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Ozem Kilisesi’ndeki Erken Bizans Çağı Mozaik Zeminleri, İsrail

Year 2018, Issue: 11, 97 - 120, 30.11.2018


Ozem’deki kilisede farklı seviyelerde yerleştirilmiş olan mozaiklerde üç evre tespit edilmiştir. Erken Grup (A Grubu); 1. Nef döşemesinin bir parçasında çerçeve içinde bir haç ile Grekçe ΑΩΙΧ harfleri ve iki yanında aslan, bir amphora, stilize bitkiler, kuşlar, bir eşek, tavus kuşu ve almaşık düzende lotus çiçeklerinden oluşan bir çerçeve görülmektedir. Zeminde geometrik madalyonlar, çiçekli desenler, kuşlar ve adak yazıtları görülmektedir. 2. Dar bir geometrik panel. 3. Kuzey sütun dizisinde sütunlar arasında iki geometrik panel. 4. Geometrik desenle bezenmiş ve 430/1 yılına tarihlenen bir madalyon içinde yazıt olan kuzey koridorundaki mozaiğin bir parçası.

Bu gruptaki mozaikler geometrik desenler içermektedir. C Grubu Mozaikleri (kilisenin üçüncü evresi) kazı alanının batısında korunmuştur. C Grubundaki mozaiklerde de geometrik desenler görülmektedir. A Grubundaki mozaiklerde Hristiyanlıkla ilgili semboller görülmektedir: Sadakati temsilen bir çift aslan ἄ(λϕα) (καί) ὤ(μέγα) ve Ἰ(ησοῦς) Χ(ριτός) - İsa Mesih - harfleri ile bir haçın iki yanına yerleştirilmiştir. İsa Mesih’in kollarında inananları bekleyen yeniden dirilmeyi temsil eden tavus kuşu yer almaktadır. A Grubu düz ve şematik stili, kompozisyondaki desenlerin kusurlu yerleştirilmiş olmasıyla karakterize olmaktadır. Aralarındaki derinlik farkından dolayı B Grubu, A Grubundan daha geç bir döneme aittir. Buradaki işçilik müthiş bir özen ve daha yüksek bir kaliteye sahiptir ve başka bir sanatçı grubuna işaret etmektedir. C Grubu ise yapının en geç tarihli mozaikleridir.


