Research Article
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Yedi-On Yaş Çocuklarında Çevre Güvenliği ve Fiziksel Aktivite Etkileşiminin İncelenmesi

Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 70 - 76, 31.12.2021


Bu çalışmanın amacı, ebeveynlerin mahalle güvenliği kaygıları nedeniyle çocuklarının açık hava etkinliklerini sınırlama
derecesini araştırmaktır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, 2019-2020 eğitim- öğretim yılında aktif olarak eğitim alan 130 kız 175
erkek olmak üzere toplam 305 kişiden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma, 8 hafta sürmüştür. Katılımcılar, ebeveynlerin mahalle
güvenliğine ilişkin algılarını ve çocuklarının fiziksel aktivitelerini sorgulamalarını sağlamak için kendilerince uygulanan 22
maddelik bir anket doldurmuştur. Ebeveynler, çocuklarının çeşitli durumlarda faaliyetlerinin miktarını tahmin etmiş, gruplar,
çocuk saldırıları, suç, trafik ve mahallelerinde kişisel güvenlikle ilgili kaygı düzeylerini belirtmişlerdir. Anket, google formlar
sitesi üzerinden oluşturularak, katılımcılara link şeklinde gönderilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda, ebeveynlerinin eğitim
düzeyi ile çocuklarının fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri arasında anlamlı bir fark saptanmış ancak gelir düzeyi ile fiziksel aktivite
düzeyleri arasında anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır. Eğitim düzeyi, fiziksel aktivite düzeyinde etkili bir değişken iken gelir
düzeyinin bu araştırma için etkili olmadığı anlaşılmıştır.


