CIDR Uygulanan Kıvırcık ve Karacabey Merinosu Koyunlarda T3, T4 ve Kortizol Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi
Year 2018,
Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 112 - 118, 15.05.2018
Şeniz Öziş Altınçekiç
Mehmet Koyuncu
Serdar Duru
Bu çalışma, östrus senkronizasyonunu
sağlamak amacıyla kullanılan CIDR uygulamasının, Kıvırcık ve Karacabey Merinosu
koyunlarında uygulama esnasında bir stres kaynağı olup olmadığının belirlenmesi
amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla koyunlara CIDR aparatlarının takıldığı 1. gün,
7. gün ve çıkarıldığı 14. gün alınan kan örneklerinde T3 (triiodothyronine), T4
(thyroxine) ve kortizol hormonu seviyeleri ölçülmüştür. Bu çalışmada 40 baş
Kıvırcık ve 40 baş Karacabey Merinosu olmak üzere toplam 80 baş koyun
kullanılmıştır. Koyunların boyun toplardamarından her üç dönemde 10 ml kan
EDTA’lı tüplere alınarak ticari RIA kitleri ile T3, T4 ve kortizol konsantrasyonları
belirlenmiştir. Her üç dönemde alınan kan örneklerinde T3, T4 ve kortizol
hormonu ortalama değerleri Kıvırcık koyunlarında sırasıyla 1.76 (ng/mL), 7.92
(µg/dL), 5.30 (µg/dL);
Karacabey Merinosunda ise sırasıyla 1.69 (ng/mL), 7.00 (µg/dL) ve 4.19 (µg/dL)
olarak bulunmuştur. T4 ve kortizol bakımından ırklar arasındaki farklılık önemli
(P<0.01) bulunurken, dönemler arasındaki
farklılık sadece T3 hormonu için önemli bulunmuştur (P<0.01).
- Carcangiu, V., Vacca, G.M., Parmeggiani, A., Mura, M.C., M.L. Dettori and P.P. Bini, 2008. The effect of shearing procedures on blood levels of growth hormone, cortisol and other stress haematochemical parameters in Sarda sheep. Animal, 2(4): 606-612.
- Caroprese, M. Albenzio, M., Marzano, A., Schena, L., G. Annicchiarico and A. Sevi, 2010. Relationship between cortisol response to stress and behavior, immune profile, and production performance of dairy ewes. J. Dairy Sci., 93: 2395-2403.
- Cockram, M.S., Kent, J.E., Goddard, P.J., Waran, N.K., Jackson, R.E., Mcgilp, I.M., Southall, E.L., Amory, J.R., Mcconnell, T.I., T. O’riordan and B.S. Wilkins, 2000. Behavioural and physiological responses of sheep to 16 h transport and a novel environment post-transport. Veterinary Journal, 159(2): 139-146.
- Dellal, G and F. Cedden, 2002. Koyun ve keçide üremenin mevsime bağlılığı ve üreme ve fotoperiyot ilişkileri. Anim. Prod., 43(1): 64-73.
- Donders, G.G.G, Vereecken, A., Bosmans, E., Dekeersmaecker, A., G. Salembier and B. Spitz, 2002. Definition of a type of abnormal vagina flora that is distinct from bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol., 109: 34-43.
- Eliçin, M.K. 2008. Akkeçilerde troid hormonlarının değişimi. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi, Ankara, 82s.
- Emsen, E. and N. Koşum, 2009. Koyunculukta yeni üretim teknikleri. Türkiye Koyunculuk Kongresi, s. 63-71, İzmir.
- Farmer, C., Dubreuil, P., Couture, Y., P. Brazeau and D. Petitclerc, 1991. Hormonal changes following an acute stress in control and somatostatin-immunized pigs. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol., 8: 527-536.
- Fazio, E., Medica, P., Mignacca, S., C. Cravana and A. Ferlazzo, 2011. Haematological and cortisol changes after 3 h road journey in sheep. J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 10: 2487-2492.
- Fazio, E., Manera, M., Mignacca, S., P. Medica and A. Ferlazzo, 2013. Cortisol changes in pregnant and post-partum ewes: effects of single or twin births. In: Trends in Veterinary Sciences. (Ed(s):C. Boiti et al.,). Chapter 10. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Pp: 51-54.
Fazio, E., Medica, P., C. Cravana and A. Ferlazzo, 2014. Short-and long-term effects of weaning on adrenocortical and functional response of lambs. Acta Sci., Vet., 42(1193): 1-7.
