Research Article
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Year 2014, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 134 - 156, 31.12.2014



  • Abbott, S. P., Reed, E., Abbott, R. D., & Berninger, V.W. (1997). Year-long balanced reading/writing tutorial: A design experiment used for dynamic assessment. Learning Disability Quarterly, 20(3), 249-263. DOI: 10.2307/1511311
  • Aljaafreh, A., & J. P. Lantolf. (1994). Negative feedback as regulation and second language learning in the zone of proximal development. The Modern Language Journal, 78(4), 465-483. DOI:
  • Bailey, K. (1996). Working for washback: A review of the washback concept in language testing. Language Testing 13(3), 257–279. DOI: 10.1177/026553229601300303
  • Best, R. M., Rowe, M., Ozuru, Y., & McNamara, D. S. (2005). Deep-level comprehension of science texts: The role of the reader and the text. Topics in Language Disorders, 25, 65–83. DOI: 10.1097/00011363-200501000-00007
  • Bransford, J. D., Delclos, V. R., Vye, N. J., Burns, M. S., & Hasselbring, T. S. (1987). State of the art and future directions. In C. S. Lidz (Ed.), Dynamic assessment: An interactional approach to evaluating learning potential (pp. 479-496). New York: Guilford Press. DOI: 10.1177/002221948902200303
  • Campione, J. C., & Brown, A. L. (1985). Dynamic assessment: One approach and some initial data (Technical Report No. 361). Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; National Institute of Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED269735)
  • Campione, J. C., & Brown, A. L. (1987). Linking dynamic assessment with school achievement. In C.
  • S. Lidz (Ed.), Dynamic assessment: An interactional approach to evaluating learning potential (pp. 82–140). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Cioffi, G., & Carney, J. J. (1983). The dynamic assessment of reading disabilities. Reading Teacher, 36, 764–768.
  • Ellis, R., (2000). Task-based research and language pedagogy. Language Teaching Research, 4(3), 193-220. DOI: 10.1177/136216880000400302
  • Feuerstein, R. (1998). The theory of mediated learning experience: About human as a modifiable Being. Jerusalem: Ministry of Defense Publications (in Hebrew).
  • Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., & Hoffman, M. B. (1979). Dynamic assessment of retarded performers: The learning potential assessment device, theory, instruments, and techniques. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.
  • Hamers, J., Pennings, A., & Guthke, J. (1994). Training-based assessment of school achievement. Learning and Instruction, 4, 347–360.
  • Haywood, H. C., & Lidz, C. S. (2007). Dynamic assessment in practice: Clinical and educational applications. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jitendra, A. K., & Kameenui, E. J. (1993). An exploratory study of dynamic assessment using two instructional strategies on experts and novices' performance in solving part-whole mathematical word problems. Diagnostique, 18(4), 305-324. DOI: 10.1177/073724779301800404
  • Karpov, Y., & Haywood, H. C. (1998). Two ways to elaborate Vygotsky’s concept of mediation: Implications for education. American Psychologist, 53(1), 27-36. DOI: 10.1037/0003- 066X.53.1.27
  • Kletzien, S. B., & Bednar, M. R. (1990). Dynamic assessment for at-risk readers. Journal of Reading.
  • Kozulin, A. and E. Garb. (2002). Dynamic assessment of EFL text comprehension of at-risk students. School Psychology International 23, 112–127. DOI: 10.1177/0143034302023001733
  • Lantolf, J.P. (Ed.). (2000). Sociocultural theory and second language learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lantolf, J.P., and Appel, G., (1994). Theoretical framework: an introduction to Vygotskian approaches to second language research. In: Lantolf J. P., ed. Vygotskian approaches to second language research. London: Ablex Publishing, 1-32
  • Lantolf, J.P. and M.E. Poehner. (2004). Dynamic assessment: bringing the past into the future. Journal of Applied Linguistics 1: 49–74
  • Lidz, C.S. (1991). Practitioner’s guide to dynamic assessment. New York: Guilford.
  • Lunt, I. (1993). The practice of assessment. In H. Daniels (Ed.), Charting the agenda: Educational activity after Vygotsky, 145-170. London and NY: Routledge.
  • Mardani, M. and Tavakoli, M. (2011). Beyond reading comprehension: The effect of adding a dynamic assessment component on EFL reading comprehension. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 688-696. Retrieved from
  • María del Carmen Malbrán; Claudia M. Villar. (2002). The dynamic evaluation of the learning potential: a procedure. Orientación y Sociedad,3,1-12. Retrieved from
  • McNamara, T. (2004). Language testing. In The Handbook of Applied Linguistics (pp. 763–783).A. Davies and C. Elder (Eds.). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Oxford Placement Test.
  • Palincsar, A., & Brown, A. (1984). Reciprocal teaching of comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities. Cognition and Instruction, 1, 117-175.
  • Poehner, M. (2005). Dynamic assessment of oral proficiency among advanced L2 learners of French. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). The Pennsylvania State University, the U.S. Retrieved from
  • Poehner, M.E. and J.P. Lantolf. (2005). Dynamic assessment in the language classroom. Language Teaching Research 9 (3). DOI: 10.1191/1362168805lr166oa
  • Seng, Alice S.H. , Lucy Pou & Tan Oon Seng. (Eds) (2003). Mediated learning experience with children. Applications Across Contexts. Singapore: McGrawHill
  • Tissink, J., Hamers, J. H. M.,&Van Luit, J. E. H. (1993). Learning potential tests with domain-general and domain-specific tasks. In J. H. M. Hamers, K. Sijtsma,&A. J. J. M. Ruijssenaars (Eds.), Learning potential assessment: Theoretical, methodological and practical issues (pp. 243–266). Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger.
  • Valencia, S.W., Campione, J. C.,Weiner, S., & Bazzi, S. (1990, December). Dynamic assessment of reading achievement. Paper presented at the National Reading Conference,Miami, FL.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1995). Apprentissage et développement à l'age prescolaire. Société française, 2/52¸ 35-46.
  • Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1979). Consciousness as a problem in the psychology of behavior. Soviet Psychology, 17, 3-35.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1986). Thought and language. (A. Kozulin, trans.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Vygotsky, L.S. (1997). The crisis in psychology. In The Collected Works of L. S. Vygotsky. Vol. 3. Problems of the Theory and History of Psychology Including the Chapter on the Crisis in Psychology. R.W. Rieber (Ed.). New York: Plenum.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1998a). Infancy (M. Hall, Trans.). In R. W. Rieber (Ed.), The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky: Vol. 5. Child psychology (pp. 207-241). New York: Plenum Press. (Original work written 1933-1934)
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1998b). The problem of age (M. Hall, Trans.). In R. W. Rieber (Ed.) Weber, R. P. (1990). Basic content analysis (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA. Sage.
  • Wertsch, J., 1985. Vygotsky and the social formation of mind. UK: Harvard University Press.
  • Williams, M. and Burden, R., (1997). Psychology for language teachers, a social constructivist approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Xiaoxiao, L., & Yan, L. (2010). A case study of dynamic assessment in EFL process writing. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 33(1), 24-40.
  • Dinamik değerlendirmeye karşı statik değerlendirme: İngilizceyi
  • yabancı dil olarak öğrenen İranlılardaki okuduğunu anlama yetisi üzerine bir çalışma

