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Socialization Factors Affecting Consumption: The Study for Adolescence

Year 2015, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 51 - 72, 01.12.2015


The socialization of children as consumers consists of a process including their adolescence and youth period. Parent, peers and mass media named as socialization factors have an important role in this process. This research’s aim is to find out the factors that influence the socialization of the individual as a consumer, how shape & impact on adolescent. The data was gathered from 374 students, 8th and 11th grade in Tarsus, Mersin. According to the results of the study, the effects of peers and mass media varied in terms of gender and also the effect of peers and parents varied in terms of income. Additionally, it was found correlation between age and parent and mass media.


  • Ateşoğlu, İ., Türkkahraman, M. (2009). “Çocukların Tüketici Olarak Sosyalleşmesi”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14 (3): 215-228.
  • Babaoğul, M., Şener, A. (2007). “Çocuk ve Genç Tüketiciler”, Tüketici Yazıları (I), Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tüketici–Pazar–Araştırma–Danışma Test ve Eğitim Merkezi, Ankara.
  • Bearden, W.O., Etzel, M.J. (1982). “Reference Group Influence on Product and Brand Purchase Decisions”, Journal of Consumer Research, 9(2): 183-194.
  • Bozyiğit, S. (2013). “Çocukların Çevre Bilinçli Tüketici Olarak Sosyalleşmesinde Annelerin Çocuk Yetiştirme Tutumlarının Rolü”, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • Childers, T.L., Rao, A.R. (1992), “The Influence of Familial and Peer-Based Reference Groups on Consumer Decisions”, Journal of Consumer Research, 19(2): 198-211.
  • Chuang, S.C., Cheng, Y.H., Hsu, C.T. (2012). “The Influence of Suggestions of Reference Groups in The Compromise Effect”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 33(3): 554-565.
  • Düzakın, E. (2005). “Bilimsel Araştırmalarda Örneklem Büyüklüğü Belirleme”, Pazarlama Dünyası Dergisi, 18: 62-64.
  • Garipova, C. (2007). “Gençlerin Tüketici Olarak Sosyalleşmesi ve Tataristan’da Bir Araştırma”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kayseri.
  • Ghazali, Z. (2011), “The Influence of Socialization Agents and Demographic Profiles on Brand Consciousness”, International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 4(1): 19-29.
  • Hayta, A.B. (2008), “Socialization of the Child as a Consumer”,Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 37(2): 167-184.
  • Hota, M., McGuiggan, R. (2006). “The Relative Influence of Consumer Socialization Agents on Children and Adolescents: Examining the Past and Modeling the Future”, European Advances in Consumer Research, 7: 119-124.
  • Huang, S.C., Shu, C.C. (2008). “The Influence of Global Mass Media and Reference Group on Consumer Attitude Toward Global Brands: The Case of College-Educated Chinese Youth”, International Congress Marketing Trends, Annual Conference in Venice,January 17th - 19th.
  • Kamaruddin, A.R., Mokhlis, S. (2003). “Consumer Socialization, Social Structural Factors and Decision-Making Styles: A Case Study of Adolescents in Malaysia”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27(2): 145-156.
  • Lachance, M.J., Beaudoin, P., Robitaille, R. (2003). “Adolescents’ Brand Sensitivity in Apparel: Influence of the Three Socialization Agents”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27:47-57.
  • Martin, C.A., Bush, A.J. (2000). “Do Role Models Influence Teenagers' Purchase Intentions and Behavior?”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17(5): 441-454.
  • Mangleburg, T.F., Grewal, D., Bristol, T. (1997). “Socialization, Gender, and Adolescent’s Self-Reports of Their Generalized Use of Product Labels”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 31(2): 255-279.
  • Mascarenhas, O.J., Hugby, M.A. (1993). “Peer, Parent and Media Influence in Teen Apparel Shopping”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 21(1): 53-58.
  • Makgosa, R., Mohube, K. (2007). “Peer Influence on Young Adults’ Products Purchase Decisions”, African Journal of Business Management, 1(2): 64-71.
  • Moore, R.L., Moschis, G.P. (1981). “The Impact of Newspaper Reading on Adolescent Consumers”, Newspaper Research Journal, 2: 1-8.
  • Moore, J.N., Raymond, M.A..Mittelstaedtve,J.D., Tanner, J.F. (2002). “Age and Consumer Socialization Agent Influences On Adolescents' Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes, And Behavior: Implications For Social Marketing Initiatives And Public Policy”, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 21(1): 37-52.
  • Moschis, G.P., Churchill, G.A. (1978). “Consumer Socialization: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, 15: 599-609.
  • Moschis, G., Moore, R.L. (1979). “Decision Making Amoung the Young: A Socialization Perspective”, Journal of Consumer Research, 6: 101-112.
  • Moschis, G.P., Moore, R.L. (1982). “A Longitudinal Study of Television Advertising Effects”, Journal of Consumer Research, December, 9: 279–286.
  • Nakip, M. (2006). “Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikler ve SPSS Destekli Uygulamalar”. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Özcebe, H. (2002). “Birinci Basamakta Adolesan Sorunlarına Yaklaşım”,Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi,11(10):374-377.
  • Özmete, E. (2009). “Parent and Adolescent Interactıon in Television Advertisements as Consumer Socialization Agents”, Education Journal, Spring, 129(3): 372-381.
  • Park, V., Lessig, P. (1977). “Students and Housewives: Differences in Susceptibility to Reference Group Influence”, Journal of Consumer Research, 4(2): 102-110.
  • Sahay, A., Sharma, M. (2010). “Brand Relationships and Switching Behaviour For Highly Used Products in Young Consumers”, Vıkalpa, 35(1): 15-30.
  • Scherer, R.F. (1988), “Dimensionality Of Coping: Factor Stability Using TheWays Of Coping Questionnaire”, Psychological Report, 62: 76- 770.
  • Silkü, H.A. (2009). “Medyada Kadının Temsili”, Uluslararası Multidisipliner listele= 1. Kadın Kongresi, İzmir, Ekim,
  • Shim, S.Y., Koh, A. (1997). “Profiling Adolescent Consumer Decision- Making Styles: Effects Of Socialization Agents And Social-Structural Variables”, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 15(1): 50-59.
  • Verma, D.P.S., Kapoor, N. (2004). “Influence of TV Advertisements on Children’s Buying Response: Role of Parent-Child Interaction”, Global Business Review, 5 (1): 51-71.
  • Ward, S. (1974), “Consumer Socialization”,Journal of Consumer Research, September, 1: 1-14.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y., Erdoğan, S. (2007). “SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri”, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.