- Gavojdian, D., E. Sossidou and L.T. Cziszter, 2014. Effects of lambing on behaviour and cortisol levels in postparturient ewes. Anim. Sci. Biotech., 47(2): 258-261.
- Iveta, P., Seidel, H., Nagy, O., T. Csilla and G. Ková, 2011. Concentrations of thyroıd hormones in various age categories of ruminants and swine. Acta Vet., (Beograd), 61(5-6): 489-503.
- Kent, J.E. and R. Ewbank, 1986. The effect of road transportation on the blood constituents and behaviour of calves. III. Three months old. Br. Vet. J., 142(4): 326-335.
- Kustritz, M.V. 2006. Collection of tissue and culture samples from the canine reproductive tract. Theriogenology, 66: 567-574.
- Mader, T.L., M.S. Davis and T. Brown-Brandl, 2006. Environmental factors influencing heat stress in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci., 84: 712-719.
- Mears, G.J. and F.A. Brown, 1997. Cortisol and b-endorphin responses to physical and psychological stressors in lambs. Canadian J. Anim. Sci., 77(4): 689-694.
- Minitab. 2013. Minitab® 17 Statistical Software.
- Moolchandani, A., M. Sareen and J. Vaishnav, 2008. Influence of restraint and isolation stress on plasma cortisol in male Karakul sheep. Veterinarski arhiv., 78(4):357-362.
- Okeudo, N.J. and B.W. Moss, 2005. Serum cortisol concentration in different sex-types and slaughter weights, and its relationship with meat quality and ıntramuscular fatty acid profile. Pak. J. Nutr., 4(2): 64-68.
- Padula, A.M. and K.L. Macmillan, 2006. Effect of treatment with two intravaginal inserts on the uterine and vaginal microflora of early postpartum beef cows. Aust. Vet. J., 84: 204-208.
- Penna, B., Libonati, H., Director, A., Sarzedas, A.C., Martins, G., Brandão, F.Z., J. Fonseca and W. Lilenbaum, 2013. Progestin-impregnated intravaginal sponges for estrus induction and synchronization influences on goats vaginal flora and antimicrobial susceptibility. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 142: 71-74.
- Robertson, I.S., J.E. Kent and V. Molony, 1994. Effect of different methods of castration on behaviour and plasma cortisol in calves of three ages. Res. Vet. Sci., 56: 8-17.
- Rowe, J.D., L.A. Tell and D.C. Wagner, 2009. Animal safety report on intravaginal progesterone controlled internal drug releasing devices in sheep and goats. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Ther., 32: 303-305.
- Ruiz-de-la-Torre, J.L., Velarde, A., Diestre, A., Gispert, M., Hall, S.J.G., D.M. Broom and X. Manteca, 2001. Effects of vehicle movements during transport on the stress responses and meat quality of sheep. Vet. Rec., 148: 227-229.
- Souza, M.I.L., Bicudo, S.D., L.F. Uribe-Velasquez and A.A. Ramos, 2002. Circadian and circannual rhythms of T3 and T4 secretions in Polywarth-Ideal rams. Small Rumin. Res., 46: 1-5.
- Souza, J.M., Torres, C.A., Maia, A.L., Brandão, F.Z., Bruschi, J.H., Viana, J.H., E. Oba and J.F. Fonseca, 2011. Autoclaved, previously used intravaginal progesterone devices induces estrus and ovulation in anestrous Toggenburg goats. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 129(1-2): 50-55.
- Starling, J.M.C., Silva, R.G., Negrao, J.A., A.S.C. Maia and A.R. Bueno, 2005. Seasonal variation of thyroid hormones and cortisol of sheep in tropical environment. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 34: 2064-2073.
- Taşkın, T., F. Ataç and E. Demirören, 2008. Sıcaklık stresinin Saanen keçilerinde T3, T4 ve kortisol hormon düzeyleri üzerine etkisi. Hay. Üret., 49(2): 15-22.
- Todini, L. 2007. Thyroid hormones in small ruminants: effects of endogenous, environmental and nutritional factors. Animal, 1(7): 997-1008.
- Yılmaz, B. 1999. Hormonlar ve Üreme Fizyolojisi. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Fizyoloji Anabilim Dalı. 1. Basım, Ankara, 588s.
- Zamiri, M.J. and H.R. Khodaei, 2005. Seasonal thyroidal activity and reproductive characteristics of Iranian fat-tailed rams. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 88: 245-255.