  • Abu Dalu 1994 R. Abu Dalu, “Final Report on the Results of the Hufa al-Wastiyah Excavation, 1992”, AAJ 38, 5-19.
  • Aharoni 1954 Y. Aharoni, “Excavations at Beth-Hashitta”, Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 3–4, 209-215.
  • Amir 2012 R. Amir, “Mosaic Floors in Judea and Southern Samaria,” N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Cristianity. Vol. III: Churches and Monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea (Judea & Samaria Publications 15). Jerusalem: Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 445-488.
  • Avi-Yonah 1933 M. Avi-Yonah, “Mosaic Pavements in Palestine”, QDAP, 136-181.
  • Avi-Yonah 1934 M. Avi-Yonah, “Mosaic Pavements in Palestine (A Summary)”, QDAP 3, 60-73.
  • Avi-Yonah 1940 M. Avi-Yonah, “Abbreviations in Greek Inscriptions (The Near East, 200 BC – AD 1100)”, Supplement to QDAP 9.
  • Avi-Yonah 1960 M. Avi-Yonah, “The Mosaic Pavement of the Ma‘on (Nirim) Synagogue”, Eretz-Israel 6, 86-93.
  • Avi-Yonah 1967 M. Avi-Yonah, “The Mosaic Pavement”, M. W. Prausnitz (ed.), Excavations at Shavei Zion, Roma, 47-63.
  • Bagatti 1967 B. Bagatti, Gli scavi di Nazaret. I: Dalle origini al secolo XII, Gerusalemme.
  • Bagatti 2002 B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev StBiFranc 42, Jerusalem.
  • Barney et al. 2006 S. A. Barney - W. J. Lewis - J. A. Beach – O. Berghof – M. Hall, The etymologies of Isidore of Seville. Translated with Introduction and Notes, Cambridge.
  • Batz - Sharuk 2012 S. Batz – I. Sharuk, “Roman Bathhouse and Two Byzantine Churches at Khirbet Zur”, N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Cristianity. IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, Judea & Samaria Publications 16, 1-36.
  • Baudry 2009 G. H. Baudry, Les symbols du chrisianisme ancient Ier–VIIe siècle, Milan.
  • Blanchard-Lemée 1996 M. Blanchard-Lemée, “Myths and Decorations,” M. Blanchard-Lemée - M. Ennaïfer - H. Slim - L. Slim (eds.), Mosaics of Roman Africa: Floor Mosaics from Tunisia, London, 249-279.
  • Bordowicz 2007 I. Bordowicz, Christian Settlement in the South Hebron Hills in the Byzantine Period in Light of the Archaeological Findings at Horvath Yattir, Ph.D thesis, Bar-Ilan University.
  • Charbonneau-Lassay 1974 L. Charbonneau-Lassay, Le bestiaire du Christ, Milano.
  • Chéhab 1957 M. H. Chéhab, Mosaïques du Liban. Texte, BMusBeyrouth 14.
  • Chéhab 1959 M. H. Chéhab, Mosaïques du Liban. Planches, BMusBeyrouth 15.
  • Cimok 2000 F. Cimok, Antioch Mosaics, İstanbul.
  • Dahari 2012 U. Dahari, “The Church of St. Bacchus near Horvat Tinshemet”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, StBiFranc 52, 105-124.
  • Dauphin 1976 C. Dauphin, “A New Method of Studying Early Byzantine Mosaic Pavements (Coding and a Computed Cluster Analysis) with Special Reference to the Levant”, Levant 8: 113-149.
  • Décor I C. Balmelle – M. Blanchard Lemée – J. Christophe – J.-P. Darmon – A.-M. Guimier Sorbets – H. Lavagne – R. Prudhomme – H. Stern, Le Décor Géométrique de la Mosaïque Romaine I, Paris, 1985.
  • Di Segni 2012 L. Di Segni. “Greek Inscriptions in the Church at Ozem in the Southern Shephela”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, StBiFranc 52, 153-158.
  • Donceel-Voûte 1988 P. Donceel-Voûte, Les pavements des églises byzantines de Syrie et du Liban, Décor, archéologie et liturgie, Vols. I-II, Louvain la-Neuve.
  • Dunbabin 1978 K. M. D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa, Oxford.
  • Eshel – Magness - Shenhav 2000 H. Eshel – J. Magness – E. Shenhav, “A Byzantine Monastic Church at Khirbet Yattir”, Y. Eshel (ed.), Judea and Samaria Research Studies 9, 227-232.
  • Feig 2012 N. Feig, “A Byzantine Church at Ozem”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, StBiFranc 52, 151-152.
  • Feig 2016 N. Feig, “A Byzantine Church at Ozem: Its Architecture and Regional Context”, J. Patrich - O. Peleg-Barkat - E. Ben-Yosef (eds.), Arise, walk through the Land. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on Tenth Anniversary of his Demise, Jerusalem, 265-272.
  • Ferguson 1961 G. Ferguson, Signs and Symbols in Christian Art, London.
  • Finkielsztejn 2005 G. Finkielsztejn, “Les mosaïques de la komopolis de Porphyreon du sud (Kfar Samir; Haïfa, Israël): un évêché (?) entre village et cite”, H. Morlier (ed.), LMGR 9, 435-452.
