Research Article
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Pre-Service Maths Teachers’ Conceptions Regarding Assessment

Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 40 - 51


Evaluation practices are among the most important parts of education and training activities. Teacher candidates' understanding of assessment is also considered important for future education activities. The main purpose of this research is to determine the opinions of mathematics teacher candidates regarding the concept of assessment. This study was carried out using the survey model, one of the quantitative research methods. The research sample consists of 467 teacher candidates studying in primary mathematics teaching programs at two different universities. The study used a scale developed by Kyttälä et al. (2021) to determine teachers' understanding of the concept of evaluation. The scale consists of 20 items and three sub-dimensions (assessment as a harmful action, assessment of learning, and assessment for teaching and learning). In this study, the scale was adapted to the Turkish language by the researchers. Descriptive statistics, t-test for independent samples, and single-factor analysis of variance methods were used to analyze the data. According to the findings, teacher candidates' understanding of assessment differed according to gender and grade level.


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  • Arter, J. A. (2003). Assessment for Learning: Classroom Assessment to Improve Student Achievement and Well-Being. Retrieved from on 15.02.2024.
  • Aslan, S. (2020). Öğretmen adaylarının ölçme değerlendirmeye yönelik tutumlarının çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 16(Eğitim ve Toplum Özel sayısı), 6047-6068.
  • Azrak, Y., & Yalçınkaya, E. (2019). Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmen Adaylarının Ölçme-Değerlendirme Okuryazarlık Düzeylerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 9(1), 27-55.
  • Baştürk, S., & Dönmez, G. (2011). Matematik öğretmen adaylarının pedagojik alan bilgilerinin ölçme ve değerlendirme bilgisi bileşeni bağlamında incelenmesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(3), 17-37. Retrieved from on 17.02.2024.
  • Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2018). Classroom assessment and pedagogy. Assessment in education: Principles, policy & practice, 25(6), 551-575.
  • Brown, G. T. (2011). Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Comparing primary and secondary teachers in New Zealand. Assessment Matters, 3, 45-70. Retrieved from on 15.02.2024.
  • Brown, H. D. (2004). Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. New York: Pearson Education. Inc.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç-Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2018). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri (24. bs.) Pegem Akademi.
  • Chappuis, S., & Stiggins, R. J. (2002). Classroom assessment for learning. Educational leadership, 60(1), 40-44. Retrieved from on 15.02.2024.
  • Coutts, R., Gilleard, W., & Baglin, R. (2011). Evidence for the impact of assessment on mood and motivation in first‐year students. Studies in Higher education, 36(3), 291-300.
  • Crossman, J. (2007). The Role of Relationships and Emotions in Student Perceptions of Learning and Assessment. Higher Education Research and Development 26, 313–327.
  • Deneen, C. C., & Brown, G. T. (2016). The impact of conceptions of assessment on assessment literacy in a teacher education program. Cogent Education, 3(1), 1225380.
  • Ertürk, S. (1984). Eğitimde Program Geliştirme, Ankara: Meteksan Litd.
  • Gibbs, G., & Simpson, C. (2005). Conditions under which assessment supports students’ learning. Learning and teaching in higher education, (1), 3-31. Retrieved from on 14.02.2024.
