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Türkiye İmalat Sanayinde Dış Ticaretin İstihdam Üzerindeki Etkisi

Year 2010, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 489 - 504, 01.12.2010


Bu çalışmada, dış ticaretin istihdam üzerindeki etkisi 1988:1-2007:3 dönemi imalat sanayi verileri kullanılarak gecikmesi dağıtılmış otoregresif yaklaşımı ile analiz edilmiştir. Üçer aylık veriler ile yapılan analizler sonucunda, uzun dönemde istihdam üzerinde dış ticaretin anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olmadığı, kısa dönemde ise hem ihracatın hem de ithalatın istihdam üzerinde pozitif ve anlamlı etkiye sahip oldukları görülmüştür


  • Borjas, George J . , Richard B. Freeman and Lawrence F. Katz. (1991), "On the Labor Market Effects of Immigration and Trade" Working Paper 3761. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research (June). (14/08/2010)
  • Clemente, Jesus, Antonio Montañes and Marcelo Reyes. (1998), “Testing for a Unit Root in Variables with a Double Change in the Mean”, Economics Letters, 59, s. 175-182.
  • Cortes, Olivier, Jean Sebastien and Jean Pisani-Ferry. (1996), “Trade with Emerging Countries and the Labour Market: The French Case”, Working Papers, CEPII research center. (14/08/2010)
  • Davis, Steven J . and John Haltiwanger. (1991). "Wage Dispersion Between and Within U.S. Manufacturing Plants, 1963-1986" Working Paper 3722, Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. (14/08/2010)
  • Engle, Robert F. and Clive W. J. Granger. (1987), “Co-Integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing”, Econometrica, 55(2), s. 251-276.
  • Erlat, Güzin. (2000), "Measuring the Impact of Trade Flows on Employment in the Turkish Manufacturing Industry", Applied Economics, 32(9), s. 1169-1180.
  • Fosu, Oteng-Abayie Eric and Frimpong Joseph Magnus. (2006), “Bounds Testing Approach to Cointegration: An Examination of Foreign Direct Investment Trade and Growth Relationships”, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3 (11), s. 2079-2085.
  • Freeman, Richard. and Ana Revenga. (2004), “How Much has LDC Trade Affected Western Job Markets?”, in: Trade and Jobs in Europe, Eds. Mathias Dewatripont, Andre Sapir and Khalid Sekkat, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Gómez, Victor and Agustine Maravall. (1997), "Programs TRAMO (Time series Regression with Arima noise, Missing observations, and Outliers) and SEATS (Signal Extraction in Arima Time Series): Instructions for the User”, Banco de España Research Department, Working Paper 97001.
  • Greenaway, David., Robert C. Hine and Peter Wright. (1999), “An Empirical Assessment of the Impact of Trade on Employment in the United Kingdom.”, European Journal of Political Economy, 15 (3), 485-500.
  • Jansen, Marion and Eddy Lee. (2007), “Trade and Employment: Challenges For Polıcy Research”, Geneva: World Trade Organization.
  • Johansen, Soren. (1988), “Statistical Analysis of Cointegrating Vectors,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control”, 12, s. 231-54.
  • Johansen, Soren and Katarina Juselıus. (1990), “Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference on Cointegration with Applications to the Demand for Money”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 52(2), s. 169–211.
  • Karaca, Orhan. (2005), “Türkiye’de Faiz Oranı ile Döviz Kuru Arasında ilişki: Faizlerin Düşürülmesi Kurları Yükseltir mi?”, Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu Tartışma Metni, 14, s.1-19. (14/08/2010)
  • Koçak, Necmettin Alpay. (2009), “Sanayi Üretiminde Tatil Etkileri”, Ekonometri ve İstatistik, 10, s. 20-28.
