The owner of Journal of Nursing is the Dean of Dokuz Eylül University Nursing Faculty.
Journal of Nursing Effect is covering research in all areas of nursing and health care.
It is expected that the articles sent to the journal for publication are related to nursing research, nursing education, nursing practices, nursing care, health protection and development, nursing management and all areas of nursing.
The aims of the Journal of Nursing Effect are;
• To increase scientific research and publication literacy,
• To ensure the sharing of qualified and original research results in accordance with scientific norms and scientific ethics,
• To continue its publication life by developing and strengthening communication on the scientific platform.
In addition, The journal aims to improve health-related issues globally, protect and develop public health, and strengthen the nursing profession.
Journal of Nursing Effect is the official publication of Dokuz Eylül University Faculty of Nursing.
Journal of Nursing Effect is covering research in all areas of nursing and health care.
The articles submitted for publication are expected to be related to nursing research, nursing education, nursing practices, nursing care, health protection and promotion, nursing management, and all specialties of nursing.
Priority is given to articles produced from projects and publication of studies related to COVID-19 in the journal.
Original research reports, reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and case reports are published in the journal.
Due to our journal publication policy and article density, review articles will not be accepted for a temporary period starting from 1 March 2022.
The primary target audience of the journal is nurses at different levels of expertise, nursing academics and nursing students.
The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English.
Journal of Nursing Effect
Manuscript Style:
The following format rules should be followed in the articles submitted to the journal for publication:
All manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word program, with 12 pt font size and 1.5 line spacing on A4 paper size, with 1.5 cm margins from each side. Research and review articles should not exceed 20 pages, including references and tables/figures. Journal of Nursing Effect adheres to the APA style.
Due to our journal publication policy and article density, review articles will not be accepted for a temporary period starting from 1 March 2022.
As of May 1, 2023, articles on COVID-19 will not be accepted in our journal due to our journal publication policy, article density and the pandemic process.
Title page
Each page should be numbered consecutively, starting from 1 in the upper right corner of the page, excluding the cover page. The title page should be submitted separately to the main file. Also, a Running Head, a shortened form of the title that introduces the article to the reader should be placed in the title case letters at the top right of the Title Page and each page of the Manuscript. The running head can be up to 50 characters, maximum of 4 words, and should be written in title case with 9 pt. On the cover page of the article, in the Turkish and English title of the article, the first letter of the words should be written in capitals, bold and left-aligned. Recommended article title length is 10-12 words. Abbreviations should not be used in the title. Author names, titles, institutional affiliations and addresses, and the name of the corresponding author with contact details should be included. This information should be written left-aligned. All information on the title page should be written in 12 pt. Any previous presentation of the work must be declared with the place and date of the presentation. If any, funding from individuals or organizations should be declared. The ORCID number of the authors should be included.
Research Article
Research articles consist of Title page (to be uploaded separately), Abstract in Turkish and English, Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, Implications for Practice, and References. If necessary, Acknowledgments should be placed before the References section; Abbreviations and Appendices should be placed after the References section.
For articles in English, a language edit certificate must be uploaded to the Dergipark system during article submission.
The abstract should be a comprehensive summary of the paper. It should be written in Turkish and English and should not exceed 250 words. Turkish and English abstracts should be on separate pages and should be divided into paragraphs with the following headings: Background, Purpose, Methods, Results, Conclusion, and Keywords. Three to five keywords should be provided in English and Turkish.
Main text
The main text should include Introduction, Purpose, Method, Results, Discussion, Implications for Practice, References sections, and Appendices, if any. Section titles should be in uppercase and sub-headings in lowercase and bold.
The purpose and the approach in the literature on the subject studied should be included. This section should include the purpose or research question/hypothesis (Purpose may or may not be in a separate heading).
Materials and Methods:
In the Material and Method Section, the Type of the Research, the Place of the Research, the Universe/Sample of the Research, Data Collection Instrument-Validity and reliability information, Action/Intervention (must be if the research is experimental or quasi-experimental), Evaluation of the Data, Variables of the Research and Ethical Aspect of the Research (Ethics committee permission/institutional permission-date and number, obtaining written/verbal consent from the individuals, information regarding the permission for use from the scale holders) should be included in the form of sub-headings. The article should include a statement that research and publication ethics are complied with.
In the results section, descriptive statistics of the data obtained (number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, etc.), statistical tests used, test, and probability (p) values should be provided clearly.
