Writing Rules

  • Articles to be sent to our journal after 01/01/204-24 must be written in accordance with the following Article Writing Template.

Article Writing Template

  •  'APA 7' citation system must be used in the articles.
    The text should be written in 11 pt. 6 nk paragraphs and single line spacing.
    For detailed information on using tables, figures or images, please see the manuscript format.
  • Papers should be written in a considerable level of academic Turkish or English.
  • Articles to be sent to our journal should be submitted with the user account opened through DergiPark.
  • Articles should have an introduction at the beginning and a conclusion at the end.
  • Articles should be prepared in A4 paper size, using Cambria font in MS Word program.
  • Main headings and sub-headings should be arranged in 11-point bold.
  • At the beginning of the articles, there should be Turkish and English abstracts. Abstracts should be between 200-250 words and include the purpose, scope, method and short results of the article.
  • Abstracts should be written in 9 font size, 0 pt paragraphs and single line spacing.
  • Minimum 3 and maximum 5 Turkish and English keywords should be written under the abstracts.
  • All manuscripts that pass the review process and are accepted for publication should be accompanied by an extended English abstract of 750-1000 words. (For the articles written in Turkish).
  • If there are any tables, graphs and figures, they have to be included in the submitted main text file.
  • The tables, graphs and figures should be numbered consecutively for each and should match the same numbering used in the text.

Last Update Time: 4/17/24, 4:04:48 PM