veri güvenliğinin sağlanması için kullanılan yöntemlerden biri Steganografidir. Steganografinin amacı, verileri güvenli olmayan iletim kanalı üzerinden güvenli bir şekilde alıcıya iletmektir. Sayısal steganografinin bir alt dalı olan görüntü Steganografisi, özellikle veri gizleme kapasitesinin yüksekliği sebebiyle daha yaygın kullanılmaktadır. Makalede, uzaysal etki alanında yaygın kullanılan görüntü steganografisi tekniklerinden En Düşük Anlamlı Bit, Piksel Değeri Farkı, Değişim Yönünü Kullanma ve Genelleştirilmiş Değişim Yönünü Kullanma algoritmaları incelenmiştir. Bu yöntemler, bilgi taşıma kapasitesi, Tepe Sinyal Gürültü Oranı, Yapısal Benzerlik Endeksi gibi görüntü kalitesini ölçmek için kullanılan parametrelerin yanı sıra, histogram ve RS analizi ataklarına karşı dayanıklılık testleri incelenmiştir. Makale kapsamında gerçekleştirilen deneysel çalışmalara göre, kullanılan bu yöntemlerin birbirlerine göre üstün ve zayıf yönleri ortaya konularak, kullanım amacına göre uygun yöntem seçimiyle ilgili tavsiyelerde bulunulmaktadır. Özellikle yüksek kapasite gerektiren ve algılanamazlığın önemsenmediği durumlarda LSB-3 bit yöntemi, güvenliğin ve algılanamazlığın ön plana çıktığı daha düşük kapasitede veri gizleme işlemlerinde PVD, EMD ve GEMD yöntemlerinin kullanılması uygundur.

Supporting Institution

Kocaeli Üniversitesi

Project Number



Bu çalışma Kocaeli Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinasyon Birimi tarafından FBA-2021-2488 numaralı proje kapsamında desteklenmiştir.