- Zohara, B.F., Islam, A.F., G.S. Alam and F.Y. Baric, 2014. Comparison of estrus synchronization by PGF2α and progestagen sponge with PMSG in indigenous ewes in Bangladesh. GSTF Int. J. V. Sci.,1(1): 27-37.
Determination of T3, T4 and Cortisol Levels in CIDR applied Kıvırcık and Karacabey Ewes
Year 2018,
Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 112 - 118, 15.05.2018
Şeniz Öziş Altınçekiç
Mehmet Koyuncu
Serdar Duru
This study has been conducted in order to determine whether the CIDR
application on Kıvırcık and Karacabey Merino ewes used for supplying estrous
synchronization a stress factor or not. For this purpose; T3
(triiodothyronine), T4 (thyroxine) and cortisol hormone levels of sheep in
their blood samples were measured on day 1 when CIDR apparatus were mounted, on
day 7 and on day 14 when they were removed. In this study, 80 head of ewes in
total were used which consisted of 40 head Kıvırcık and 40 head Karacabey
Merino ewes. 10 ml of blood from jugular veins of sheep were taken at the
specified periods into EDTA tubes, and their T3, T4 and cortisol concentrations
were identified by commercial RIA kits. In Kıvırcık race, these values were
identified as 1.76 (ng/mL), 7.92 (µg/dL), 5.30 (µg/dL) respectively while in
Karacabey Merino race as 1.69 (ng/mL), 7.00 (µg/dL) and 4.19 (µg/dL)
respectively. In terms of T4 and cortisol, the difference between races were
found significant (P<0.01) while difference between the periods were found
significant only for T3 hormone (P<0.01).
- Carcangiu, V., Vacca, G.M., Parmeggiani, A., Mura, M.C., M.L. Dettori and P.P. Bini, 2008. The effect of shearing procedures on blood levels of growth hormone, cortisol and other stress haematochemical parameters in Sarda sheep. Animal, 2(4): 606-612.
- Caroprese, M. Albenzio, M., Marzano, A., Schena, L., G. Annicchiarico and A. Sevi, 2010. Relationship between cortisol response to stress and behavior, immune profile, and production performance of dairy ewes. J. Dairy Sci., 93: 2395-2403.
- Cockram, M.S., Kent, J.E., Goddard, P.J., Waran, N.K., Jackson, R.E., Mcgilp, I.M., Southall, E.L., Amory, J.R., Mcconnell, T.I., T. O’riordan and B.S. Wilkins, 2000. Behavioural and physiological responses of sheep to 16 h transport and a novel environment post-transport. Veterinary Journal, 159(2): 139-146.
- Dellal, G and F. Cedden, 2002. Koyun ve keçide üremenin mevsime bağlılığı ve üreme ve fotoperiyot ilişkileri. Anim. Prod., 43(1): 64-73.
- Donders, G.G.G, Vereecken, A., Bosmans, E., Dekeersmaecker, A., G. Salembier and B. Spitz, 2002. Definition of a type of abnormal vagina flora that is distinct from bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis. Br. J. Obstet. Gynaecol., 109: 34-43.
- Eliçin, M.K. 2008. Akkeçilerde troid hormonlarının değişimi. Ankara Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Doktora Tezi, Ankara, 82s.
- Emsen, E. and N. Koşum, 2009. Koyunculukta yeni üretim teknikleri. Türkiye Koyunculuk Kongresi, s. 63-71, İzmir.
- Farmer, C., Dubreuil, P., Couture, Y., P. Brazeau and D. Petitclerc, 1991. Hormonal changes following an acute stress in control and somatostatin-immunized pigs. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol., 8: 527-536.
- Fazio, E., Medica, P., Mignacca, S., C. Cravana and A. Ferlazzo, 2011. Haematological and cortisol changes after 3 h road journey in sheep. J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 10: 2487-2492.
- Fazio, E., Manera, M., Mignacca, S., P. Medica and A. Ferlazzo, 2013. Cortisol changes in pregnant and post-partum ewes: effects of single or twin births. In: Trends in Veterinary Sciences. (Ed(s):C. Boiti et al.,). Chapter 10. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Pp: 51-54.
Fazio, E., Medica, P., C. Cravana and A. Ferlazzo, 2014. Short-and long-term effects of weaning on adrenocortical and functional response of lambs. Acta Sci., Vet., 42(1193): 1-7.
- Gavojdian, D., E. Sossidou and L.T. Cziszter, 2014. Effects of lambing on behaviour and cortisol levels in postparturient ewes. Anim. Sci. Biotech., 47(2): 258-261.
