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Perception of Customers On The Banned Ads by The Turkish Advertising Board Due To The Violations On The Regulations Regarding “Ads to Children”

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 374 - 396, 11.07.2018


study examines ads banned by the Turkish Advertising Board due to the
violations on the regulations regarding “ads to childeren”. Participants watched
these ads unknowingly and their general and ethical perceptions were measured
by using focus groups.The message, target audience and disturbing points of ads
were questioned and  findings show that
parents are more sensitive to ethical issues in child-centered advertising,
ethical sensitivity is highly related to education level and ethical concerns increase
when the age of actor kids is getting down


  • Arredondo E Castaneda D Elder J P Slymen D & Dozier D (2009) Brand name logo recognition of fast food and healthy food among children Journal of Community Health, 34(1), 73e78
  • Belch & Belch (2001) Advertising and Promotion- An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, Mc Graw Hill
  • Bernhardt A M Wilking C Gilbert-Diamon D Emond J A & Sargent J (2015) Children's recall of fast food television advertising-testing the adequacy of food marketing regulation PLoS One, 10(3), e0119300
  • Broverman D M& Klaiber E L Kobayashi Y & W Vogel (1968) Roles of Activation and Inhibition in Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities Psychological Review, 75 : 23-50
  • Cornwell T B & McAlister A R (2011) Alternative thinking about starting points of obesity Development of child taste preferences Appetite, 56(2), 428e439
  • Cornwell T B McAlister A & Polmear-Swendris N (2014) Children's knowledge of packaged and fast food brands and the BMI Why the relationship matters for policy makers Appetite, 81, 277e283
  • Crosby L & Grossbart S L (1984) Parental style tendencies and concern about children's advertising In J H Leigh, & C R Martin (Eds), Current issues and research in advertising: Original research and theoretical contributions, 1: 43–64 Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan
  • Gülesanlar N (2010) Kamu Hizmeti ve Etik: Türkiye Kadastro Teşkilatı Özelinde Bir Uygulama Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum, Atatürk Üniversitesi
  • Harris J L & Kalnova SS (2018) Food and beverage TV advertising to young children: Measuring exposure and potential impact, , Appetite, 49-55
  • Karaca,Y & Pekyaman A & Güney H (2007) Ebeveynlerin televizyon reklam içeriklerinin çocuklar üzerine etkilerini etik açıdan algılamalarına yönelik bir araştırma, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 9, 2: 234-250
  • Karafakioğlu M (2006) Pazarlama İlkeleri, İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık
  • Kelly B King L Chapman K Boyland E Bauman A E & Baur,L A (2015) A hierarchy of unhealthy food promotion effects: Identifying methodological approaches and knowledge gaps American Journal of Public Health, 105(4), e86ee95
  • Kocabıyık ET (2013) Reklamlarda Etik Dışı Unsur Kullanımı ve Tüketicinin Etik Olmayan Reklamlara Yaklaşımı: Cinsellik Kullanımına Yönelik Tüketici Tepkisi ve İletişim Etkinliğinin Araştırılması Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi
  • Kohlberg L (1969) Stage and sequence: The cognitive development approach to socialization In D A Goslin (Ed) Handbook of socialization theory 347-480 Chicago, IL, Rand McNally
  • Mittal B (1994 January/February) Public Assessment of TV Advertising Journal of Advertising Research, 35-53
  • Muncy JA & Vitell SJ (1992) Consumer Ethics: An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Athical Judgements on the Final Consumers, Journal of Business Ethics, 11: 585-597
  • Pieper A (1999) Etiğe Giriş (Çeviren: Ataman V ve Sezer G), Ankara: Ayrıntı Yayınları
  • Pollay R W & B Mittal (1993) Here’s the Beef: Factors, Determinants, and Segments in Consumer Criticism of Advertising, Journal of Marketing 57 (July): 99–114
  • Poole M E (1977) Social Class and Sex Contrasts in Patterns of Cognitive Style Australian Journal of Education, 21: 233-255
  • Pustu Y (2011) Kamu Yönetiminde Etik Bir Sorun Olarak Rüşvet, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, Gazi Üniversitesi
  • Schmitt N M & Wagner N& Kirch W (2007) Consumers' Freedom of Choice - Advertising Aimed at Children, Product Placement, and Food Labeling, Journal of Public Health, 15: 57-62
  • Tatlow-Golden M Hennessy E Dean M & Hollywood L (2014) Young children's food brand knowledge Early development and associations with television viewing and parent's diet Appetite, 80, 197e203
  • Thomas S & Juniour R Rossiter Children and Commercial Persuasion: An Attribution Theory Analysis, Journal of Consumer Research, 1:13-20
  • Torlak Ö (2007) Pazarlama Ahlakı-Sosyal Sorumluluklar Ekseninde Pazarlama Kararları ve Tüketici Davranışlarının Analizi, İstanbul: Beta Yayınları
  • Trevino L K (1992) Moral Reasoning and Business Ethics: Implications for research, Education, and Management, Journal of Business Ethics, 11: 445-459
  • Reklam Kurulu Kararları http://tuketici.gtb.govtr/reklam-kurulu/reklam-kurulu-kararlari
  • Ticari reklam İlanları Yönetmeliği http://tuketici.gtb.govtr/data/524bcd12487c8ec1606fdae0/ticari_reklam_ilanlar_yonetmelik