  • Amirtharajan, R., & Rayappan, J. B. B., 2012. An intelligent chaotic embedding approach to enhance stego-image quality. Information Sciences, 193, 115-124.
  • Chan, C. K., & Cheng, L. M., 2004. Hiding data in images by simple LSB substitution. Pattern recognition, 37(3), 469-474.
  • Chang, K. C., Chang, C. P., Huang, P. S., & Tu, T. M., 2008. A Novel Image Steganographic Method Using Tri-way Pixel-Value Differencing. Journal of multimedia, 3(2).
  • Fridrich, J., Goljan, M., & Du, R., 2001. Reliable detection of LSB steganography in color and grayscale images. In Proceedings of the 2001 workshop on Multimedia and security: new challenges (pp. 27-30).
  • Hussain, M., Wahab, A. W. A., Anuar, N. B., Salleh, R., & Noor, R. M., 2015. Pixel value differencing steganography techniques: Analysis and open challenge. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (pp. 21-22). IEEE.
  • Hussain, M., Abdul Wahab, A. W., Javed, N., & Jung, K. H., 2016. Hybrid data hiding scheme using right-most digit replacement and adaptive least significant bit for digital images. Symmetry, 8(6), 41.
  • Hussain, M., Wahab, A. W. A., Ho, A. T., Javed, N., & Jung, K. H., 2017. A data hiding scheme using parity-bit pixel value differencing and improved rightmost digit replacement. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 50, 44-57. j.image.2016.10.005
  • Hussain, M., Wahab, A. W. A., Idris, Y. I. B., Ho, A. T., & Jung, K. H., 2018. Image steganography in spatial domain: A survey. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 65, 46-66.
  • Jung, K. H., 2010. High-capacity steganographic method based on pixel-value differencing and LSB replacement methods. The Imaging Science Journal, 58(4), 213-221.
  • Jung, K. H., & Yoo, K. Y., 2015. Steganographic method based on interpolation and LSB substitution of digital images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 74(6), 2143-2155.
  • Kadhim, I. J., Premaratne, P., Vial, P. J., & Halloran, B., 2019. Comprehensive survey of image steganography: Techniques, Evaluations, and trends in future research. Neurocomputing, 335, 299-326. 018.06.075.
  • Kieu, T. D., & Chang, C. C., 2011. A steganographic scheme by fully exploiting modification directions. Expert systems with Applications, 38(8), 10648-10657.
  • Konyar, M. Z., & Solak, S., 2021. Efficient data hiding method for videos based on adaptive inverted LSB332 and secure frame selection with enhanced Vigenere cipher. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 63, 103037.
  • Konyar, M. Z., & Öztürk, S., 2020. Reed solomon coding-based medical image data hiding method against salt and pepper noise. Symmetry, 12(6), 899.
  • Kuo, W. C., & Wang, C. C., 2013. Data hiding based on generalised exploiting modification direction method. The Imaging Science Journal, 61(6), 484-490.
  • Kuo, W. C., Kuo, S. H., & Huang, Y. C., 2013. Data hiding schemes based on the formal improved exploiting modification direction method. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences Letters, 1(3), 1-8.
  • Kuo, W. C., & Kao, M. C., 2013. A steganographic scheme based on formula fully exploiting modification directions. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 96(11), 2235-2243.
  • Kuo, W. C., Wang, C. C., & Hou, H. C., 2016. Signed digit data hiding scheme. Information Processing Letters, 116(2), 183-191.
  • Lamiles, O. E. M., 2016. Analysis and Experimental Study of EMD and GEMD Steganographic Methods (Master's thesis, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)-Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ)).
  • Liao, X., Wen, Q. Y., Zhao, Z. L., & Zhang, J., 2012. A novel steganographic method with four-pixel differencing and modulus function. Fundamenta Informaticae, 118(3), 281-289.
  • Liao, X., Wen, Q., & Zhang, J., 2013. Improving the adaptive steganographic methods based on modulus function. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 96(12), 2731-2734.
  • Liao, X., Guo, S., Yin, J., Wang, H., Li, X., & Sangaiah, A. K., 2018. New cubic reference table based image steganography. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77(8), 10033-10050.
  • Liao, X., Wen, Q., & Zhang, J., 2012. A novel steganographic method with four-pixel differencing and exploiting modification direction. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 95(7), 1189-1192.
  • Liao, X., Qin, Z., & Ding, L., 2017. Data embedding in digital images using critical functions. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 58, 146-156.
  • Li, B., He, J., Huang, J., & Shi, Y. Q., 2011. A survey on image steganography and steganalysis. J. Inf. Hiding Multim. Signal Process., 2(2), 142-172.
  • Liu, Y., Qu, X., & Xin, G., 2016. A ROI-based reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted medical images. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 39, 51-57.
  • Lu, T. C., &Vo, T. N., 2020. Reversible steganography techniques: A survey. In Digital Media Steganography (pp. 189-213). Academic Press.
  • Muhammad, K., Ahmad, J., Rehman, N. U., Jan, Z., & Sajjad, M., 2017. CISSKA-LSB: color image steganography using stego key-directed adaptive LSB substitution method. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(6), 8597-8626.
