Volume: 7 Issue: 13, 5/31/22

Year: 2022



Document Publishing

Book Reviews

Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) is a peer-reviewed annual international open-access academic journal published in Istanbul (Turkey). It is published in May. Manuscripts and book reviews in English, Turkish and Russian from the fields of history, geography, ethnology, anthropology, linguistics, politics, international relations and other social science areas about the peoples of the Caucasus are considered for publication. As a subject of academic research the Caucasus is generally placed in the category of Russian Studies or considered as a hyphenated area study along with Central Asia as the Caucasus-Central Asian Studies. Strategic Studies looks at the region and its peoples from the angle of the presence and transportation of energy resources such as oil and gas, ethnic conflicts, and the national interests of various states. In Turkey, where the humanities are somewhat dominated by the field of historical studies, the Caucasus is studied within the context of either the Ottoman history or Turkic world.

JOCAS aims to fill the void left between these fields and to provide an alternative academic platform to overcome misinformation and one-sided approaches in the study of the region and its peoples.

By building a bridge between academics and researchers from various academic disciplines to extend and deepen the understanding of the Caucasian Studies through historical, sociological, political and economical research, JOCAS intends to contribute towards the recognition of the Caucasian Studies as an independent academic discipline.

JOCAS aims to support a greater global exchange of knowledge through Open Acess Publishing and for this reason does not require the authors to pay any fees for publication or the readers to access the published materials. See the Open Acess Statement and the Copyright Notice for further details.  

JOCAS has editors and advisors from various countries and institutions. To see the list of the members of the Boards of the Journal please see the Editorial Board page.

Peer Review

JOCAS accepts submissions of original articles, translations and book reviews. The articles that have passed the preliminary evaluation are sent to two referees. The articles that have passed the preliminary evaluation are sent to two referees selected by the Editors or Editorial Board, for double-blind peer review.

Kafkasya Çalışmaları – Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) / Журнал «Кавказоведческие исследования» является международным рецензируемым научным изданием. Он выпускается периодичностью раз в год (в мае) в Турции. В журнале публикуются научные статьи и рецензии на турецком, английском и русском языках. Предмет исследований – кавказские народы, область научных интересов – история, география, этнология, антропология, социолингвистика, политика, межнациональные отношения и другие сферы гуманитарного знания.

Publication Policy

JOCAS is an international peer-reviewed, annual academic journal. It is published in. Besides the regular periodical, Special Issues are also published. Call for papers for Special Issues is announced at the journal website and mail groups.

JOCAS publishes academic articles, translations and book reviews in the fields of history, geography, ethnology, anthropology, linguistics, politics, international relations and other social sciences.

JOCAS publishes works in Turkish, English and Russian.

Manuscripts submitted to JOCAS should not be published or sent to another journal for review at the same time.

Any conference or symposium proceeding can be published in an extended version by giving the conference/symposium details (title, place and date).

Submission of a manuscript to JOCAS is accepted as an application for publication. No copyright fee is paid for manuscripts. Authors should make sure they are not violating the rights of third persons. Authors, from the moment of submission of their article to the system, agree to have given publication rights to JOCAS.

Authors submitting their manuscripts to JOCAS agree to follow deadlines during the review process.

Manuscripts submitted to JOCAS should follow the style guidelines. Those works that do not follow the stated style and publication guidelines will not be send for review and be returned to the author.

When the number of articles accepted for publications by referees is more than the journal’s publication policy, editors decide which articles will be published.

Authors are responsible for the ideas and references they use in the manuscripts. JOCAS editors and referees are not responsible.

Plagiarism Policy

Plagiarism is recognized as a serious academic offence and unethical. Journal of Caucasian Studies is using iThenticate software in order to detect and prevent plagiarism. All manuscripts received are scanned for plagiarism. The authors should ensure that they have properly referenced all works and words of others.

Publication Schedule

Journal of Caucasian Studies is published annually. Regular issue comes out in May. Additionally, a special issue can also be published, announcement for which shall be made on this website and relevant mailing groups. You can register to the journal as a reader, in which case you will be able to receive notifications from the journal.

Open Access Statement

Journal of Caucasian Studies is an open access journal which means that all published content is freely available without charge to the users or institutions. All manuscripts published in this journal are free to access immediately from the date of publication. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Copyright Notice

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses published in JOCAS are to be exclusively used for administrative purposes. They cannot be used for marketing purposes.

