Research Article
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Exploring the Turkish Concept İrkil-: Corpus-driven Cognitive and Lexical Profiling of a Pre-emotion

Year 2020, , 428 - 454, 25.10.2020


As a multi-disciplinary study about irkil- (get startled), which combines findings from psychology, cognitive and corpus linguistics, the article aims to identify the lexical profile and cognitive structure of this pre-emotion through its concordances from the TNC. We employed model of extended lexical units, which involves identifying irkil’s typical collocates, colligates, semantic preferences and discourse prosodies. As part of its event schema, irkil- was found to have a linguistic schema to be filled by certain paradigmatic and syntagmatic choices. We found typical collocates of irkil- are determined by the experiencer’s pre-startle situation (engrossment/absence), sudden stimuli of acoustic, tactile, visual and cognitive natures, post-startle behavioural tendencies characterised by hypervigilance, and the ensuing emotion – fear, surprise or anger. The corpus data demonstrated the schematic nature of irkil- dictates specific lexical environments with collocates from certain semantic domains, which also affect its prosody. The study also allowed us to place the pre-emotion irkil- in the right place in the cognitive appraisal pattern for fear prepared by Scherer (2001).


Yorucu tez hazırlama sürecinde sürekli yol gösteren danışman hocam Prof Dr. Yeşim Aksan'a minnettarım


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  • Louw, B. (2000). Contextual Prosodic Theory: bringing semantic prosodies to life. In Chris Heffer and Helen Sauntson (eds.), Words in context. In honour of John Sinclair. Birmingham: ELR, (pp.48–94)
  • McEnery, T. and Hardie, A. (2012). Corpus Linguistics: Method, theory and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Miller, G.A. and Charles, W.G. (1991). Contextual correlates of semantic similarity. Language and Cognitive Processes. 6 (1), pp.1-28
  • Ortony, A., Clore, G. L., & Collins, A. (1988). The cognitive structure of emotions. Canada: Cambridge University Press.
  • Partington, A. (2004). Utterly content in each other’s company: Semantic prosody and semantic preference. International Journal of Linguistics, 9 (1), 131-156.
  • Russell, J.A, & Barrett, L. (1999). Core affect, prototypical emotional episodes, and other things called emotion: Dissecting the elephant. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76, 805-819.
  • Scherer, K.R. (1984). On the nature and function of emotion: A component process approach. In Klaus, R Scherer and Paul Ekman (eds), Approaches to emotion, (pp. 293-317). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.
  • Scherer, K.R. (1999). Appraisal Theory. In T. Dalgleish & M. Power (eds), Handbook of cognition and emotion, (pp.637-663). New York: Wiley and sons ltd.
  • Scherer, K.R. (2001). Appraisal considered as a process of multi-level sequential checking. In K.R. Scherer, A.Schorr, & T. Johnstone (eds), Appraisal processes in emotion: Theory, Methods, Research, (pp.92-120). New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sinclair, J. (1996/2004) The search for units of meaning. Textus 9, 75-106.
  • Sinclair,]. (1998) The lexical item. In E. Weigand (ed), Contrastive Lexical Semantics. (pp. 1-24). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
  • Sinclair, J. (2000). Lexical Grammar. Darbai in dieonos, 24, 191-204.
  • Sinclair, J. M. (2004) Trust the Text. London: Routledge.
  • Stubbs, M. (2002). Words and phrases: Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Tognini-Bonelli, E. (2004). Working with corpora: issues and insights. In C. Coffin, A. Hewings, K. O’Halloran (eds), Applying English Grammar: Functional and Corpus Approaches, (pp. 11- 24). The Open University: Arnold.
  • Tribble, J. (2010). What are concordances and how they are used? The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics, pp.167-183. London: Routledge
  • Wildman, F. (2013). The startle reflex: Our source of Chronic Pain and Stress. http:/ b 3661734.html. Access time: 5 March 2017 10:00 p.m.
Year 2020, , 428 - 454, 25.10.2020



  • Adıgüzel, M.F. (2018). Corpus-driven lexical profiles of Turkish fear verbs and metaphorical profiles of somatic fear idioms in Turkish (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), Mersin University, Mersin.
  • Aksan, Y., Duran, N., Ersen, D., Hızarcı, Ç., Korkmaz, S., Sever, B. & Sezer, T. (2008). Türkçede yakın anlamlı sözcükler: Bir derlem çalışması. 22.Ulusal Dilbilim Kurultayı Bildirileri, Van. 558-567
  • Alan, K. (2001) Natural Language Semantics. Blackwell Publishers Ltd, Oxford
  • Amodio, D. M., and Harmon-Jones, E.(2011). Trait emotions and affective modulation of the startle eyeblink: On the unique relationship of trait anger. Emotion. 11 (1), 47–51.
  • Bowlby, J. (1973). Attachment and loss: Volume 2, Separation: Anxiety and anger. New York: Basic Books.
  • Darwin, C. R. (1965). The expression of emotions in man and animals. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (originally published in 1872).
  • Ekman, P, Levenson, R.W., and Friesen, W.V. (1983). Autonomic nervous system activity distinguishes between emotions. Science 221, 1208–1210
  • Ekman, P. (1992). Are there basic emotions? Psychological Review, 99(3), 550–553.
  • Ellsworth, P. C., and Scherer, K. R. (2003). Appraisal processes in emotion. In R. J. Davidson, H. Goldsmith, & K. R. Scherer (eds), Handbook of affective sciences, (pp.572-595). New York/Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press
  • Ersoylu, H. (2011). Eş anlamlılık mı, yabancı kaynaklı karşılık oluş mu? Türk Dili, Mart 250-256, TDK Yay. Ankara.
  • Göksel, A. and Kerslake, C. (2005). Turkish: A Comprehensive Grammar. London: Routledge.
  • Izard, C. (1977). Human emotions. New York: Plenum Publishing Corporation.
  • Izard, C. E. (2007). Basic emotions, natural kinds, emotion schemas, and a new paradigm. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2(3), 260–280.
  • Johnson-Laird, P. N. and Oatley, K. (1992). Basic emotions, rationality, and folk theory. Cognition and emotion, 6:3-4, 201-223
  • Kövecses, Z. (1990). Emotion concepts. New York: Springer.
  • Lazarus, R.S. (1991). Emotion and adaptation. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lewis, M. (2008). The emergence of human emotions. In M. Lewis, J. Haviland-Jones & L. Feldman Barret (eds). Handbook of emotions, 3rd edition, (pp.304-319), New York: The Guilford Press
  • Louw, B. (2000). Contextual Prosodic Theory: bringing semantic prosodies to life. In Chris Heffer and Helen Sauntson (eds.), Words in context. In honour of John Sinclair. Birmingham: ELR, (pp.48–94)
  • McEnery, T. and Hardie, A. (2012). Corpus Linguistics: Method, theory and practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Miller, G.A. and Charles, W.G. (1991). Contextual correlates of semantic similarity. Language and Cognitive Processes. 6 (1), pp.1-28
  • Ortony, A., Clore, G. L., & Collins, A. (1988). The cognitive structure of emotions. Canada: Cambridge University Press.
  • Partington, A. (2004). Utterly content in each other’s company: Semantic prosody and semantic preference. International Journal of Linguistics, 9 (1), 131-156.
  • Russell, J.A, & Barrett, L. (1999). Core affect, prototypical emotional episodes, and other things called emotion: Dissecting the elephant. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 76, 805-819.
  • Scherer, K.R. (1984). On the nature and function of emotion: A component process approach. In Klaus, R Scherer and Paul Ekman (eds), Approaches to emotion, (pp. 293-317). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates.
  • Scherer, K.R. (1999). Appraisal Theory. In T. Dalgleish & M. Power (eds), Handbook of cognition and emotion, (pp.637-663). New York: Wiley and sons ltd.
  • Scherer, K.R. (2001). Appraisal considered as a process of multi-level sequential checking. In K.R. Scherer, A.Schorr, & T. Johnstone (eds), Appraisal processes in emotion: Theory, Methods, Research, (pp.92-120). New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Sinclair, J. (1996/2004) The search for units of meaning. Textus 9, 75-106.
  • Sinclair,]. (1998) The lexical item. In E. Weigand (ed), Contrastive Lexical Semantics. (pp. 1-24). Amsterdam: Benjamins.
  • Sinclair, J. (2000). Lexical Grammar. Darbai in dieonos, 24, 191-204.
  • Sinclair, J. M. (2004) Trust the Text. London: Routledge.
  • Stubbs, M. (2002). Words and phrases: Corpus Studies of Lexical Semantics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Tognini-Bonelli, E. (2004). Working with corpora: issues and insights. In C. Coffin, A. Hewings, K. O’Halloran (eds), Applying English Grammar: Functional and Corpus Approaches, (pp. 11- 24). The Open University: Arnold.
  • Tribble, J. (2010). What are concordances and how they are used? The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics, pp.167-183. London: Routledge
  • Wildman, F. (2013). The startle reflex: Our source of Chronic Pain and Stress. http:/ b 3661734.html. Access time: 5 March 2017 10:00 p.m.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Muhammet Fatih Adıgüzel 0000-0002-6962-0078

Yeşim Aksan 0000-0002-8113-7249

Publication Date October 25, 2020
Submission Date March 24, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Adıgüzel, M. F., & Aksan, Y. (2020). Exploring the Turkish Concept İrkil-: Corpus-driven Cognitive and Lexical Profiling of a Pre-emotion. Journal of Language Education and Research, 6(2), 428-454.


Journal of Language Education and Research (JLERE)
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