  • French 1994 R. French, Ancient Natural History: Histories of Nature, London.
  • Govrin 2006 Y. Govrin, The Excavations of the Western Church at Kh. Kerioth, M.A. thesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Greenhut 1998 Z. Greenhut, “Horvat Hermeshit (1988-1990)”, Atiqot 34, 121-172.
  • Habas 2005 L. Habas, The Byzantine Churches of Provincia Arabia: Architectural Structure and their Relationship with the Compositional Scheme and Iconographic Program of Mosaic Pavements, 2 vols., PhD dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
  • Habas 2012a L. Habas, “The Mosaic Pavements and Liturgical Furniture of the Church of Bishop John at Khirbet Baraqa–Gan Yavne”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, StBiFranc 52, 131-146.
  • Habas 2012b L. Habas, “Perpetual geometric motifs and the cycle of the year in the churches of the Holy Land”, ARAM 24, 501-539.
  • Habas 2014 L. Habas, “Flying Eagles on Church Floors in the Provinces of Palaestina and Arabia”, G. C. Bottini - L. D. Chrupcała - J. Patrich (eds.), Knowledge and Wisdom, Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honour of Leah Di Segni, StBiFranc 54, 137-159.
  • Habas 2015 L. Habas, “Crosses in the Mosaic Floors of Churches in Provincia Arabia and Nearby Territories, Against the Background of the Edict of Theodosius II”, JMR 8, 33-60.
  • Habas 2016 L. Habas, “The Mosaic Floors of the Church at Oẓem”, J. Patrich - O. Peleg-Barkat - E. Ben-Yosef (eds.), Arise, walk through the Land. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on Tenth Anniversary of his Demise, Jerusalem, 273-290. Habas in print L. Habas, “The appearance of crosses in the mosaic floors of the church at Ozem and the church at Hazor-Ashdod – rule and reality”, SOMA 2017, 21th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, September 21–23 2017, Cádiz, Oxford.
  • Hachlili 2009 R. Hachlili, Ancient Mosaic Pavements. Themes, Issues, and Trends, Leiden, Boston.
  • Hizmi 1990 H. Hizmi, “The Byzantine Church at Khirbet el-Beiyûdât: Preliminary Report”, G. C. Bottini - E. Alliata - L. Di Segni (eds.), Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries. Essays in Honour of V.C. Corbo, StBiFranc 36, 245-263.
  • Kalof 2007 L. Kalof, Looking at Animals in Human History, University of Chicago.
  • Karasneh 1997 W. Karasneh, “Excavation of the Church of Khirbat Dariya/az-Za’tara/Smad 1995”, AAJ 41, 21-36.
  • Kitzinger 1970 E. Kitzinger, “The Threshold of the Holy Shrine: Observations on Floor Mosaics at Antioch and Bethlehem”, P. Granfield - J.A. Jungmann (eds.), Kyriakon, Festschrift Johannes Quasten, Vol. II. Münster, 639-647.
  • Leclercq 1937 H. Leclercq, “Paon”, DACL 13.1, 1075-1097.
  • Levi 1947 D. Levi, Antioch Mosaic Pavements, Vols. I-II, Princeton.
  • Magen 2012 Y. Magen, “The Central Church at Beit ʿAnun”, N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Cristianity. IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, Judea & Samaria Publications 16, Jerusalem: Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 121-168. Magen - Batz - Sharuk 2012 Y. Magen – S. Batz – I. Sharuk, “A Roman Military Compound and a Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet Umm Deimine”, N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Cristianity, IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, Judea & Samaria Publications 16, Jerusalem: Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 435-482.
  • Magen - Kagan 2012 M. Yitzhak – E. D. Kagan, Christians and Christianity. Vol. II: Corpus of Christian Sites in Judea, Judea & Samaria Publications 14, Jerusalem: Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority.
  • Magen – Peleg - Sharukh 2012 Y. Magen – Y. Peleg – I. Sharukh, “A Byzantine Church at ‘Anab el-Kabir”, N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Cristianity. IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, Judea & Samaria Publications 16, Jerusalem: Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 331-384.
  • Mango 1986 C. Mango, The Art of the Byzantine 312–1453, Sources and Documents, Canada.
  • Negev 1988 A. Negev, The Architecture of Mampsis, Final Report. Vol. II: The Late Roman and Byzantine Periods (Qedem 27), Jerusalem.Finkielsztejn 2005 G. Finkielsztejn, “Les mosaïques de la komopolis de Porphyreon du sud (Kfar Samir; Haïfa, Israël): un évêché (?) entre village et cite”, H. Morlier (ed.), LMGR 9, 435-452.