Authors Guidelines

To submit a manuscript authors need to register with a new account with the DergiPark, or if already registered, start your submission here. You can follow the process online through the user panel.

The writing and referencing guidelines required by the journal are available here.

JOCAS website uses Dergipark UDS software. To upload an article on the website, registration is required. Once registered, you can send your article by clicking on the link Submita Manuscript.

All the editorial and the double blind peer review process takes place on this web-based, password protected system which provides quicker access to publication review for authors, reviewers, and editors. You can follow the process of your manuscript through the User Dashboard.

For the double blind review submitted manuscripts must be in an anonymous form, no information about the author or institutions should be included in the submitted text. 

The manuscripts sent to the Journal should not have been published before or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Conference papers can be considered for publication provided that this is made clear to JOCAS at the time of submission.

Double Blind Peer Review

All articles submitted to JOCAS for publication undergo rigorous double-blind peer review, whereby the identity of the reviewers and the authors are not disclosed to either party. Based on the initial editor screening, the manuscripts are sent to anonymous refereeing by two or three expert referees, and consequent revision by the article authors when required - all through the online system. The published article constitutes the final, definitive, and citable version of the submitted material.

The main aim of peer review process at JOCAS is to establish whether;

            - a submitted article is original work which has not been previously published nor is under consideration by another journal, in part or whole;

            - the article meets all applicable standards of ethics;

            - the paper is relevant to JOCAS’ aims, scope, and readership;

            - a submitted article presents original research findings;

            - a submitted review article (or similar) offers a comprehensive critical review and evaluation of key literature sources for a given topic; and

            - the article is methodologically and technically sound.

Open Access Statement 

Journal of Caucasian Studies is an open access journal which means that all published content is freely available without charge to the users or institutions. All manuscripts published in this journal are free to access immediately from the date of publication. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

            1- Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a CreativeCommons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

            2- Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.

            3- Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) after the publication, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.


Please follow this checklist when submitting a finished manuscript to JOCAS.

1.    The work has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis) or is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

2.    When writing your article, make sure your paper follows the required MLA Referencing Guidelines.

3.     All articles are published in JOCAS with their abstracts in English and Turkish. Therefore, authors are asked to provide an abstract.

4.    For articles to be recorded by citation indexes, they need to be accompanied by up to five keywords. Abstract should be followed by five relevant keywords.

5.    Your text should be ordered as follows: title, abstract (max. 200 words), 5 suggested keywords, main text, acknowledgements, notes, references of cited works and appendices. To use subtitles like Introduction or Conclusion depends on the type of the work and the topic of study. The author(s) can choose to use subtitles to organise their work. Still there should always be a concluding paragraph to the article. Conclusion should be suitable to the aims and scopes of the research, it should clearly and shortly state concluding remarks without introducing any arguments that has not been discussed in the article.  

6.    JOCAS journal publishes articles in Turkish, English and Russian. Please note that if English is not your first language, you should have your text reviewed or edited by an English language editor before submitting it to JOCAS.

7.    Articles submitted should be free of any references to author(s) or institutions s/he is affiliated with. The author name should also be omitted from the manuscript for peer review. Also, please delete all personal information and identifying metadata from the file (such as the name of the author) before submission. 

8.    Sometimes, there may be problems with the online system. In case you do not receive a response from the editor within 7 days of submission that your work has been received and being reviewed for publication, please send an email to jocasdergi@gmail.com.  



The manuscripts should be in Word format (doc, docx), maximum 7500 words or 70 000 characters with spaces (about 20 pages).

While submitting a manuscript the following formatting is required: page size A4, side spacing 2,5 cm in the right, left, top and bottom margins, font size 12p, footnotes 10p, justified and single space; page number should be on the right bottom.

Direct quotes that are more than 3 lines should be separately given, with 1 cm indent on the left from the main text and using font size 10p.  

The Journal’s page setup is in C5 Envelope [162x229] format. For this reason, any graphics and tables should be prepared accordingly. Publication of the paintings, photographs, graphics and tables in colour should be discussed with the editors. 

Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri fonts should be used. The words should not be divided at the end of the line. 

The first line of each paragraph should be intended 0.5cm.

