Cases Method in Teacher Education
Year 2010,
Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 253 - 277, 01.12.2010
Sami Şahin
Bilal Atasoy
Sibel Somyürek
The aim of this study is to explore the use and the research about case-method in teacher education. The content of the 115 academic studies published in the journals indexed in the Educational Research Information Center (ERIC), Academic Search Complete, Professional Development Collection, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection were examined in this study. The result revealed that there are various approaches and practices in the use of case-method in teacher education. This paper presents a list of the academic disciplines using case teaching method, the benefits and the challenges in the use of this method and the research methods used in the investigation of case teaching method in preservice teacher education
- Afolabi, M. (1992). The review of related literature in research. International journal of information and library research, 4(1), 59-66.
- Angeli, C., Valanides, N., & Bonk, C. J. (2003). Communication in a web-based conferencing system: the quality of computer-mediated interactions. British Journal of Educational Technology, 34(1), 31-43.
- Anderson, P.L., & Baker, B. K. (1999). A case-based curriculum approach to special education teacher preparation. Teacher Education and Special Education, 22(3), 188-92.
- Barnett, C. (1991). Building a case-based curriculum to enhance the pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics teachers. Journal of Teacher Education, 42(4), 263-272
- Barnett, M. (2008). Using authentic cases through the use of a web-based professional development system to support preservice teachers in examining classroom practice. Action in Teacher Education, 29(4), 3-14.
- Bennett, S. (2004). Developing a Case-based Approach for Pre-service Teachers Learning about Information Technology Integration in the Classroom. In L.
- Cantoni & C. McLoughlin (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2004 (pp.
- 3811-3815). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Block, K. K. (1996). The case method in modern educational psychology texts. Teaching and Teacher Education, 12(5), 483-500.
- Bolt, B.R. (1998). Encouraging cognitive growth through case discussions. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 18(1), 90-102.
- Bonk, C. J., Angeli, C., Malikowski, S.R., & Supplee, L. (2001). Holy cow: scaffolding case based conferencing on the web with preservice teachers. Education at a Distance, 15(8).
- Boyce, B. A. (1992). Making the case for the case-method approach in physical education pedagogy classes. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 63(6), 17-20.
- Bronack, S.C., Kilbane, C. R., Herbert, J. M., & McNergney, R. F. (1999). Inservice and pre-service teachers' perceptions of a web-based, case-based learning environment. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 8(3), 305-20.
- Bruce, C. S. (1994), Research student's early experiences of the dissertation literature review. Studies in Higher Education, 19(2), 217-229.
- Choi, I. ve Lee, K. (2008). A case-based learning environment design for real-world classroom management problem solving.
- Caspers, J. S (1998). Hands-on instruction across the miles: using a web tuturial to teach the literature review research process. Research Strategies, 16(3), 187-197.
- Cannings, T. R. & Talley, S. (2004). Multimedia and online video case studies for preservice teacher preparation. Journal Education and Information Technologies, 7(4), 359-367.
- TechTrends, 52(3). 26-31.
- Choi, I. ve Lee, K. (2009). Designing and implementing a case-based learning environment for enhancing ill-structured problem solving: classroom management problems for prospective teachers. Educational Technology Research and Development, 57(1). 99-129.
- Conway, C. (1999). The case method and music teacher education. Applications of Research in Music Education, 17(2), 20-26. Cooper, H. M. (1989).
- Doerr, H. M. & Tonia Thompson, T. (2004). Understanding teacher educators and their pre-service teachers through multi-media case studies of practice. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 7(3), 175-201.
- Dottin, E. & Weiner, M. (2001). Enhancing effective thinking and problem solving for preservice teacher education candidates and inservice professionals. London: University Press of America. 2-9.
- Integrating Research : A Guide For Literature Reviews, 2nd ed, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, Calif.
- Floyd, D.M., & Bodur, Y. (2005). Using case study analysis and case writing to structure clinical experiences in a teacher education program. The Educational Forum, 70(1), 48-60.
- Franz, D. P.; Hopper, P. F.; Kritsonis, W. A. (2007). National impact: creating teacher leaders through the use of problem-based learning. National Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal. 20(3), 1-9.