Ticari Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Yönetmeliği'nin 'Çocuklara Yönelik Reklamlar’' Başlıklı Maddesine Aykırılıktan Ceza Almış Reklamların Tüketicideki Algısı

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 374 - 396, 11.07.2018


çalışmada, Reklam Kurulu’nun “çocuklara yönelik reklamlar’ başlıklı maddesine
aykırılıktan ceza almış reklamlar odak grup çalışmasıyla ile incelenerek tüketicilerin
“yasaklı” olduğunu bilmeden, bu reklamlara maruz bırakılarak reklam hakkındaki
genel ve etik algıları ölçülmüştür. Tüketici açısından reklamın mesajı, hedef
kitlesi ve rahatsızlık edici boyutlarının sorgulandığı çalışmada, çocuklu
bireylerin, çocuk odaklı reklamlarda etik konulara daha hassasiyetle
yaklaştığı, etik hassasiyetinin artan eğitim düzeyiyle doğru orantılı olduğu ve
reklamda yer alan çocuğun yaşı küçüldükçe etik hassasiyetin daha çok arttığı


  • Arredondo E Castaneda D Elder J P Slymen D & Dozier D (2009) Brand name logo recognition of fast food and healthy food among children Journal of Community Health, 34(1), 73e78
  • Belch & Belch (2001) Advertising and Promotion- An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, Mc Graw Hill
  • Bernhardt A M Wilking C Gilbert-Diamon D Emond J A & Sargent J (2015) Children's recall of fast food television advertising-testing the adequacy of food marketing regulation PLoS One, 10(3), e0119300
  • Broverman D M& Klaiber E L Kobayashi Y & W Vogel (1968) Roles of Activation and Inhibition in Sex Differences in Cognitive Abilities Psychological Review, 75 : 23-50
  • Cornwell T B & McAlister A R (2011) Alternative thinking about starting points of obesity Development of child taste preferences Appetite, 56(2), 428e439
  • Cornwell T B McAlister A & Polmear-Swendris N (2014) Children's knowledge of packaged and fast food brands and the BMI Why the relationship matters for policy makers Appetite, 81, 277e283
  • Crosby L & Grossbart S L (1984) Parental style tendencies and concern about children's advertising In J H Leigh, & C R Martin (Eds), Current issues and research in advertising: Original research and theoretical contributions, 1: 43–64 Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan
  • Gülesanlar N (2010) Kamu Hizmeti ve Etik: Türkiye Kadastro Teşkilatı Özelinde Bir Uygulama Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Erzurum, Atatürk Üniversitesi
  • Harris J L & Kalnova SS (2018) Food and beverage TV advertising to young children: Measuring exposure and potential impact, , Appetite, 49-55
  • Karaca,Y & Pekyaman A & Güney H (2007) Ebeveynlerin televizyon reklam içeriklerinin çocuklar üzerine etkilerini etik açıdan algılamalarına yönelik bir araştırma, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, Cilt 9, 2: 234-250
  • Karafakioğlu M (2006) Pazarlama İlkeleri, İstanbul: Literatür Yayıncılık
