Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publishing Principles

Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University, Cappadocia Journal of Education (KAPED) is published twice a year, in June and December.
The publication languages ​​of the journal are Turkish, English and German.
The entire publication process can be follwed on Dergipark. Use this link to send manuscripts.
Candidate manuscripts must be between 3500-9000. Manuscripts that are shorter or longer than the specified range will not be considered.
Candidate manuscripts submitted to the journal must be original and not previously published elsewhere, or the publication process is not in progress.
Candidate manuscripts are first reviewed by the editors for compliance with the spelling rules, and then directed to at least two reviewers. While manuscripts that both reviewers report positively are ready for publication, if both reviewer report negative, the manuscript is rejected. If one of the reviewers is positive and the other is negative, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer. According to the report from the third reviewer, it has been decided whether the manuscript will be published or not.
All candidate manuscripts must have a Turkish and English title, a Turkish Abstract of 150–200 words, and an English ABSTRACT. A sufficient number of (at least 3 and at most 5) keywords describing the manuscript should be specified under the abstract. If the manuscript is written in another language, Turkish translations of the title and the abstract should be given. Abstracts in Turkish and English should cover the purpose, method, and conclusion of the study.

An Extended Summary must be included at the end of the candidate manuscripts . There should be no subtitles in the Extended Summary section. The Extended Summary section should provide readers with information about the entire study (research purpose, method, findings and results, etc.). The Extended Summary section should start on a new page and consist of 500-750 words. This part should be carefully written in terms of grammar, expression and scope. It should be noted that this section will represent the international dimension of the journal and the manuscript. Including the title, it should be written in 11 pt as in the main text, spacing: first 3 pt, then 3 pt formatting.
Research articles must be submitted with a plagiarism report before being uploaded to the journal. The plagiarism or similarity rate of the articles must be 20% or less.
While the manuscripts are uploaded to the system, a total of 5 (five) documents must be uploaded:

1. Manuscript Template (Microsoft Word)
2. Ethics committee reports taken from the relevant institutions / Statement form stating that ethics committee approval is not required
3. Plagiarism or similarity report (Turnitin, ithenticate) (Max. 20%)
4. Copyright transfer form
5. Author Information Form

The ethics committee report is mandatory for all candidate manuscripts whose publication process begins in 2020 or later. While the candidate manuscript is uploaded to the system, the ethics committee report must be uploaded to the system. For candidate manuscripts that do not require ethics committee approval, the author's declaration form should be uploaded to the system, signed and scanned by the responsible author.

Cappadocia Education Journal (CAPED) is based on the guide prepared by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) 2017. According to this,

Editor's Responsibilities
The journal editor decides whether the article submissions made to the journal are appropriate and whether they will be published. The editor's decision is based on the originality of the article and whether it complies with the journal policy, not on the race, gender, religious ethnicity, and political views of the author. The editor does not share personal information about the application.

Responsibilities of the Reviewers
Reviewers should impartially evaluate the article referred to them. If the reviewers are not able to make an evaluation within the stipulated time, or if they are not related to their field of expertise, or if they see an ethical problem, they should inform the editor.

Authors Responsibilities
Authors should adhere to the ethical rules of publication in their work. Authors should clearly demonstrate the originality and objectivity of their work. It is not considered appropriate to submit an article to more than one journal at the same time. The author(s) agrees that the candidate article has no conflict of interest with any person, institution, law, etc., including the author himself/herself.

Click here to access the text of the COPE Guidelines.

Cappadocia Journal of Education (KAPED) is indexed by H.W. Wilson Index Education Source Coverage List,  H.W. Wilson Education Source Ultimate Database Coverage List, EBSCO, EuroPub Database, Directory of Research Journal Indexing, Idealonline, ROAD Index, Turkish Religious Foundation Islamic Studies Center (ISAM), Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, AcarIndeks, and OJOP. The review process for many other indexes continues.

The content of the Cappadocia Journal of Education (KAPED) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike Licence 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).


Cappadocia Journal of Education (KAPED) uses iThenticate and Turnitin, which are the most trusted plagiarism checkers by the world’s top researchers, publishers, and scholars.

Cappadocia Jurnal of Education (KAPED) is an open-access journal.