  • Muhammad, K., Sajjad, M., & Baik, S. W., 2016. Dual-level security based cyclic18 steganographic method and its application for secure transmission of keyframes during wireless capsule endoscopy. Journal of medical systems, 40(5), 114.
  • Navadiya, C., & Sanghani, N., 2021. Comparative Survey of Digital Image Steganography Spatial Domain Techniques. In Data Science and Intelligent Applications (pp. 491-497). Springer, Singapore.
  • Nguyen, T. D., Arch-Int, S., & Arch-Int, N., 2016. An adaptive multi bit-plane image steganography using block data-hiding. Multimedia tools and applications, 75(14), 8319-8345.
  • Pan, F., Li, J., & Yang, X., 2011. Image steganography method based on PVD and modulus function. In 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC) (pp. 282-284). IEEE.
  • Pevny, T., Bas, P., & Fridrich, J., 2010. Steganalysis by subtractive pixel adjacency matrix. IEEE Transactions on information Forensics and Security, 5(2), 215-224.
  • Petitcolas, F. A., Anderson, R. J., & Kuhn, M. G., 1999. Information hiding-a survey. Proceedings of the IEEE, 87(7), 1062-1078.
  • Pradhan, A., Sahu, A. K., Swain, G., & Sekhar, K. R., 2016. Performance evaluation parameters of image steganography techniques. In 2016 International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • Puteaux, P., Ong, S., Wong, K., & Puech, W. (2021). A survey of reversible data hiding in encrypted images–The first 12 years. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 77, 103085.
  • Sahu, M., Padhy, N., Gantayat, S. S., & Sahu, A. K., 2021. Shadow image based reversible data hiding using addition and subtraction logic on the LSB planes. Sensing and Imaging, 22(1), 1-31.
  • Sahu, A. K., Swain, G., Sahu, M., & Hemalatha, J. (2021). Multi-directional block based PVD and modulus function image steganography to avoid FOBP and IEP. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 58, 102808.
  • Sarreshtedari, S., & Akhaee, M. A., 2013. One-third probability embedding: a new±1 histogram compensating image least significant bit steganography scheme. IET image processing, 8(2), 78-89.
  • Shivani, S., 2022. Verifiable medical images for E-healthcare: A novel watermarking approach using robust bit-wise association of self-mutating offsprings of pixels. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 104483. 2022.104483.
  • Solak, S., & Altınışık, U., 2018. LSB Substitution and PVD performance analysis for image steganography. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 6(10), 1-4.
  • Solak, S., & Altınışık, U., 2019. A new approach for Steganography: Bit shifting operation of encrypted data in LSB (SED-LSB). Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 12(1), 75-81.
  • Solak, S., & Altınışık, U., 2019. Image steganography based on LSB substitution and encryption method: adaptive LSB+ 3. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 28(4), 043025.
  • Solak, S., 2020. High Embedding Capacity Data Hiding Technique Based on EMSD and LSB Substitution Algorithms. IEEE Access, 8, 166513-166524.
  • Solak, S., & Altınışık, U., 2021. Image Steganography-Based GUI Design to Hide Agricultural Data. Gazi University Journal of Science, 34(3), 748-763.
  • Thambiraja, E., Ramesh, G., & Umarani, D. R., 2012. A survey on various most common encryption techniques. International journal of advanced research in computer science and software engineering, 2(7).
  • Tuncer, T., & Sönmez, Y., 2019. A Novel Data Hiding Method based on Edge Detection and 2k Correction with High Payload and High Visual Quality. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(3), 311-318. bajece.573514.
  • Wan, W., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Li, J., Yu, H., & Sun, J., 2022. A Comprehensive Survey on Robust Image Watermarking. Neurocomputing.
  • Wang, S., Zheng, D., Zhao, J., Tam, W. J., & Speranza, F., 2006. An image quality evaluation method based on digital watermarking. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, 17(1), 98-105. 2006.887086.
  • Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C., & Li, M. C., 2012. Optimizing least-significant-bit substitution using cat swarm optimization strategy. Information Sciences, 192, 98-108.
  • Wu, D. C., & Tsai, W. H., 2003. A steganographic method for images by pixel-value differencing. Pattern recognition letters, 24(9-10), 1613-1626.
  • Wu, H. C., Wu, N. I., Tsai, C. S., & Hwang, M. S., 2005. Image steganographic scheme based on pixel-value differencing and LSB replacement methods. IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 152(5), 611-615.
  • Xu, W. L., Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S., & Wang, L. M., 2016. An improved least-significant-bit substitution method using the modulo three strategy. Displays, 42, 36-42.
  • Yang, H., Sun, X., & Sun, G., 2009. A high-capacity image data hiding scheme using adaptive LSB substitution. Radioengineering, 18(4), 509-516.
  • Yang, C. H., Wang, S. J., & Weng, C. Y., 2010. Capacity-raising steganography using multi-pixel differencing and pixel-value shifting operations. Fundamenta Informaticae, 98(2-3), 321-336.
  • Yang, C. H., Weng, C. Y., Tso, H. K., & Wang, S. J., 2011. A data hiding scheme using the varieties of pixel-value differencing in multimedia images. Journal of Systems and Software, 84(4), 669-678.
  • Zhang, X., & Wang, S., 2006. Efficient steganographic embedding by exploiting modification direction. IEEE Communications Letters, 10(11), 781-783.