The punctuation should be attached to the word before, and a single space should be placed after each punctuation mark.


JOCAS uses the MLA Referencing System. Therefore, the citations and references in the manuscripts should be organised according to this system.

MLA format follows the author-page method for the in-text citations. This means that the author’s last name and the page number(s) from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken must appear in the text, and a complete reference should appear on your References page. The author’s name may appear either in the sentence itself or in parentheses following the quotation or paraphrase, but the page number(s) should always appear in the parentheses, not in the text of your sentence. For example:

Shami (129) in her research on Circassians in Jordan states that in a society where family is an all-important institution in structuring social relationships, it stands to reason that the people wish to place the researcher within the context of a family.

A focus on women in the in-depth interviews might have enabled us to hear the voices of Circassian women, the most silent group in a silenced community (Alankuş 12).



Article in a Journal:

Bal, Harun, Nese Algan ve Muge Manga. “Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Ekonomik Büyüme Farklılıkları”. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 19.1 (2015): 123-142 .

Brubaker, Rogers. “The ‘Diaspora’ Diaspora.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 28.1 (2005): 1-19.

Vertovec, Steven. “Transnationalism and Identity”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 27.4 (2001): 573-582


Besleney, Zeynel A. The Circassian Diaspora in Turkey: A Political History. Oxon: Routledge, 2014.

Cohen, Robin. Global Diasporas: An Introduction. Londra: Routledge. 2008.

Chapter in an Edited Book:

Alankuş, Sevda. “Geçmişten Geleceğe Çerkesler…” Geçmişten Geleceğe Çerkesler: Kültür, Kimlik ve Siyaset. Eds. Sevda Alankuş and Esra Oktay Arı. Ankara: KAFDAV, 2014, 9-62.

Shami, Seteney. “Studying Your Own: The Complexities of a Shared Culture,” Arab Women in the Field: Studying Your Own Society. Eds. Soraya Altorki and C. F. El-Solh. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press,1988. 115-138.

De Souza, Roger-Mark. “No Place Like Home: Returnee R&R (Retention and Rejection) in the Caribbean Homeland.” The Experience of Return Migration: Caribbean Perspectives. Eds. Robert B. Potter, Dennis Conway and Joan Phillips. Hants Ashgate Publishing Limited. 2005. 135-156.


Doğan, Setenay Nil. Formations of Diaspora Nationalism: The Case of Circassians in Turkey, Sabancı University, PhD thesis. 2009.

Proceeding/Conference Paper:

Düvell, Franck. “The Emergence of a New Global Migration Order: Towards a New Russian-Turkish Migration Systems?” 9th Turkmis Workshop -Towards New Migration Systems, Patterns and Policies in Eurasia: The Case of Turkey and the Russian Federation Konferansında sunum; University of Oxford, 25 November 2013. http://www.compas.ox.ac.uk/fileadmin/files/events/Events_2013/9_TurkMiS_The_Emergence_of_a_New_Global_Migration_Order_Towards_a_New_Russian_Turkish_Migration_Systems.pdf. 20 August 2016.

Internet Page:

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, http://www.turkey.mid.ru/rus/cons_Memo_entering_ Turkey.html 30 August 2016.

Two works by the same author:

Tsuda, Takeyuki. Introduction: Diasporic Return and Migration Studies. Ed. Takeyuki Tsuda  Diasporic Homecomings: Ethnic Return Migration in Comparative Perspective. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2009a. 1-20.

____ Why Does the Diaspora Return Home? The Causes of Ethnic Return Migration. Ed. Takeyuki Tsuda  Diasporic Homecomings: Ethnic Return Migration in Comparative Perspective. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2009b. 21-43.




Authors Guidelines

JOCAS website uses Dergipark UDS software. To upload an article on the website, registration is required. Once registered, you can send your article by clicking on the link Submit a Manuscript.

All the editorial and the double blind peer review process takes place on this web-based, password protected system which provides quicker access to publication review for authors, reviewers, and editors. You can follow the process of your manuscript through the User Dashboard.

For the double blind review submitted manuscripts must be in an anonymous form, no information about the author or institutions should be included in the submitted text. 

The manuscripts sent to the Journal should not have been published before or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Conference papers can be considered for publication provided that this is made clear to JOCAS at the time of submission.

