Research Article
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Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 202 - 220, 20.03.2025


Bode’s ideal loop models have been utilized in control system designs to obtain performance robustness for the Direct Current (DC) gain variations. However, effects of crossover frequency and fractional order on control optimality of Bode's ideal loop reference models have not been sufficiently discussed, and it may raise a question of whether a control system design based on Bode’s ideal loop reference model is optimal. In this regard, this study revisits Bode’s ideal loops to investigate Integral Square Error (ISE) optimality of Bode’s ideal loops. For this purpose, the ISE optimality of Bode’s ideal loop is theoretically investigated by using Parseval’s theorem, and an ISE optimality condition is suggested in terms of crossover frequency and fractional order. Then, a generic controller family, which achieves an exact matching with the characteristics of the ISE optimal Bode’s ideal loop, was implemented for inverse fractional-order control of a class of minimum phase fractional order plant models. The authors present a numerical experiment on an ISE optimal Bode’s ideal loop inverse (OBILI) controller, and the ISE optimality and performance robustness of the designed control system were investigated for closed-loop control of a heat furnace system model via Monte Carlo simulations.


  • Alagoz, B.B., 2018. Fractional order linear time invariant system stabilization by brute-force search. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 40(5), 1447–1456.
  • Alagoz, B.B., Ates, A., Yeroglu, C., 2013. Auto-tuning of PID controller according to fractional-order reference model approximation for DC rotor control. Mechatronics, 23(7), 789–797.
  • Arya, P.P., Chakrabarty, S., 2018. IMC based fractional order controller design for specific non-minimum phase systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(4), 847–852.
  • Åström, K.J.,2000. Limitations on control system performance. European Journal of Control, 6(1), 2–20.
  • Barbosa, R.S., Machado, T.J.A., Ferreire, I.M., 2004. PID controller tuning using fractional calculus concepts. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 7, 121–134.
  • Barbosa, R.S., Machado, J.A.T., Ferreira, I.M., 2004. Tuning of PID controllers based on bode’s ideal transfer function. Nonlinear Dynamics, 38(1–4), 305–321.
  • Bode, H.W., 1945. Network analysis and feedback amplifier design. D. Van Nostrand Company.
  • Bolton, W., 2004. Frequency response. Instrumentation and Control Systems, pp. 252–281. Elsevier Science & Technology Books.
  • Bower, J.L., Schultheiss, P.M., 1961. Introduction to the design of servomechanisms. Wiley.
  • Chakraborty, S., Naskar, A.K., Ghosh, S., 2020. Inverse plant model and frequency loop shaping-based PID controller design for processes with time-delay. International Journal of Automation and Control, 14(4), 399–422.
  • Chen, Y., Moore, K.L., Vinagre, B.M., Podlubny, I., 2005. Robust PID Controller Autotuning With An Iso-Damping Property Through A Phase Shaper. Fractional Differentiation and its Applications,pp. 687–706.
  • Chen, Y.Q., Dou, H., Vinagre, B.M., Monje, C.A., 2006. A robust tuning method for fractional order PI controllers. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 2(PART 1), 22–27.
  • Cho, J.-H., Hwang, H.-S., 2007. Design of PID Controller to Ensure Specified Phase Margin and Iso-damping Property Using Reduction Model. In: The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers (KIEE) Conference, pp. 113–118.
  • Cho, J., Principe, J.C., Erdogmus, D., Motter, M.A., 2006. Modeling and inverse controller design for an unmanned aerial vehicle based on the self-organizing map. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 17(2), 445–460.
  • Deniz, F. N., 2022. An effective Smith predictor based fractional-order PID controller design methodology for preservation of design optimality and robust control performance in practice. International Journal of Systems Science, 53(14), 2948–2966.
  • Doğruer, T., Yüce, A., Tan, N., 2017. PID Controller Design for a Fractional Order System using Bode’s Ideal Transfer Function. Uluslararası Muhendislik Arastirma ve Gelistirme Dergisi, 9(3), 126–135.
  • Doyle, J., Francis, B., Tannenbaum, A.,1990. Feedback Control Theory. Macmillan.
  • Faisal, S.F., Beig, A.R., Thomas, S., 2021. Real‐time implementation of robust loop‐shaping controller for a vsc hvdc system. Energies, 14(16), 4955.
  • Feliu-Batlle, V., Castillo-García, F.J., 2014. On the robust control of stable minimum phase plants with large uncertainty in a time constant. A fractional-order control approach. Automatica, 50(1), 218–224.
  • Fergani, N., 2022. Direct synthesis-based fractional-order PID controller design: application to AVR system. International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 10(6), 2124–2138.
  • Horowitz, I.M., 1963. Synthesis of Feedback Systems. Academic Press.
  • Jeng, J.-C., Lin, S.-W., 2012. Robust proportional-integral-derivative controller design for stable/integrating processes with inverse response and time delay. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51(6), 2652–2665.
  • Kealy, T., O’dwyer, A., 2003. Analytical ISE calculation and optimum control system design. In: Proceedings of the Irish Signals and Systems Conference, pp. 418–423.
  • Kharrazi, S., Lidberg, M., Fredriksson, J., 2012. A generic controller for improving lateral performance of heavy vehicle combinations. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 227(5), 619–642.