Year 2022, Volume: 10 Issue: 3, 816 - 830, 30.09.2022


Steganography is one of the methods used to ensure data security in digital data transmission. The aim of the steganography technique is to transmit data securely over the unsecured transmission channel. The extensive use of social media and its ease of application make image steganography, a branch of digital steganography, popular. In this article, the examination of Least Significance Bit, Pixel Value Difference, Using the Change Direction and Using Generalized Change Direction techniques commonly used in image steganography and application methods with examples are explained. The results were interpreted by calculating the Load Capacity, Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio, and Structural Similarity Indexes of these methods. The aim of our study is to determine the superior and weak aspects of these methods compared to each other according to the data obtained, and to make recommendations regarding the selection of the method suitable for the purpose. In particular, LSB-3 bit method is a high-capacity but insecure method, while PVD, EMD and GEMD data hiding techniques are low-capacity but security and undetectable methods by third parties.

Project Number



  • Amirtharajan, R., & Rayappan, J. B. B., 2012. An intelligent chaotic embedding approach to enhance stego-image quality. Information Sciences, 193, 115-124.
  • Chan, C. K., & Cheng, L. M., 2004. Hiding data in images by simple LSB substitution. Pattern recognition, 37(3), 469-474.
  • Chang, K. C., Chang, C. P., Huang, P. S., & Tu, T. M., 2008. A Novel Image Steganographic Method Using Tri-way Pixel-Value Differencing. Journal of multimedia, 3(2).
  • Fridrich, J., Goljan, M., & Du, R., 2001. Reliable detection of LSB steganography in color and grayscale images. In Proceedings of the 2001 workshop on Multimedia and security: new challenges (pp. 27-30).
  • Hussain, M., Wahab, A. W. A., Anuar, N. B., Salleh, R., & Noor, R. M., 2015. Pixel value differencing steganography techniques: Analysis and open challenge. In 2015 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (pp. 21-22). IEEE.
  • Hussain, M., Abdul Wahab, A. W., Javed, N., & Jung, K. H., 2016. Hybrid data hiding scheme using right-most digit replacement and adaptive least significant bit for digital images. Symmetry, 8(6), 41.
  • Hussain, M., Wahab, A. W. A., Ho, A. T., Javed, N., & Jung, K. H., 2017. A data hiding scheme using parity-bit pixel value differencing and improved rightmost digit replacement. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 50, 44-57. j.image.2016.10.005
  • Hussain, M., Wahab, A. W. A., Idris, Y. I. B., Ho, A. T., & Jung, K. H., 2018. Image steganography in spatial domain: A survey. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 65, 46-66.
  • Jung, K. H., 2010. High-capacity steganographic method based on pixel-value differencing and LSB replacement methods. The Imaging Science Journal, 58(4), 213-221.
  • Jung, K. H., & Yoo, K. Y., 2015. Steganographic method based on interpolation and LSB substitution of digital images. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 74(6), 2143-2155.
  • Kadhim, I. J., Premaratne, P., Vial, P. J., & Halloran, B., 2019. Comprehensive survey of image steganography: Techniques, Evaluations, and trends in future research. Neurocomputing, 335, 299-326. 018.06.075.
  • Kieu, T. D., & Chang, C. C., 2011. A steganographic scheme by fully exploiting modification directions. Expert systems with Applications, 38(8), 10648-10657.
  • Konyar, M. Z., & Solak, S., 2021. Efficient data hiding method for videos based on adaptive inverted LSB332 and secure frame selection with enhanced Vigenere cipher. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 63, 103037.
  • Konyar, M. Z., & Öztürk, S., 2020. Reed solomon coding-based medical image data hiding method against salt and pepper noise. Symmetry, 12(6), 899.
  • Kuo, W. C., & Wang, C. C., 2013. Data hiding based on generalised exploiting modification direction method. The Imaging Science Journal, 61(6), 484-490.
  • Kuo, W. C., Kuo, S. H., & Huang, Y. C., 2013. Data hiding schemes based on the formal improved exploiting modification direction method. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences Letters, 1(3), 1-8.