  • Göktaş, Ö., & Şad, S. N. (2021). Matematik öğretmenlerinin ölçme ve değerlendirme yaklaşımlarına ilişkin algılarının incelenmesi. Abant izzet baysal üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi dergisi, 21(2), 402-415.
  • Hill, M. F., & Eyers, G. E. (2016). Moving from student to teacher: Changing perspectives about assessment through teacher education. In Handbook of human and social conditions in assessment. 57-76.
  • Karaca, E., Özbek, Ö. Y., & Yaşar, M. (2011). Ölçme ve Değerlendirme. Pegem Akademi.
  • Kyttälä, M., P. Björn, M. Rantamäki, V. Närhi, & M. Aro. 2021. Assessment Conception Patterns of Finnish Pre-service Special Needs Teachers: The Contribution of Prior Studies and Teaching Experience. European Journal of Special Needs Education 1–15.
  • López-Pastor, V., & Sicilia-Camacho, A. (2017). Formative and shared assessment in higher education. Lessons learned and challenges for the future. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(1), 77-97.
  • Mahendra, I. (2016). Contextual learning approach and performance assessment in mathematics learning. International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences, 3(3), 7-15. Retrieved from on 10.02.2024.
  • McMillan, J. H., Myran, S., & Workman, D. (2002). Elementary teachers' classroom assessment and grading practices. The journal of educational research, 95(4), 203-213.
  • Remesal, A. (2011). Primary and secondary teachers’ conceptions of assessment: A qualitative study. Teaching and teacher education, 27(2), 472-482.
  • Şahin, Ç., & Karaman, P. (2013). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının ölçme ve değerlendirmeye ilişkin inançları. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(28-2), 394-407. Retreved from on 15.02.2024.
  • Şahin, M., & Uysal, İ. (2013). Öğretmen adaylarının ölçme ve değerlendirme konusundaki öz-yeterlik algılarının incelenmesi. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 2(2), 190-207. Retrieved from on 10.02.2024.
  • Siegel, M. A., & C. Wissehr. 2011. Preparing for the Plunge: Pre-service Teachers’ Assessment Literacy. Journal of Science Teacher Education 22(4): 371–391. Retrieved from on 10.02.2024.
  • Smith, L.F., Hill, M.F., Cowie, B., & Gilmore, A. (2014). Preparing teachers to use the enabling power of assessment. In C. Wyatt-Smith, V. Klenowski, & P. Colbert (Eds.), Designing assessment for quality learning (pp. 303–323). NY: Springer. Retrieved from on 10.02.2024.
  • Turgut, M. F., & Baykul, Y. (2010). Eğitimde ölçme ve değerlendirme (Bs. 2). Pegem Akademi.
  • Türnüklü, E. B. (2003). Türkiye ve İngilteredeki matematik öğretmenlerinin değerlendirme biçimleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(24). Retrieved from on 02.02.2024.
  • Veldhuis, M., Heuvel-Panhuizen, M. V. D., Vermeulen, J. A., & Eggen, T. J. (2013). Teachers' use of classroom assessment in primary school mathematics education in the Netherlands. Teachers' use of classroom assessment in primary school mathematics education in the Netherlands, 35-53. DOI: 10.3280/CAD2013-002004.
  • Wiliam, D. (2006). Mathematics inside the black box: Assessment for learning in the mathematics classroom. Granada Learning. Retrieved from on 02.02.2024.
  • Xu, Y., & He, L. (2019). How pre-service teachers' conceptions of assessment change over practicum: Implications for teacher assessment literacy. In Frontiers in Education, 4. 145.
  • Yaman, S., & Karamustafaoğlu, S. (2011). Öğretmen adaylarının ölçme vedeğerlendirme alanına yönelik yeterlik algı düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 44(2). on 02.02.2024.
Year 2024, Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 40 - 51