  • Kumbasar, T., Eksin, İ., Guzelkaya, M., Yesil, E., 2011. Adaptive fuzzy model based inverse controller design using BB-BC optimization algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(10), 12356–12364.
  • Lanusse, P., Malti, R., Melchior, P., 2013. CRONE control system design toolbox for the control engineering community: Tutorial and case study. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 371(1990), 1–14.
  • Lee, P. L., Sullivan, G. R., 1988. Generic model control-theory and applications. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 21(4), 111–119.
  • Li, H., & Chen, Y., 2008. A fractional order proportional and derivative (FOPD) controller tuning algorithm. In: Chinese Control and Decision Conference, pp. 4059–4063.
  • Li, H., Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, B., Li, Z., 2020. An analytical parameter tuning method for fractional order PIλ controller based on ideal closed loop response. Developments of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Computation and Robotics, In: Proceedings of the 14th International FLINS Conference (FLINS 2020), pp. 1391–1399.
  • Luo, Y., Chen, Y.Q., 2009. Fractional order [proportional derivative] controller for a class of fractional order systems. Automatica, 45(10), 2446–2450.
  • Manabe, S., 1960. The non-integer integral and its application to control systems. The Journal of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 80(860), 589–597.
  • Matušů, R., Şenol, B., Pekař, L., 2018. Robust stability of fractional-order linear time-invariant systems: Parametric versus Unstructured Uncertainty Models. Complexity, 2018, 1–12.
  • Merrikh-Bayat, F., 2012. General rules for optimal tuning the PIλDμ controllers with application to first-order plus time delay processes. Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, 90(6), 1400–1410.
  • Nagarsheth, S.H., Sharma, S.N., 2020. Control of non-minimum phase systems with dead time: a fractional system viewpoint. International Journal of Systems Science, 51(11), 1905–1928.
  • Narendra, K.S., Parthasarathy, K., 1990. Identification and control of dynamical systems using neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1(1), 4–27.
  • Podlubny, I., 1994. Fractional-order systems and fractional-order controllers. Slovak Academy of Science Institute of Experimental Physics: Vol. UEF-03-94.
  • Saha, S., Das, S., Ghosh, R., Goswami, B., Balasubramanian, R., Chandra, A.K., Das, S., Gupta, A., 2010. Design of a fractional order phase shaper for iso-damped control of a PHWR under step-back condition. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 57(3 PART 3), 1602–1612.
  • Sahoo, A.K., Mishra, S.K., 2021. Design of Lagrangian-based FOPID controller for desired closed loop system. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 30(04), 2150064.
  • Saidi, B., Amairi, M., Najar, S., Aoun, M., 2015. Bode shaping-based design methods of a fractional order PID controller for uncertain systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 80(4), 1817–1838.
  • Saxena, S., Biradar, S., 2022. Fractional-order IMC controller for high-order system using reduced-order modelling via Big-Bang, Big-Crunch optimisation. International Journal of Systems Science, 53(1), 168–181.
  • Saxena, S., Hote, Y.V., 2022. Design of robust fractional-order controller using the Bode ideal transfer function approach in IMC paradigm. Nonlinear Dynamics, 107, 983–1001.
  • Shafiq, M., 2005. Internal model control structure using adaptive inverse control strategy. ISA Transactions, 44(3), 353–362.
  • Vinagre, B.M., Chen, Y.Q., Petráš, I., 2003. Two direct Tustin discretization methods for fractional-order differentiator/integrator. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 340(5), 349–362.
  • Vu, T.N.L.,Lee, M., 2014. Smith predictor based fractional-order PI control for time-delay processes. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31, 1321–1329.
  • Wang, C.Y., Jin, Y.S., Chen, Y.Q., 2009. Auto-tuning of FOPI and FO[PI] controllers with iso-damping property. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 01(435), pp. 7309–7314.
  • Xue, D., 2017. Fractional-order control systems. Fundamentals and numerical implementations. De Gruyter, pp. 372.
  • Yadav, M., Hirenkumar, G.P., 2022. Control of non-minimum phase system using inverse response compensator with different approximations. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 40(1), 59–69.
  • Yumuk, E., Guzelkaya, M., Eksin, İ., 2016. Reduced integer order inverse controller design for single fractional pole model. In: 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), pp. 148–153.
  • Yumuk, E., Güzelkaya, M., Eksin, İ., 2019. Analytical fractional PID controller design based on Bode’s ideal transfer function plus time delay. ISA Transactions, 91, 196–206.
  • Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Wang, W., 2020. Application of Ideal Bode Transfer Function Tuning Fractional Order PID in Pressure Difference of Vertical Mill. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2020, pp. 3501–3505.
  • Zhao, C., Xue, D., Chen, Y., 2005. A fractional order PID tuning algorithm for a class of fractional order plants. In: IEEE International Conference Mechatronics and Automation, pp. 216–221.
  • Zheng, W., Luo, Y., Chen, Y.Q., 2020. A fractional order controller design based on bode’s ideal transfer function and bode’s ideal cut-off ideas. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2), 3663–3668.
  • Zhou, K., Doyle, J.C., Glover, K., 1998. Robust Optimal Control. Prentice Hall.
  • Zhuo-Yun, N., Yi-Min, Z., Qing-Guo, W., Rui-Juan, L., Lei-Jun, X., 2020. Fractional-Order PID Controller Design for Time-Delay Systems Based on Modified Bode’s Ideal Transfer Function. IEEE Access, 8, 103500–103510.


