Sınıf Öğretmenleri ve Matematiksel Zorlukları
Year 2009,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 401 - 427, 01.12.2009
Mehmet Fatih Özmantar
Erhan Bingölbali
Bu makale ilköğretim I. kademede görev yapan sınıf öğretmenlerinin değişen yeni öğretim programlarının benimsediği yaklaşıma uygun öğretim yapmak için sahip oldukları donanımlarını belirlemek amacıyla yazılmıştır. Çalışma Türkiye‟nin büyük bir ilinde 104 farklı okulda görev yapan 216 öğretmenin katılımıyla elde edilen verilere dayanmaktadır. Çalışmaya katılan öğretmenler ilköğretim matematik programında yer alan konulardan oluşturulan açık uçlu soruları içeren bir ankete cevaplar vermişlerdir. Bu makalede ankette yer alan sorular arasında sadece kesirlerde işlemler sorusu üzerinde durulmuştur. Söz konusu soruya verilen cevaplar analiz edilmiş ve sonucunda öğretmenlerin ihmal edilemeyecek bir kısmının, en azından kesirler konusunda, ciddi matematiksel zorluklara ve kavram yanılgılarına sahip oldukları görülmüştür. Bu bulgular değişen yeni öğretim programının uygulanabilirliği açısından ele alınmış, öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi noktasından değerlendirilmiş ve öğretmenlerin farklı öğrenim geçmişleri dikkate alınarak bir tartışma sunulmuştur
- Akkoç, H. & Ogan-Bekiroğlu, F. (2006). Relationship between pre-service mathematics teachers‟ teaching and learning beliefs and their practices, In J. Novotná, H. Moraová, M. Krátká & N. Stehliková (Eds) International Conference on the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME30), Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 2, pp. 17 – 24.
- Akyüz,Y. (2008). Türk Eğitim Tarihi. Pegem Akademi, Ankara. Ball, D.L. & Bass, H. (2003). Toward a practice-based theory of mathematical knowledge for teaching. In E. Simmt & B. Davis (eds.), Proceedings of the 2002
- Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group CMESG, Edmonton, AB, pp. 3–14.
- Başer, N. ve Yavuz, G. (2003). Öğretmen Adaylarının Matematik Dersine Yönelik Tutumları,
- Bingolbali, E., Özmantar, F. M. & Akkoç, H. (2008a). Curriculum reform in primary mathematics education: teacher difficulties and dilemmas. In Figueras, O. & Sepúlveda, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the 32nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, and the XXX North American Chapter, Morelia, Michoacán, México, v2, p. 169-176.
- Bingölbali, E., Özmantar, F. M. ve Akkoç, H. (2008b). Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Farklı Matematiksel Çözüm Yollarını Değerlendirme Süreçleri. VII. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 366-369, 2-3-4 Mayıs 2008, Çanakkale.
- Bulut, M. (2007). Curriculum reform in Turkey: a case of primary school mathematics curriculum. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 3(3), 203-212.
- Clark, K.K., Jacobs, J., Pittman, M. E.,& Borko, H. (2005). Strategies for Building Mathematical Communication in the Middle School Classroom: Modeled in Professional Development, Implemented in the Classroom. Current Issues in Middle Level Education (2005) 11 (2), 1- 12
- Cochran, K. F., DeRuiter, J. A., & King, R. A. (1993). Pedagogical content knowledge: An integrative model for teacher preparation. Journal of Teacher Education, 44, 263–272.
- Fernandez-Balboa, J. M., & Stiehl, J. (1995). The generic nature of pedagogical content knowledge among college professors. Teaching and Teacher Education, 11(3), 293–306.
- Frechtling, J., Sharp, L., Carey, N., & Vaden-Kiernan, N. (1995). Teacher enhancement programs: A perspective on the last four decades. Washington, DC: National Science Foundation.
- Geddis, A. N., Onslow, B., Beynon, C., & Oesch, J. (1993). Transforming content knowledge: Learning to teach about isotopes. Science Education, 77(6), 575– 591.