  • Angelo, T. A., & Cross, K. P. (2012). Classroom assessment techniques. Jossey Bass Wiley.
  • Arter, J. A. (2003). Assessment for Learning: Classroom Assessment to Improve Student Achievement and Well-Being. Retrieved from on 15.02.2024.
  • Aslan, S. (2020). Öğretmen adaylarının ölçme değerlendirmeye yönelik tutumlarının çeşitli değişkenler açısından incelenmesi. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 16(Eğitim ve Toplum Özel sayısı), 6047-6068.
  • Azrak, Y., & Yalçınkaya, E. (2019). Sosyal Bilgiler Öğretmen Adaylarının Ölçme-Değerlendirme Okuryazarlık Düzeylerinin Çeşitli Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi. Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, 9(1), 27-55.
  • Baştürk, S., & Dönmez, G. (2011). Matematik öğretmen adaylarının pedagojik alan bilgilerinin ölçme ve değerlendirme bilgisi bileşeni bağlamında incelenmesi. Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Kırşehir Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 12(3), 17-37. Retrieved from on 17.02.2024.
  • Black, P., & Wiliam, D. (2018). Classroom assessment and pedagogy. Assessment in education: Principles, policy & practice, 25(6), 551-575.
  • Brown, G. T. (2011). Teachers' conceptions of assessment: Comparing primary and secondary teachers in New Zealand. Assessment Matters, 3, 45-70. Retrieved from on 15.02.2024.
  • Brown, H. D. (2004). Language Assessment Principles and Classroom Practices. New York: Pearson Education. Inc.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş., Kılıç-Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş., & Demirel, F. (2018). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri (24. bs.) Pegem Akademi.
  • Chappuis, S., & Stiggins, R. J. (2002). Classroom assessment for learning. Educational leadership, 60(1), 40-44. Retrieved from on 15.02.2024.
  • Coutts, R., Gilleard, W., & Baglin, R. (2011). Evidence for the impact of assessment on mood and motivation in first‐year students. Studies in Higher education, 36(3), 291-300.
  • Crossman, J. (2007). The Role of Relationships and Emotions in Student Perceptions of Learning and Assessment. Higher Education Research and Development 26, 313–327.
  • Deneen, C. C., & Brown, G. T. (2016). The impact of conceptions of assessment on assessment literacy in a teacher education program. Cogent Education, 3(1), 1225380.
  • Ertürk, S. (1984). Eğitimde Program Geliştirme, Ankara: Meteksan Litd.
  • Gibbs, G., & Simpson, C. (2005). Conditions under which assessment supports students’ learning. Learning and teaching in higher education, (1), 3-31. Retrieved from on 14.02.2024.
  • Göktaş, Ö., & Şad, S. N. (2021). Matematik öğretmenlerinin ölçme ve değerlendirme yaklaşımlarına ilişkin algılarının incelenmesi. Abant izzet baysal üniversitesi eğitim fakültesi dergisi, 21(2), 402-415.
  • Hill, M. F., & Eyers, G. E. (2016). Moving from student to teacher: Changing perspectives about assessment through teacher education. In Handbook of human and social conditions in assessment. 57-76.
  • Karaca, E., Özbek, Ö. Y., & Yaşar, M. (2011). Ölçme ve Değerlendirme. Pegem Akademi.
  • Kyttälä, M., P. Björn, M. Rantamäki, V. Närhi, & M. Aro. 2021. Assessment Conception Patterns of Finnish Pre-service Special Needs Teachers: The Contribution of Prior Studies and Teaching Experience. European Journal of Special Needs Education 1–15.
  • López-Pastor, V., & Sicilia-Camacho, A. (2017). Formative and shared assessment in higher education. Lessons learned and challenges for the future. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 42(1), 77-97.
  • Mahendra, I. (2016). Contextual learning approach and performance assessment in mathematics learning. International Research Journal of Management, IT & Social Sciences, 3(3), 7-15. Retrieved from on 10.02.2024.
  • McMillan, J. H., Myran, S., & Workman, D. (2002). Elementary teachers' classroom assessment and grading practices. The journal of educational research, 95(4), 203-213.
  • Remesal, A. (2011). Primary and secondary teachers’ conceptions of assessment: A qualitative study. Teaching and teacher education, 27(2), 472-482.
  • Şahin, Ç., & Karaman, P. (2013). Sınıf öğretmeni adaylarının ölçme ve değerlendirmeye ilişkin inançları. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(28-2), 394-407. Retreved from on 15.02.2024.
  • Şahin, M., & Uysal, İ. (2013). Öğretmen adaylarının ölçme ve değerlendirme konusundaki öz-yeterlik algılarının incelenmesi. Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education, 2(2), 190-207. Retrieved from on 10.02.2024.
  • Siegel, M. A., & C. Wissehr. 2011. Preparing for the Plunge: Pre-service Teachers’ Assessment Literacy. Journal of Science Teacher Education 22(4): 371–391. Retrieved from on 10.02.2024.
  • Smith, L.F., Hill, M.F., Cowie, B., & Gilmore, A. (2014). Preparing teachers to use the enabling power of assessment. In C. Wyatt-Smith, V. Klenowski, & P. Colbert (Eds.), Designing assessment for quality learning (pp. 303–323). NY: Springer. Retrieved from on 10.02.2024.
  • Turgut, M. F., & Baykul, Y. (2010). Eğitimde ölçme ve değerlendirme (Bs. 2). Pegem Akademi.
  • Türnüklü, E. B. (2003). Türkiye ve İngilteredeki matematik öğretmenlerinin değerlendirme biçimleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24(24). Retrieved from on 02.02.2024.
  • Veldhuis, M., Heuvel-Panhuizen, M. V. D., Vermeulen, J. A., & Eggen, T. J. (2013). Teachers' use of classroom assessment in primary school mathematics education in the Netherlands. Teachers' use of classroom assessment in primary school mathematics education in the Netherlands, 35-53. DOI: 10.3280/CAD2013-002004.
  • Wiliam, D. (2006). Mathematics inside the black box: Assessment for learning in the mathematics classroom. Granada Learning. Retrieved from on 02.02.2024.
  • Xu, Y., & He, L. (2019). How pre-service teachers' conceptions of assessment change over practicum: Implications for teacher assessment literacy. In Frontiers in Education, 4. 145.
  • Yaman, S., & Karamustafaoğlu, S. (2011). Öğretmen adaylarının ölçme vedeğerlendirme alanına yönelik yeterlik algı düzeylerinin incelenmesi. Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences, 44(2). on 02.02.2024.
There are 33 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Mathematics Education
Journal Section Makaleler