  • French 1994 R. French, Ancient Natural History: Histories of Nature, London.
  • Govrin 2006 Y. Govrin, The Excavations of the Western Church at Kh. Kerioth, M.A. thesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Greenhut 1998 Z. Greenhut, “Horvat Hermeshit (1988-1990)”, Atiqot 34, 121-172.
  • Habas 2005 L. Habas, The Byzantine Churches of Provincia Arabia: Architectural Structure and their Relationship with the Compositional Scheme and Iconographic Program of Mosaic Pavements, 2 vols., PhD dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
  • Habas 2012a L. Habas, “The Mosaic Pavements and Liturgical Furniture of the Church of Bishop John at Khirbet Baraqa–Gan Yavne”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, StBiFranc 52, 131-146.
  • Habas 2012b L. Habas, “Perpetual geometric motifs and the cycle of the year in the churches of the Holy Land”, ARAM 24, 501-539.
  • Habas 2014 L. Habas, “Flying Eagles on Church Floors in the Provinces of Palaestina and Arabia”, G. C. Bottini - L. D. Chrupcała - J. Patrich (eds.), Knowledge and Wisdom, Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honour of Leah Di Segni, StBiFranc 54, 137-159. Habas 2015 L. Habas, “Crosses in the Mosaic Floors of Churches in Provincia Arabia and Nearby Territories, Against the Background of the Edict of Theodosius II”, JMR 8, 33-60.
  • Habas 2016 L. Habas, “The Mosaic Floors of the Church at Oẓem”, J. Patrich - O. Peleg-Barkat - E. Ben-Yosef (eds.), Arise, walk through the Land. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on Tenth Anniversary of his Demise, Jerusalem, 273-290. Habas in print L. Habas, “The appearance of crosses in the mosaic floors of the church at Ozem and the church at Hazor-Ashdod – rule and reality”, SOMA 2017, 21th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, September 21–23 2017, Cádiz, Oxford.
  • Hachlili 2009 R. Hachlili, Ancient Mosaic Pavements. Themes, Issues, and Trends, Leiden, Boston.
  • Hizmi 1990 H. Hizmi, “The Byzantine Church at Khirbet el-Beiyûdât: Preliminary Report”, G. C. Bottini - E. Alliata - L. Di Segni (eds.), Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land. New Discoveries. Essays in Honour of V.C. Corbo, StBiFranc 36, 245-263.
  • Kalof 2007 L. Kalof, Looking at Animals in Human History, University of Chicago.
  • Karasneh 1997 W. Karasneh, “Excavation of the Church of Khirbat Dariya/az-Za’tara/Smad 1995”, AAJ 41, 21-36.
  • Kitzinger 1970 E. Kitzinger, “The Threshold of the Holy Shrine: Observations on Floor Mosaics at Antioch and Bethlehem”, P. Granfield - J.A. Jungmann (eds.), Kyriakon, Festschrift Johannes Quasten, Vol. II. Münster, 639-647.
  • Leclercq 1937 H. Leclercq, “Paon”, DACL 13.1, 1075-1097.
  • Levi 1947 D. Levi, Antioch Mosaic Pavements, Vols. I-II, Princeton.
  • Magen 2012 Y. Magen, “The Central Church at Beit ʿAnun”, N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Cristianity. IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, Judea & Samaria Publications 16, Jerusalem: Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 121-168. Magen - Batz - Sharuk 2012 Y. Magen – S. Batz – I. Sharuk, “A Roman Military Compound and a Byzantine Monastery at Khirbet Umm Deimine”, N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Cristianity, IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, Judea & Samaria Publications 16, Jerusalem: Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 435-482.
  • Magen - Kagan 2012 M. Yitzhak – E. D. Kagan, Christians and Christianity. Vol. II: Corpus of Christian Sites in Judea, Judea & Samaria Publications 14, Jerusalem: Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority.
  • Magen – Peleg - Sharukh 2012 Y. Magen – Y. Peleg – I. Sharukh, “A Byzantine Church at ‘Anab el-Kabir”, N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Cristianity. IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, Judea & Samaria Publications 16, Jerusalem: Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 331-384.
  • Mango 1986 C. Mango, The Art of the Byzantine 312–1453, Sources and Documents, Canada.
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Early Byzantine Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem, Israel

