Review Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 01, 1 - 4, 25.01.2024


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  • [1] Cho, M.H, Kim S.J., Basch, R.H., Fash, J.W., Jang, H. 2003. Tribological study of gray cast iron with automotive brake linings: The effect of rotor microstructure. Tribol Int. 36(7), 537–545.
  • [2]Khobragade, N.L., Lamba, N.K. 2019. Modeling of Thermoelastic Hollow Cylinder by the Application of Fractional Order Theory, Research & Reviews: Journal of Physics, 8, (1), 46-57.
  • [3] Schajer, G.S., Ruud, C.O. 2013. Overview of residual stresses and their measurement. In: Schajer GS, editor.Practical residual stress measurement methods. New York: Wiley; pp. 1–28
  • [4] Hollmann, A., Meixner, M., Klaus, M., Genzel, C. 2021. Concepts for nondestructive and depth-resolved X-ray residual stress analysis in the near-surface region of nearly single crystalline materials with mosaic structure. J Appl Crystallogr, 54:22–31.
  • [5] Hosseini, E., Holdsworth, S. R., Flueeler, U., 2017. A temperature-dependentasymmetric constitutive model for cast irons under cyclic loadingconditions,‖ J Strain Anal Eng, 53(2), 106-114.
  • [6] Namdari, N., Dehghanghadikolaei, A., 2018. Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes for Vibrations of Rectangular and Circular Membranes: A Numerical Study. 2455-9024. 3. 30-34.
  • [7] Sherief, H. H., Hamza, F A., Modeling of variable Thermal Conductivity in a Generalized Thermoelastic infinitely Long Hollow Cylinder, Meccanica, 51, 2016, 551–558.
  • [8] Eraslan, A.N., Akis, T. 2006. On the plane strain and plane stress solutions of functionally graded rotating solid shaft and solid disk problems, Acta Mechanic, 181(1), 43-63.
  • [9] Timeshenko, S., Goodier, J.N. 1970. Theory of Elasticity. McGraw-Hill, 12, 73-75.
  • [10] Fuji, W., Xiaonan, W.,Yang, R., Gao, H., Su, Y.,& Guangjian, B.,. 2016. Research on the carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) cutting mechanism using macroscopic and microscopic numerical simulations. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 36. 073168441668496. 10.1177/0731684416684966.
  • [11] Kursun A., Topcu M., Tetik, T. 2011. Stress analysis of functionally disk under thermal and mechanical loads. Procedia Eng. 10,2949-2954.
  • [12] Amir, T., Kalali, S., Hadidi, M.,Behrooz, H. 2016. Elasto-Plastic Stress Analysis in Rotating Disks and Pressure Vessels Made of Functionally Graded Materials, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures., 13 (5).
  • [13] Callioglu, H., Sayer, M., Demir, E., 2015. Elastic –plastic stress analysis of rotating functionally graded disks. Thin Wall Struct. 94:38-44.
  • [14] Çallıoğlu, H. 2011. Stress analysis in a functionally graded disk under mechanical loads and a steady state temperature distribution. Sadhana 36, 53–64.

Investigation of Elastic tensile behavior of a Disc with carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) material

Year 2024, Volume: 01, 1 - 4, 25.01.2024


In this study, carbon fiber-reinforced plastic was used. (CFRP) stresses occurring in a disc have been studied by numerical analysis. The modulus of elasticity is constant with temperature, and the stresses occurring in the thermoplastic composite disc were studied by numerical analysis. Assuming that the modulus of elasticity does not change with temperature, the temperature distributions of 30°C, 60 °C, 90 °C, 120 °C, 150 °C were referenced in the study. CFRP materials are currently preferred in unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs, SIHAS, aircraft industry. They are fiber-reinforced polymer materials obtained by combining carbon fibers with a polymer matrix, showing high strength, high hardness and strength. The stress values obtained at the end of the study were compared among themselves and shared with the literature in graphs. It was concluded that an increase in the value of the temperature acting on the CFRP disc correctly affects thermal stresses. At the same time, the results obtained were analyzed with the ANYS 2023 finite element program. It has been seen that the results obtained are compatible with each other.

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Project Number





  • [1] Cho, M.H, Kim S.J., Basch, R.H., Fash, J.W., Jang, H. 2003. Tribological study of gray cast iron with automotive brake linings: The effect of rotor microstructure. Tribol Int. 36(7), 537–545.
  • [2]Khobragade, N.L., Lamba, N.K. 2019. Modeling of Thermoelastic Hollow Cylinder by the Application of Fractional Order Theory, Research & Reviews: Journal of Physics, 8, (1), 46-57.
  • [3] Schajer, G.S., Ruud, C.O. 2013. Overview of residual stresses and their measurement. In: Schajer GS, editor.Practical residual stress measurement methods. New York: Wiley; pp. 1–28
  • [4] Hollmann, A., Meixner, M., Klaus, M., Genzel, C. 2021. Concepts for nondestructive and depth-resolved X-ray residual stress analysis in the near-surface region of nearly single crystalline materials with mosaic structure. J Appl Crystallogr, 54:22–31.
  • [5] Hosseini, E., Holdsworth, S. R., Flueeler, U., 2017. A temperature-dependentasymmetric constitutive model for cast irons under cyclic loadingconditions,‖ J Strain Anal Eng, 53(2), 106-114.
  • [6] Namdari, N., Dehghanghadikolaei, A., 2018. Natural Frequencies and Mode Shapes for Vibrations of Rectangular and Circular Membranes: A Numerical Study. 2455-9024. 3. 30-34.
  • [7] Sherief, H. H., Hamza, F A., Modeling of variable Thermal Conductivity in a Generalized Thermoelastic infinitely Long Hollow Cylinder, Meccanica, 51, 2016, 551–558.
  • [8] Eraslan, A.N., Akis, T. 2006. On the plane strain and plane stress solutions of functionally graded rotating solid shaft and solid disk problems, Acta Mechanic, 181(1), 43-63.
  • [9] Timeshenko, S., Goodier, J.N. 1970. Theory of Elasticity. McGraw-Hill, 12, 73-75.
  • [10] Fuji, W., Xiaonan, W.,Yang, R., Gao, H., Su, Y.,& Guangjian, B.,. 2016. Research on the carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) cutting mechanism using macroscopic and microscopic numerical simulations. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 36. 073168441668496. 10.1177/0731684416684966.
  • [11] Kursun A., Topcu M., Tetik, T. 2011. Stress analysis of functionally disk under thermal and mechanical loads. Procedia Eng. 10,2949-2954.
  • [12] Amir, T., Kalali, S., Hadidi, M.,Behrooz, H. 2016. Elasto-Plastic Stress Analysis in Rotating Disks and Pressure Vessels Made of Functionally Graded Materials, Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures., 13 (5).
  • [13] Callioglu, H., Sayer, M., Demir, E., 2015. Elastic –plastic stress analysis of rotating functionally graded disks. Thin Wall Struct. 94:38-44.
  • [14] Çallıoğlu, H. 2011. Stress analysis in a functionally graded disk under mechanical loads and a steady state temperature distribution. Sadhana 36, 53–64.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Numerical Modelization in Civil Engineering, Production Technologies
Journal Section Research Articles

Hüseyin Fırat Kayıran 0000-0003-3037-5279

Project Number _
Publication Date January 25, 2024
Submission Date January 9, 2024
Acceptance Date January 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 01


Vancouver Kayıran HF. Investigation of Elastic tensile behavior of a Disc with carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) material. JOEBS. 2024;01:1-4.

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