- Griffith, P.L., & Laframboise, K. (1997). The structures and patterns of case method talk: what our students taught us. Action in Teacher Education, 18(4), 10-22.
- Han, I.S. & Kinzer, C. (2007). Developing a multimedia case-based learning environment: teaching technology integration to korean preservice teachers.
- In C. Montgomerie & J. Seale (Eds.),Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2007 (pp. 64-69). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from
- Harkness, S.S., & Thomas, J. (2008). Reflections on "multiplication as original sin": the implications of using a case to help preservice teachers understand invented algorithms. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 27(2), 128-137.
- Harrington H. L., Quinn-Leering, K, & Hodson, L. (1996). Written case analyses and critical reflection. Teaching and Teacher Education,12 (1), 25-37.
- Harrington, H.L., & Garrison, J.W. (1992). Cases as shared inquiry: a dialogical model of teacher preparation. American Educational Research Journal, 29(4), 715-735.
- Heitzmann, R. (2008). Case study instruction in teacher education: opportunity to develop students' critical thinking, school smarts and decision making. Education. 128(4), 523-542.
- Hughes, J. E., Packard, B.W., & Pearson, P.D. (2000). The role of hypermedia cases on preservice teachers' views of reading instruction. Action in Teacher Education, 22(2A), 24-38.
- Jonassen, D.H. (1997). Instructional design models for well-structured and illstructured problem-solving learning outcomes. Educational Technology Research & Development, 45(1), 656–94.
- Jonassen, D.H. (2000). Toward a design theory of problem solving. Educational Technology Research & Development, 48(4), 63–85.
- Jonassen, D. H. ve Hernandez-Serrano, J. (2002). Case-based reasoning and instructional design: Using stories to support problem solving. Educational Technology Research & Development. 50(2). 65-77.
- Kaste, J.A. (2004). Scaffolding through cases: diverse constructivist teaching in the literacy methods course. Teaching & Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 20(1), 31-45.
- Kilbane, C.R. (2008). Preservice teachers' application of a problem-solving approach on multimedia case. Action in Teacher Education, 29(4), 15-26.
- Kim, H., & Hannafin, M.J. (2008). Situated case-based knowledge: an emerging framework for prospective teacher learning. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 24(7), 1837- 1845. Kim, S., Phillips, W.R., Pinsky, L., Brock, D., Phillips, K., & Keary, J. (2006). A conceptual framework for developing teaching cases: a review and synthesis of the literature across disciplines. Medical Education, 40, 867- 876.
- Kimball, B. A. (2006). The proliferation of case method teaching in american law schools: mr. langdell's emblematic "abomination," 1890-1915. History of Education Quarterly, (46)2, 192-247.
- Kinzer. C. K. (2008). Examining the effectiveness of a multimedia case-based environment for teaching technology integration to Korean preservice teachers. In Proceedings Of The 8th International Conference on International Conference for The Learning Sciences (Ed. Sook Han), 319- 326.
- Kolodner, J. (1993). Case-based Reasoning. New York:Morgan Kaufman.
- Kurz, T.L., Llama, G. ve Savenye, W. (2008). Issues and challenges of creating video cases to be used with preservice teachers. TechTrends. 49(4). 67-73.
- Lourdusamy, A., Khine, M.S., & Sipusic, M. (2003). Collaborative learning tool for presenting authentic case studies and its impact on student participation. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 31(4), 381-392.
- Lundeberg, M. A., & Scheurman, G. (1997). Looking twice means seeing more: developing pedagogical knowledge through case analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 13(8), 783-797.
- Makitalo, K., Hakkinen, P., Leinonen, P., & Jarvela, S. (2002). Mechanisms of common ground in case-based web discussions in teacher education. Internet and Higher Education, 5(3), 247-65
- Maloch, B. & Kinzer, C. (2006). The impact of multimedia cases on preservice teachers' learning about literacy teaching: A follow-up study. The Teacher Educator, 41(3), 158-171.