Year 2018, Issue: 11, 97 - 120, 30.11.2018


In the church at Ozem three phases of mosaics were identified, placed on different levels. The early group (A) includes: 1. Part of the carpet of the nave, decorated by a frame depicting a cross with the Geek letters ΑΩΙΧ, flanked by two lions, an amphora, stylized plants, birds, a donkey and peacocks, and a frame of alternating lotus flowers. The carpet consists of geometric medallions, floral patterns, birds and dedicatory inscriptions. 2. A narrow geometric panel. 3. Two geometric inter-columnar panels of the north colonnade. 4. Part of the mosaic of the northern aisle, decorated with a geometric pattern, and an inscription in a medallion dated to the year 430/1 CE.

Mosaic group B (the second stage of the church) has been preserved to the west of mosaic group A. The mosaics were laid at a 13˚ deviation to the north in relation to group A. This group is decorated with geometric designs.

Mosaic group C (the third stage of the church) is preserved on the western side of the excavation area. This group is decorated with geometric designs.

Mosaic group A includes Christian symbols: a pair of lions, symbolizing the faithful, depicted on either side of a cross with the letters ἄ(λϕα) (καί) ὤ(μέγα) and Ἰ(ησοῦς) Χ(ριτός) – Jesus Christ - between its arms, and a peacock, which symbolizes the resurrection awaiting the believers. Group A is characterized by a flat and schematic style, and imperfect placement of the designs in the composition. Because of the difference in heights, it is clear that group B is later than group A. The work shows greater care and is of a better quality, evidence of a different group of artists. The mosaics in group C are the latest in the building.


