Writing Rules

COMU Journal of Marine Science and Fisheries (COMU J Mar Sci Fish) covers the research on all aspects of Marine Science and Fisheries presented as original articles, reviews, short communications, case study, reports and letters to Editor. COMU Journal of Marine Science and Fisheries is published two times (July and December) (e-ISSN: 2651-5326) in a year, operates double-blind peer-review process, and therefore the authors should remove their name and any acknowledgment from the manuscript before submission. The author names, corresponding author's name, affiliations, address, phone number, e-mail address and ORCID numbers should be given on the title page only.

Original articles and reviews are limited to 25 pages, including tables, figures, and references.

Short communications, technic note, reports and case studies are are limited to 10 pages including tables, figures and references.
Letters to Editor are limited to 3 pages. Letters to the Editor are limited to 3 pages, including tables and explanations.

Article Submission
1) Articles should be written in Turkish or English. Turkish translation of the title, keywords and abstract of the manuscript for foreign authors will be provided by our journal office.
2) All manuscript for COMU Journal of Marine Science and Fisheries should be submitted electronically through the website of the journal which can be accessed at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/jmsf
3) The manuscripts should not be previously published or accepted for publication and should not be submitted or under simultaneous consideration for publication elsewhere.

4) The editorial board has the right to perform necessary modifications and a reduction in the manuscript submitted for publication and to express recommendations to the authors. The manuscripts sent to authors for correction should be returned to the editorial office within a month. After pre-evaluation and agreement of the submitted manuscripts by the editorial board, the article can only be published after the approval of the field editor and referees specialized in the particular field.
5) All responsibilities from published articles merely belong to the authors. According to the ethical policy of our journal, plagiarism/self-plagiarism will not be tolerated. All papers are detected for their originality using plagiarism check software (iThenticate software http://www.ithenticate.com). Manuscripts with a similarity index of 30% or less will be accepted for further reviewing. Manuscripts with higher similarity than 30% are examined in detail and, if necessariy, sent back to authors for review and correction. Manuscripts are rejected when plagiarism is detected.
6) Authors must indicate the name of institute approves the necessary ethical commission report and the serial number of the approval in the material and methods section. If necessary, the editorial board may also request the official document of the ethical commission report. If an ethical problem is detected (not reporting project information, lack of ethical committee information, conflict of interest, etc.), the editorial board may reject the manuscript at any stage of the evaluation process.
7) Authors should take into account the issues listed in the Ethical Principles and Publication Policysection regarding scientific research and authors.

8) The journal does not charge any article submission, article-editorial processing or publication charges (page or color charges). There is no copyright fee for the authors.
9) During the submission process, the authors should upload the Copyright Release Form signed by all the authors to the online manuscript submission system.


The manuscript should be prepared in MS Word format (.doc veya .docx) by using Times New Roman font (12 pt) and double-spaced, 2.5 cm margins of all edges. The Latin expression such as species names of bacterium, virus, parasite and fungus and anatomical terms must be written in italic character keeping their original forms. Original drawings, figures, images etc. must be submitted with the original manuscript.

Original manuscript (short communication, technical note) should be arranged as Title page, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, Author Contributions and References.

Reviews should be arranged as Title page, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, Author Contributions and References.

Line and page numbers should be given from the first page (abstract) of the manuscript.

Abbreviations must follow International rules and defined at their first mention in the text.

The symbols should be selected in accordance with the international usage and defined where it is first used.

The entire article (including text, references, figures and tables) should be given in a single file. Figures and tables should be inside the manuscript placed properly).

Title Page
Title: Must be short and informative and full title should be capitalized for first letter of each word.
Authors: Names and surnames of the authors will be written in capitalized letter for the first letter of each word and the address of the author(s) should be linked by superscript numbers, and listed beneath the title. Corresponding author must be indicated (*) in the author names and must be added address, phone number, and e-mail address. ORCID numbers of all authors should be given on the article.

Level 1: Centered, bold, initials capitalized rest small (Article Title)
Level 2: Left justified, bold, initials capital, rest small (Introduction, Materials and Methods etc.)
Level 3: A tab inside, bold, only the first letter of the title is capitalized, the rest is small.
Level 4: A tab inside, bold, italic. only the first letter of the title is capitalized, the rest is small, with a dot at the end.