  • Alison Carver, Anna Timperio and David Crawford ‘Perceptions of Neighborhood Safety and Phsical Aktivity Among Youth: The CLAN Study’ 2008
  • Beth E. Molnar, ScD, Steven L. Gortmaker, PhD, Fiona C. Bull, PhD, Stephen L. Buka, ScD ‘Unsafe to Play? Neighborhood Disorder and Lack of Safety Predict Reduced Physical Activity among Urban Children and Adolescents’ 1 March 2004
  • Bulut F. A.(2019) Kırsal kesim ile şehir merkezinde yaşayan ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin fiziksel aktivite ve fiziksel uygunluk durumlarının incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Fırat Üniversitesi, Sağlık bilimleri enstitüsü, Beden eğitimi ve spor anabilim dalı. Elazığ.
  • Burdette, H. ve Whitaker, R. (2005). A national study of neighborhood safety, outdoor play, television viewing, and obesity in preschool children. Pediatrics, 116, 657-662.
  • CDC. (2002). Barriers to children walking and biking to school--United States, 1999. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 51 (32), 701-704.
  • De Jong, E., Schokker, D. F., Visscher, T. L., Seidell, J. C. ve Renders, C. M. (2011). Behavioural and sociodemographic characteristics of Dutch neighborhoods with high prevalence of childhood obesity. Pediatric Obesity, 6 (3-4), 298-305.
  • Edwards, P. ve Tsouros, A. D. (2010). Sağlıklı bir şehir aktif bir şehirdir: Fiziksel aktivite planlama rehberi. Sağlıklı Kentler Birliği.
  • Ekşioğlu Çetintahra G.(2015) Kentsel alanda fiziksel çevrenin çocukların fiziksel aktivitesi üzerindeki etkisi. Doktora Tezi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir
  • Gary G Bennett , Lorna H McNeill, Kathleen Y Wolin, Dustin T Duncan, Elaine Puleo, Karen M Emmons ‘Safe To Walk? Neighborhood Safety and Physical Activity Among Public Housing Residents’ October 23, 2007
  • Hillary L. Burdette and Robert C. Whitaker ‘A National Study of Neighborhood Safety, Outdoor Play, Television Viewing, and Obesity in Preschool Children’ Pediatrics September 2005, 116 (3) 657-662; DOI:
  • Hillary L. Burdette Thomas A. Wadden Robert C. Whitaker ‘Neighborhood Safety, Collective Efficacy, and Obesity in Women with Young Children’ 06 September 2012 https://doi.or/10.1038/oby.2006.67
  • Hume, C., Jorna, M., Arundell, L., Saunders, J., Crawford, D. ve Salmon, J. (2009). Are children's perceptions of neighborhood social environments associated with their walking and physical activity? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 12 (6), 637-641
  • Jason S. FishMD, MSHS, Susan EttnerPhD, Alfonso AngPhD, and Arleen F. BrownMD, PhD ‘Association of Perceived Neighborhood Safety on Body Mass Index’ September 20, 2011
  • Julie C. Lumeng, MD; Danielle Appugliese, MPH; Howard J. Cabral, PhD; ‘Neighborhood Safety and Overweight Status in Children’ Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006;160(1):25-31. doi:10.1001/archpedi.160.1.25
  • Kemperman, A. ve Timmermans, H. (2011). Children's recreational physical activity. Leisure Sciences, 33 (3), 183-204.
  • Leblanc, J., & Dickson, L. (2005). Çocuklar ve Spor . (G. Gül, & D. Erben, Çev.) Ankara: Bağırgan Yayınevi.
  • Lori A.Weir DebraEtelson Donald A.Brand ‘Parents' perceptions of neighborhood safety and children's physical activity’ Department of Family Medicine, New York Medical College, Munger Pavilion, Room 306, Valhalla, NY 10595, USA
  • MariaDe JesusabElainePuleocRachel C.SheltondKaren M.Emmons ‘Associations between perceived social environment and neighborhood safety: Health implications’ Center of Community-Based Research, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 44 Binney Street. LW 703, Boston, MA, USA September 2010
  • Molnar, B., Gortmaker, S., Bull, F. ve Buka, S. (2004). Unsafe to play? Neighborhood disorder and lack of safety predict reduced physical activity among urban children and adolescents. American Journal of Health Promotion, 18 (5), 378-386.
  • Özer M.K.(2013). Fiziksel uygunluk. Nobel yayınları: s.236-243.
  • Shi, Z., Lien, N., Kumar, B. ve Holmboe-Ottensen, G. (2006). Physical activity and associated sociodemographic factors among school adolescents in Jiangsu Province, China. Preventive Medicine, 43 (3), 218-221.
  • Singh, G., Kogan, M., Siahpush, M. ve Van Dyck, P. (2008). Independent and joint effects of socioeconomic, behavioral, and neighborhood characteristics on physical inactivity and activity levels among US children and adolescents. Journal of Community Health, 33 (4), 206-216.
  • Stettler, N., Bovet, P., Shamlaye, H., Zernel, B., Stallings, V. ve Paccaud, F. (2002). Prevalence and risk factors for overweight and obesity in children from Seychelles, a country in rapid transition: The importance of early growth. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 26 (2), 214-219.
  • Swinburn, B., Egger, G. ve Raza, F. (1999). Dissecting obesogenic environments: The development and application of a framework for identifying and prioritizing environmental interventions for obesity. Preventive Medicine, 29, 563-570.
  • Timperio, A., Crawford,D., Telford, A., Salmon, J., (2004). Perceptions about the local neighborhood and walking and cycling among children. Prev. Med. 38,39-47.
  • Trapp, G., Giles-Corti, B., Christian, H., Bulsara, M., Timperio, A., McCormack, G.R. ve Villaneuva, K.P. (2012). Increasing children's physical activity: Individual, social, and environmental factors associated with walking to and from school. Health Education & Behavior, 39 (2), 172-182.
  • Tsimeas P. D, Tsiokanos A. L. and Koutedakis Y,(2005) et. al. Does Living in Urban or Rural Settings Affect Aspects of Physical Fitness in Children? An Allometric Approach. Br J SportsMed 2005; 39: 671–674.
  • Woodfield, L., Duncan, M., Al-Nakeeb, Y., Nevill, A. ve Jenkins, C. (2002). Sex, ethnic and socio-economic differences in children's physical activity. Pediatric Exercise Science, 14 (3), 277-285.
  • Yin, L. (2013). Assessing Walkability in the City of Buffalo: Application of Agent-Based Simulation. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 139, 166-175.
  • Ziviani, J., Scott, J. ve Wadley, D. (2004). Walking to school: Incidental physical activity in the daily occupations of Australian children. Occupational Therapy International, 11 (1), 1-11.
Year 2021, Volume: 4 Issue: 3, 70 - 76, 31.12.2021