  • Krugman, Paul and Robert Lawrence. (1993), "Trade, Jobs, and Wages", NBER Working Papers 4478. (14/08/2010)
  • Lawrence, Robert Z., and Matthew J. Slaughter. (1993), " International Trade and American Wages in the 1980s: Giant Sucking Sound or Small Hiccup?", Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2, Microeconomics, s. 161-226.
  • Leamer, Edward E. (1993), "Wage Effects of a U.S.-Mexican Free Trade Agreement", NBER Working Papers 3991. (14/08/2010)
  • Leamer, Edward E. (1994), "Trade, Wages and Revolving Door Ideas", NBER Working Papers 4716, (14/08/2010)
  • Leamer, Edward E. (1998), “In Search of Stolper-Samuelson Linkages Between International Trade and Lower Wages”, In: Imports, Exports, and the American Worker, (Ed. Susan Collins), Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, s. 141-214.
  • MacPherson, David A., and James B. Stewart. (1990), "The Effect of International Competition on Union and Nonunion Wages", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 43(4), s. 435-46.
  • Milner, Chris and Peter Wright. (1998), “Modelling Labour Market Adjustment to Trade Liberalization in an Industrialising Economy.” Economic Journal, 108 (447), 509-528.
  • Murphy, Kevin M., and Finis Welch. (1991), "The Role of International Trade in Wage Differentials", In: Workers and Their Wages: Changing Patterns in the United States, (Ed.Marvin H. Kosters), Washington: AEI Press, s. 39-69.
  • Oslington, Paul. (2006), The Theory of International Trade and Unemployment, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem, Yongcheol Shin, and Richard J. Smith. (1996), Testing for the Existence of a Long-Run Relationship”, DAE Working Paper No. 9622, University of Cambridge.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem and Yongcheol Shin. (1999), “An Autoregressive Distributed Lag Modelling Approach to Cointegration Analysis”, In. Econometrics and Economic Theory in 20thCentury: The Ragnar Frisch Centennial Symposium, (Ed. Steinar Strom), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 371-412.
  • Pesaran, Hasheem M., Yongcheol Shin and Richard J. Smith. (2001), “Bounds Testing Approaches To The Analysis Of Level Relationships”, Journal Of Applied Econometrics, 16(3), s. 289-326.
  • Pesaran, Bahram and M. Hashem Pesaran. (2009), Time Series Econometrics Using Microfit 5.0, New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Polat, Özgür. (2009), “Türkiye’nin Dış Ticaret Verilerinin Öngörüsünde Yapay Sinir Ağları ve Box-Jenkins Modellerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Revenga, Ana L. (1992), "Exporting Jobs? The Impact of Import Competition on Employment and Wages in U.S. Manufacturing", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(1), s. 255-84.
  • Sachs, Jeffrey D. and Howard J. Shatz. (1994), “Trade and Jobs in US Manufacturing”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, s. 1-84. (14/08/2010)
  • Sakurai, Kojiro. (2004), "How Does Trade Affect the Labor Market? Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing", Japan and the World Economy, 16(2), s. 139-161.
  • Sevüktekin, Mustafa ve Mehmet Nargeleçekenler. (2010), Ekonometrik Zaman Serileri Analizi (EViews Uygulamalı), Ankara: Nobel Yayın.
  • Uslu, Enes E. ve Özgür Polat. (2010), “Türkiye’nin Dış Ticaretinde Mevsimsel Düzeltme”, Journal of Yasar University, 18(5), s. 3117‐3130. (04/08/2010)
  • Wood, Adrian. (1994), North-South Trade, Etnploytnent and Inequality: Changing Fortunes in a Skill-Driven World, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • WB. (2009), World Development Indicators, Washington: The World Bank.