Mithat Takunyacı 0000-0003-1065-975X

Kevser Günay 0000-0002-9249-900X

Early Pub Date December 16, 2024
Publication Date
Submission Date March 7, 2024
Acceptance Date October 24, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 9 Issue: 2


APA Takunyacı, M., & Günay, K. (2024). Pre-Service Maths Teachers’ Conceptions Regarding Assessment. Journal of Family Counseling and Education, 9(2), 40-51.
AMA Takunyacı M, Günay K. Pre-Service Maths Teachers’ Conceptions Regarding Assessment. JFCE. December 2024;9(2):40-51. doi:10.32568/jfce.1447497
Chicago Takunyacı, Mithat, and Kevser Günay. “Pre-Service Maths Teachers’ Conceptions Regarding Assessment”. Journal of Family Counseling and Education 9, no. 2 (December 2024): 40-51.
EndNote Takunyacı M, Günay K (December 1, 2024) Pre-Service Maths Teachers’ Conceptions Regarding Assessment. Journal of Family Counseling and Education 9 2 40–51.
IEEE M. Takunyacı and K. Günay, “Pre-Service Maths Teachers’ Conceptions Regarding Assessment”, JFCE, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 40–51, 2024, doi: 10.32568/jfce.1447497.
ISNAD Takunyacı, Mithat - Günay, Kevser. “Pre-Service Maths Teachers’ Conceptions Regarding Assessment”. Journal of Family Counseling and Education 9/2 (December 2024), 40-51.
JAMA Takunyacı M, Günay K. Pre-Service Maths Teachers’ Conceptions Regarding Assessment. JFCE. 2024;9:40–51.
MLA Takunyacı, Mithat and Kevser Günay. “Pre-Service Maths Teachers’ Conceptions Regarding Assessment”. Journal of Family Counseling and Education, vol. 9, no. 2, 2024, pp. 40-51, doi:10.32568/jfce.1447497.
Vancouver Takunyacı M, Günay K. Pre-Service Maths Teachers’ Conceptions Regarding Assessment. JFCE. 2024;9(2):40-51.