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East versus West in the Iconography of Roman Mosaics: Selected Examples of Shared Themes

Year 2017, , 259 - 284, 30.11.2017


This article deals with a few different artistic themes represented by mosaicists in both the eastern and western

halves of the Roman empire. The themes I discuss are the Triumph of Dionysos and the subject of the hunt, both

of which were popular primarily for decorating the main reception room of private homes. Dionysos’s triumph

evokes worldly happiness and prosperity, and the hunt, of either realistic or mythological type, reflects a popular

aristocratic pastime as well as the manly quality of courage in the face of danger, or virtus. In general, the

direction of artistic influence flowed from west to east, but in at least one instance, the trend in imagery moved

in the opposite direction. It is shown how eastern and western craftsmen developed regional preferences in the

ways they depicted the shared themes, partly shaped by local historical and economic circumstances.


  • C. Abadie-Reynal – R. Ergeç (co-dir.), 2012, Zeugma I. Fouilles de l’habitat (1), La mosaïque de Pasiphaë, Paris, De Boccard Edition – Diffusion.
  • J. M. Bairrão Oléiro, 1992, Conimbriga. Casa dos Repuxos. Corpus dos mosaicos romanos de Portugal, Conventus Scallabitanus I, Conimbriga.
  • J. Balty, 1977, Mosaïques antiques de Syrie, Brussels, Musées royaux d’art et d’histoire.
  • J. Balty, 1990, La mosaïque de Sarrîn (Osrhoène), Paris, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
  • F. Baratte, 1978, Catalogue des mosaïques romaines et paléochrétiennes du musée du Louvre, Paris, Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux.
  • A. Belis, 2016, Roman Mosaics in the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum.
  • M. Blanchard-Lemée, 2005, “Le triclinium à la mosaïque dionysiaque de Sétif (Algérie)”, CMGR IX,1, 291-301.
  • M. Blanchard-Lemée – M. Ennaïfer - Hédi et Latifa Slim, 1995, Sols de l’Afrique romaine. Mosaïques de Tunisie, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale Editions.
  • A. Caarandini – A. Ricci – M. de Vos, 1982, Filosofiana, la villa di Piazza Armerina. Immagine di un aristocatico romano al tempo di Costantino, Palermo, S. F. Flaccovio, Editiore.
  • F. Cimok (ed.), 1995, Antioch Mosaics, İstanbul, A Turizm Yayınları.
  • F. Cimok, 1997, Mosaics in İstanbul, İstanbul, A Turizm Yayınları.
  • F. Cimok, 2000, Antioch Mosaics, a Corpus, İstanbul, A Turizm Yayınları.
  • Ö. Dalgıç, 2015, “The Triumph of Dionysos in Constantinople. A Late 5th-Century Mosaic in Context”, DOP 69, 15-47.
  • J.P. Darmon, 1994, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule II, fasc. 5, Paris, Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
  • W. Daszewski, 1985, Dionysos der Erlöser. Griechische Mythen in spãtantiken Cypern, Mainz, Verlag Philipp Von Zabern.
  • K. Dunbabin, 1971, “The Triumph of Dionysus on Mosaics in North Africa”, PBSR 39, 52-65.
  • K. Dunbabin, 1978, Mosaics of Roman North Africa. Studies in Iconography and Patronage, Oxford, Clarendon Press.
  • K. Dunbabin, 1999, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • K. Dunbabin, 2008, “Domestic Dionysos? Telete in mosaics from Zeugma and the late Roman Near East”, JRA 21, 193-224.
  • D. Fernández-Galiano, 1984, “El triunfo de Dioniso en mosaicos hispanorromanos”, AEspArch 57, 97-120.
  • D. Fernández-Galiano, 2001, Carranque. Centro de Hispania romana, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid.
  • A. García y Bellido, 1965, “Los mosaicos de Alcolea (Córdoba)”, BRAH 156, 7-19.
  • M. Guardia Pons, 1992, Los mosaicos de la antigüedad tardía en Hispania; estudios de iconografía, Barcelona, Poblagràfia, S.A.
  • R. Hinks, 1933, Catalogue of the Greek, Etruscan and Roman Paintings and Mosaics in the British Museum, London, Trustees of the British Museum.