Double Blind Peer Review

All articles submitted to JOCAS for publication undergo rigorous double-blind peer review, whereby the identity of the reviewers and the authors are not disclosed to either party. Based on the initial editor screening, the manuscripts are sent to anonymous refereeing by two or three expert referees, and consequent revision by the article authors when required - all through the online system. The published article constitutes the final, definitive, and referable version of the submitted material.

Peer Review

All articles sent to JOCAS for publication is peer reviewed as explained below. The peer review is double blind, that is in all steps of the review the names of the referees and authors are kept hidden.

The articles that have passed the preliminary evaluation are sent to two referees. Referees can be either journals editorial and advisory board members or external, depending on their expertise. 

The main aim of peer review process at JOCAS is to establish whether;

            - a submitted article is original work which has not been previously published nor is under consideration by another journal, in part or whole;

            - the article meets all applicable standards of ethics;

            - the paper is relevant to JOCAS’ aims, scope, and readership;

            - a submitted article presents original research findings;

            - a submitted review article (or similar) offers a comprehensive critical review and evaluation of key literature sources for a given topic; and

            - the article is methodologically and technically sound.

Referees can accept, reject or ask the author(s) to make structural or core changes in the article. For an article to be accepted for publication, at least two referees should report positive decisions. If one referee gives positive, the other negative report, article is sent to a third referee.    

In cases where the referees request editing, authors should make the changes within 30 days considering all suggestions by the referees and re-submit their manuscripts. Works not sent within one month, go through the referee process again. Referees can request changes more than once. Manuscripts not accepted for publication are returned to authors.

The review reports are kept by the editors of the journal for 5 years.

Authors can reject negative comments, requested changes and edits by the referees, by giving established arguments. The Editorial Board will review the request and if needed can submit the work to another referee for review.

For their works to be published the authors are advised to make the necessary changes taking into consideration the suggestions and opinions of referees.

The final review is under the responsibility of the Editorial Board after the positive response of referees. All works “accepted” for publication are put in an order of publication by the Editorial Board.

The authors who sent manuscripts to JOCAS agree to the review requirements and process.

Open Access Statement 

Journal of Caucasian Studies is an open access journal which means that all published content is freely available without charge to the users or institutions. All manuscripts published in this journal are free to access immediately from the date of publication. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

            1- Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.

            2- Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.

            3- Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) after the publication, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.


Please follow this checklist when submitting a finished manuscript to JOCAS.

1.   The work has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis) or is not being considered for publication elsewhere.

2.   When writing your article, make sure your paper follows the required MLAReferencing Guidelines.

3.    All articles are published in JOCAS with their abstracts in English and Turkish. Therefore, authors are asked to provide an abstract.

4.   For articles to be recorded by citation indexes, they need to be accompanied by up to five keywords. Abstract should be followed by five relevant keywords.

5.   Your text should be ordered as follows: title, abstract (max. 200 words), 5 suggested keywords, main text, acknowledgements, notes, references of cited works and appendices. To use subtitles like Introduction or Conclusion depends on the type of the work and the topic of study. The author(s) can choose to use subtitles to organise their work. Still there should always be a concluding paragraph to the article. Conclusion should be suitable to the aims and scopes of the research, it should clearly and shortly state concluding remarks without introducing any arguments that has not been discussed in the article.  

6.   JOCAS journal publishes articles in Turkish, English and Russian. Please note that if English is not your first language, you should have your text reviewed or edited by an English language editor before submitting it to JOCAS.

7.   Articles submitted should be free of any references to author(s) or institutions s/he is affiliated with. The author name should also be omitted from the manuscript for peer review. Also, please delete all personal information and identifying metadata from the file (such as the name of the author) before submission. 

8.   Sometimes, there may be problems with the online system. In case you do not receive a response from the editor within 7 days of submission that your work has been received and being reviewed for publication, please send an email to jocasdergi@gmail.com.  



The manuscripts should be in Word format (doc, docx), maximum 7500 words or 70 000 characters with spaces (about 20 pages).

While submitting a manuscript the following formatting is required: page size A4, side spacing 2,5 cm in the right, left, top and bottom margins, font size 12p, footnotes 10p, justified and single space; page number should be on the right bottom.