  • Alison Carver, Anna Timperio and David Crawford ‘Perceptions of Neighborhood Safety and Phsical Aktivity Among Youth: The CLAN Study’ 2008
  • Beth E. Molnar, ScD, Steven L. Gortmaker, PhD, Fiona C. Bull, PhD, Stephen L. Buka, ScD ‘Unsafe to Play? Neighborhood Disorder and Lack of Safety Predict Reduced Physical Activity among Urban Children and Adolescents’ 1 March 2004
  • Bulut F. A.(2019) Kırsal kesim ile şehir merkezinde yaşayan ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin fiziksel aktivite ve fiziksel uygunluk durumlarının incelenmesi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Fırat Üniversitesi, Sağlık bilimleri enstitüsü, Beden eğitimi ve spor anabilim dalı. Elazığ.
  • Burdette, H. ve Whitaker, R. (2005). A national study of neighborhood safety, outdoor play, television viewing, and obesity in preschool children. Pediatrics, 116, 657-662.
  • CDC. (2002). Barriers to children walking and biking to school--United States, 1999. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 51 (32), 701-704.
  • De Jong, E., Schokker, D. F., Visscher, T. L., Seidell, J. C. ve Renders, C. M. (2011). Behavioural and sociodemographic characteristics of Dutch neighborhoods with high prevalence of childhood obesity. Pediatric Obesity, 6 (3-4), 298-305.
  • Edwards, P. ve Tsouros, A. D. (2010). Sağlıklı bir şehir aktif bir şehirdir: Fiziksel aktivite planlama rehberi. Sağlıklı Kentler Birliği.
  • Ekşioğlu Çetintahra G.(2015) Kentsel alanda fiziksel çevrenin çocukların fiziksel aktivitesi üzerindeki etkisi. Doktora Tezi. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İzmir
  • Gary G Bennett , Lorna H McNeill, Kathleen Y Wolin, Dustin T Duncan, Elaine Puleo, Karen M Emmons ‘Safe To Walk? Neighborhood Safety and Physical Activity Among Public Housing Residents’ October 23, 2007
  • Hillary L. Burdette and Robert C. Whitaker ‘A National Study of Neighborhood Safety, Outdoor Play, Television Viewing, and Obesity in Preschool Children’ Pediatrics September 2005, 116 (3) 657-662; DOI:
  • Hillary L. Burdette Thomas A. Wadden Robert C. Whitaker ‘Neighborhood Safety, Collective Efficacy, and Obesity in Women with Young Children’ 06 September 2012 https://doi.or/10.1038/oby.2006.67
  • Hume, C., Jorna, M., Arundell, L., Saunders, J., Crawford, D. ve Salmon, J. (2009). Are children's perceptions of neighborhood social environments associated with their walking and physical activity? Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 12 (6), 637-641
  • Jason S. FishMD, MSHS, Susan EttnerPhD, Alfonso AngPhD, and Arleen F. BrownMD, PhD ‘Association of Perceived Neighborhood Safety on Body Mass Index’ September 20, 2011
  • Julie C. Lumeng, MD; Danielle Appugliese, MPH; Howard J. Cabral, PhD; ‘Neighborhood Safety and Overweight Status in Children’ Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006;160(1):25-31. doi:10.1001/archpedi.160.1.25
  • Kemperman, A. ve Timmermans, H. (2011). Children's recreational physical activity. Leisure Sciences, 33 (3), 183-204.
  • Leblanc, J., & Dickson, L. (2005). Çocuklar ve Spor . (G. Gül, & D. Erben, Çev.) Ankara: Bağırgan Yayınevi.
  • Lori A.Weir DebraEtelson Donald A.Brand ‘Parents' perceptions of neighborhood safety and children's physical activity’ Department of Family Medicine, New York Medical College, Munger Pavilion, Room 306, Valhalla, NY 10595, USA