Employment Impact of Foreign Trade in Manufacturing Industry of Turkey

Year 2010, Volume: 9 Issue: 3, 489 - 504, 01.12.2010


In this study, employment impact of foreign trade was investigated using Autoregressive Distributed Lag approach with manufacturing industry data of Turkey for the period of 1988:1-2007:3. Results of this study showed that while trade had no significant impact on employment in the long run, both exports and imports had positive and significant impact on employment in the short run for the period of analyzed


  • Borjas, George J . , Richard B. Freeman and Lawrence F. Katz. (1991), "On the Labor Market Effects of Immigration and Trade" Working Paper 3761. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research (June). (14/08/2010)
  • Clemente, Jesus, Antonio Montañes and Marcelo Reyes. (1998), “Testing for a Unit Root in Variables with a Double Change in the Mean”, Economics Letters, 59, s. 175-182.
  • Cortes, Olivier, Jean Sebastien and Jean Pisani-Ferry. (1996), “Trade with Emerging Countries and the Labour Market: The French Case”, Working Papers, CEPII research center. (14/08/2010)
  • Davis, Steven J . and John Haltiwanger. (1991). "Wage Dispersion Between and Within U.S. Manufacturing Plants, 1963-1986" Working Paper 3722, Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. (14/08/2010)
  • Engle, Robert F. and Clive W. J. Granger. (1987), “Co-Integration and Error Correction: Representation, Estimation, and Testing”, Econometrica, 55(2), s. 251-276.
  • Erlat, Güzin. (2000), "Measuring the Impact of Trade Flows on Employment in the Turkish Manufacturing Industry", Applied Economics, 32(9), s. 1169-1180.
  • Fosu, Oteng-Abayie Eric and Frimpong Joseph Magnus. (2006), “Bounds Testing Approach to Cointegration: An Examination of Foreign Direct Investment Trade and Growth Relationships”, American Journal of Applied Sciences, 3 (11), s. 2079-2085.
  • Freeman, Richard. and Ana Revenga. (2004), “How Much has LDC Trade Affected Western Job Markets?”, in: Trade and Jobs in Europe, Eds. Mathias Dewatripont, Andre Sapir and Khalid Sekkat, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Gómez, Victor and Agustine Maravall. (1997), "Programs TRAMO (Time series Regression with Arima noise, Missing observations, and Outliers) and SEATS (Signal Extraction in Arima Time Series): Instructions for the User”, Banco de España Research Department, Working Paper 97001.
  • Greenaway, David., Robert C. Hine and Peter Wright. (1999), “An Empirical Assessment of the Impact of Trade on Employment in the United Kingdom.”, European Journal of Political Economy, 15 (3), 485-500.
  • Jansen, Marion and Eddy Lee. (2007), “Trade and Employment: Challenges For Polıcy Research”, Geneva: World Trade Organization.
  • Johansen, Soren. (1988), “Statistical Analysis of Cointegrating Vectors,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control”, 12, s. 231-54.
  • Johansen, Soren and Katarina Juselıus. (1990), “Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Inference on Cointegration with Applications to the Demand for Money”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 52(2), s. 169–211.
  • Karaca, Orhan. (2005), “Türkiye’de Faiz Oranı ile Döviz Kuru Arasında ilişki: Faizlerin Düşürülmesi Kurları Yükseltir mi?”, Türkiye Ekonomi Kurumu Tartışma Metni, 14, s.1-19. (14/08/2010)
  • Koçak, Necmettin Alpay. (2009), “Sanayi Üretiminde Tatil Etkileri”, Ekonometri ve İstatistik, 10, s. 20-28.
  • Krugman, Paul and Robert Lawrence. (1993), "Trade, Jobs, and Wages", NBER Working Papers 4478. (14/08/2010)
  • Lawrence, Robert Z., and Matthew J. Slaughter. (1993), " International Trade and American Wages in the 1980s: Giant Sucking Sound or Small Hiccup?", Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2, Microeconomics, s. 161-226.