Direct quotes that are more than 3 lines should be separately given, with 1 cm indent on the left from the main text and using font size 10p.  

The Journal’s page setup is in C5 Envelope [162x229] format. For this reason, any graphics and tables should be prepared accordingly. Publication of the paintings, photographs, graphics and tables in colour should be discussed with the editors. 

Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri fonts should be used. The words should not be divided at the end of the line. 

The first line of each paragraph should be intended 0.5cm.

The punctuation should be attached to the word before, and a single space should be placed after each punctuation mark.


JOCAS uses the MLA Referencing System. Therefore, the citations and references in the manuscripts should be organised according to this system.

MLA format follows the author-page method for the in-text citations. This means that the author’s last name and the page number(s) from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken must appear in the text, and a complete reference should appear on your References page. The author’s name may appear either in the sentence itself or in parentheses following the quotation or paraphrase, but the page number(s) should always appear in the parentheses, not in the text of your sentence. For example:

"Shami (129) in her research on Circassians in Jordan states that in a society where family is an all-important institution in structuring social relationships, it stands to reason that the people wish to place the researcher within the context of a family."

"A focus on women in the in-depth interviews might have enabled us to hear the voices of Circassian women, the most silent group in a silenced community (Alankuş 12)."



Article in a Journal:

Bal, Harun, Nese Algan ve Muge Manga. “Geçiş Ekonomilerinde Ekonomik Büyüme Farklılıkları”. Çukurova Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 19.1 (2015): 123-142 .

Brubaker, Rogers. “The ‘Diaspora’ Diaspora.” Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 28.1 (2005): 1-19.

Vertovec, Steven. “Transnationalism and Identity”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 27.4 (2001): 573-582


Besleney, Zeynel A. The Circassian Diaspora in Turkey: A Political History. Oxon: Routledge, 2014.

Cohen, Robin. Global Diasporas: An Introduction. Londra: Routledge. 2008.

Chapter in an Edited Book:

Alankuş, Sevda. “Geçmişten Geleceğe Çerkesler…” Geçmişten Geleceğe Çerkesler: Kültür, Kimlik ve Siyaset. Eds. Sevda Alankuş and Esra Oktay Arı. Ankara: KAFDAV, 2014, 9-62.

Shami, Seteney. “Studying Your Own: The Complexities of a Shared Culture,” Arab Women in the Field: Studying Your Own Society. Eds. Soraya Altorki and C. F. El-Solh. Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press,1988. 115-138.

De Souza, Roger-Mark. “No Place Like Home: Returnee R&R (Retention and Rejection) in the Caribbean Homeland.” The Experience of Return Migration: Caribbean Perspectives. Eds. Robert B. Potter, Dennis Conway and Joan Phillips. Hants Ashgate Publishing Limited. 2005. 135-156.


Doğan, Setenay Nil. Formations of Diaspora Nationalism: The Case of Circassians in Turkey, Sabancı University, PhD thesis. 2009.

Proceeding/Conference Paper:

Düvell, Franck. “The Emergence of a New Global Migration Order: Towards a New Russian-Turkish Migration Systems?” 9th Turkmis Workshop -Towards New Migration Systems, Patterns and Policies in Eurasia: The Case of Turkey and the Russian Federation Konferansında sunum; University of Oxford, 25 November 2013. http://www.compas.ox.ac.uk/fileadmin/files/events/Events_2013/9_TurkMiS_The_Emergence_of_a_New_Global_Migration_Order_Towards_a_New_Russian_Turkish_Migration_Systems.pdf. 20 August 2016.

Internet Page:

Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, http://www.turkey.mid.ru/rus/cons_Memo_entering_ Turkey.html 30 August 2016.

Two works by the same author:

Tsuda, Takeyuki. Introduction: Diasporic Return and Migration Studies. Ed. Takeyuki Tsuda Diasporic Homecomings: Ethnic Return Migration in Comparative Perspective. Stanford, California: Standard, California: Stanford University Press, 2009a. 1-20.

____ Why Does the Diaspora Return Home? The Causes of Ethnic Return Migration. Ed. Takeyuki Tsuda  Diasporic Homecomings: Ethnic Return Migration in Comparative Perspective. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2009b. 21-43.