  • MariaDe JesusabElainePuleocRachel C.SheltondKaren M.Emmons ‘Associations between perceived social environment and neighborhood safety: Health implications’ Center of Community-Based Research, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, 44 Binney Street. LW 703, Boston, MA, USA September 2010
  • Molnar, B., Gortmaker, S., Bull, F. ve Buka, S. (2004). Unsafe to play? Neighborhood disorder and lack of safety predict reduced physical activity among urban children and adolescents. American Journal of Health Promotion, 18 (5), 378-386.
  • Özer M.K.(2013). Fiziksel uygunluk. Nobel yayınları: s.236-243.
  • Shi, Z., Lien, N., Kumar, B. ve Holmboe-Ottensen, G. (2006). Physical activity and associated sociodemographic factors among school adolescents in Jiangsu Province, China. Preventive Medicine, 43 (3), 218-221.
  • Singh, G., Kogan, M., Siahpush, M. ve Van Dyck, P. (2008). Independent and joint effects of socioeconomic, behavioral, and neighborhood characteristics on physical inactivity and activity levels among US children and adolescents. Journal of Community Health, 33 (4), 206-216.
  • Stettler, N., Bovet, P., Shamlaye, H., Zernel, B., Stallings, V. ve Paccaud, F. (2002). Prevalence and risk factors for overweight and obesity in children from Seychelles, a country in rapid transition: The importance of early growth. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Obesity, 26 (2), 214-219.
  • Swinburn, B., Egger, G. ve Raza, F. (1999). Dissecting obesogenic environments: The development and application of a framework for identifying and prioritizing environmental interventions for obesity. Preventive Medicine, 29, 563-570.
  • Timperio, A., Crawford,D., Telford, A., Salmon, J., (2004). Perceptions about the local neighborhood and walking and cycling among children. Prev. Med. 38,39-47.
  • Trapp, G., Giles-Corti, B., Christian, H., Bulsara, M., Timperio, A., McCormack, G.R. ve Villaneuva, K.P. (2012). Increasing children's physical activity: Individual, social, and environmental factors associated with walking to and from school. Health Education & Behavior, 39 (2), 172-182.
  • Tsimeas P. D, Tsiokanos A. L. and Koutedakis Y,(2005) et. al. Does Living in Urban or Rural Settings Affect Aspects of Physical Fitness in Children? An Allometric Approach. Br J SportsMed 2005; 39: 671–674.
  • Woodfield, L., Duncan, M., Al-Nakeeb, Y., Nevill, A. ve Jenkins, C. (2002). Sex, ethnic and socio-economic differences in children's physical activity. Pediatric Exercise Science, 14 (3), 277-285.
  • Yin, L. (2013). Assessing Walkability in the City of Buffalo: Application of Agent-Based Simulation. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 139, 166-175.
  • Ziviani, J., Scott, J. ve Wadley, D. (2004). Walking to school: Incidental physical activity in the daily occupations of Australian children. Occupational Therapy International, 11 (1), 1-11.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Sports Medicine, Health Care Administration
Journal Section Research Articles

Alperen Kurnaz This is me

Mehmet Yavuz Taşkıran This is me

Fahimeh Hassani This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 4 Issue: 3


APA Kurnaz, A., Taşkıran, M. Y., & Hassani, F. (2021). Yedi-On Yaş Çocuklarında Çevre Güvenliği ve Fiziksel Aktivite Etkileşiminin İncelenmesi. Sağlık Ve Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(3), 70-76.