Dynamic assessment versus static assessment: A study of reading comprehension ability in Iranian EFL learners

Year 2014, Volume: 10 Issue: 2, 134 - 156, 31.12.2014


This study extends traditional or static assessment of reading comprehension in foreign language contexts and applies dynamic assessment (DA) to the development of learners’ reading ability. To homogenize the research population (N= 250), an Oxford Placement Test (OPT) was administered. On the basis of the test results, the population was sorted into three groups of reading-low, reading-mid, and reading-high students. The participants of this study were a sample of 30 participants with the lowest level of reading comprehension proficiency randomly assigned into two groups of control and experimental. This study was conducted in the Nosrat Institute, located in Kermanshah Province in 2012. In order to determine their current zone or level of reading proficiency, a TOEFL reading comprehension pre-test was administered to both groups. Afterwards, DA training was applied to the EG in 9 successive 80-minute sessions on reading comprehension, Unlike EG, static assessment was applied to the CG. In the end, another TOEFL reading comprehension post-test was administered to the research groups to measure their reading comprehension performance level after their treatment. The statistical data analysis revealed that DA was statistically more significant and effective for the low skilled readers than static assessment.


  • Abbott, S. P., Reed, E., Abbott, R. D., & Berninger, V.W. (1997). Year-long balanced reading/writing tutorial: A design experiment used for dynamic assessment. Learning Disability Quarterly, 20(3), 249-263. DOI: 10.2307/1511311
  • Aljaafreh, A., & J. P. Lantolf. (1994). Negative feedback as regulation and second language learning in the zone of proximal development. The Modern Language Journal, 78(4), 465-483. DOI:
  • Bailey, K. (1996). Working for washback: A review of the washback concept in language testing. Language Testing 13(3), 257–279. DOI: 10.1177/026553229601300303
  • Best, R. M., Rowe, M., Ozuru, Y., & McNamara, D. S. (2005). Deep-level comprehension of science texts: The role of the reader and the text. Topics in Language Disorders, 25, 65–83. DOI: 10.1097/00011363-200501000-00007
  • Bransford, J. D., Delclos, V. R., Vye, N. J., Burns, M. S., & Hasselbring, T. S. (1987). State of the art and future directions. In C. S. Lidz (Ed.), Dynamic assessment: An interactional approach to evaluating learning potential (pp. 479-496). New York: Guilford Press. DOI: 10.1177/002221948902200303
  • Campione, J. C., & Brown, A. L. (1985). Dynamic assessment: One approach and some initial data (Technical Report No. 361). Bethesda, MD: National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; National Institute of Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED269735)
  • Campione, J. C., & Brown, A. L. (1987). Linking dynamic assessment with school achievement. In C.
  • S. Lidz (Ed.), Dynamic assessment: An interactional approach to evaluating learning potential (pp. 82–140). New York: Guilford Press.
  • Cioffi, G., & Carney, J. J. (1983). The dynamic assessment of reading disabilities. Reading Teacher, 36, 764–768.
  • Ellis, R., (2000). Task-based research and language pedagogy. Language Teaching Research, 4(3), 193-220. DOI: 10.1177/136216880000400302
  • Feuerstein, R. (1998). The theory of mediated learning experience: About human as a modifiable Being. Jerusalem: Ministry of Defense Publications (in Hebrew).
  • Feuerstein, R., Rand, Y., & Hoffman, M. B. (1979). Dynamic assessment of retarded performers: The learning potential assessment device, theory, instruments, and techniques. Baltimore, MD: University Park Press.
  • Hamers, J., Pennings, A., & Guthke, J. (1994). Training-based assessment of school achievement. Learning and Instruction, 4, 347–360.
  • Haywood, H. C., & Lidz, C. S. (2007). Dynamic assessment in practice: Clinical and educational applications. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Jitendra, A. K., & Kameenui, E. J. (1993). An exploratory study of dynamic assessment using two instructional strategies on experts and novices' performance in solving part-whole mathematical word problems. Diagnostique, 18(4), 305-324. DOI: 10.1177/073724779301800404
  • Karpov, Y., & Haywood, H. C. (1998). Two ways to elaborate Vygotsky’s concept of mediation: Implications for education. American Psychologist, 53(1), 27-36. DOI: 10.1037/0003- 066X.53.1.27
  • Kletzien, S. B., & Bednar, M. R. (1990). Dynamic assessment for at-risk readers. Journal of Reading.
