Article Evaluation Process

Journal of Design Studio double-blinded peer-review process.

1- Submitting the Paper to DergiPark System: All authors should submit their papers to the official DergiPark System.

2- Initial Evaluation by the Editors: The Editor and co-editor examines the paper in relation to the Journal’s aim and scopes.

3- Pre-evaluation of the Manuscript for similarity control and submission rules by editor or co-editor: Similarity control with (accepted similarity lower than %15) and control the Copyright Transfer Form.

4- Inviting the Experts for Peer Review: The editor, co-editor or special issue editors invite two (2) reviewers from editorial board and other related expert groups.

5- The Double-Blind Peer-Review Process: Two reviewer’s “major revisions” or “minor revisions” or “accepted” recommendation is required to move to the next step. If two reviewers recommend “rejection” for the manuscript, the editor, or co-editor, or special issue editor give decision about article as “rejected”.

6- Delivering the Necessary Corrections/Re-Reviews: The author/s should revise the paper in accordance to the required corrections declared by the reviewers; and re-submit it to the DergiPark System.

7. If there are major revision recommendation by the reviewers, the revised manuscript send the reviewer/s for the second round review process

8- The Final Evaluation of the editor or co-editor or special issue editor: The final evaluation is done by the editor or co-editor or special issue editors for the article which get at least “minor revision” form both reviewers, if all the requirements and recommendations of the reviewers are completed by the authors.

9- Publishing the article in Journal of Design Studio in the next normal issue or special issue.  

Last Update Time: 12/22/24, 9:42:50 PM

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Journal of Design Studio call for research papers on studios in all disciplines. Please submit your article by using Dergipark online submission system.