- Mark P. M. (2007). Challenges of case-based teaching. The Behavior Analyst Today. 8(4), 434-442.
- McCammon, L. A., Miller, C., & Norris, J. (1997). Using case studies in drama/theatre teacher education: a process of bridge building between theory and practice. Youth Theatre Journal, 11, 103-112.
- McCombie, S. M., & Zimmer, P. (2007). The case method: bridging the college classroom and secondary classrooms. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 99(4), 52-55.
- McNaughton, D., Hall, T. E., & Maccini, P. (2001). Case-based instruction in special education teacher preparation: practices and concerns of teacher educator/researchers. Teacher Education and Special Education, 24(2), 84-94.
- McNergney, R.F., & Others, (1994). Cooperation and competition in case-based teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 45(5), 339-345.
- McWilliam, P. J., & Snyder, P. (1999). Evaluating the efficacy of case method instruction: findings from preservice training in family-centered care. Journal of Early Intervention, 22(2), 114-25.
- Merseth, K. K. (1991). The early history of case-based instruction: insights for teacher education today. Journal of Teacher Education, 42(4), 243-249.
- Merseth, K. K. (1996). Cases and case methods in teacher education. In Sikula J. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Teacher Education, 722-746. New York: Macmillan.
- Monroe-Baillargeon, A. (2002). Talking about our work: Teachers' use of video as a problem-solving tool. In R. Griffin, J. Lee 8c V. Williams (Ed), Visual literacy in message design (2-6). Rochester: International Visual Literacy Association.
- O'Farrell, L. (2000). Enhancing drama teacher education with student-written teaching cases. Stage of the Art, 11(2), 15-17.
- Orland-Barak, L. (2002). What’s in a case? What mentors’ cases reveal about the practice of mentoring. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 34(4), 451-468.
- Richardson, C. P. (1997). Using case studies in the methods classroom. Music Educators Journal, 84(2), 17-21,50.
- Schussler, D. L., Bercaw, L. A., & Stooksberry, L. M. (2008). The fabric of teacher candidate dispositions: what case studies reveal about teacher thinking. Action in Teacher Education, 29(4), 39-52.
- Schank, R.C. (1990). Tell me a story: Narrative and intelligence. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
- Shulman, L., & Sparks, D. (1992). Merging content knowledge and pedagogy: an interview with lee shulman. Journal of Staff Development, 13(1), 14-16.
- Tiedt, I. M. (1992). Responding to the call of stories: learning from literary "case studies". Phi Delta Kappan, 73(10), 802-805.
- Tillman, B. A. (1995). Reflections on case method teaching. Action in Teacher Education, 17(1), 1-8.
- Tippins, D., Nichols, S., & Dana, T. (1999). Exploring novice and experienced elementary teachers' science teaching and learning referents through videocases. Research in Science Education, 29, 331 - 352.
- Van den Berg, E. & Visscher-Voerman, I. , (2000). Multimedia Cases in Elementary Science Teacher Education: Design and Development of a Prototype. Education and Information Technologies, 5(2), 119-132.
- Wright, S. (1996). Case-Based Instruction: Linking Theory to Practice. Physical Educator, 53(4), 190-197.
- Yadav, A. & Koehler, M. (2007). The Role of Epistemological Beliefs in Preservice Teachers' Interpretation of Video Cases of Early-Grade Literacy Instruction. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 15(3), 335-361.
- Yadav, A. (2008). What Works for Them? Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of Their Learning from Video Cases. Action in Teacher Education, 29(4), 27-38.