  • Kuo, W. C., & Kao, M. C., 2013. A steganographic scheme based on formula fully exploiting modification directions. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 96(11), 2235-2243.
  • Kuo, W. C., Wang, C. C., & Hou, H. C., 2016. Signed digit data hiding scheme. Information Processing Letters, 116(2), 183-191.
  • Lamiles, O. E. M., 2016. Analysis and Experimental Study of EMD and GEMD Steganographic Methods (Master's thesis, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU)-Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi (DAÜ)).
  • Liao, X., Wen, Q. Y., Zhao, Z. L., & Zhang, J., 2012. A novel steganographic method with four-pixel differencing and modulus function. Fundamenta Informaticae, 118(3), 281-289.
  • Liao, X., Wen, Q., & Zhang, J., 2013. Improving the adaptive steganographic methods based on modulus function. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 96(12), 2731-2734.
  • Liao, X., Guo, S., Yin, J., Wang, H., Li, X., & Sangaiah, A. K., 2018. New cubic reference table based image steganography. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77(8), 10033-10050.
  • Liao, X., Wen, Q., & Zhang, J., 2012. A novel steganographic method with four-pixel differencing and exploiting modification direction. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 95(7), 1189-1192.
  • Liao, X., Qin, Z., & Ding, L., 2017. Data embedding in digital images using critical functions. Signal Processing: Image Communication, 58, 146-156.
  • Li, B., He, J., Huang, J., & Shi, Y. Q., 2011. A survey on image steganography and steganalysis. J. Inf. Hiding Multim. Signal Process., 2(2), 142-172.
  • Liu, Y., Qu, X., & Xin, G., 2016. A ROI-based reversible data hiding scheme in encrypted medical images. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 39, 51-57.
  • Lu, T. C., &Vo, T. N., 2020. Reversible steganography techniques: A survey. In Digital Media Steganography (pp. 189-213). Academic Press.
  • Muhammad, K., Ahmad, J., Rehman, N. U., Jan, Z., & Sajjad, M., 2017. CISSKA-LSB: color image steganography using stego key-directed adaptive LSB substitution method. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 76(6), 8597-8626.
  • Muhammad, K., Sajjad, M., & Baik, S. W., 2016. Dual-level security based cyclic18 steganographic method and its application for secure transmission of keyframes during wireless capsule endoscopy. Journal of medical systems, 40(5), 114.
  • Navadiya, C., & Sanghani, N., 2021. Comparative Survey of Digital Image Steganography Spatial Domain Techniques. In Data Science and Intelligent Applications (pp. 491-497). Springer, Singapore.
  • Nguyen, T. D., Arch-Int, S., & Arch-Int, N., 2016. An adaptive multi bit-plane image steganography using block data-hiding. Multimedia tools and applications, 75(14), 8319-8345.
  • Pan, F., Li, J., & Yang, X., 2011. Image steganography method based on PVD and modulus function. In 2011 International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Control (ICECC) (pp. 282-284). IEEE.
  • Pevny, T., Bas, P., & Fridrich, J., 2010. Steganalysis by subtractive pixel adjacency matrix. IEEE Transactions on information Forensics and Security, 5(2), 215-224.
  • Petitcolas, F. A., Anderson, R. J., & Kuhn, M. G., 1999. Information hiding-a survey. Proceedings of the IEEE, 87(7), 1062-1078.
  • Pradhan, A., Sahu, A. K., Swain, G., & Sekhar, K. R., 2016. Performance evaluation parameters of image steganography techniques. In 2016 International Conference on Research Advances in Integrated Navigation Systems (RAINS) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
  • Puteaux, P., Ong, S., Wong, K., & Puech, W. (2021). A survey of reversible data hiding in encrypted images–The first 12 years. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 77, 103085.
  • Sahu, M., Padhy, N., Gantayat, S. S., & Sahu, A. K., 2021. Shadow image based reversible data hiding using addition and subtraction logic on the LSB planes. Sensing and Imaging, 22(1), 1-31.