  • Kelly B King L Chapman K Boyland E Bauman A E & Baur,L A (2015) A hierarchy of unhealthy food promotion effects: Identifying methodological approaches and knowledge gaps American Journal of Public Health, 105(4), e86ee95
  • Kocabıyık ET (2013) Reklamlarda Etik Dışı Unsur Kullanımı ve Tüketicinin Etik Olmayan Reklamlara Yaklaşımı: Cinsellik Kullanımına Yönelik Tüketici Tepkisi ve İletişim Etkinliğinin Araştırılması Üzerine Bir Uygulama, Yayınlanmış Doktora Tezi, İstanbul, İstanbul Üniversitesi
  • Kohlberg L (1969) Stage and sequence: The cognitive development approach to socialization In D A Goslin (Ed) Handbook of socialization theory 347-480 Chicago, IL, Rand McNally
  • Mittal B (1994 January/February) Public Assessment of TV Advertising Journal of Advertising Research, 35-53
  • Muncy JA & Vitell SJ (1992) Consumer Ethics: An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Athical Judgements on the Final Consumers, Journal of Business Ethics, 11: 585-597
  • Pieper A (1999) Etiğe Giriş (Çeviren: Ataman V ve Sezer G), Ankara: Ayrıntı Yayınları
  • Pollay R W & B Mittal (1993) Here’s the Beef: Factors, Determinants, and Segments in Consumer Criticism of Advertising, Journal of Marketing 57 (July): 99–114
  • Poole M E (1977) Social Class and Sex Contrasts in Patterns of Cognitive Style Australian Journal of Education, 21: 233-255
  • Pustu Y (2011) Kamu Yönetiminde Etik Bir Sorun Olarak Rüşvet, Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, Gazi Üniversitesi
  • Schmitt N M & Wagner N& Kirch W (2007) Consumers' Freedom of Choice - Advertising Aimed at Children, Product Placement, and Food Labeling, Journal of Public Health, 15: 57-62
  • Tatlow-Golden M Hennessy E Dean M & Hollywood L (2014) Young children's food brand knowledge Early development and associations with television viewing and parent's diet Appetite, 80, 197e203
  • Thomas S & Juniour R Rossiter Children and Commercial Persuasion: An Attribution Theory Analysis, Journal of Consumer Research, 1:13-20
  • Torlak Ö (2007) Pazarlama Ahlakı-Sosyal Sorumluluklar Ekseninde Pazarlama Kararları ve Tüketici Davranışlarının Analizi, İstanbul: Beta Yayınları
  • Trevino L K (1992) Moral Reasoning and Business Ethics: Implications for research, Education, and Management, Journal of Business Ethics, 11: 445-459
  • Reklam Kurulu Kararları http://tuketici.gtb.govtr/reklam-kurulu/reklam-kurulu-kararlari
  • Ticari reklam İlanları Yönetmeliği http://tuketici.gtb.govtr/data/524bcd12487c8ec1606fdae0/ticari_reklam_ilanlar_yonetmelik
There are 27 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Articles

Levent Ceylan This is me

Özge Baruönü Latif

Müge Örs

Publication Date July 11, 2018
Submission Date February 27, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Ceylan, L., Baruönü Latif, Ö., & Örs, M. (2018). Ticari Reklam ve Haksız Ticari Uygulamalar Yönetmeliği’nin ’Çocuklara Yönelik Reklamlar’’ Başlıklı Maddesine Aykırılıktan Ceza Almış Reklamların Tüketicideki Algısı. Selçuk İletişim, 11(2), 374-396. https://doi.org/10.18094/josc.399332