  • Leamer, Edward E. (1993), "Wage Effects of a U.S.-Mexican Free Trade Agreement", NBER Working Papers 3991. (14/08/2010)
  • Leamer, Edward E. (1994), "Trade, Wages and Revolving Door Ideas", NBER Working Papers 4716, (14/08/2010)
  • Leamer, Edward E. (1998), “In Search of Stolper-Samuelson Linkages Between International Trade and Lower Wages”, In: Imports, Exports, and the American Worker, (Ed. Susan Collins), Washington, D.C.: Brookings Institution, s. 141-214.
  • MacPherson, David A., and James B. Stewart. (1990), "The Effect of International Competition on Union and Nonunion Wages", Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 43(4), s. 435-46.
  • Milner, Chris and Peter Wright. (1998), “Modelling Labour Market Adjustment to Trade Liberalization in an Industrialising Economy.” Economic Journal, 108 (447), 509-528.
  • Murphy, Kevin M., and Finis Welch. (1991), "The Role of International Trade in Wage Differentials", In: Workers and Their Wages: Changing Patterns in the United States, (Ed.Marvin H. Kosters), Washington: AEI Press, s. 39-69.
  • Oslington, Paul. (2006), The Theory of International Trade and Unemployment, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem, Yongcheol Shin, and Richard J. Smith. (1996), Testing for the Existence of a Long-Run Relationship”, DAE Working Paper No. 9622, University of Cambridge.
  • Pesaran, M. Hashem and Yongcheol Shin. (1999), “An Autoregressive Distributed Lag Modelling Approach to Cointegration Analysis”, In. Econometrics and Economic Theory in 20thCentury: The Ragnar Frisch Centennial Symposium, (Ed. Steinar Strom), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, s. 371-412.
  • Pesaran, Hasheem M., Yongcheol Shin and Richard J. Smith. (2001), “Bounds Testing Approaches To The Analysis Of Level Relationships”, Journal Of Applied Econometrics, 16(3), s. 289-326.
  • Pesaran, Bahram and M. Hashem Pesaran. (2009), Time Series Econometrics Using Microfit 5.0, New York: Oxford University Press Inc.
  • Polat, Özgür. (2009), “Türkiye’nin Dış Ticaret Verilerinin Öngörüsünde Yapay Sinir Ağları ve Box-Jenkins Modellerinin Karşılaştırmalı Analizi”, Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yayınlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Revenga, Ana L. (1992), "Exporting Jobs? The Impact of Import Competition on Employment and Wages in U.S. Manufacturing", Quarterly Journal of Economics, 107(1), s. 255-84.
  • Sachs, Jeffrey D. and Howard J. Shatz. (1994), “Trade and Jobs in US Manufacturing”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, s. 1-84. (14/08/2010)
  • Sakurai, Kojiro. (2004), "How Does Trade Affect the Labor Market? Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing", Japan and the World Economy, 16(2), s. 139-161.
  • Sevüktekin, Mustafa ve Mehmet Nargeleçekenler. (2010), Ekonometrik Zaman Serileri Analizi (EViews Uygulamalı), Ankara: Nobel Yayın.
  • Uslu, Enes E. ve Özgür Polat. (2010), “Türkiye’nin Dış Ticaretinde Mevsimsel Düzeltme”, Journal of Yasar University, 18(5), s. 3117‐3130. (04/08/2010)
  • Wood, Adrian. (1994), North-South Trade, Etnploytnent and Inequality: Changing Fortunes in a Skill-Driven World, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
  • WB. (2009), World Development Indicators, Washington: The World Bank.
There are 36 citations in total.


Other ID JA32RC75BH
Journal Section Article

Özgür Polat This is me

Enes Ertad Uslu This is me

Publication Date December 1, 2010
Submission Date December 1, 2010
Published in Issue Year 2010 Volume: 9 Issue: 3


APA Polat, Ö., & Uslu, E. E. (2010). Türkiye İmalat Sanayinde Dış Ticaretin İstihdam Üzerindeki Etkisi. Gaziantep Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 9(3), 489-504.