1. What are the fields covered by the International Journal of Social Work Research?
All problems and problems within the scope of social work and social policy science (family, children, youth, women, old age, disability, delinquency, poverty, unemployment, health, psycho-oncology, substance abuse, alcoholism, infectious diseases, immigration, asylum seeker and refugee issues, working life, human rights and other social areas and problems within this framework) are covered by the journal.
2. What are the points to be considered when sending an article?
Studies to be sent to the journal should be arranged according to the articles clearly stated in the journal's ethical principles, publication policy and writing rules (For the first submission, the text must be sent in plain text). The works sent without paying attention to these issues will be returned by the editors.
3. How often and in what languages is the journal published?
JSWR; The journal, which is published electronically in two issues a year, in March and September, has decided to continue its publication process as 3 issues a year, in March, July and November, starting from 2023. The publication language of the articles is Turkish and/or English.
4. When did the journal start its publication process?
The journal started its publication process in March 2021.
5. How does the journal's evaluation process work?
The works submitted for publication to the JSWR Journal are first checked by the editor. Studies that fail to pass this stage are rejected without being directed to the field editors. Studies that pass the first stage are directed to the relevant field editor in line with the appropriate opinions of the editorial board. If the study is deemed appropriate, the next stage is passed. Studies that pass the second stage are directed to expert referees by the field editors for evaluation. In this process, the double-blind referee system is used. In case of need, the study can also be sent to a third referee for evaluation. Studies that pass the third stage make corrections in line with the referee's suggestions. More information can be found in the "Ethical Principles and Publication Policy" menu of the journal.
6. How does the publication process of accepted studies work?
Studies that have been approved for publication by the journal editors, referees and editorial board are put in order for publication by the journal board. The process is carried out in a transparent manner by including the article arrival date and article acceptance date information on the journal page of the accepted articles. The publication process is initiated based on the acceptance date of the relevant studies.
7. What kinds of articles do you accept? Are there any limitations on this?
JSWR; research article, review article, case report, book reviews, translation etc. aims to include scientific publications. There is no research article limitation in the published numbers. However, it is planned to include a maximum of four studies in other article types (review, case report, book presentation, etc.) in each issue. The editorial board may decide to reduce or increase this number.
8. What should be the similarity rate in the articles? Which similarity programs would you prefer us to use? Do we have to upload the similarity report ourselves?
Articles to be published in the journal must have a similarity result of less than 20% in the first submission (This rate is not sought for articles produced from the thesis). Articles above this rate are returned to the author. Programs such as Ithenticate, turnitin, intihal.net can be used for similarity. The similarity report should be uploaded to the system by the author at the time of article submission. The similarity scan of the articles that did not upload a similarity report during the article submission process is done by the journal.
9. Where can I learn the index information of the published articles?
The index information of the articles published in the journal is included in the "front pages" section of the issue containing the published articles and in the "article full file".
Yes, an "Article Acceptance Form" is prepared for the accepted articles in our journal. However, this form is prepared upon the request of the author after the acceptance of the article (in compulsory cases such as graduate or doctorate graduation requirement). Click here to see a sample of the prepared form…
11. Is ethics committee approval required for all research articles?
No, ethics committee approval is not required for all research articles. Studies that require ethics committee approval are as follows:
• All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from the participants by using survey, interview, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
• The use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical studies on humans,
• Research on animals,
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data,
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