  • Abu Dalu 1994 R. Abu Dalu, “Final Report on the Results of the Hufa al-Wastiyah Excavation, 1992”, AAJ 38, 5-19.
  • Aharoni 1954 Y. Aharoni, “Excavations at Beth-Hashitta”, Bulletin of the Israel Exploration Society 3–4, 209-215.
  • Amir 2012 R. Amir, “Mosaic Floors in Judea and Southern Samaria,” N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Cristianity. Vol. III: Churches and Monasteries in Samaria and Northern Judea (Judea & Samaria Publications 15). Jerusalem: Staff Officer of Archaeology, Civil Administration for Judea and Samaria, Israel Antiquities Authority, 445-488.
  • Avi-Yonah 1933 M. Avi-Yonah, “Mosaic Pavements in Palestine”, QDAP, 136-181.
  • Avi-Yonah 1934 M. Avi-Yonah, “Mosaic Pavements in Palestine (A Summary)”, QDAP 3, 60-73.
  • Avi-Yonah 1940 M. Avi-Yonah, “Abbreviations in Greek Inscriptions (The Near East, 200 BC – AD 1100)”, Supplement to QDAP 9.
  • Avi-Yonah 1960 M. Avi-Yonah, “The Mosaic Pavement of the Ma‘on (Nirim) Synagogue”, Eretz-Israel 6, 86-93.
  • Avi-Yonah 1967 M. Avi-Yonah, “The Mosaic Pavement”, M. W. Prausnitz (ed.), Excavations at Shavei Zion, Roma, 47-63.
  • Bagatti 1967 B. Bagatti, Gli scavi di Nazaret. I: Dalle origini al secolo XII, Gerusalemme.
  • Bagatti 2002 B. Bagatti, Ancient Christian Villages of Judaea and the Negev StBiFranc 42, Jerusalem.
  • Barney et al. 2006 S. A. Barney - W. J. Lewis - J. A. Beach – O. Berghof – M. Hall, The etymologies of Isidore of Seville. Translated with Introduction and Notes, Cambridge.
  • Batz - Sharuk 2012 S. Batz – I. Sharuk, “Roman Bathhouse and Two Byzantine Churches at Khirbet Zur”, N. Carmin (ed.), Christians and Cristianity. IV: Churches and Monasteries in Judea, Judea & Samaria Publications 16, 1-36.
  • Baudry 2009 G. H. Baudry, Les symbols du chrisianisme ancient Ier–VIIe siècle, Milan.
  • Blanchard-Lemée 1996 M. Blanchard-Lemée, “Myths and Decorations,” M. Blanchard-Lemée - M. Ennaïfer - H. Slim - L. Slim (eds.), Mosaics of Roman Africa: Floor Mosaics from Tunisia, London, 249-279.
  • Bordowicz 2007 I. Bordowicz, Christian Settlement in the South Hebron Hills in the Byzantine Period in Light of the Archaeological Findings at Horvath Yattir, Ph.D thesis, Bar-Ilan University.
  • Charbonneau-Lassay 1974 L. Charbonneau-Lassay, Le bestiaire du Christ, Milano.
  • Chéhab 1957 M. H. Chéhab, Mosaïques du Liban. Texte, BMusBeyrouth 14.
  • Chéhab 1959 M. H. Chéhab, Mosaïques du Liban. Planches, BMusBeyrouth 15.
  • Cimok 2000 F. Cimok, Antioch Mosaics, İstanbul.
  • Dahari 2012 U. Dahari, “The Church of St. Bacchus near Horvat Tinshemet”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, StBiFranc 52, 105-124.
  • Dauphin 1976 C. Dauphin, “A New Method of Studying Early Byzantine Mosaic Pavements (Coding and a Computed Cluster Analysis) with Special Reference to the Levant”, Levant 8: 113-149.
  • Décor I C. Balmelle – M. Blanchard Lemée – J. Christophe – J.-P. Darmon – A.-M. Guimier Sorbets – H. Lavagne – R. Prudhomme – H. Stern, Le Décor Géométrique de la Mosaïque Romaine I, Paris, 1985.
  • Di Segni 2012 L. Di Segni. “Greek Inscriptions in the Church at Ozem in the Southern Shephela”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, StBiFranc 52, 153-158.
  • Donceel-Voûte 1988 P. Donceel-Voûte, Les pavements des églises byzantines de Syrie et du Liban, Décor, archéologie et liturgie, Vols. I-II, Louvain la-Neuve.
  • Dunbabin 1978 K. M. D. Dunbabin, The Mosaics of Roman North Africa, Oxford.
  • Eshel – Magness - Shenhav 2000 H. Eshel – J. Magness – E. Shenhav, “A Byzantine Monastic Church at Khirbet Yattir”, Y. Eshel (ed.), Judea and Samaria Research Studies 9, 227-232.
  • Feig 2012 N. Feig, “A Byzantine Church at Ozem”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, StBiFranc 52, 151-152.
  • Feig 2016 N. Feig, “A Byzantine Church at Ozem: Its Architecture and Regional Context”, J. Patrich - O. Peleg-Barkat - E. Ben-Yosef (eds.), Arise, walk through the Land. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on Tenth Anniversary of his Demise, Jerusalem, 265-272.
  • Ferguson 1961 G. Ferguson, Signs and Symbols in Christian Art, London.
  • Finkielsztejn 2005 G. Finkielsztejn, “Les mosaïques de la komopolis de Porphyreon du sud (Kfar Samir; Haïfa, Israël): un évêché (?) entre village et cite”, H. Morlier (ed.), LMGR 9, 435-452.
  • French 1994 R. French, Ancient Natural History: Histories of Nature, London.
  • Govrin 2006 Y. Govrin, The Excavations of the Western Church at Kh. Kerioth, M.A. thesis, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Greenhut 1998 Z. Greenhut, “Horvat Hermeshit (1988-1990)”, Atiqot 34, 121-172.
  • Habas 2005 L. Habas, The Byzantine Churches of Provincia Arabia: Architectural Structure and their Relationship with the Compositional Scheme and Iconographic Program of Mosaic Pavements, 2 vols., PhD dissertation, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem.
  • Habas 2012a L. Habas, “The Mosaic Pavements and Liturgical Furniture of the Church of Bishop John at Khirbet Baraqa–Gan Yavne”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, StBiFranc 52, 131-146.
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  • Habas 2014 L. Habas, “Flying Eagles on Church Floors in the Provinces of Palaestina and Arabia”, G. C. Bottini - L. D. Chrupcała - J. Patrich (eds.), Knowledge and Wisdom, Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honour of Leah Di Segni, StBiFranc 54, 137-159.
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  • Habas 2016 L. Habas, “The Mosaic Floors of the Church at Oẓem”, J. Patrich - O. Peleg-Barkat - E. Ben-Yosef (eds.), Arise, walk through the Land. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on Tenth Anniversary of his Demise, Jerusalem, 273-290. Habas in print L. Habas, “The appearance of crosses in the mosaic floors of the church at Ozem and the church at Hazor-Ashdod – rule and reality”, SOMA 2017, 21th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, September 21–23 2017, Cádiz, Oxford.
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  • Habas 2012a L. Habas, “The Mosaic Pavements and Liturgical Furniture of the Church of Bishop John at Khirbet Baraqa–Gan Yavne”, L. D. Chrupcała (ed.), Christ is Here! Studies in Biblical and Christian Archaeology in Memory of Michele Piccirillo, StBiFranc 52, 131-146.
  • Habas 2012b L. Habas, “Perpetual geometric motifs and the cycle of the year in the churches of the Holy Land”, ARAM 24, 501-539.
  • Habas 2014 L. Habas, “Flying Eagles on Church Floors in the Provinces of Palaestina and Arabia”, G. C. Bottini - L. D. Chrupcała - J. Patrich (eds.), Knowledge and Wisdom, Archaeological and Historical Essays in Honour of Leah Di Segni, StBiFranc 54, 137-159. Habas 2015 L. Habas, “Crosses in the Mosaic Floors of Churches in Provincia Arabia and Nearby Territories, Against the Background of the Edict of Theodosius II”, JMR 8, 33-60.
  • Habas 2016 L. Habas, “The Mosaic Floors of the Church at Oẓem”, J. Patrich - O. Peleg-Barkat - E. Ben-Yosef (eds.), Arise, walk through the Land. Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Land of Israel in Memory of Yizhar Hirschfeld on Tenth Anniversary of his Demise, Jerusalem, 273-290. Habas in print L. Habas, “The appearance of crosses in the mosaic floors of the church at Ozem and the church at Hazor-Ashdod – rule and reality”, SOMA 2017, 21th Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology, September 21–23 2017, Cádiz, Oxford.
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There are 87 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Archaeology
Journal Section Article

Lihi Habas This is me 0000-0003-0544-7066

Publication Date November 30, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Issue: 11


APA Habas, L. (2018). Early Byzantine Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem, Israel. Journal of Mosaic Research(11), 97-120.
AMA Habas L. Early Byzantine Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem, Israel. JMR. November 2018;(11):97-120. doi:10.26658/jmr.440569
Chicago Habas, Lihi. “Early Byzantine Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem, Israel”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 11 (November 2018): 97-120.
EndNote Habas L (November 1, 2018) Early Byzantine Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem, Israel. Journal of Mosaic Research 11 97–120.
IEEE L. Habas, “Early Byzantine Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem, Israel”, JMR, no. 11, pp. 97–120, November 2018, doi: 10.26658/jmr.440569.
ISNAD Habas, Lihi. “Early Byzantine Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem, Israel”. Journal of Mosaic Research 11 (November 2018), 97-120.
JAMA Habas L. Early Byzantine Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem, Israel. JMR. 2018;:97–120.
MLA Habas, Lihi. “Early Byzantine Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem, Israel”. Journal of Mosaic Research, no. 11, 2018, pp. 97-120, doi:10.26658/jmr.440569.
Vancouver Habas L. Early Byzantine Mosaic Floors of the Church at Ozem, Israel. JMR. 2018(11):97-120.

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