  • W. Jobst – E. Bahçet – C. Gurtner, 1997, Istanbul, Das grosse byzantinische Palastmosaik, İstanbul, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • H. Karabulut – M. Önal – N. Dervişoğlu, 2011, Haleplibahçe Mozaikleri, Şanliurfa/Edessa, İstanbul, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • C. Kondoleon, 1994, Domestic and Divine. Roman Mosaics in the House of Dionysos, Ithaca/London, Cornell University Press.
  • C. Kondoleon, 2000, Antioch, The Lost City, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  • J. Lancha – P. L. André, 2000, Corpus des mosaïques romaines du Portugal II, Conventus Pacensis: La villa de Torre de Palma, Lisbon.
  • J. Lassus, 1969, “Antioche en 459, d’après la mosaïque de Yakto”, Janine Balty (ed.), Apamée de Syrie, bilan de recherches archéologiques 1965-1968, Brussels, Musées royaux d’art et d’histoire, 139-146.
  • H. Lavagne, 2000, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule III. fasc. 3, Paris, Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
  • I. Lavin, 1963, “The Hunting Mosaics of Antioch and Their Sources”, DOP 17, 180-286.
  • D. Levi, 1947, Antioch Mosaic Pavements 2 vols., Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  • R. Ling, 1998, Ancient Mosaics, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  • G. López Monteagudo, 1998, “Sobre una particular iconografía del triunfo de Baco en dos mosaicos romanos de la Bética”, Annales de Arqueología Cordobesa 9, 191-222.
  • F. Matz, 1968, Die dionysischen Sarkophage II, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag.
  • M. Önal, 2002, Mosaics of Zeugma, İstanbul, A Turizm Yayınları.
  • A. Ovadiah – C. Gomez de Silva – S. Mucznik, 1991, “The Mosaic Pavements of Sheik Zouède in northern Sinai”, Tesserae. Festschrift für Josef Engemann, Münster Westfalen.
  • D. Pandermalis, 1997, Dion. The Archaeological Site and the Museum, Athens, Adam Editions.
  • D. Parrish, 1984, Season Mosaics of Roman North Africa, Rome, Giorgio Bretschneider Editore.
  • G.-C. Picard, 1948, “Dionysos victorieux sur une mosaïque d’Acholla”, RA II, 810-821.
  • W. Raeck, 1997, “Mythos und Selbstdarstellung in der spätantiken Kunst. Das Beispiel der Meleagersage”, S. Isager – B. Poulsen (eds.), Patron and Pavements in Late Antiquity, Odense, Odense university Press, 30-37.
  • F. Regueras Grande, 2013, Villas romanas del Duero. Historia de un paisaje olvidado. Valladolid, Cargrat.
  • B. Ridgway, 1990, Hellenistic Sculpture I. The Styles of ca. 331-299 B.C. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin Press.
  • V. Scheibelreiter-Gail, 2011, Die Mosaiken Westkleinasiens. Tessellate des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis Anfang des 7. Jahrhunderts n. Chr., Vienna, Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut.
  • C. Sintes – R. Ymouna, 2003, Algérie antique. Arles, Editions du musée de l’Arles et de la Provence antiques.
  • R. Talgam – Z. Weiss, 2004, The Mosaics of the House of Dionysos at Sepphoris, Jerusalem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • M. Tarradell, 1969, Arte romana en Espana, Barcelona, Ediciones Poligrafa, S.A.
  • M. A. Valero Tévar, 2013, “The Late-Antique Villa at Noheda (Villar de Domingo García) near Cuenca and Its Mosaics”, JRA 26,1, 307-330.
  • S. Vargas Vázquez, 2014, Diseños geometricos de los mosaicos de Écija (Sevilla), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • D. Von Bothmer, 1957, Amazons in Greek Art, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • S. Weinberg, 1960, Corinth I, pt. V, The Southeast Building, the Twin Basilicas, the Mosaic House, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  • D. Willers, 1987, Der Dionysos-Behang der Abegg-Stiftung, Riggisberg, Abegg-Stiftung.
  • M. Yacoub, 1993, Le musée du Bardo, Tunis, Editions de l’Agence Nationale du Patrimoine.
  • M. Yacoub, 1995, Splendeurs des mosaïques de Tunisie, Editions de l’Agence Nationale du Patrimoine.