Briefly give the objectives, methods, results and conclusions and it should not exceed 300 words.

Key words
Authors must give up to 6 key words which identify the subject covered by the paper. All keywords should be written using a comma after all.

Should indicate the subject of the article which is generally based on a brief interpretation of the related literature. The novelty and the aim of the study should be clearly stated. The introduction should be general enough to attract a reader’s attention from a broad range of scientific disciplines.

Material and Methods
This part contains a brief and clear description of the materials and methods used. Subtitles can be given as appropriate. Detailed descriptions of materials or participants, comparisons, interventions and types of analysis should be mentioned. For experimental studies carried on animals, the authors should mention whether the institutional and national guide for care and use of laboratory animals was respected and also indicate the approval of the local Ethical Committee in this part of the manuscript. Statistical analysis etc should be explained briefly as a sub-title in this section.

Results and Discussion (separate or together)
The data and results of the research (tables and figures) must be clearly and concisely defined and a comparison with related literature citations should be made as appropriate. Significant findings can be briefly summarized as a conclusion in the last paragraph. Detailed interpretation of data should not be included in the results but should be put into the discussion section.

Tables and Figures
Table and Figure titles should be short and informative. Descriptive titles should be given at the top of the tables and at the bottom of the figures. Figures and tables should be inside the manuscript placed properly (not at the end of manuscript).
Legends of illustrations should be listed after the list of references labelled “Figure 1, Figure 2…”unless there is only one figure, in that case the caption should labelled as “Figure”. In addition, figures will be requested from the authors when necessary after the referee reviews are completed. Files should be saved as TIFF or JPEG at least 300 dpi resolution.
Tables should be given at the end of the manuscript with a caption or legend (e.g. Table 1, Table 1..), in case there is only one Table, it should be labelled as “Table”. Tables should be prepared by using Table tool in Word format.

Supporting institutions or individuals, project numbers, thesis work etc are briefly acknowledged just before the references. (if any)

Conflict of Interest
The authors should declare whether there is a conflict of interest. For examples;
• The author declares no conflict of interest.
• The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.
• The authors have no affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial interest, or non-financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript.
• John Smith declares that he has no conflict of interest. Paula Taylor has received research grants from Drug Company A. Mike Schultz has received a speaker honorarium from Drug Company B and owns stock in Drug Company C.

Author Contributions
Author contributions should be stated in the manuscript. Author contributions should be included in the manuscript by the authors after the referee evaluation process of the article is completed and accepted by the editor.

For examples;
• D. Nak, E. Kuruoglu and Y. Nak, planned and designed the research. Z. M. Ekıcı, D. Koca, T. Avcılar, M. E. Sahın and A. H. Shahzad provided help in the clinic process. M. O. Ozyıgıt and Z. Avcı Kupelı made histopathological examinations. All authors discussed the results and contributed to the final manuscript.
• D. Çayan and E. Unur conceived the ideas of the study and writing manuscript; D. Çayan, M. Nisari, D. Patat and E. Dağlı performed data collection and analysis; H. Akalın performed gene expression stages.

Ethics Approval
All animal and human experiments conducted in the manuscript research should comply with the ARRIVE guidelines, EU Directive 2010/63/EU and National Ethics Committee for Animal Experiments (HADMEK, HADYEK). If the submitted article involves the use of animal (vertebrate) and human subjects, authors should prove that they have carried out the manuscript studies in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations and they have received the approval of the authorized institutional committees ( the ethics committee name and number). If the study did not require ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript. An explanation should be added to the article with the title of "Ethics Approval" after the Acknowledgements section.


All references should be provided in accordance with APA 6 style. The usage of reference managers such as Endnote can be used to organize the references. APA 6th output format should be used in writing the references.

The in-text citation to the references should be formatted as surname(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication: (Bingel, 1981) or (Uysal ve Avşar, 1994).
For citations with more than two authors, only the first author’s name should be given, followed by “et al.” and the date. (Gücü et al., 2016).

If the cited reference is the subject of a sentence, only the date should be given in parentheses, i.e., Erkoyuncu (1983), Pauly et al. (1978).
When its needed to cite two or more references together, in-text citations should be arranged alphabetically in the order in which they appear in the reference list, i.e. (Bingel, 1978; Gulland, 1987; Holden ve Raitt, 1974) or (Kocataş, 1978, 1979, 1981) or (Avşar ve Bingel, 1988a, 1988b).