- Grossman, P. L. (1990). The making of a teacher: Teacher knowledge and teacher education. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Hansen, A., Drews, D., Dudgeon, J., Lawton, F.& Surtees, L. (2005). Children's errors in mathematics: understanding common misconceptions in primary schools, Exeter: Learning Matters.
- Hashweh, M. Z. (2005). Teacher pedagogical constructions: a reconfiguration of pedagogical content knowledge. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 11(3), 273–292.
- Loughran, J., Berry, A., & Mulhall, P. (2006). Understanding and developing science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
- Ma, L.-P. (1999). Knowing and teaching mathematics: Teachers’ understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States. New Jersey: Erlbaum.
- Magnusson, S., Krajcik, L., & Borko, H. (1999). Nature, sources and development of pedagogical content knowledge. In J. Gess-Newsome & N. G. Lederman (Eds.), Examining pedagogical content knowledge (pp. 95–132). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.
- Manouchehri, A. & Goodman, T. (1998). Mathematics curriculum reform and teachers: understanding the connections. The journal of Educational Research, 92 (1), 27-41.
- Manouchehri, A. (1998). Mathematics curriculum reform and teachers: what are the dilemmas? Journal of Teacher Education, 49(4), 276-286.
- Marks, R. (1990). Pedagogical content knowledge: From a mathematical case to a modified conception. Journal of Teacher Education, 41, 3–11.
- MEB (2005a). Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, İlköğretim Matematik Dersi (1- 5. Sınıflar) Öğretim Programı. Ankara: MEB Basimevi.
- MEB (2005b). İlköğretim 1-5 sınıf programları tanıtım el kitabı. Ankara: Devlet Kitapları Müdürlüğü Basımevi.
- Moralı ,S. Uğurel, I., Türnüklü,T., Yeşildere, S. (2006). Matematik Öğretmen Adaylarının İspat Yapmaya Yönelik Görüşleri. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 147- 160 Cilt:14 No:1.
- Özmantar, F. M., Bingölbali, E. ve Akkoç, H. (2008). İlköğretim Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Açık Uçlu Matematik Soruları Değerlendirme Süreçleri. VII. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Eğitimi Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 361-365, 2-3-4 Mayıs 2008, Çanakkale.
- Park, S. & Oliver, J.S. (2007). Revisiting the Conceptualisation of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): PCK as a Conceptual Tool to Understand Teachers as Professionals. Research in Science Education, 38:261–284.
- Schmidt, W., McKnight, C., Cogan, L., Jakwerth, P. & Houang, R. (1999). Facing the Consequences: Using TIMSS for a Closer Look at US Mathematics and Science Education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press.
- Schroeder, C. M., Scott, T. P., Tolson, H., Huang, T. & Lee, Y. (2007). A metaanalysis of national research: effects of teaching strategies on student achievement in science in the United States. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(10), 1436-1460.
- Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15, 4–14.
- Shulman, L. S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57, 122.
- Smith, D. C., & Neale, D. C. (1989). The construction of subject matter knowledge in primary science teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 5, 1–20. Stigler, J. W., & Hiebert, J. (1999). The teaching gap: Best ideas from the world’s teachers for improving education in the classroom. New York: The Free Press.
- Sutter, L. E. (2000). Is student achievement immutable? Evidence from international studies on schooling and student achievement. Review of Educational Research, 70, 529–545.
- Tamir, P. (1988). Subject matter and related pedagogical knowledge in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 4, 99–110.
- Toptaş, V. (2006). İlköğretim Matematik dersi (1-5) öğretim programının uygulanmasında sınıf öğretmenlerinin karsılaştıkları sorunlarla ilgili görüşleri. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Cilt 1, 277-285. Ankara: Kök Yayıncılık.
- Tsamir, P. & Tirosh, D. (2005), In-service elementary mathematics teachers' views of errors in the classroom. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics.