- Yoon, S., Pedretti, E., Bencze, L., Hewitt, J., Van Oostveen, R. & Perris, K. (2002). Using case methods in preservice teacher development: Influences on agency, practice and community-building. A presentation at the Annual Conference of yhe American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA
Öğretmen Eğitiminde Örnek Olay Yöntemi
Year 2010,
Volume: 9 Issue: 2, 253 - 277, 01.12.2010
Sami Şahin
Bilal Atasoy
Sibel Somyürek
Bu çalışmada öğretmen eğitiminde örnek olay yönteminin kullanımına ilişkin uygulama ve araştırmaların incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmada Educational Research Information Center (ERIC), Academic Search Complete, Professional Development Collection ve Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection indekslerinde yayınlanan 115 araştırmanın içerik incelemesi yapılmıştır. İnceleme sonucunda örnek olay öğretim yönteminde çeşitli yaklaşım ve uygulamaların var olduğu görülmüştür. Çalışmada örnek olay öğretim yönteminin öğretmen eğitiminde uygulandığı akademik disiplinler listelenerek, bu yöntemin uygulanması ile elde edilen kazanımlar ortaya konmuştur. Ele alınan çalışmalarda kullanılan araştırma yöntemleri ile araç ve ortamlar belirlenerek, örnek olay yönteminin kullanımına ilişkin zorluklar ve problemler aktarılmıştır
- Afolabi, M. (1992). The review of related literature in research. International journal of information and library research, 4(1), 59-66.
- Angeli, C., Valanides, N., & Bonk, C. J. (2003). Communication in a web-based conferencing system: the quality of computer-mediated interactions. British Journal of Educational Technology, 34(1), 31-43.
- Anderson, P.L., & Baker, B. K. (1999). A case-based curriculum approach to special education teacher preparation. Teacher Education and Special Education, 22(3), 188-92.
- Barnett, C. (1991). Building a case-based curriculum to enhance the pedagogical content knowledge of mathematics teachers. Journal of Teacher Education, 42(4), 263-272
- Barnett, M. (2008). Using authentic cases through the use of a web-based professional development system to support preservice teachers in examining classroom practice. Action in Teacher Education, 29(4), 3-14.
- Bennett, S. (2004). Developing a Case-based Approach for Pre-service Teachers Learning about Information Technology Integration in the Classroom. In L.
- Cantoni & C. McLoughlin (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2004 (pp.
- 3811-3815). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Block, K. K. (1996). The case method in modern educational psychology texts. Teaching and Teacher Education, 12(5), 483-500.
- Bolt, B.R. (1998). Encouraging cognitive growth through case discussions. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 18(1), 90-102.
- Bonk, C. J., Angeli, C., Malikowski, S.R., & Supplee, L. (2001). Holy cow: scaffolding case based conferencing on the web with preservice teachers. Education at a Distance, 15(8).
- Boyce, B. A. (1992). Making the case for the case-method approach in physical education pedagogy classes. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 63(6), 17-20.
- Bronack, S.C., Kilbane, C. R., Herbert, J. M., & McNergney, R. F. (1999). Inservice and pre-service teachers' perceptions of a web-based, case-based learning environment. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education, 8(3), 305-20.
- Bruce, C. S. (1994), Research student's early experiences of the dissertation literature review. Studies in Higher Education, 19(2), 217-229.
- Choi, I. ve Lee, K. (2008). A case-based learning environment design for real-world classroom management problem solving.
- Caspers, J. S (1998). Hands-on instruction across the miles: using a web tuturial to teach the literature review research process. Research Strategies, 16(3), 187-197.
- Cannings, T. R. & Talley, S. (2004). Multimedia and online video case studies for preservice teacher preparation. Journal Education and Information Technologies, 7(4), 359-367.
- TechTrends, 52(3). 26-31.
- Choi, I. ve Lee, K. (2009). Designing and implementing a case-based learning environment for enhancing ill-structured problem solving: classroom management problems for prospective teachers. Educational Technology Research and Development, 57(1). 99-129.
- Conway, C. (1999). The case method and music teacher education. Applications of Research in Music Education, 17(2), 20-26. Cooper, H. M. (1989).
- Doerr, H. M. & Tonia Thompson, T. (2004). Understanding teacher educators and their pre-service teachers through multi-media case studies of practice. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 7(3), 175-201.
- Dottin, E. & Weiner, M. (2001). Enhancing effective thinking and problem solving for preservice teacher education candidates and inservice professionals. London: University Press of America. 2-9.
- Integrating Research : A Guide For Literature Reviews, 2nd ed, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, Calif.