Tüketime Etki Eden Sosyalleşme Faktörleri: Adolesanlara Yönelik Bir Uygulama

Year 2015, Volume: 6 Issue: 1, 51 - 72, 01.12.2015


Çocukların tüketici olarak sosyalleşmesi, adolesanlık ve gençlik dönemlerini de kapsayan bir süreçten oluşmaktadır. Bu süreçte sosyalleşme faktörleri olarak da adlandırılan aile, arkadaş grupları ve kitle iletişim araçlarının önemli bir rolü vardır. Bu araştırma, bireyin tüketici olarak sosyalleşmesinde etkili olan faktörlerin adolesanlar üzerindeki etkisini ortaya çıkararak mevcut literatüre katkıda bulunmak amacıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini Mersin ili Tarsus ilçesindeki okullarda, 8. ve 11. sınıflarda, okuyan 374 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, arkadaş grupları ve kitle iletişim araçlarının etkisi cinsiyet; arkadaş grupları ve ailenin etkisi ise gelir bakımından farklılık göstermektedir. Ayrıca, araştırmadayaş ile aile ve kitle iletişim araçları arasında ilişki bulunmuştur.


  • Ateşoğlu, İ., Türkkahraman, M. (2009). “Çocukların Tüketici Olarak Sosyalleşmesi”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14 (3): 215-228.
  • Babaoğul, M., Şener, A. (2007). “Çocuk ve Genç Tüketiciler”, Tüketici Yazıları (I), Hacettepe Üniversitesi Tüketici–Pazar–Araştırma–Danışma Test ve Eğitim Merkezi, Ankara.
  • Bearden, W.O., Etzel, M.J. (1982). “Reference Group Influence on Product and Brand Purchase Decisions”, Journal of Consumer Research, 9(2): 183-194.
  • Bozyiğit, S. (2013). “Çocukların Çevre Bilinçli Tüketici Olarak Sosyalleşmesinde Annelerin Çocuk Yetiştirme Tutumlarının Rolü”, Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Adana.
  • Childers, T.L., Rao, A.R. (1992), “The Influence of Familial and Peer-Based Reference Groups on Consumer Decisions”, Journal of Consumer Research, 19(2): 198-211.
  • Chuang, S.C., Cheng, Y.H., Hsu, C.T. (2012). “The Influence of Suggestions of Reference Groups in The Compromise Effect”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 33(3): 554-565.
  • Düzakın, E. (2005). “Bilimsel Araştırmalarda Örneklem Büyüklüğü Belirleme”, Pazarlama Dünyası Dergisi, 18: 62-64.
  • Garipova, C. (2007). “Gençlerin Tüketici Olarak Sosyalleşmesi ve Tataristan’da Bir Araştırma”, Erciyes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Kayseri.
  • Ghazali, Z. (2011), “The Influence of Socialization Agents and Demographic Profiles on Brand Consciousness”, International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 4(1): 19-29.
  • Hayta, A.B. (2008), “Socialization of the Child as a Consumer”,Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 37(2): 167-184.
  • Hota, M., McGuiggan, R. (2006). “The Relative Influence of Consumer Socialization Agents on Children and Adolescents: Examining the Past and Modeling the Future”, European Advances in Consumer Research, 7: 119-124.
  • Huang, S.C., Shu, C.C. (2008). “The Influence of Global Mass Media and Reference Group on Consumer Attitude Toward Global Brands: The Case of College-Educated Chinese Youth”, International Congress Marketing Trends, Annual Conference in Venice,January 17th - 19th.
  • Kamaruddin, A.R., Mokhlis, S. (2003). “Consumer Socialization, Social Structural Factors and Decision-Making Styles: A Case Study of Adolescents in Malaysia”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27(2): 145-156.
  • Lachance, M.J., Beaudoin, P., Robitaille, R. (2003). “Adolescents’ Brand Sensitivity in Apparel: Influence of the Three Socialization Agents”, International Journal of Consumer Studies, 27:47-57.