Общие положения
Kafkasya Çalışmaları – Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi / Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) / Журнал «Кавказоведческие исследования» является международным рецензируемым научным изданием. Он выпускается периодичностью два раза в год (в мае и ноябре). Кроме периодических номера издаются и специальные номера.
Журнал публикует научные статьи, переводы и рецензии на книги в сферах истории, географии, этнологии, антропологии, социолингвистики, политики, межнациональных отношений и других гуманитарных знании, предметом которых являются кавказские народы.
Для публикации принимаются статьи, соответствующие тематике журнала и настоящим требованиям.
• Для публикации принимаются статьи, написанные на турецком, русском или английском языках. Статья, написанная автором на иностранном языке, обязательно должна быть отредактирована носителем этого языка.
• Материал, предлагаемый для публикации, должен быть оригинальным, не опубликованным ранее ни в печатных, ни в электронных средствах массовой информации или одновременно направлен в другие издания для опубликования. Все материалы проходят проверку через систему антиплагиат.
• Общее количество авторов статьи – не более трех.
• Представление в редакцию авторского оригинала статьи считается обращением для ее публикации в журнале. Авторские гонорары редакцией не выплачиваются.
• Автор несет полную ответственность перед третьими лицами в случае возникновения претензий с их стороны с части используемых в публикации авторских текстов, иллюстраций и иных объектов авторского права. Редакция журнала вправе снять с публикации материал, по которому поступили соответствующие претензии со стороны третьих лиц, вплоть до момента урегулирования таких претензий автором.
• Отправляя статью в редакцию, автор тем самым передает права на издание своей статьи редакции Kafkasya Çalışmaları / Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) / Журнала «Кавказоведческие исследования».
• В случае, если число рецензируемых статей превышает возможное количество, редакция решает какие статьи будут публиковаться. Таким образом, статьи, не опубликованные в настоящем номере, передаются в последующие номера.
• Ответственность за тексты статей авторы несут самостоятельно на основании правил публикации.
• Материалы предоставляются в электронном виде, в формате WORD, A4, стандартный размер шрифта (Times New Roman, Calibri), кегль 12, абзацный отступ 1,25 (устанавливать автоматически), все поля 2,5 см, межстрочный интервал - 1,5. Название публикации - на первой строке, по центру, жирным шрифтом, прописными буквами. Подчеркивание текста нежелательно.
• Рекомендуемый объем текста статьи (включая примечания) – до 70.000 печатных знаков с пробелами или 20 страниц в Ворде (Word). Список литературы и прочие материалы не считаются. Статья сопровождается аннотацией и списком ключевых слов на русском и английском языках.

Образец оформления статьи
Название статьи
Аннотация (150-250 слов)
Ключевые слова (мин. 5 слов)
Название статьи (перевод на англ. язык)
Abstract (перевод на англ. язык)
Keywords (перевод на англ. язык)
Основной раздел
Библиографический список (Ссылки в тексте оформляются в стиле MLA)