No leading zeros should be used when reporting Cronbach Alpha (α), correlation coefficients (r), and p values. p values should be given as three decimal, Factor loads, Alpha, and r values should be given as two decimal.
(Correct use: r =.34, p=.001)
If the ratio is written as “Percentage” in the table headings, the % sign should not be used.
Tables and Figures:
Tables should be prepared in Microsoft Word. The table number and the title of the table should be written in title case, above the table. Tables should not contain vertical lines. Each table must be cited in the text.
Example table
Table 1. Item-Total Score Correlation
Items | r | p |
Item 1 | .70 | .001 |
Item 2 | .90 | .001 |
Item 3 | .53 | .001 |
Item 4 | .68 | .001 |
- The number of tables or figures should not exceed 6. Figures must be in JPEG format. Tables should not be larger than one page. Tables larger than one page should be shortened.
- Abbreviations and related explanations should be given in 12 pt, using (*) under tables and figures.
- Tables and figures should be placed throughout the text, shortly after the parts of the text that refer to them.
The results of the study should be discussed and interpreted in the light of the literature, with the results of other studies.
Limitations: Limitations of the study (factors that researchers encountered for reasons beyond their control, which may affect the results of the study).
Implications for Practice: The contributions of the results obtained from the study to the field of practice should be explained, and recommendations should be made based on the results.
Disclosure: It should be stated that the researchers do not have a conflict of interest and if any organization provided funding for the project, should be stated. At the end of the manuscript, as a separate paragraphs, the authors' contribution rate, the repetition of the name of the ethics committee, the date, and the decision number (must be included twice; in the method section and at the end of the manuscript), conflict of interest statement, acknowledgment and support (project-fund, etc.) statement should be included. Acknowledgments of the authors should be included if any.
This section includes appendices such as scales and questionnaires used in the research. It should be given on a new page.
Review Articles (Due to our journal publication policy and article density, review articles will not be accepted for a temporary period starting from 1 March 2022.)
Turkish and English Abstract: The importance of the subject, the purpose of the study, and the structure related to the subject should be indicated. Turkish abstract should not exceed 200 words.
Three to five keywords should be provided in English and Turkish.
Main text: The main text should consist of Introduction, Development, Conclusion, and References sections.
In the introduction section, the subject frame should be drawn, and the importance of the subject and the purpose of the review should be explained. A structure related to the subject area should be created in the development section.
Case Report
The aim/focus of the study and the “case report” should be included in the title.
Turkish and English Abstract: A structure should be created regarding the importance of the case report, the purpose of the study, and the subject it covers. The abstract should fully reflect the general content of the study and should not contain subheadings.
Turkish Abstracts should contain 150 to 200 words.
Three to five keywords should be provided in English and Turkish.
Main Text: The main text should consist of Abstract, Introduction, Case Report, Discussion, and References sections. It should be no more than 2000 words.
In the introduction, the importance and originality of the case and the purpose of the case report should be explained.
The case report section should include patient information, main problems and symptoms, past interventions and results, physical examination, clinical results, diagnostic evaluations, treatment plan, patient follow-up, appropriate nursing interventions, and patient outcomes.
In the discussion section, the relevant literature, implications for practice, the contribution of the results to nursing science, the difficulties and limitations of the case report, and the main conclusions drawn from this case report should be included.
In case reports, it is obligatory to obtain written informed consent from the patient.
The required number of figures or tables related to the case can be included.
Systematic Review
It should be indicated in the study title that the article is a systematic review.
Turkish and English Abstract: The importance of the subject and the purpose of the study should be indicated, and a structure related to the subject should be created. Turkish abstract should not exceed 200 words.
Three to five keywords should be provided in English and Turkish.
Main text: The main text should consist of Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Results, Implications for Practice, and References sections.
The rationale/purpose of the systematic review should be explained in line with the literature, and the goal/research question of the study should be stated in line with the PICOS (participants, interventions, comparisons, outcomes, and study design) framework.
In the method section, it should be indicated that the study is a systematic review, the inclusion criteria of the studies, the problem of the studies, the interventions, and comparisons should be explained.
In the Results section, the characteristics of the extracted data for each study (sample size, PICOS, follow-up time) should be indicated. All results should be cited for each study included in the systematic review.