Roma Mozaiklerinin İkonografisinde Doğu Batı’ya Karşı: Ortak Konulardan Seçilmiş Örnekler

Year 2017, , 259 - 284, 30.11.2017


Bu makale, Roma İmparatorluğu’nun doğu ve batı yarısında mozaik sanatçıları tarafından yansıtılan birkaç

sanatsal konu ile ilgilenmektedir. Benim burada ele aldığım öncelikli olarak özel konutların ana giriş odalarının

dekorasyonu için yaygın olan Dionysos’un zaferi ve av konularıdır. Dionysos’un zaferi, dünyevi mutluluğu

ve refahı anımsatmaktadır. Gerçekçi ya da mitolojik yöntemlerden birine sahip avlama ise yaygın aristokratik

eğlencenin yanında, virtus ya da tehlikenin yüzündeki cesaretin erkeğe özgü niteliklerini de yansıtmaktadır.

Genel olarak, sanatsal etkinin yönü batıdan doğuya doğru ilerlemektedir. Fakat, en az bir durumda imgelerdeki

akım zıt yönde etkilenmiştir. Doğu ve batı zanaatkârlarının, yerel tarihi ve ekonomik durumlar tarafından

kısmen şekillenen ortaklaşa konuları resmettiği biçimde, bölgesel tercihlerin nasıl geliştiği gösterilmektedir.