Year 2025, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 202 - 220, 20.03.2025


Bode ideal döngü modelleri, Doğru Akım (DA) kazanç değişimleri için performans dayanıklılığı elde etmek amacıyla kontrol sistemi tasarımlarında kullanılmıştır. Bununla birlikte, geçiş frekansı ve kesir derecenin Bode ideal döngü referans modellerinin kontrol optimalliği üzerindeki etkileri yeterince tartışılmamıştır ve bu, Bode ideal döngü referans modeline dayanan bir kontrol sistemi tasarımının optimal olup olmadığı sorusunu gündeme getirebilir. Bu bağlamda, bu çalışma, Bode ideal döngülerinin İntegral Karesel Hata (ISE) optimalliğini araştırmak için Bode ideal döngülerini yeniden ele almaktadır. Bu amaçla Bode ideal döngünün ISE optimalliği Parseval teoremi kullanılarak teorik olarak araştırılmış ve geçiş frekansı ve kesir derece açısından bir ISE optimallik koşulu önerilmiştir. Daha sonra, ISE optimal Bode ideal döngünün karakteristikleri ile tam bir eşleşme sağlayan bir genelleştirilmiş kontrolör ailesi, minimum faz kesir dereceli sistem modellerinin bir sınıfının ters kesir dereceli kontrolü için uygulanmıştır. Yazarlar, ISE optimal Bode ideal döngü ters (OBILI) kontrolörü üzerinde nümerik bir deney sunmuştur ve tasarlanan kontrol sisteminin ISE optimalliği ve performans dayanıklılığı, Monte Carlo simülasyonuyla bir ısı fırını sisteminin kapalı döngü kontrolü için araştırılmıştır.