- Floyd, D.M., & Bodur, Y. (2005). Using case study analysis and case writing to structure clinical experiences in a teacher education program. The Educational Forum, 70(1), 48-60.
- Franz, D. P.; Hopper, P. F.; Kritsonis, W. A. (2007). National impact: creating teacher leaders through the use of problem-based learning. National Forum of Applied Educational Research Journal. 20(3), 1-9.
- Griffith, P.L., & Laframboise, K. (1997). The structures and patterns of case method talk: what our students taught us. Action in Teacher Education, 18(4), 10-22.
- Han, I.S. & Kinzer, C. (2007). Developing a multimedia case-based learning environment: teaching technology integration to korean preservice teachers.
- In C. Montgomerie & J. Seale (Eds.),Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2007 (pp. 64-69). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from
- Harkness, S.S., & Thomas, J. (2008). Reflections on "multiplication as original sin": the implications of using a case to help preservice teachers understand invented algorithms. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 27(2), 128-137.
- Harrington H. L., Quinn-Leering, K, & Hodson, L. (1996). Written case analyses and critical reflection. Teaching and Teacher Education,12 (1), 25-37.
- Harrington, H.L., & Garrison, J.W. (1992). Cases as shared inquiry: a dialogical model of teacher preparation. American Educational Research Journal, 29(4), 715-735.
- Heitzmann, R. (2008). Case study instruction in teacher education: opportunity to develop students' critical thinking, school smarts and decision making. Education. 128(4), 523-542.
- Hughes, J. E., Packard, B.W., & Pearson, P.D. (2000). The role of hypermedia cases on preservice teachers' views of reading instruction. Action in Teacher Education, 22(2A), 24-38.
- Jonassen, D.H. (1997). Instructional design models for well-structured and illstructured problem-solving learning outcomes. Educational Technology Research & Development, 45(1), 656–94.
- Jonassen, D.H. (2000). Toward a design theory of problem solving. Educational Technology Research & Development, 48(4), 63–85.
- Jonassen, D. H. ve Hernandez-Serrano, J. (2002). Case-based reasoning and instructional design: Using stories to support problem solving. Educational Technology Research & Development. 50(2). 65-77.
- Kaste, J.A. (2004). Scaffolding through cases: diverse constructivist teaching in the literacy methods course. Teaching & Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 20(1), 31-45.
- Kilbane, C.R. (2008). Preservice teachers' application of a problem-solving approach on multimedia case. Action in Teacher Education, 29(4), 15-26.
- Kim, H., & Hannafin, M.J. (2008). Situated case-based knowledge: an emerging framework for prospective teacher learning. Teaching and Teacher Education: An International Journal of Research and Studies, 24(7), 1837- 1845. Kim, S., Phillips, W.R., Pinsky, L., Brock, D., Phillips, K., & Keary, J. (2006). A conceptual framework for developing teaching cases: a review and synthesis of the literature across disciplines. Medical Education, 40, 867- 876.
- Kimball, B. A. (2006). The proliferation of case method teaching in american law schools: mr. langdell's emblematic "abomination," 1890-1915. History of Education Quarterly, (46)2, 192-247.
- Kinzer. C. K. (2008). Examining the effectiveness of a multimedia case-based environment for teaching technology integration to Korean preservice teachers. In Proceedings Of The 8th International Conference on International Conference for The Learning Sciences (Ed. Sook Han), 319- 326.
- Kolodner, J. (1993). Case-based Reasoning. New York:Morgan Kaufman.
- Kurz, T.L., Llama, G. ve Savenye, W. (2008). Issues and challenges of creating video cases to be used with preservice teachers. TechTrends. 49(4). 67-73.
- Lourdusamy, A., Khine, M.S., & Sipusic, M. (2003). Collaborative learning tool for presenting authentic case studies and its impact on student participation. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 31(4), 381-392.
- Lundeberg, M. A., & Scheurman, G. (1997). Looking twice means seeing more: developing pedagogical knowledge through case analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 13(8), 783-797.