- Iveta, P., Seidel, H., Nagy, O., T. Csilla and G. Ková, 2011. Concentrations of thyroıd hormones in various age categories of ruminants and swine. Acta Vet., (Beograd), 61(5-6): 489-503.
- Kent, J.E. and R. Ewbank, 1986. The effect of road transportation on the blood constituents and behaviour of calves. III. Three months old. Br. Vet. J., 142(4): 326-335.
- Kustritz, M.V. 2006. Collection of tissue and culture samples from the canine reproductive tract. Theriogenology, 66: 567-574.
- Mader, T.L., M.S. Davis and T. Brown-Brandl, 2006. Environmental factors influencing heat stress in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci., 84: 712-719.
- Mears, G.J. and F.A. Brown, 1997. Cortisol and b-endorphin responses to physical and psychological stressors in lambs. Canadian J. Anim. Sci., 77(4): 689-694.
- Minitab. 2013. Minitab® 17 Statistical Software.
- Moolchandani, A., M. Sareen and J. Vaishnav, 2008. Influence of restraint and isolation stress on plasma cortisol in male Karakul sheep. Veterinarski arhiv., 78(4):357-362.
- Okeudo, N.J. and B.W. Moss, 2005. Serum cortisol concentration in different sex-types and slaughter weights, and its relationship with meat quality and ıntramuscular fatty acid profile. Pak. J. Nutr., 4(2): 64-68.
- Padula, A.M. and K.L. Macmillan, 2006. Effect of treatment with two intravaginal inserts on the uterine and vaginal microflora of early postpartum beef cows. Aust. Vet. J., 84: 204-208.
- Penna, B., Libonati, H., Director, A., Sarzedas, A.C., Martins, G., Brandão, F.Z., J. Fonseca and W. Lilenbaum, 2013. Progestin-impregnated intravaginal sponges for estrus induction and synchronization influences on goats vaginal flora and antimicrobial susceptibility. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 142: 71-74.
- Robertson, I.S., J.E. Kent and V. Molony, 1994. Effect of different methods of castration on behaviour and plasma cortisol in calves of three ages. Res. Vet. Sci., 56: 8-17.
- Rowe, J.D., L.A. Tell and D.C. Wagner, 2009. Animal safety report on intravaginal progesterone controlled internal drug releasing devices in sheep and goats. J. Vet. Pharmacol. Ther., 32: 303-305.
- Ruiz-de-la-Torre, J.L., Velarde, A., Diestre, A., Gispert, M., Hall, S.J.G., D.M. Broom and X. Manteca, 2001. Effects of vehicle movements during transport on the stress responses and meat quality of sheep. Vet. Rec., 148: 227-229.
- Souza, M.I.L., Bicudo, S.D., L.F. Uribe-Velasquez and A.A. Ramos, 2002. Circadian and circannual rhythms of T3 and T4 secretions in Polywarth-Ideal rams. Small Rumin. Res., 46: 1-5.
- Souza, J.M., Torres, C.A., Maia, A.L., Brandão, F.Z., Bruschi, J.H., Viana, J.H., E. Oba and J.F. Fonseca, 2011. Autoclaved, previously used intravaginal progesterone devices induces estrus and ovulation in anestrous Toggenburg goats. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 129(1-2): 50-55.
- Starling, J.M.C., Silva, R.G., Negrao, J.A., A.S.C. Maia and A.R. Bueno, 2005. Seasonal variation of thyroid hormones and cortisol of sheep in tropical environment. Rev. Bras. Zootec., 34: 2064-2073.
- Taşkın, T., F. Ataç and E. Demirören, 2008. Sıcaklık stresinin Saanen keçilerinde T3, T4 ve kortisol hormon düzeyleri üzerine etkisi. Hay. Üret., 49(2): 15-22.
- Todini, L. 2007. Thyroid hormones in small ruminants: effects of endogenous, environmental and nutritional factors. Animal, 1(7): 997-1008.
- Yılmaz, B. 1999. Hormonlar ve Üreme Fizyolojisi. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Fizyoloji Anabilim Dalı. 1. Basım, Ankara, 588s.
- Zamiri, M.J. and H.R. Khodaei, 2005. Seasonal thyroidal activity and reproductive characteristics of Iranian fat-tailed rams. Anim. Reprod. Sci., 88: 245-255.
- Zohara, B.F., Islam, A.F., G.S. Alam and F.Y. Baric, 2014. Comparison of estrus synchronization by PGF2α and progestagen sponge with PMSG in indigenous ewes in Bangladesh. GSTF Int. J. V. Sci.,1(1): 27-37.