  • Alagoz, B.B., 2018. Fractional order linear time invariant system stabilization by brute-force search. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 40(5), 1447–1456.
  • Alagoz, B.B., Ates, A., Yeroglu, C., 2013. Auto-tuning of PID controller according to fractional-order reference model approximation for DC rotor control. Mechatronics, 23(7), 789–797.
  • Arya, P.P., Chakrabarty, S., 2018. IMC based fractional order controller design for specific non-minimum phase systems. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(4), 847–852.
  • Åström, K.J.,2000. Limitations on control system performance. European Journal of Control, 6(1), 2–20.
  • Barbosa, R.S., Machado, T.J.A., Ferreire, I.M., 2004. PID controller tuning using fractional calculus concepts. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 7, 121–134.
  • Barbosa, R.S., Machado, J.A.T., Ferreira, I.M., 2004. Tuning of PID controllers based on bode’s ideal transfer function. Nonlinear Dynamics, 38(1–4), 305–321.
  • Bode, H.W., 1945. Network analysis and feedback amplifier design. D. Van Nostrand Company.
  • Bolton, W., 2004. Frequency response. Instrumentation and Control Systems, pp. 252–281. Elsevier Science & Technology Books.
  • Bower, J.L., Schultheiss, P.M., 1961. Introduction to the design of servomechanisms. Wiley.
  • Chakraborty, S., Naskar, A.K., Ghosh, S., 2020. Inverse plant model and frequency loop shaping-based PID controller design for processes with time-delay. International Journal of Automation and Control, 14(4), 399–422.
  • Chen, Y., Moore, K.L., Vinagre, B.M., Podlubny, I., 2005. Robust PID Controller Autotuning With An Iso-Damping Property Through A Phase Shaper. Fractional Differentiation and its Applications,pp. 687–706.
  • Chen, Y.Q., Dou, H., Vinagre, B.M., Monje, C.A., 2006. A robust tuning method for fractional order PI controllers. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 2(PART 1), 22–27.
  • Cho, J.-H., Hwang, H.-S., 2007. Design of PID Controller to Ensure Specified Phase Margin and Iso-damping Property Using Reduction Model. In: The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers (KIEE) Conference, pp. 113–118.
  • Cho, J., Principe, J.C., Erdogmus, D., Motter, M.A., 2006. Modeling and inverse controller design for an unmanned aerial vehicle based on the self-organizing map. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 17(2), 445–460.
  • Deniz, F. N., 2022. An effective Smith predictor based fractional-order PID controller design methodology for preservation of design optimality and robust control performance in practice. International Journal of Systems Science, 53(14), 2948–2966.
  • Doğruer, T., Yüce, A., Tan, N., 2017. PID Controller Design for a Fractional Order System using Bode’s Ideal Transfer Function. Uluslararası Muhendislik Arastirma ve Gelistirme Dergisi, 9(3), 126–135.
  • Doyle, J., Francis, B., Tannenbaum, A.,1990. Feedback Control Theory. Macmillan.
  • Faisal, S.F., Beig, A.R., Thomas, S., 2021. Real‐time implementation of robust loop‐shaping controller for a vsc hvdc system. Energies, 14(16), 4955.
  • Feliu-Batlle, V., Castillo-García, F.J., 2014. On the robust control of stable minimum phase plants with large uncertainty in a time constant. A fractional-order control approach. Automatica, 50(1), 218–224.
  • Fergani, N., 2022. Direct synthesis-based fractional-order PID controller design: application to AVR system. International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 10(6), 2124–2138.
  • Horowitz, I.M., 1963. Synthesis of Feedback Systems. Academic Press.
  • Jeng, J.-C., Lin, S.-W., 2012. Robust proportional-integral-derivative controller design for stable/integrating processes with inverse response and time delay. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 51(6), 2652–2665.
  • Kealy, T., O’dwyer, A., 2003. Analytical ISE calculation and optimum control system design. In: Proceedings of the Irish Signals and Systems Conference, pp. 418–423.
  • Kharrazi, S., Lidberg, M., Fredriksson, J., 2012. A generic controller for improving lateral performance of heavy vehicle combinations. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 227(5), 619–642.
  • Kumbasar, T., Eksin, İ., Guzelkaya, M., Yesil, E., 2011. Adaptive fuzzy model based inverse controller design using BB-BC optimization algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications, 38(10), 12356–12364.
  • Lanusse, P., Malti, R., Melchior, P., 2013. CRONE control system design toolbox for the control engineering community: Tutorial and case study. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 371(1990), 1–14.
  • Lee, P. L., Sullivan, G. R., 1988. Generic model control-theory and applications. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 21(4), 111–119.
  • Li, H., & Chen, Y., 2008. A fractional order proportional and derivative (FOPD) controller tuning algorithm. In: Chinese Control and Decision Conference, pp. 4059–4063.
  • Li, H., Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, B., Li, Z., 2020. An analytical parameter tuning method for fractional order PIλ controller based on ideal closed loop response. Developments of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Computation and Robotics, In: Proceedings of the 14th International FLINS Conference (FLINS 2020), pp. 1391–1399.
