Writing Rules

Publication Language of the Journal
In addition to being in Turkish, it is also possible to include publications in English, German, French or in a language that is widely used by the decision of the editorial board when deemed necessary and appropriate.

For Authors

Candidate articles submitted to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. Manuscripts to be sent to the journal should be written in Time New Roman font using Microsoft Word. The title of the article should be in 12 font size with the initials of the words in it, 11 font size immediately after the titles with the author's name, surname and address information centered; Abstract and abstract titles should be 11 pt and content should be 10 pt. With a footnote to be opened from the title, the author should state that the study was produced from the graduate thesis or presented as a paper in a conference or symposium, if necessary.
Abstracts should be written in Turkish and English, each of which should not exceed 250 words. Background (elective), purpose (mandatory), method (mandatory), findings (mandatory) and conclusion (mandatory) should be given in the abstract part of the peer-reviewed manuscripts. In addition, 3 to 6 Key Words should be given after the abstracts in Turkish and English.
In research articles, the problem should be clearly stated in the introduction. The introduction should be followed by the methods, findings, discussion and conclusion sections, respectively. In the writing of the sections, 11 point Times New Roman font should be used with 1 line spacing.
The body of the refereed articles whose publication language is Turkish (from the introduction to the end of the conclusion) should be between 3,000 and 10,000 words. If the publication language is English or other languages, the entire article should not exceed 7,000 words. Non-refereed manuscripts should be no more than 3,000 words.
The texts are in A4 size and the margins, left 4.5 cm., right 4.5 cm., top 5 cm. and bottom 5 cm. As a rule, the end of the line should be prepared without spelling. Tables, figures, pictures, graphics, charts and the like should not exceed the dimensions of the journal page, and fonts smaller than 10 points should not be used in their preparation. Figures, tables, graphics or charts in the text should be given numbers and titles in order. The titles of tables and charts should be at the top, and the titles of figures and graphics should be at the bottom.
Manuscripts should be prepared in the publication format of the APA 6 Publication Manual (http://www.apa.org) or in accordance with the under-page reference format.
In terms of spelling and punctuation, the most recent Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Association should be taken as a basis, except for special cases necessitated by the article or subject.
Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the above rules and uploaded to the system without the names and addresses of the authors being written into the text of the article.
Appendices contain information such as scales or questionnaires used in research. Attachments should be started on a new page.

Last Update Time: 7/4/24, 6:05:58 PM