Research Article
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The Effects of Augmented Reality in the Technical Drawing Course on Engineering Students' Spatial Ability and Academic Achievement

Year 2022, , 160 - 174, 06.07.2022


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Augmented Reality (AR) intervention on students' spatial skills and academic achievement. The study was conducted in a freshman technical drawing course at Mechanical Engineering Department. An exploratory quasi-experimental method was used for the study. The study was conducted in two groups (Experiment-Control) as a quasi-experimental pre-post design. The pre-test results were used only to determine the control group and the experimental group. The research process was conducted within a four-week experimental period, including a one-week pilot study. The researchers and lecturers who are recognised experts prepared the instruments. The drawings of the experimental and control groups were evaluated using the evaluation criteria prepared by the two expert lecturers of the course. In the evaluation, two types of scores were given to the students, namely "Academic Achievement Score" and "Spatial Ability Score". Using ANOVA, the effects of AR intervention on students' spatial skills and academic performance were examined over three experimental periods. There was a significant main effect for both groups with a large effect size (η2=.253). However, it was found that there was no significant effect between the control group and the experimental group on spatial skills. However, it was found that there was a significant interaction effect providing the interaction between time and group on spatial abilities. In addition, no statistically significant difference was found between the academic performance of the experimental group and the control group and no significant difference was found in the weekly measurements of the groups. It was suggested that AR applications are very useful for students' spatial skills in technical drawing.


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Year 2022, , 160 - 174, 06.07.2022



  • Ada´nez, G. P., & Velasco, A. D. (2002). Predicting academic success of engineering students in technical drawing from visualization test scores. Journal of Geometry and Graphics. 6(1): 99–109. Retrieved from
  • Akkuş, İ., & Özhan, U. (2017). Matematik ve geometri eğitiminde artırılmış gerçeklik uygulamaları. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 4(8), 19-33.
  • Akçayır, M., & Akçayır, G. (2017). Advantages and challenges associated with augmented reality for education: A systematic review of the literature. Educational Research Review, 20, 1-11.
  • Arth, C., & Schmalstieg, D. (2011). Challenges of large-scale augmented reality on smartphones. Graz University of Technology, Graz, 1-4. doi:
  • Aydın, M. (2005). Educational Leadership, Ankara: Hatipoğlu Publications.
  • Azuma, R. T. (1999). The challenge of making augmented reality work outdoors. Mixed reality: Merging real and virtual worlds, 379-390.
  • Azuma, R. T. (2001). Augmented reality: Approaches and technical challenges. Fundamentals of wearable computers and augmented reality, 27-63.
  • Backfisch, I., Lachner, A., Stürmer, K., & Scheiter, K. (2021). Variability of teachers’ technology integration in the classroom: A matter of utility!. Computers & Education, 166, 104159.
  • Basham, K. L., & Kotrlik, J. W. (2008). The effects of 3-dimensional CADD modeling on the development of the spatial ability of technology education students. Journal of technology education, 20(1), 32-47.
  • Bennett, G., & Seashore, H. (1973). Differential aptitude tests, forms S and T: The Psychological Corporation, New York.
  • Berkemeier, L., Zobel, B., Werning, S., Ickerott, I., & Thomas, O. (2019). Engineering of augmented reality-based information systems. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 61(1), 67-89.
  • Billinghurst, M., Clark, A., & Lee, G. (2015). A survey of augmented reality. Retrieved from
  • Borrero, A. M., & Márquez, J. A. (2012). A pilot study of the effectiveness of augmented reality to enhance the use of remote labs in electrical engineering education. Journal of science education and technology, 21(5), 540-557. doi:10.1007/s10956-011-9345-9
  • Bujak, K., Radu, I., Catrambone, C., MacIntyre, B., Zheng, R. & Golubski, G. (2013). A psychological perspective on augmented reality in the mathematics classroom. Computers and Education, 68, 536–544.
  • Çağıltay, N. E. (2016). Using Technology in Engineering Education. (Ed: Çağıltay, K. ve Göktaş, Y.), The Base of Instructional Technologies: Theories, Researches, Approaches. (2th Ed.) Ankara: Pegem Akademi, 613-632.
  • Cai, S., Chiang, F. K., & Wang, X. (2013). Using the augmented reality 3D technique for a convex imaging experiment in a physics course. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29(4), 856-865.
  • Carbonell Carrera, C., & Bermejo Asensio, L. A. (2017). Augmented reality as a digital teaching environment to develop spatial thinking. Cartography and geographic information science, 44(3), 259-270.
  • Cardoso, O.I., Unver, E., Aslan, R., Kus, A., & Chotrov, D. (2019). Application of VR and AR Tools for Technical Drawing Education. Computer-Aided Design and Applications.
  • Carmigniani, J., Furht, B., Anisetti, M., Ceravolo, P., Damiani, E., & Ivkovic, M. (2011). Augmented reality technologies, systems and applications. Multimedia tools and applications, 51(1), 341-377.
  • Chang, Y. J., Chen, C. H., Huang, W. T., & Huang, W. S. (2011). Investigating students' perceived satisfaction, behavioral intention, and effectiveness of English learning using augmented reality. In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (pp. 1-6). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICME.2011.6012177 Chi, H. L., Kang, S. C., & Wang, X. (2013). Research trends and opportunities of augmented reality applications in architecture, engineering, and construction. Automation in construction, 33, 116-122.
  • Cipresso, P., Giglioli, I. A. C., Raya, M. A., & Riva, G. (2018). The past, present, and future of virtual and augmented reality research: a network and cluster analysis of the literature. Frontiers in psychology, 9, 2086.
  • Cohen, C. A., & Hegarty, M. (2014). Visualizing cross sections: Training spatial thinking using interactive animations and virtual objects. Learning and Individual Differences, 33, 63-71.
  • Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical Power analysis for the behavior science. Hillsdale, NJ: ERLbaum. (pp. 273-406).
  • Cumaoglu, G., Sacici, E., & Torun, K. (2013). E-book versus printed materials: Preferences of university students. Contemporary educational technology, 4(2), 121-135.
  • Deshpande, A., & Kim, I. (2018). The effects of augmented reality on improving spatial problem solving for object assembly. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 38, 760-775.
  • Di Serio, Á., Ibáñez, M. B., & Kloos, C. D. (2013). Impact of an augmented reality system on students' motivation for a visual art course. Computers & Education, 68, 586-596.
  • Dini, G., & Dalle Mura, M. (2015). Application of augmented reality techniques in through-life engineering services. Procedia Cirp, 38, 14-23.
  • Dunleavy, M., Dede, C., & Mitchell, R. (2009). Affordances and limitations of immersive participatory augmented reality simulations for teaching and learning. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 18(1), 7‐22. doi:10.1007/s10956-008-9119-1
  • Dünser, A., Steinbügl, K., Kaufmann, H., & Glück, J. (2006, July). Virtual and augmented reality as spatial ability training tools. In Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCHI New Zealand chapter's international conference on Computer-human interaction: design centered HCI (pp. 125-132). ACM. doi: 10.1145/1152760.1152776
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There are 102 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Computer Software, Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Research Article

İlyas Akkuş 0000-0002-0932-4787

Pelin Yüksel Arslan 0000-0002-3286-8213

Publication Date July 6, 2022
Submission Date November 7, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Akkuş, İ., & Yüksel Arslan, P. (2022). The Effects of Augmented Reality in the Technical Drawing Course on Engineering Students’ Spatial Ability and Academic Achievement. Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age, 7(2), 160-174.

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Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age. All rights reserved, 2023. ISSN:2458-8350