  • Martin, C.A., Bush, A.J. (2000). “Do Role Models Influence Teenagers' Purchase Intentions and Behavior?”, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 17(5): 441-454.
  • Mangleburg, T.F., Grewal, D., Bristol, T. (1997). “Socialization, Gender, and Adolescent’s Self-Reports of Their Generalized Use of Product Labels”, The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 31(2): 255-279.
  • Mascarenhas, O.J., Hugby, M.A. (1993). “Peer, Parent and Media Influence in Teen Apparel Shopping”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 21(1): 53-58.
  • Makgosa, R., Mohube, K. (2007). “Peer Influence on Young Adults’ Products Purchase Decisions”, African Journal of Business Management, 1(2): 64-71.
  • Moore, R.L., Moschis, G.P. (1981). “The Impact of Newspaper Reading on Adolescent Consumers”, Newspaper Research Journal, 2: 1-8.
  • Moore, J.N., Raymond, M.A..Mittelstaedtve,J.D., Tanner, J.F. (2002). “Age and Consumer Socialization Agent Influences On Adolescents' Sexual Knowledge, Attitudes, And Behavior: Implications For Social Marketing Initiatives And Public Policy”, Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 21(1): 37-52.
  • Moschis, G.P., Churchill, G.A. (1978). “Consumer Socialization: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis”, Journal of Marketing Research, 15: 599-609.
  • Moschis, G., Moore, R.L. (1979). “Decision Making Amoung the Young: A Socialization Perspective”, Journal of Consumer Research, 6: 101-112.
  • Moschis, G.P., Moore, R.L. (1982). “A Longitudinal Study of Television Advertising Effects”, Journal of Consumer Research, December, 9: 279–286.
  • Nakip, M. (2006). “Pazarlama Araştırmaları Teknikler ve SPSS Destekli Uygulamalar”. Ankara: Seçkin.
  • Özcebe, H. (2002). “Birinci Basamakta Adolesan Sorunlarına Yaklaşım”,Sürekli Tıp Eğitimi Dergisi,11(10):374-377.
  • Özmete, E. (2009). “Parent and Adolescent Interactıon in Television Advertisements as Consumer Socialization Agents”, Education Journal, Spring, 129(3): 372-381.
  • Park, V., Lessig, P. (1977). “Students and Housewives: Differences in Susceptibility to Reference Group Influence”, Journal of Consumer Research, 4(2): 102-110.
  • Sahay, A., Sharma, M. (2010). “Brand Relationships and Switching Behaviour For Highly Used Products in Young Consumers”, Vıkalpa, 35(1): 15-30.
  • Scherer, R.F. (1988), “Dimensionality Of Coping: Factor Stability Using TheWays Of Coping Questionnaire”, Psychological Report, 62: 76- 770.
  • Silkü, H.A. (2009). “Medyada Kadının Temsili”, Uluslararası Multidisipliner listele= 1. Kadın Kongresi, İzmir, Ekim,
  • Shim, S.Y., Koh, A. (1997). “Profiling Adolescent Consumer Decision- Making Styles: Effects Of Socialization Agents And Social-Structural Variables”, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 15(1): 50-59.
  • Verma, D.P.S., Kapoor, N. (2004). “Influence of TV Advertisements on Children’s Buying Response: Role of Parent-Child Interaction”, Global Business Review, 5 (1): 51-71.
  • Ward, S. (1974), “Consumer Socialization”,Journal of Consumer Research, September, 1: 1-14.
  • Yazıcıoğlu, Y., Erdoğan, S. (2007). “SPSS Uygulamalı Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemleri”, Detay Yayıncılık, Ankara.
There are 34 citations in total.


Other ID JA34YC27HC
Journal Section Articles

Yasemin Karaca This is me

Sezen Bozyiğit This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2015
Submission Date December 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 6 Issue: 1


APA Karaca, Y., & Bozyiğit, S. (2015). Tüketime Etki Eden Sosyalleşme Faktörleri: Adolesanlara Yönelik Bir Uygulama. Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 6(1), 51-72.