  • Kozulin, A. and E. Garb. (2002). Dynamic assessment of EFL text comprehension of at-risk students. School Psychology International 23, 112–127. DOI: 10.1177/0143034302023001733
  • Lantolf, J.P. (Ed.). (2000). Sociocultural theory and second language learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Lantolf, J.P., and Appel, G., (1994). Theoretical framework: an introduction to Vygotskian approaches to second language research. In: Lantolf J. P., ed. Vygotskian approaches to second language research. London: Ablex Publishing, 1-32
  • Lantolf, J.P. and M.E. Poehner. (2004). Dynamic assessment: bringing the past into the future. Journal of Applied Linguistics 1: 49–74
  • Lidz, C.S. (1991). Practitioner’s guide to dynamic assessment. New York: Guilford.
  • Lunt, I. (1993). The practice of assessment. In H. Daniels (Ed.), Charting the agenda: Educational activity after Vygotsky, 145-170. London and NY: Routledge.
  • Mardani, M. and Tavakoli, M. (2011). Beyond reading comprehension: The effect of adding a dynamic assessment component on EFL reading comprehension. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 688-696. Retrieved from
  • María del Carmen Malbrán; Claudia M. Villar. (2002). The dynamic evaluation of the learning potential: a procedure. Orientación y Sociedad,3,1-12. Retrieved from
  • McNamara, T. (2004). Language testing. In The Handbook of Applied Linguistics (pp. 763–783).A. Davies and C. Elder (Eds.). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
  • Oxford Placement Test.
  • Palincsar, A., & Brown, A. (1984). Reciprocal teaching of comprehension-fostering and comprehension-monitoring activities. Cognition and Instruction, 1, 117-175.
  • Poehner, M. (2005). Dynamic assessment of oral proficiency among advanced L2 learners of French. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). The Pennsylvania State University, the U.S. Retrieved from
  • Poehner, M.E. and J.P. Lantolf. (2005). Dynamic assessment in the language classroom. Language Teaching Research 9 (3). DOI: 10.1191/1362168805lr166oa
  • Seng, Alice S.H. , Lucy Pou & Tan Oon Seng. (Eds) (2003). Mediated learning experience with children. Applications Across Contexts. Singapore: McGrawHill
  • Tissink, J., Hamers, J. H. M.,&Van Luit, J. E. H. (1993). Learning potential tests with domain-general and domain-specific tasks. In J. H. M. Hamers, K. Sijtsma,&A. J. J. M. Ruijssenaars (Eds.), Learning potential assessment: Theoretical, methodological and practical issues (pp. 243–266). Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger.
  • Valencia, S.W., Campione, J. C.,Weiner, S., & Bazzi, S. (1990, December). Dynamic assessment of reading achievement. Paper presented at the National Reading Conference,Miami, FL.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1995). Apprentissage et développement à l'age prescolaire. Société française, 2/52¸ 35-46.
  • Vygotsky, L.S. (1978). Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1979). Consciousness as a problem in the psychology of behavior. Soviet Psychology, 17, 3-35.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1986). Thought and language. (A. Kozulin, trans.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Vygotsky, L.S. (1997). The crisis in psychology. In The Collected Works of L. S. Vygotsky. Vol. 3. Problems of the Theory and History of Psychology Including the Chapter on the Crisis in Psychology. R.W. Rieber (Ed.). New York: Plenum.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1998a). Infancy (M. Hall, Trans.). In R. W. Rieber (Ed.), The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky: Vol. 5. Child psychology (pp. 207-241). New York: Plenum Press. (Original work written 1933-1934)
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1998b). The problem of age (M. Hall, Trans.). In R. W. Rieber (Ed.) Weber, R. P. (1990). Basic content analysis (2nd ed.). Newbury Park, CA. Sage.
  • Wertsch, J., 1985. Vygotsky and the social formation of mind. UK: Harvard University Press.
  • Williams, M. and Burden, R., (1997). Psychology for language teachers, a social constructivist approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Xiaoxiao, L., & Yan, L. (2010). A case study of dynamic assessment in EFL process writing. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 33(1), 24-40.
  • Dinamik değerlendirmeye karşı statik değerlendirme: İngilizceyi
  • yabancı dil olarak öğrenen İranlılardaki okuduğunu anlama yetisi üzerine bir çalışma
There are 46 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Behzad Nazari This is me