  • Luo, Y., Chen, Y.Q., 2009. Fractional order [proportional derivative] controller for a class of fractional order systems. Automatica, 45(10), 2446–2450.
  • Manabe, S., 1960. The non-integer integral and its application to control systems. The Journal of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, 80(860), 589–597.
  • Matušů, R., Şenol, B., Pekař, L., 2018. Robust stability of fractional-order linear time-invariant systems: Parametric versus Unstructured Uncertainty Models. Complexity, 2018, 1–12.
  • Merrikh-Bayat, F., 2012. General rules for optimal tuning the PIλDμ controllers with application to first-order plus time delay processes. Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering, 90(6), 1400–1410.
  • Nagarsheth, S.H., Sharma, S.N., 2020. Control of non-minimum phase systems with dead time: a fractional system viewpoint. International Journal of Systems Science, 51(11), 1905–1928.
  • Narendra, K.S., Parthasarathy, K., 1990. Identification and control of dynamical systems using neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 1(1), 4–27.
  • Podlubny, I., 1994. Fractional-order systems and fractional-order controllers. Slovak Academy of Science Institute of Experimental Physics: Vol. UEF-03-94.
  • Saha, S., Das, S., Ghosh, R., Goswami, B., Balasubramanian, R., Chandra, A.K., Das, S., Gupta, A., 2010. Design of a fractional order phase shaper for iso-damped control of a PHWR under step-back condition. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 57(3 PART 3), 1602–1612.
  • Sahoo, A.K., Mishra, S.K., 2021. Design of Lagrangian-based FOPID controller for desired closed loop system. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 30(04), 2150064.
  • Saidi, B., Amairi, M., Najar, S., Aoun, M., 2015. Bode shaping-based design methods of a fractional order PID controller for uncertain systems. Nonlinear Dynamics, 80(4), 1817–1838.
  • Saxena, S., Biradar, S., 2022. Fractional-order IMC controller for high-order system using reduced-order modelling via Big-Bang, Big-Crunch optimisation. International Journal of Systems Science, 53(1), 168–181.
  • Saxena, S., Hote, Y.V., 2022. Design of robust fractional-order controller using the Bode ideal transfer function approach in IMC paradigm. Nonlinear Dynamics, 107, 983–1001.
  • Shafiq, M., 2005. Internal model control structure using adaptive inverse control strategy. ISA Transactions, 44(3), 353–362.
  • Vinagre, B.M., Chen, Y.Q., Petráš, I., 2003. Two direct Tustin discretization methods for fractional-order differentiator/integrator. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 340(5), 349–362.
  • Vu, T.N.L.,Lee, M., 2014. Smith predictor based fractional-order PI control for time-delay processes. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31, 1321–1329.
  • Wang, C.Y., Jin, Y.S., Chen, Y.Q., 2009. Auto-tuning of FOPI and FO[PI] controllers with iso-damping property. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 01(435), pp. 7309–7314.
  • Xue, D., 2017. Fractional-order control systems. Fundamentals and numerical implementations. De Gruyter, pp. 372.
  • Yadav, M., Hirenkumar, G.P., 2022. Control of non-minimum phase system using inverse response compensator with different approximations. International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 40(1), 59–69.
  • Yumuk, E., Guzelkaya, M., Eksin, İ., 2016. Reduced integer order inverse controller design for single fractional pole model. In: 24th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), pp. 148–153.
  • Yumuk, E., Güzelkaya, M., Eksin, İ., 2019. Analytical fractional PID controller design based on Bode’s ideal transfer function plus time delay. ISA Transactions, 91, 196–206.
  • Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Wang, W., 2020. Application of Ideal Bode Transfer Function Tuning Fractional Order PID in Pressure Difference of Vertical Mill. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Chinese Control and Decision Conference, CCDC 2020, pp. 3501–3505.
  • Zhao, C., Xue, D., Chen, Y., 2005. A fractional order PID tuning algorithm for a class of fractional order plants. In: IEEE International Conference Mechatronics and Automation, pp. 216–221.
  • Zheng, W., Luo, Y., Chen, Y.Q., 2020. A fractional order controller design based on bode’s ideal transfer function and bode’s ideal cut-off ideas. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 53(2), 3663–3668.
  • Zhou, K., Doyle, J.C., Glover, K., 1998. Robust Optimal Control. Prentice Hall.
  • Zhuo-Yun, N., Yi-Min, Z., Qing-Guo, W., Rui-Juan, L., Lei-Jun, X., 2020. Fractional-Order PID Controller Design for Time-Delay Systems Based on Modified Bode’s Ideal Transfer Function. IEEE Access, 8, 103500–103510.
There are 54 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Electrical Engineering (Other), Control Theoryand Applications
Journal Section Research Articles

Barış Baykant Alagöz 0000-0001-5238-6433

Furkan Nur Deniz 0000-0002-2524-7152

Cemal Keleş 0000-0002-6818-7970

Publication Date March 20, 2025
Submission Date March 13, 2024
Acceptance Date January 8, 2025
Published in Issue Year 2025 Volume: 13 Issue: 1