  • Sahu, A. K., Swain, G., Sahu, M., & Hemalatha, J. (2021). Multi-directional block based PVD and modulus function image steganography to avoid FOBP and IEP. Journal of Information Security and Applications, 58, 102808.
  • Sarreshtedari, S., & Akhaee, M. A., 2013. One-third probability embedding: a new±1 histogram compensating image least significant bit steganography scheme. IET image processing, 8(2), 78-89.
  • Shivani, S., 2022. Verifiable medical images for E-healthcare: A novel watermarking approach using robust bit-wise association of self-mutating offsprings of pixels. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 104483. 2022.104483.
  • Solak, S., & Altınışık, U., 2018. LSB Substitution and PVD performance analysis for image steganography. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 6(10), 1-4.
  • Solak, S., & Altınışık, U., 2019. A new approach for Steganography: Bit shifting operation of encrypted data in LSB (SED-LSB). Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 12(1), 75-81.
  • Solak, S., & Altınışık, U., 2019. Image steganography based on LSB substitution and encryption method: adaptive LSB+ 3. Journal of Electronic Imaging, 28(4), 043025.
  • Solak, S., 2020. High Embedding Capacity Data Hiding Technique Based on EMSD and LSB Substitution Algorithms. IEEE Access, 8, 166513-166524.
  • Solak, S., & Altınışık, U., 2021. Image Steganography-Based GUI Design to Hide Agricultural Data. Gazi University Journal of Science, 34(3), 748-763.
  • Thambiraja, E., Ramesh, G., & Umarani, D. R., 2012. A survey on various most common encryption techniques. International journal of advanced research in computer science and software engineering, 2(7).
  • Tuncer, T., & Sönmez, Y., 2019. A Novel Data Hiding Method based on Edge Detection and 2k Correction with High Payload and High Visual Quality. Balkan Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 7(3), 311-318. bajece.573514.
  • Wan, W., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Li, J., Yu, H., & Sun, J., 2022. A Comprehensive Survey on Robust Image Watermarking. Neurocomputing.
  • Wang, S., Zheng, D., Zhao, J., Tam, W. J., & Speranza, F., 2006. An image quality evaluation method based on digital watermarking. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology, 17(1), 98-105. 2006.887086.
  • Wang, Z. H., Chang, C. C., & Li, M. C., 2012. Optimizing least-significant-bit substitution using cat swarm optimization strategy. Information Sciences, 192, 98-108.
  • Wu, D. C., & Tsai, W. H., 2003. A steganographic method for images by pixel-value differencing. Pattern recognition letters, 24(9-10), 1613-1626.
  • Wu, H. C., Wu, N. I., Tsai, C. S., & Hwang, M. S., 2005. Image steganographic scheme based on pixel-value differencing and LSB replacement methods. IEE Proceedings-Vision, Image and Signal Processing, 152(5), 611-615.
  • Xu, W. L., Chang, C. C., Chen, T. S., & Wang, L. M., 2016. An improved least-significant-bit substitution method using the modulo three strategy. Displays, 42, 36-42.
  • Yang, H., Sun, X., & Sun, G., 2009. A high-capacity image data hiding scheme using adaptive LSB substitution. Radioengineering, 18(4), 509-516.
  • Yang, C. H., Wang, S. J., & Weng, C. Y., 2010. Capacity-raising steganography using multi-pixel differencing and pixel-value shifting operations. Fundamenta Informaticae, 98(2-3), 321-336.
  • Yang, C. H., Weng, C. Y., Tso, H. K., & Wang, S. J., 2011. A data hiding scheme using the varieties of pixel-value differencing in multimedia images. Journal of Systems and Software, 84(4), 669-678.
  • Zhang, X., & Wang, S., 2006. Efficient steganographic embedding by exploiting modification direction. IEEE Communications Letters, 10(11), 781-783.
There are 57 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Computer Software
Journal Section Research Articles

Murat Uzun 0000-0002-5255-8247

Serdar Solak 0000-0003-1081-1598

Project Number FBA-2021-2488
Publication Date September 30, 2022
Submission Date July 1, 2021
Acceptance Date April 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 10 Issue: 3


APA Uzun, M., & Solak, S. (2022). GÖRÜNTÜ STEGANOGRAFİSİNDE YAYGIN KULLANILAN VERİ GİZLEME TEKNİKLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Mühendislik Bilimleri Ve Tasarım Dergisi, 10(3), 816-830.