International Journal of Social Work Research (JSWR) is an international peer-reviewed journal that provides all researchers who conduct research in the field of social work with the opportunity to present their work. The languages of Journal are Turkish and English, and it is published electronically in two issues, March and September, annually. and As of 2023, it has decided to continue the publication process in 3 issues a year, in March, July and November. All information about the journal is provided by the journal's 'About Us', 'Writing Rules', 'Journal Boards', 'Purpose and Scope', 'Ethical Principles and Publication Policy' , 'Forms' etc. You can obtain from the sections.
JSWR continues to accept articles for the 2025 March Issue.
The article publication format of the JSWR has been updated. You can reach the new format on the relevant pages of the journal. Also, click here to access the sample template...
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