- Zhou, Z, Peverly, S. T., & Xin, T. (2006). Knowing and teaching fractions: A crosscultural study of American and Chinese mathematics teachers. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 31, 438–457
Primary Teachers and Their Mathematical Difficulties
Year 2009,
Volume: 8 Issue: 2, 401 - 427, 01.12.2009
Mehmet Fatih Özmantar
Erhan Bingölbali
This paper is a by-product of a research that aimed to explore primary teachers‟ preparedness of the implementation of the new curriculum with particular regard to their pedagogical content knowledge. The study is carried out with 216 primary teachers working in 104 different schools in a large province in Turkey. Teachers were applied a questionnaire that included open-ended questions on different mathematical concepts covered in the primary mathematics curriculum. We report only on the questionnaire item on fraction in this paper. The findings obtained from this item show that almost a quarter of teachers have serious mathematical difficulties and misconceptions with regard to fractions. We discuss the concerns that these findings raise in terms of the implementation of the new curriculum and the issue of teachers‟ professional development
- Akkoç, H. & Ogan-Bekiroğlu, F. (2006). Relationship between pre-service mathematics teachers‟ teaching and learning beliefs and their practices, In J. Novotná, H. Moraová, M. Krátká & N. Stehliková (Eds) International Conference on the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME30), Prague, Czech Republic, Vol. 2, pp. 17 – 24.
- Akyüz,Y. (2008). Türk Eğitim Tarihi. Pegem Akademi, Ankara. Ball, D.L. & Bass, H. (2003). Toward a practice-based theory of mathematical knowledge for teaching. In E. Simmt & B. Davis (eds.), Proceedings of the 2002
- Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group CMESG, Edmonton, AB, pp. 3–14.
- Başer, N. ve Yavuz, G. (2003). Öğretmen Adaylarının Matematik Dersine Yönelik Tutumları,
- Bingolbali, E., Özmantar, F. M. & Akkoç, H. (2008a). Curriculum reform in primary mathematics education: teacher difficulties and dilemmas. In Figueras, O. & Sepúlveda, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the 32nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, and the XXX North American Chapter, Morelia, Michoacán, México, v2, p. 169-176.
- Bingölbali, E., Özmantar, F. M. ve Akkoç, H. (2008b). Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Farklı Matematiksel Çözüm Yollarını Değerlendirme Süreçleri. VII. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Eğitimi Sempozyumu, 366-369, 2-3-4 Mayıs 2008, Çanakkale.
- Bulut, M. (2007). Curriculum reform in Turkey: a case of primary school mathematics curriculum. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 3(3), 203-212.
- Clark, K.K., Jacobs, J., Pittman, M. E.,& Borko, H. (2005). Strategies for Building Mathematical Communication in the Middle School Classroom: Modeled in Professional Development, Implemented in the Classroom. Current Issues in Middle Level Education (2005) 11 (2), 1- 12
- Cochran, K. F., DeRuiter, J. A., & King, R. A. (1993). Pedagogical content knowledge: An integrative model for teacher preparation. Journal of Teacher Education, 44, 263–272.
- Fernandez-Balboa, J. M., & Stiehl, J. (1995). The generic nature of pedagogical content knowledge among college professors. Teaching and Teacher Education, 11(3), 293–306.
- Frechtling, J., Sharp, L., Carey, N., & Vaden-Kiernan, N. (1995). Teacher enhancement programs: A perspective on the last four decades. Washington, DC: National Science Foundation.
- Geddis, A. N., Onslow, B., Beynon, C., & Oesch, J. (1993). Transforming content knowledge: Learning to teach about isotopes. Science Education, 77(6), 575– 591.
- Grossman, P. L. (1990). The making of a teacher: Teacher knowledge and teacher education. New York: Teachers College Press.
- Hansen, A., Drews, D., Dudgeon, J., Lawton, F.& Surtees, L. (2005). Children's errors in mathematics: understanding common misconceptions in primary schools, Exeter: Learning Matters.