- Makitalo, K., Hakkinen, P., Leinonen, P., & Jarvela, S. (2002). Mechanisms of common ground in case-based web discussions in teacher education. Internet and Higher Education, 5(3), 247-65
- Maloch, B. & Kinzer, C. (2006). The impact of multimedia cases on preservice teachers' learning about literacy teaching: A follow-up study. The Teacher Educator, 41(3), 158-171.
- Mark P. M. (2007). Challenges of case-based teaching. The Behavior Analyst Today. 8(4), 434-442.
- McCammon, L. A., Miller, C., & Norris, J. (1997). Using case studies in drama/theatre teacher education: a process of bridge building between theory and practice. Youth Theatre Journal, 11, 103-112.
- McCombie, S. M., & Zimmer, P. (2007). The case method: bridging the college classroom and secondary classrooms. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences, 99(4), 52-55.
- McNaughton, D., Hall, T. E., & Maccini, P. (2001). Case-based instruction in special education teacher preparation: practices and concerns of teacher educator/researchers. Teacher Education and Special Education, 24(2), 84-94.
- McNergney, R.F., & Others, (1994). Cooperation and competition in case-based teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 45(5), 339-345.
- McWilliam, P. J., & Snyder, P. (1999). Evaluating the efficacy of case method instruction: findings from preservice training in family-centered care. Journal of Early Intervention, 22(2), 114-25.
- Merseth, K. K. (1991). The early history of case-based instruction: insights for teacher education today. Journal of Teacher Education, 42(4), 243-249.
- Merseth, K. K. (1996). Cases and case methods in teacher education. In Sikula J. (ed.) Handbook of Research on Teacher Education, 722-746. New York: Macmillan.
- Monroe-Baillargeon, A. (2002). Talking about our work: Teachers' use of video as a problem-solving tool. In R. Griffin, J. Lee 8c V. Williams (Ed), Visual literacy in message design (2-6). Rochester: International Visual Literacy Association.
- O'Farrell, L. (2000). Enhancing drama teacher education with student-written teaching cases. Stage of the Art, 11(2), 15-17.
- Orland-Barak, L. (2002). What’s in a case? What mentors’ cases reveal about the practice of mentoring. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 34(4), 451-468.
- Richardson, C. P. (1997). Using case studies in the methods classroom. Music Educators Journal, 84(2), 17-21,50.
- Schussler, D. L., Bercaw, L. A., & Stooksberry, L. M. (2008). The fabric of teacher candidate dispositions: what case studies reveal about teacher thinking. Action in Teacher Education, 29(4), 39-52.
- Schank, R.C. (1990). Tell me a story: Narrative and intelligence. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press.
- Shulman, L., & Sparks, D. (1992). Merging content knowledge and pedagogy: an interview with lee shulman. Journal of Staff Development, 13(1), 14-16.
- Tiedt, I. M. (1992). Responding to the call of stories: learning from literary "case studies". Phi Delta Kappan, 73(10), 802-805.
- Tillman, B. A. (1995). Reflections on case method teaching. Action in Teacher Education, 17(1), 1-8.
- Tippins, D., Nichols, S., & Dana, T. (1999). Exploring novice and experienced elementary teachers' science teaching and learning referents through videocases. Research in Science Education, 29, 331 - 352.
- Van den Berg, E. & Visscher-Voerman, I. , (2000). Multimedia Cases in Elementary Science Teacher Education: Design and Development of a Prototype. Education and Information Technologies, 5(2), 119-132.
- Wright, S. (1996). Case-Based Instruction: Linking Theory to Practice. Physical Educator, 53(4), 190-197.
- Yadav, A. & Koehler, M. (2007). The Role of Epistemological Beliefs in Preservice Teachers' Interpretation of Video Cases of Early-Grade Literacy Instruction. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 15(3), 335-361.
- Yadav, A. (2008). What Works for Them? Preservice Teachers' Perceptions of Their Learning from Video Cases. Action in Teacher Education, 29(4), 27-38.
- Yoon, S., Pedretti, E., Bencze, L., Hewitt, J., Van Oostveen, R. & Perris, K. (2002). Using case methods in preservice teacher development: Influences on agency, practice and community-building. A presentation at the Annual Conference of yhe American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA