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Test-taking strategies and students’ achievement in EFL reading tests
This research aims at investigating the effects of reading test-taking strategy training on EFL students’ performance in English reading tests. The participants of the research were 90 prep-class students chosen randomly and divided into three groups of 30 students as face-to-face training group, online self-training group, and control group. The first group was involved in strategy training sessions for six weeks in school context (face-to-face) whereas the second group was only informed about the contend of the training sessions and directed to study through online strategy videos (online self-training). The last group was the control group the who were excluded from strategy training sessions. The reading test scores of the participants were analyzed via SPSS 16 with the aim of revealing whether or not there is an impact of strategy training. Moreover, semi-structured interviews were carried out with the participants, and the findings were analyzed through content analysis. Results of the research revealed that (a) the students’ awareness of test taking strategies are in parallel with their test scores; (b) face-to-face strategy training was found to be more effective than online strategy training; (c) strategies related to ‘drawing inference’ and ‘guessing the meaning from the context’ were found to be the most effective ones while strategies such as detecting the question types, finding the main idea, skimming and scanning were other important strategies. The results suggested that strategy training on test taking might be included in the regular curriculums; students’ awareness of test taking strategies should be fostered starting from the early stages of formal education; reading theories and strategies might be integrated into current reading courses with an inter-disciplinary model.
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Çiçekoğlu, D. (2003). The effects of direct and integrated instruction of cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies at awareness-raising level on reading proficiency and strategy use. Doctoral dissertation, Middle East Technical University.
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Rupp, A. A., Ferne, T., &Choi, H. (2006). How assessing reading comprehension with multiple-choice questions shapes the construct: A cognitive processing perspective. Language Testing, 23(4), 441-474.
Scharnagl, T. (2004). The Effects of Test Taking Strategies on Students’ Reading Achievement. Dissertations & theses, Union Institute and University Cincinnati, Ohio, Retrieved from ProQuest
Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (1992). Teaching test-taking skills: Helping students show what they know. Purdue University: Brookline Books.
Singhal, M. (1999). The effects of reading strategy instruction on the reading comprehension, reading process and strategy use of adult ESL readers. Retrieved in March 15, 2014 from:
Spörer, N., Brunstein, J. C., & Kieschke, U. L. F. (2009). Improving students' reading comprehension skills: Effects of strategy instruction and reciprocal teaching. Learning and Instruction, 19(3), 272-286.
Woodley, K. K. (1975). Test-wiseness: A cognitive function? Paper presented at National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC.
Xia, Y. (2011). Efficient reading in standardized tests for EFL learners: a case study of reading strategies used by Chinese English major students in TEM-4. Retrieved in March 20, 2014 from:
Yousefvand, Z., & Lotfi, A. R. (2011). The Effect of Strategy-Based Reading Instruction on Iranian EFL Graduate Students Reading Comprehension and Their Attitudes Toward Reading Strategies Instruction. Journal of Academic and Applied Studies, 1(5), 39-55.
Year 2019,
Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 140 - 150, 25.03.2019
Allan, A. (1992). ‘Development and validation of a scale to measure test-wiseness in EFL/ESL reading test takers’. Language Testing 9/2: 101- 122.
Brown, R., Pressley, M., Van Meter, P., & Schuder, T. (1996). A quasi-experimental validation of transactional strategies instruction with low-achieving second-grade readers. Journal of educational psychology, 88(1), 18.
Bruch, M. A. (1981). Relationship of test-taking strategies to test anxiety and performance: Toward a task analysis of examination behaviour. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 5(1), 41-56.
Bunting, B.P. & Mooney, E. (2001). The effects of practice and coaching on test results for educational selection at 11 years of age. Educational Psychology.21(3), 243-253.
Burns, N., & Grove, S. K. (2005). Selecting a quantitative research design. In N. Burns, & S. K. Grove (Eds), The Practice of Nursing Research: Conduct, Critique, and Utilization, 5th edition (231-272). St Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
Cohen, A. (1984). On Taking tests: what the students report. Language Testing, I, 70-81.
Çiçekoğlu, D. (2003). The effects of direct and integrated instruction of cognitive and metacognitive reading strategies at awareness-raising level on reading proficiency and strategy use. Doctoral dissertation, Middle East Technical University.
Demirel, M. (2009). The validity and reliability study of Turkish version of strategy inventory for language learners. World Applied Sciences Journal, 7(6), 708-713.
Du Plooy, A. (1996). Reading Strategies for Effective Reading Comprehension (Doctoral dissertation).
Edwards, J. (2009). Physical activity and test anxiety. School Science and Mathematics, 109, 5-7.
Hableton, R., Swaminathan., & Rogers, H. (1991). Fundamentals of item response theory. Sage Publications, Inc.
Hughes, A. (2003). Testing for Language Teachers. Syndicate of the University of Cambridge. Common test techniques: 5- 75.
Janowicz, T. (2007). Teaching Test Taking Strategies to Improve Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement (Chapman University College). Retrieved from Erciyes University Database.
Kesselman-Turkel, J., Peterson, F. (2004). Test Taking Strategies. Madison, WI, USA: University of Wisconsin Press. P: 14.
Lance, L. (2004). The Effects of Teaching Test-Taking Strategies to High School Special Education Students on Achievement Scores on The New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment. Dissertations & theses, Widener University, Retrieved from ProQuest
Lee, J. Y. (2011). Second language reading topic familiarity and test score: test-taking strategies for multiple-choice comprehension questions. Doctoral dissertation, The University of Iowa.
Neuman, W.L. (2000). Social Research Methods- Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Allyn and Bacon Pub pub.
Oxford, R. L. (1990). Language learning strategies: What every teacher should know. New York: Newbury House/Harper & Row.
Pike, L. (1978). Short term instruction, test-wiseness, and the Scholastic Aptitude Test: A literature review with research recommendations. Princeton, NJ: ETS.
Rupp, A. A., Ferne, T., &Choi, H. (2006). How assessing reading comprehension with multiple-choice questions shapes the construct: A cognitive processing perspective. Language Testing, 23(4), 441-474.
Scharnagl, T. (2004). The Effects of Test Taking Strategies on Students’ Reading Achievement. Dissertations & theses, Union Institute and University Cincinnati, Ohio, Retrieved from ProQuest
Scruggs, T. E., & Mastropieri, M. A. (1992). Teaching test-taking skills: Helping students show what they know. Purdue University: Brookline Books.
Singhal, M. (1999). The effects of reading strategy instruction on the reading comprehension, reading process and strategy use of adult ESL readers. Retrieved in March 15, 2014 from:
Spörer, N., Brunstein, J. C., & Kieschke, U. L. F. (2009). Improving students' reading comprehension skills: Effects of strategy instruction and reciprocal teaching. Learning and Instruction, 19(3), 272-286.
Woodley, K. K. (1975). Test-wiseness: A cognitive function? Paper presented at National Council on Measurement in Education, Washington, DC.
Xia, Y. (2011). Efficient reading in standardized tests for EFL learners: a case study of reading strategies used by Chinese English major students in TEM-4. Retrieved in March 20, 2014 from:
Yousefvand, Z., & Lotfi, A. R. (2011). The Effect of Strategy-Based Reading Instruction on Iranian EFL Graduate Students Reading Comprehension and Their Attitudes Toward Reading Strategies Instruction. Journal of Academic and Applied Studies, 1(5), 39-55.
Tunaz, M., & Tüm, G. (2019). Test-taking strategies and students’ achievement in EFL reading tests. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 15(1), 140-150.
Tunaz M, Tüm G. Test-taking strategies and students’ achievement in EFL reading tests. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. March 2019;15(1):140-150. doi:10.17263/jlls.547674
Tunaz, Mehmet, and Gülden Tüm. “Test-Taking Strategies and students’ Achievement in EFL Reading Tests”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 15, no. 1 (March 2019): 140-50.
Tunaz M, Tüm G (March 1, 2019) Test-taking strategies and students’ achievement in EFL reading tests. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 15 1 140–150.
M. Tunaz and G. Tüm, “Test-taking strategies and students’ achievement in EFL reading tests”, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 140–150, 2019, doi: 10.17263/jlls.547674.
Tunaz, Mehmet - Tüm, Gülden. “Test-Taking Strategies and students’ Achievement in EFL Reading Tests”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 15/1 (March 2019), 140-150.
Tunaz M, Tüm G. Test-taking strategies and students’ achievement in EFL reading tests. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2019;15:140–150.
Tunaz, Mehmet and Gülden Tüm. “Test-Taking Strategies and students’ Achievement in EFL Reading Tests”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, vol. 15, no. 1, 2019, pp. 140-5, doi:10.17263/jlls.547674.
Tunaz M, Tüm G. Test-taking strategies and students’ achievement in EFL reading tests. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2019;15(1):140-5.