All citations should be listed in the reference list. References should be listed alphabetically ordered by the author’s surname, or first author’s surname if there is more than one author at the end of the text.

DOI number (if available) should be added at the end of the reference. A dot should not be placed after the DOI information.

In the web references can be reached online only, the web address (full URL) and connection date should be added at the end of the reference information.

References should have the order of surnames and initial letters of the authors, (the year of publication). Title of the article, title of the journal, volume (issue number), page numbers and doi: xxxxxx. The article title should only start with the first letter capital in the first word, lower case if the rest is not a special name. The journal title should be italic and spelled out fully, and each word should start with a capital letter (Fisheries Research, Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences). Volume should be written in italics e.g. volume (issue number).

The citation of journals, books, book chapters and articles published online should conform to the following examples:

Journal article:
Baran, B. (2010). Scaphopod species (Mollusca) of the Turkish Levantine and Aegean seas. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 38(2), 190-209. doi:10.3906/zoo-0902-12

Ak, İ., & Türker, G. (2018). Antioxidant properties and phytochemicals of three brown macro algae from the Dardanelles (Çanakkale) strait. Agricultural Science and Technology, 10(4), 354- 357. doi: 10.15547/ast.2018.04.065

Jonsdottir, R., Sveinsdottir, K., Magnuisson, H., Arason, S., Lauritzsen, K., & Thorarinsdottir, K. A. (2011). Flavor and quality characteristics of salted and desalted cod (Gadus morhua) produced by different salting methods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(8), 3893-3904. doi: 10.1021/Jf104203p

Meilgaard, M., Civille, G. V., & Carr, B. T. (1999). Sensory evaluation techniques (3rd ed) (387 p. CRC Press, Inc. ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Parsons, T.R., Matia, Y., & Lalli, C.M. (1984). A manual of chemical and biological methods for seawater analysis. New York: Pergamon Press.

Özdamar, K. (1997). Paket programlar ile istatistiksel veri analizi I. Eskişehir: Kaan Yayın evi.

Book chapter:
Sikorski, Z. E., & Ruiter, A. (1995). Changes in proteins and nonprotein nitrogen compounds in cured, fermented, and dried seafoods. In Z. E. Sikorski, B. S. Pan & F. Shahidi (Eds.), Seafood Proteins (pp. 113-126): Springer.

Soultos, N., Lossifidou, E., Lazou, T. & Sergedilis, D. (2010). Prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility of Listeria monocytogenes isolated from RTE seafoods in Thessaloniki (Northern Greece). In Ş. Çaklı, U. Çelik, C. Altınelataman (Eds.), West European Fish Technologists Association Annual Meeting 2010 (pp. 94-98). İzmir, Turkey: Bildiriler Kitabı.

Werlinger, C., Mansilla, A., Villarroel, A., & Palacios, M. (2009). Effects of photon flux density and agricultural fertilizers on the development of Sarcothalia crispata tetraspores (Rhodophyta, Gigartinales) from the Strait of Magellan, Chile. In M. A. Borowitzka, A. T. Critchley, S. Kraan, A. Peters, K. Sjøtun & M. Notoya (Eds.), Nineteenth International Seaweed Symposium: Proceedings of the 19th International Seaweed Symposium, held in Kobe, Japan, 26-31 March, 2007. (pp. 307- 315). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.

Lauritzsen, K. (2004). Quality of salted cod (Gadus morhua L.) as influenced by raw material and salt composition. (PhD Dissertation), University of Tromsø, Tromsø, Norway.

Electronic (web) resources:
Andrews, T. (2010). What vitamins are found in fish? Access date: 27.11.2012, http://www.livestrong.com/article/292999-what-vitamins-are-found-in-fish

FAO (2018). FAO Yearbook of Fishery Statistics/Global Production Statistics 1950-2015. Access date: 24 January 2018, http://www.fao.org/fishery/statistics/global-production/query/en/

One set of proofs will be sent to the corresponding author as given on the title page of the manuscript. Only typesetter's errors may be corrected; no changes in, or additions to, the edited manuscript will be allowed. Subsequent corrections will not be possible, so please ensure your first sending is complete.

Last Update Time: 3/4/25, 2:42:57 PM