Saeed Mansouri This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 10 Issue: 2


APA Nazari, B., & Mansouri, S. (2014). Dynamic assessment versus static assessment: A study of reading comprehension ability in Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 10(2), 134-156.
AMA Nazari B, Mansouri S. Dynamic assessment versus static assessment: A study of reading comprehension ability in Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. October 2014;10(2):134-156.
Chicago Nazari, Behzad, and Saeed Mansouri. “Dynamic Assessment Versus Static Assessment: A Study of Reading Comprehension Ability in Iranian EFL Learners”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 10, no. 2 (October 2014): 134-56.
EndNote Nazari B, Mansouri S (October 1, 2014) Dynamic assessment versus static assessment: A study of reading comprehension ability in Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 10 2 134–156.
IEEE B. Nazari and S. Mansouri, “Dynamic assessment versus static assessment: A study of reading comprehension ability in Iranian EFL learners”, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 134–156, 2014.
ISNAD Nazari, Behzad - Mansouri, Saeed. “Dynamic Assessment Versus Static Assessment: A Study of Reading Comprehension Ability in Iranian EFL Learners”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 10/2 (October 2014), 134-156.
JAMA Nazari B, Mansouri S. Dynamic assessment versus static assessment: A study of reading comprehension ability in Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2014;10:134–156.
MLA Nazari, Behzad and Saeed Mansouri. “Dynamic Assessment Versus Static Assessment: A Study of Reading Comprehension Ability in Iranian EFL Learners”. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, vol. 10, no. 2, 2014, pp. 134-56.
Vancouver Nazari B, Mansouri S. Dynamic assessment versus static assessment: A study of reading comprehension ability in Iranian EFL learners. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies. 2014;10(2):134-56.