The discussion section should summarize the main results and discuss the strength of the evidence (for example, considering its relevance to healthcare providers, healthcare recipients, and policymakers) within the framework of the research question and purpose.
In the Limitations section, limitations regarding the screening, study, and results should be indicated.
In the conclusion, a general interpretation of the results in the context of other evidence and recommendations for future studies are expected.
Ethical Rules
Studies submitted to the journal for publication should not have been previously published in a journal as a full-text paper or article in any congress, should not have been accepted for publication, and should not have been evaluated.
Studies published abroad can be submitted to the journal for consideration by obtaining written permission from the editor of the published journal. Studies presented at the congress or symposium should be mentioned on the title page.
The authors are requested to upload a plagiarism report (iThenticate scan) with a maximum of 20%, "Excluding Abstract, Bibliography, Tables, and Figures".
The ethics committee document and copyright transfer form must be uploaded to the system. Ethics committee certificate should be obtained within the last five years at most.
All research submitted for publication in the journal must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki, Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, COPE, and ICMJE.
It should be stated in the submitted Manuscript that informed consent was obtained from the participants. For individuals (children, comatose patients, etc.) who are not competent to make a decision, it should be stated that informed consent was obtained from the legal guardian or another person with legal authority to act on the individual's behalf.
If any funding has been provided, the authors should declare whether they have a conflict of interest with the institutions providing this support.
The compliance of the manuscripts with ethical, scientific, legal, etc. rules is the responsibility of the authors.
Submission of manuscripts that are under consideration elsewhere is rejected.
During the submission, the author(s) accept that the manuscript has not been submitted for consideration in another journal; otherwise, all responsibility belongs to the author(s). The journal reserves the right to take necessary official actions.
LEGAL NOTICE: The copyright of all manuscripts published or to be published in the journal belongs to E-Journal of Dokuz Eylul University Nursing Faculty. Full text or any part of the manuscripts cannot be published without the approval of the editorial board.
Citation in text
Journal of Nursing Effect adheres to the APA style. The journal’s citation check is done using the Crossref Similarity Check.
Cited articles should date within the last five years. If necessary, sources up to 10 years can be used. If a source is the main source, cannot be dispensed with, and must be cited, then older sources can be used.
Reference list
At the end of the text, the references should be in alphabetical order and given in a separate list in the references section. A maximum of 45 references should be cited in the articles.
A maximum of 45 references should be cited in the articles.
Please click for reference.
NOTE: The templates from which you can follow the author guidelines during the article submission process can be downloaded from the Article Templates section at the bottom of the journal homepage.
Considerations in the Journal Publication Process
1. If the corresponding author is informed about the technical correction and spelling rules three times, but the requested correction is not made, the manuscript is removed from the consideration process and the author is informed.
2. The authors are given 4 weeks for the minor and major revision suggestions of the referees.
3. Corrections made according to the suggestions from the referees should be marked in different colors on the main text and written as a separate text and uploaded to the system.
4. No information is given to the author(s) about in which issue the accepted manuscript will be published.
5. The publication order of the accepted manuscript is ordered according to the acceptance order.
6. The final version of the manuscript accepted for publication is sent to the corresponding author for approval as a Pdf template. No changes are made after approval.
7. Referee opinions are included in the information mail while informing the author(s) about the rejected manuscripts.
8. The consideration period of the journal is at least 6 months.
9. Referees are given 7 days to accept article review invitations and 30 days to review the article.
10. In case of problems during uploading the manuscript corrections to the system, the relevant field editor or secretary should be contacted. The manuscript should not be re-uploaded to the system as a new manuscript.
Ethics in publishing
All manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal must comply with the Declaration of Helsinki, Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, COPE, and ICMJE.
Peer-reviewed studies are studies that embody and support the scientific method. At this point, all stakeholders of the process (authors, readers, researchers, publisher, referees, and editors) must comply with the standards for ethical principles.
All stakeholders are expected to comply with the following ethical responsibilities within the scope of publication ethics ofJournal of Nursing Effect.
Archive Policy
The archive of the issues published by Journal of Nursing Effect is provided by one of the long-term preservation service/services "LOCKSS":".
Journal of Nursing Effect was indexed by ULAKBİM Turkish Medical Index, Turk Medline, Turkiye Atıf Dizini, (since february 2021) EBSCO HOST, (since 26th of october 2021) DOAJ and (since 18th of January) Index Copernicus, Scopus.
Journal of Nursing Effect is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.