- Hashweh, M. Z. (2005). Teacher pedagogical constructions: a reconfiguration of pedagogical content knowledge. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, 11(3), 273–292.
- Loughran, J., Berry, A., & Mulhall, P. (2006). Understanding and developing science teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
- Ma, L.-P. (1999). Knowing and teaching mathematics: Teachers’ understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States. New Jersey: Erlbaum.
- Magnusson, S., Krajcik, L., & Borko, H. (1999). Nature, sources and development of pedagogical content knowledge. In J. Gess-Newsome & N. G. Lederman (Eds.), Examining pedagogical content knowledge (pp. 95–132). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer.
- Manouchehri, A. & Goodman, T. (1998). Mathematics curriculum reform and teachers: understanding the connections. The journal of Educational Research, 92 (1), 27-41.
- Manouchehri, A. (1998). Mathematics curriculum reform and teachers: what are the dilemmas? Journal of Teacher Education, 49(4), 276-286.
- Marks, R. (1990). Pedagogical content knowledge: From a mathematical case to a modified conception. Journal of Teacher Education, 41, 3–11.
- MEB (2005a). Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı, İlköğretim Matematik Dersi (1- 5. Sınıflar) Öğretim Programı. Ankara: MEB Basimevi.
- MEB (2005b). İlköğretim 1-5 sınıf programları tanıtım el kitabı. Ankara: Devlet Kitapları Müdürlüğü Basımevi.
- Moralı ,S. Uğurel, I., Türnüklü,T., Yeşildere, S. (2006). Matematik Öğretmen Adaylarının İspat Yapmaya Yönelik Görüşleri. Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 147- 160 Cilt:14 No:1.
- Özmantar, F. M., Bingölbali, E. ve Akkoç, H. (2008). İlköğretim Sınıf Öğretmenlerinin Açık Uçlu Matematik Soruları Değerlendirme Süreçleri. VII. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Eğitimi Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 361-365, 2-3-4 Mayıs 2008, Çanakkale.
- Park, S. & Oliver, J.S. (2007). Revisiting the Conceptualisation of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): PCK as a Conceptual Tool to Understand Teachers as Professionals. Research in Science Education, 38:261–284.
- Schmidt, W., McKnight, C., Cogan, L., Jakwerth, P. & Houang, R. (1999). Facing the Consequences: Using TIMSS for a Closer Look at US Mathematics and Science Education. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press.
- Schroeder, C. M., Scott, T. P., Tolson, H., Huang, T. & Lee, Y. (2007). A metaanalysis of national research: effects of teaching strategies on student achievement in science in the United States. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 44(10), 1436-1460.
- Shulman, L. S. (1986). Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15, 4–14.
- Shulman, L. S. (1987). Knowledge and teaching: Foundations of the new reform. Harvard Educational Review, 57, 122.
- Smith, D. C., & Neale, D. C. (1989). The construction of subject matter knowledge in primary science teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 5, 1–20. Stigler, J. W., & Hiebert, J. (1999). The teaching gap: Best ideas from the world’s teachers for improving education in the classroom. New York: The Free Press.
- Sutter, L. E. (2000). Is student achievement immutable? Evidence from international studies on schooling and student achievement. Review of Educational Research, 70, 529–545.
- Tamir, P. (1988). Subject matter and related pedagogical knowledge in teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education, 4, 99–110.
- Toptaş, V. (2006). İlköğretim Matematik dersi (1-5) öğretim programının uygulanmasında sınıf öğretmenlerinin karsılaştıkları sorunlarla ilgili görüşleri. Ulusal Sınıf Öğretmenliği Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Cilt 1, 277-285. Ankara: Kök Yayıncılık.
- Tsamir, P. & Tirosh, D. (2005), In-service elementary mathematics teachers' views of errors in the classroom. Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics.
- Zhou, Z, Peverly, S. T., & Xin, T. (2006). Knowing and teaching fractions: A crosscultural study of American and Chinese mathematics teachers. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 31, 438–457