  • C. Abadie-Reynal – R. Ergeç (co-dir.), 2012, Zeugma I. Fouilles de l’habitat (1), La mosaïque de Pasiphaë, Paris, De Boccard Edition – Diffusion.
  • J. M. Bairrão Oléiro, 1992, Conimbriga. Casa dos Repuxos. Corpus dos mosaicos romanos de Portugal, Conventus Scallabitanus I, Conimbriga.
  • J. Balty, 1977, Mosaïques antiques de Syrie, Brussels, Musées royaux d’art et d’histoire.
  • J. Balty, 1990, La mosaïque de Sarrîn (Osrhoène), Paris, Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
  • F. Baratte, 1978, Catalogue des mosaïques romaines et paléochrétiennes du musée du Louvre, Paris, Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux.
  • A. Belis, 2016, Roman Mosaics in the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum.
  • M. Blanchard-Lemée, 2005, “Le triclinium à la mosaïque dionysiaque de Sétif (Algérie)”, CMGR IX,1, 291-301.
  • M. Blanchard-Lemée – M. Ennaïfer - Hédi et Latifa Slim, 1995, Sols de l’Afrique romaine. Mosaïques de Tunisie, Paris, Imprimerie Nationale Editions.
  • A. Caarandini – A. Ricci – M. de Vos, 1982, Filosofiana, la villa di Piazza Armerina. Immagine di un aristocatico romano al tempo di Costantino, Palermo, S. F. Flaccovio, Editiore.
  • F. Cimok (ed.), 1995, Antioch Mosaics, İstanbul, A Turizm Yayınları.
  • F. Cimok, 1997, Mosaics in İstanbul, İstanbul, A Turizm Yayınları.
  • F. Cimok, 2000, Antioch Mosaics, a Corpus, İstanbul, A Turizm Yayınları.
  • Ö. Dalgıç, 2015, “The Triumph of Dionysos in Constantinople. A Late 5th-Century Mosaic in Context”, DOP 69, 15-47.
  • J.P. Darmon, 1994, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule II, fasc. 5, Paris, Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
  • W. Daszewski, 1985, Dionysos der Erlöser. Griechische Mythen in spãtantiken Cypern, Mainz, Verlag Philipp Von Zabern.
  • K. Dunbabin, 1971, “The Triumph of Dionysus on Mosaics in North Africa”, PBSR 39, 52-65.
  • K. Dunbabin, 1978, Mosaics of Roman North Africa. Studies in Iconography and Patronage, Oxford, Clarendon Press.
  • K. Dunbabin, 1999, Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • K. Dunbabin, 2008, “Domestic Dionysos? Telete in mosaics from Zeugma and the late Roman Near East”, JRA 21, 193-224.
  • D. Fernández-Galiano, 1984, “El triunfo de Dioniso en mosaicos hispanorromanos”, AEspArch 57, 97-120.
  • D. Fernández-Galiano, 2001, Carranque. Centro de Hispania romana, Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Regional de la Comunidad de Madrid.
  • A. García y Bellido, 1965, “Los mosaicos de Alcolea (Córdoba)”, BRAH 156, 7-19.
  • M. Guardia Pons, 1992, Los mosaicos de la antigüedad tardía en Hispania; estudios de iconografía, Barcelona, Poblagràfia, S.A.
  • R. Hinks, 1933, Catalogue of the Greek, Etruscan and Roman Paintings and Mosaics in the British Museum, London, Trustees of the British Museum.
  • W. Jobst – E. Bahçet – C. Gurtner, 1997, Istanbul, Das grosse byzantinische Palastmosaik, İstanbul, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • H. Karabulut – M. Önal – N. Dervişoğlu, 2011, Haleplibahçe Mozaikleri, Şanliurfa/Edessa, İstanbul, Arkeoloji ve Sanat Yayınları.
  • C. Kondoleon, 1994, Domestic and Divine. Roman Mosaics in the House of Dionysos, Ithaca/London, Cornell University Press.
  • C. Kondoleon, 2000, Antioch, The Lost City, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  • J. Lancha – P. L. André, 2000, Corpus des mosaïques romaines du Portugal II, Conventus Pacensis: La villa de Torre de Palma, Lisbon.
  • J. Lassus, 1969, “Antioche en 459, d’après la mosaïque de Yakto”, Janine Balty (ed.), Apamée de Syrie, bilan de recherches archéologiques 1965-1968, Brussels, Musées royaux d’art et d’histoire, 139-146.
  • H. Lavagne, 2000, Recueil général des mosaïques de la Gaule III. fasc. 3, Paris, Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
  • I. Lavin, 1963, “The Hunting Mosaics of Antioch and Their Sources”, DOP 17, 180-286.
  • D. Levi, 1947, Antioch Mosaic Pavements 2 vols., Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  • R. Ling, 1998, Ancient Mosaics, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  • G. López Monteagudo, 1998, “Sobre una particular iconografía del triunfo de Baco en dos mosaicos romanos de la Bética”, Annales de Arqueología Cordobesa 9, 191-222.
  • F. Matz, 1968, Die dionysischen Sarkophage II, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag.
  • M. Önal, 2002, Mosaics of Zeugma, İstanbul, A Turizm Yayınları.
  • A. Ovadiah – C. Gomez de Silva – S. Mucznik, 1991, “The Mosaic Pavements of Sheik Zouède in northern Sinai”, Tesserae. Festschrift für Josef Engemann, Münster Westfalen.
  • D. Pandermalis, 1997, Dion. The Archaeological Site and the Museum, Athens, Adam Editions.
  • D. Parrish, 1984, Season Mosaics of Roman North Africa, Rome, Giorgio Bretschneider Editore.
  • G.-C. Picard, 1948, “Dionysos victorieux sur une mosaïque d’Acholla”, RA II, 810-821.
  • W. Raeck, 1997, “Mythos und Selbstdarstellung in der spätantiken Kunst. Das Beispiel der Meleagersage”, S. Isager – B. Poulsen (eds.), Patron and Pavements in Late Antiquity, Odense, Odense university Press, 30-37.
  • F. Regueras Grande, 2013, Villas romanas del Duero. Historia de un paisaje olvidado. Valladolid, Cargrat.
  • B. Ridgway, 1990, Hellenistic Sculpture I. The Styles of ca. 331-299 B.C. Madison, WI, University of Wisconsin Press.
  • V. Scheibelreiter-Gail, 2011, Die Mosaiken Westkleinasiens. Tessellate des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. bis Anfang des 7. Jahrhunderts n. Chr., Vienna, Österreichisches Archäologisches Institut.
  • C. Sintes – R. Ymouna, 2003, Algérie antique. Arles, Editions du musée de l’Arles et de la Provence antiques.
  • R. Talgam – Z. Weiss, 2004, The Mosaics of the House of Dionysos at Sepphoris, Jerusalem, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • M. Tarradell, 1969, Arte romana en Espana, Barcelona, Ediciones Poligrafa, S.A.
  • M. A. Valero Tévar, 2013, “The Late-Antique Villa at Noheda (Villar de Domingo García) near Cuenca and Its Mosaics”, JRA 26,1, 307-330.
  • S. Vargas Vázquez, 2014, Diseños geometricos de los mosaicos de Écija (Sevilla), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • D. Von Bothmer, 1957, Amazons in Greek Art, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • S. Weinberg, 1960, Corinth I, pt. V, The Southeast Building, the Twin Basilicas, the Mosaic House, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
  • D. Willers, 1987, Der Dionysos-Behang der Abegg-Stiftung, Riggisberg, Abegg-Stiftung.
  • M. Yacoub, 1993, Le musée du Bardo, Tunis, Editions de l’Agence Nationale du Patrimoine.
  • M. Yacoub, 1995, Splendeurs des mosaïques de Tunisie, Editions de l’Agence Nationale du Patrimoine.
There are 55 citations in total.


Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Article

David Parrısh This is me

Publication Date November 30, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


APA Parrısh, D. (2017). Roma Mozaiklerinin İkonografisinde Doğu Batı’ya Karşı: Ortak Konulardan Seçilmiş Örnekler. Journal of Mosaic Research(10), 259-284.
AMA Parrısh D. Roma Mozaiklerinin İkonografisinde Doğu Batı’ya Karşı: Ortak Konulardan Seçilmiş Örnekler. JMR. November 2017;(10):259-284. doi:10.26658/jmr.357095
Chicago Parrısh, David. “Roma Mozaiklerinin İkonografisinde Doğu Batı’ya Karşı: Ortak Konulardan Seçilmiş Örnekler”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 10 (November 2017): 259-84.
EndNote Parrısh D (November 1, 2017) Roma Mozaiklerinin İkonografisinde Doğu Batı’ya Karşı: Ortak Konulardan Seçilmiş Örnekler. Journal of Mosaic Research 10 259–284.
IEEE D. Parrısh, “Roma Mozaiklerinin İkonografisinde Doğu Batı’ya Karşı: Ortak Konulardan Seçilmiş Örnekler”, JMR, no. 10, pp. 259–284, November 2017, doi: 10.26658/jmr.357095.
ISNAD Parrısh, David. “Roma Mozaiklerinin İkonografisinde Doğu Batı’ya Karşı: Ortak Konulardan Seçilmiş Örnekler”. Journal of Mosaic Research 10 (November 2017), 259-284.
JAMA Parrısh D. Roma Mozaiklerinin İkonografisinde Doğu Batı’ya Karşı: Ortak Konulardan Seçilmiş Örnekler. JMR. 2017;:259–284.
MLA Parrısh, David. “Roma Mozaiklerinin İkonografisinde Doğu Batı’ya Karşı: Ortak Konulardan Seçilmiş Örnekler”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 10, 2017, pp. 259-84, doi:10.26658/jmr.357095.
Vancouver Parrısh D. Roma Mozaiklerinin İkonografisinde Doğu Batı’ya Karşı: Ortak Konulardan Seçilmiş Örnekler. JMR. 2017(10):259-84.

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