The name-surname, institution, e-mail and ORCID information of the author/authors should not be included in the article file sent to the journal. This information about the author (s) should be included on the cover page. The cover page sample is available in the article upload system.
The articles uploaded by the authors to the system will be analyzed using academic plagiarism detector programs. The author (s) of articles should be required to upload the signed
copyright transfer form to the system. The form is available in the article upload system.
In addition to entering the ORCID information of the authors into the system, it should be added next to the author information on the typesetting template. All authors should follow this process. Authors can get their ORCID IDs from
One of the most critical issues in articles to be sent to the journal is to comply with spelling and punctuation rules.
Articles sent to the journal should not have been published anywhere before and should not have been submitted for publication.
The journal publishes articles written in either Turkish or English. The scientific and linguistic responsibility of the studies published in the journal belongs to the author(s).
The Editorial Board initially evaluates articles sent to the journal. The review process will include articles that contribute to the literature in their field regarding their scientific content.
Articles that have completed the evaluation process are listed according to their acceptance date and published in the relevant issue of the journal. An acceptance e-mail is sent to the author(s) for articles accepted for publication via DergiPark.
Only one article by the same author(s) can be included in the journal's published issue.
Based on the reports received from the referees, it is decided whether the article will be published or not, and whether corrections, additional information and abbreviations will be requested from the author(s) within the framework of the report. The author(s) will be notified of these decisions via the system. The author(s) are responsible for making all changes requested by the referees. Studies will not be published without making the requested changes.
No copyright payment is made to the author(s) for the studies published in the journal.
You can use published articles provided that the reference is cited.
The opinions and responsibilities in the articles published in the journal belong to the authors.
If the research article or paper has received support from any institution or has been produced from a thesis, this should be indicated with a footnote to the title.
Book Reviews: Works such as book reviews that meet the journal's publication criteria may be deemed suitable for publication, not suitable for publication, or some corrections may be requested in the work, according to the decision of the editors and assistant editors. The author will be informed of the relevant decision as soon as possible.
In the context of ethical principles, the following points must be followed:
For clinical, experimental, human, and animal studies that require an ethics committee decision, ethics committee approval must be obtained, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
- In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information regarding the permission (board name, date, and number) should be included as a footnote on the first page and in the method section.
- Copyright regulations must be observed for the intellectual and artistic works used.
If no approval is required, a declaration form stating that no approval is required must be signed and uploaded to the system. Or, at the end of the article text and before the references; "support information", "conflict of interest", "ethical approval", "informed consent form" information must be written. For example;
Support Information: This study did not receive any support from any organization, such as public, commercial, or non-profit organizations. (If support was received, the name of the organization and support number should be provided and declared.)
Conflict of Interest: On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author declares that there is no conflict of interest.
Ethics Approval: All procedures performed in studies involving human participants followed the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards.
Informed Consent Form: Informed consent forms were obtained from all participants who participated in the study.
As a general rule, the Journal of Organizational Behavior Review adopts the widely used scientific writing guidelines developed by the American Psychological Association (APA).
The ARTICLE TEMPLATE that should be used for article submission is attached. Researchers are expected to edit their articles according to this template and upload them to the system.
File format: The format of the articles sent to the journal must be in MS Office Word (*.doc, *.docx) format.
Preparation language: Articles can be prepared in Turkish or English. Turkish articles must have an English abstract, and English articles must have a Turkish abstract.
Titles: The rules regarding the main title and subtitles of the study are included in the
ARTICLE TEMPLATE,Article Content: Studies submitted to the journal are limited to 25 pages, including titles, abstracts, references, and appendices. The journal editorship will decide on the initiation of the evaluation process for studies exceeding this limit,
Abstract: The Turkish abstract of the articles to be sent for publication in the journal must be 10 points and at most 200 words, and attention must be paid to compliance with this condition when writing the English abstract.
Font style and font: The studies sent to the journal must be in Times New Roman font, the title must be in 14 points, the abstract, bibliography, and table contents must be in 10 points, and the text must be in 12 points.
Line spacing: The abstract, references, and table contents should be written in 1 line spacing, and the text section should be written in 1.5 line spacing.
Margins: The left margin should be 3 cm, and the other margins should be 2.5 cm.
Paragraph: There should be an "After 6 pt." space between paragraphs, and each paragraph should start with a 1.25 cm first-line indentation.
Tables and Figures: Numbers and names of tables and figures should be given in 10-point font and bold above the tables and figures. Each should be numbered sequentially (Table 1, Table 2, Figure 1, Figure 2). References should be given below the tables or figures in 10-point font and in the same format as shown in the text. Detailed information on the titles of tables and figures is included in the
Footnote: Explanations regarding specific issues to be explained within the text can be stated as footnotes at the bottom of the page, which must follow each other numerically. However, references cannot be given as footnotes or endnotes at the bottom of the page.
In-Text Reference Display
Surname, year, and page number (if necessary) should be used for in-text references. For all works in the reference section, the DOI number (if any) must be added at the end of the line. Sample references for single-author, double-author, and multi-author studies are given below:
(Yılmaz, 2017, s.133).
(Yalap & Polatcı, 2019, s.90).
(Polatcı et al., 2014, s.9).
References Section
For works shown in the references, the lines after the first line should start 1.25 cm (pendent) from the inside.
Balcı, A. (2007). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma: Yöntem, teknik ve ilkeler. Pegem Publication.
Multi-Author Work
Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E. Ç., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. & Demirel, F. (2009). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Pegem Akademi Publications.
Translated Work
Morris, C. (2002). Psikolojiyi anlamak. (A. Erkuş, A. D. Batıgün & B. Ayvaşık, Trans.). TPD Publication.
Book Chapter
Cindiloğlu, M. (2017). İşyeri yalnızlığı. S. Polatcı ve K. Özyer (Eds.), 21. Yüzyılda örgütsel davranış (ss. 179-188). Beta Publication.
Polatcı, S. & Sobacı, F. (2014). Öğrencilerin öğrenilmiş güçlülük düzeyleri üzerinde kişilik özellikleri ve duygusal zeka düzeylerinin etkisini belirlemeye yönelik bir araştırma. CBÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 12(2), 50-71.
Yılmaz, H., & Ünüvar, H. (2018). Yapısal güçlendirmenin iş performansına etkisi: Tükenmişliğin aracılık rolü akademisyenler üzerinde bir araştırma. 3. Örgütsel Davranış Kongresi (ss. 250-261), 2-3 November 2018, Isparta.