Отправка статей
• Чтобы отправить статью в редакцию журнала, нужно зарегистрироваться в системе dergipark. Перейдите на страницу регистрации (Register) https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/jocas.
• Если Вы зарегистрировались и вошли в свой аккаунт, Вы можете начать процесс отправки статьи (Submit Article). Для этого нужно выбрать роль автора.
• Загружаемый в систему файл со статьей должен быть представлен в формате Microsoft Word.
• В тексте статьи должно быть не указаны ФИО автора или иные сведения, позволяющие идентифицировать автора с учетом того, что рецензирование осуществляется по принципу двустороннего анонимного («слепого») рецензирования.
Процесс рецензирования
Редакция Kafkasya Çalışmaları / Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) / Журнала «Кавказоведческие исследования» принимает научные статьи, переводы научных статей и рецензии на книги, написанные на русском, английском и турецком языках.
Материалы представляются в редакцию Kafkasya Çalışmaları / Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) / Журнала «Кавказоведческие исследования». Редакция осуществляет первичное рассмотрение материалов на предмет их соответствия тематике журнала и установленным требованиям оформления. Редакция оставляет за собой право отклонять без рецензии статьи, не соответствующие профилю журнала или оформленные с нарушением правил. Редакция информирует авторов о результатах первичного рассмотрения материалов. Статьи без рецензии не принимаются редакцией для публикации.
Переводы статей, опубликованных в научных рецензируемых журналах публикуются по решению редакции, после литературного рецензирования и с разрешения их правообладателей.
Все статьи проходят процедуру рецензирования с целью ее экспертной оценки. Рецензирование статей осуществляется по принципу двустороннего анонимного («слепого») рецензирования: авторский оригинал стати передается рецензентам без указания фамилий авторов или иных сведений, позволяющих идентифицировать авторов; рецензия предоставляется автору статьи без указания фамилии, должности, места работы и подписи рецензентов.
Статьи, прошедшие предварительный отбор направляются редакцией на экспертную оценку двум рецензентам, курирующим соответствующее направление науки, и (или) экспертам – ученым и специалистам в данной области. Среди рецензентов могут быть как члены Редакционной коллегии и Научного совета, так и внешние эксперты.
Рецензентам не разрешается копировать рукопись с целью использования материала для собственных нужд или передачи третьему лицу.
Рецензент может дать три типа рекомендаций относительно статьи: рекомендовать к печати без доработки, не рекомендовать к печати, рекомендовать к печати после устранения замечаний. Если статья не рекомендована к печати, необходимо дать аргументированное критическое заключение. Если статья рекомендована после устранения замечаний – внести замечания для доработки статьи, а также обозначить необходимость последующей проверки рецензентом.
В случае наличия двух положительных отзывов статья помещается в «портфель» редакции для последующей публикации. В случае двух отрицательных отзывов статья отклоняется, о чем редакция направляет уведомление автору. В случае одного положительного, одного отрицательного отзыва, редакция находит третьего рецензента.
Статья, отправленная автору на доработку, должна быть возвращена в исправленном виде в течение 30 дней с ответами автора на замечания рецензента, а также пояснениями всех изменений, сделанных автором. Не отправленные за месяц статьи подлежат новому рецензированию. После доработки статья повторно рецензируется тем же рецензентом, который сделал критические замечания, и редакция принимает решение о возможности публикации.
Авторы должны учесть все замечания, сделанные в процессе рецензирования и редактирования статьи, ответить на каждое из замечаний и указать место в тексте, где сделаны изменения. В случае несогласия с рецензентом или редактором автор должен кратко и четко обосновать свою позицию. Сделанные автором изменения необходимо внести в электронный вариант текста и возвратить в редакцию. В таком случае редакция рассматривает возрожения автора и при необходимости обращается к другому рецензенту. Автору высылается решении редколлегии о принятии статьи к публикации или обоснованный отказ в публикации. Автор может также отозвать свою статью из журнала.
Все рецензии хранятся в редакции журнала в течение пяти лет.
Статьи, получившие положительные рецензии, рассматриваются редколлегией журнала, и по ним принимаются окончательные решения о включении в очередной или последующие выпуски.
Авторы, отправлявшие статью в редакцию считаются согласными с условиями публикации, порядком и процедурой рецензирования.

Периодичность издания
Kafkasya Çalışmaları / Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) / Журнал «Кавказоведческие исследования» выпускается 2 раза в год, в мае и ноябре. Наряду с двумья периодическими выпусками JOCAS может издавать ежегодный специальный номер.

Политика открытого доступа
Kafkasya Çalışmaları / Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) / Журнал «Кавказоведческие исследования» находится в открытом доступе. Это означает, что все содержимое доступно бесплатно для пользователей.
Все принятые статьи будут проиндексированы в базах данных Akademik Araştırmalar İndeksi (Acarindex), Arastirmax, Academia Social Science Index (ASOS), Crossref, Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, Idealonline, Index Copernicus, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI), ResearchBib, Scientific Indexing Services, SciLit, Sobiad и Türk Eğitim İndeksi.

For any article submitted to Journal of Caucasian Studies (JOCAS) based on research including any qualitative or quantitative data collection methods, a questionnaire/survey, interview, focus group, observation, experiment, or other; and by personal data protection law all retrospective studies require ETHICAL COMMITTEE APROVAL. Please include as a footnote the names of the organisation and the ethical committee, and the decision number and date.

Also, for case reports, include a note that informed consent forms have been collected, for all scales/questionnaires and photos approval from the owners has been received and the copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic rights has been followed.

For any research conducted before 2020, either include a footnote or discuss in detail in the methodology section of your article ethical concerns and procedures applied.

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