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Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting

Year 2024, , 63 - 72, 25.12.2024


Sarımsak üretimi ve tüketimi tüm Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de artmaktadır. Gerek lezzeti gerekse sağlık yönünden faydaları sebebiyle sofralarda geniş yer bulmaktadır. Kastamonu Taşköprü sarımsağı da coğrafi işaret sahibi, keskin aroması sebebiyle tüm dünyada tanınan ve aranan bir çeşittir. Türkiye’deki sarımsağın yaklaşık %20 si Kastamonu’da üretilmektedir. Sarımsak, Kastamonu ekonomisinde en önemli tarımsal üründür. Binlerce ton sarımsak işlenmeden, el bağı şeklinde tüketicilere ulaşmakta ve sofralarda yer almaktadır. Bunun dışında marketlerde yer alan filelenmiş sarımsak, başta sucuk-pastırma-turşu-gıda sektörlerinde kullanıma sunulan soyulmuş sarımsak, püre, siyah sarımsak gibi katma değeri yüksek ürünler de Kastamonu’daki tesislerde işlenip yurt geneline pazarlanmaktadır. Üretiminde yoğun işgücü gereksinimi sebebiyle üretim maliyeti ve işgücü ihtiyacının temini yörede sarımsak üretim miktarlarını kısıtlamaktadır. Son yıllarda ekim işlerinde makine kullanımı yaygınlaşmaya başlamıştır. Kullanılan kaşıkçıklı tip ekim makinaları sıraya ekim yapmakta, sonrasında ot alma, söküm gibi işlemlerin yapılmasını da kolaylaştırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada bölgede kullanılan kaşıkçıklı tip sarımsak ekim makinalarının Kastamonu sarımsağı ile kullanıldığındaki ekim başarısı araştırılmıştır. Yapılan tarla denemelerinde farklı hız, diş büyüklüğü, tarla eğimi gibi değişkenlerle filiz aralık ölçümü ve kamera görüntüsü analizi ile ekim performansı ortaya konmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlar neticesinde kaşıkçıklı tip makinanın hassas ekim yapmaktan oldukça uzak olduğu görülmüştür. Tüm değişkenlerde sıra üzeri mesafeye göre bitki dağılımı değerlendirildiğinde, kabul edilebilir sıra üzeri aralık oranın yetersiz olduğu saptanmıştır (%11.7-79.5). Sıra üzerine gelişi güzel sarımsak döktüğünü söylemek mümkündür. Bu makinaların geliştirilerek sarımsak ekimindeki kayıpların azaltılması gerekmektedir.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee approval is not required.


This publication was prepared by using a part of the master's thesis study of Atilla Verep, Kastamonu University, Institute of Science, Department of Mechanical Engineering.


  • Rebecca L. J. & Stewen F. (2016) National Geographic Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants:152-157.
  • Koyuncu, M. (2012). Garlic and Taşköprü Garlic. Taşköprü Garlic Panel Proceedings, (pp:11-20), 6 February 2012. Kastamonu.
  • Kızılaslan, N. & Tokatlı, K. (2021). Effects of garlic on human health. TOGÜ Journal of Health Sciences, 1(2), 62-71.
  • FAO, (2024). Statistical data of FAO. Retrieved from: (access date: May 8, 2024).
  • TÜİK, (2024). Production statistics, (access date: August 11, 2024).
  • Ipek M, Ipek A, Simon PW. 2008. Molecular characterization of Kastamonu garlic: An economically important garlic clone in Turkey. Scientia Horticulturae, 115(2), 203-208.
  • Çetin, T. & Karakuş, U. (2005). Population Movements in Taşköprü (Kastamonu) District Center. Istanbul University and Turkish Geographical Society National Geographical Congress, 29-30 September 2005, Proceedings Book p.523-532.
  • Ünal, H.G., Saçılık, K. & Yurtlu, Y.B. (2010). A study on the determination of agricultural practices and approaches in Taşköprü garlic, 26. National Congress of Agricultural Mechanization, (pp. 263-271), Hatay, Turkey, (October 2010).
  • Ünal, H.G. (2024). Production Habits and Problems in Taşköprü Garlic, Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(7), 1156-1161.
  • Tüfekçi Y., Çakır B. & Akdemir B.(2018). Investigation of the Effect of Spoonlet Type on Planting Performance and the Suitable Spoonlet Type in Garlic Planters, Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science, 14(3), 179-187.
  • Ünal H.G. & Keskin R. (2005). Development of garlic planting machine prototype, Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11(3), 303-310.
  • Feng D., Li H., Qi X., Sun X, Wang J & Nyambura M.S. (2024). Design and laboratory experiments of a pneumatic disc-type garlic precision seed-metering device, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 67(2), 451-460.
  • AOAC, (2000). Official Method of Analysis, Association of Official Analytical Chemists (No. 934.06), Washington, DC.
  • Al-Mahasneh, M. A. & Rababah, T. M. (2007). Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of green wheat. Journal of food engineering, 79(4), 1467-1473.
  • Dursun, E. & Dursun, I. (2005). Some physical properties of caper seeds. Biosystems Engineering, 92(2), 237-245.
  • Anonymous (1999). Agricultural mechanization tools testing principles and methods, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs p: 246, Ankara.
  • Karayel, D. & Özmerzi A. (2001). Effect of the distance and sowing speed in the row on the evenness of sowing in melon and cucumber planting with an air-suction single-grain planter system, Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture, 14(2), 63-67.
  • Ünal H.G. (2006). A study on the possibilities of planting shallots with a garlic planting machine prototype, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 12(1), 37-43.
  • Karagülmez A., Konak M. & Özbek O. (2018). Effect of some operating parameters on the evenness of seed distribution in the row in a horizontal plate mechanical precision planter system, Selçuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 32(3), 350-354.
  • Ünal H.G. (2003). Determination of the effect of seed tube material, falling angle and seed size on falling time in garlic, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 10(3), 287-290.

Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting

Year 2024, , 63 - 72, 25.12.2024


Garlic production and consumption are increasing worldwide, including in Turkey. It has a wide place on tables due to its taste and health benefits. Kastamonu Taşköprü garlic is also a geographically indicated variety known and sought after worldwide due to its sharp aroma. Approximately 20% of garlic in Türkiye is produced in Kastamonu. Garlic is the most important agricultural product in the Kastamonu economy. Thousands of tons of garlic reach consumers unprocessed, in the form of hand-tied garlic, and are placed on tables. Apart from this, netted garlic in markets, peeled garlic, puree, and black garlic, used primarily in sausage-pastırma-pickle-food sectors, are also processed in facilities in Kastamonu and marketed nationwide. Due to the intensive labor requirement in production, production costs and the supply of labor requirements limit garlic production amounts in the region. In recent years, the use of machinery in planting has become widespread. The spoon-type planting machines are used to plant in rows and then facilitate operations such as weeding and uprooting. This study investigated the success of the spoon-type garlic planting machines used in the region with Kastamonu garlic. The field trials revealed planting performance with the sprout spacing measurement and camera image analysis with different speeds, tooth sizes, and field slope variables. As a result of the results obtained, it was seen that the spoon-type machine was far from making precise planting. When plant distribution was evaluated according to the row spacing in all variables, it was determined that the acceptable row spacing rate was insufficient (11.7-79.5%). It is possible to say that it scatters garlic randomly on the row. These machines need to be developed, and losses in garlic planting should be reduced.

Ethical Statement

Ethics committee approval is not required.

Supporting Institution

There is no supporting institution


This publication was prepared by using a part of the master's thesis study of Atilla Verep, Kastamonu University, Institute of Science, Department of Mechanical Engineering.


  • Rebecca L. J. & Stewen F. (2016) National Geographic Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants:152-157.
  • Koyuncu, M. (2012). Garlic and Taşköprü Garlic. Taşköprü Garlic Panel Proceedings, (pp:11-20), 6 February 2012. Kastamonu.
  • Kızılaslan, N. & Tokatlı, K. (2021). Effects of garlic on human health. TOGÜ Journal of Health Sciences, 1(2), 62-71.
  • FAO, (2024). Statistical data of FAO. Retrieved from: (access date: May 8, 2024).
  • TÜİK, (2024). Production statistics, (access date: August 11, 2024).
  • Ipek M, Ipek A, Simon PW. 2008. Molecular characterization of Kastamonu garlic: An economically important garlic clone in Turkey. Scientia Horticulturae, 115(2), 203-208.
  • Çetin, T. & Karakuş, U. (2005). Population Movements in Taşköprü (Kastamonu) District Center. Istanbul University and Turkish Geographical Society National Geographical Congress, 29-30 September 2005, Proceedings Book p.523-532.
  • Ünal, H.G., Saçılık, K. & Yurtlu, Y.B. (2010). A study on the determination of agricultural practices and approaches in Taşköprü garlic, 26. National Congress of Agricultural Mechanization, (pp. 263-271), Hatay, Turkey, (October 2010).
  • Ünal, H.G. (2024). Production Habits and Problems in Taşköprü Garlic, Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 12(7), 1156-1161.
  • Tüfekçi Y., Çakır B. & Akdemir B.(2018). Investigation of the Effect of Spoonlet Type on Planting Performance and the Suitable Spoonlet Type in Garlic Planters, Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science, 14(3), 179-187.
  • Ünal H.G. & Keskin R. (2005). Development of garlic planting machine prototype, Journal of Agricultural Sciences 11(3), 303-310.
  • Feng D., Li H., Qi X., Sun X, Wang J & Nyambura M.S. (2024). Design and laboratory experiments of a pneumatic disc-type garlic precision seed-metering device, American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. 67(2), 451-460.
  • AOAC, (2000). Official Method of Analysis, Association of Official Analytical Chemists (No. 934.06), Washington, DC.
  • Al-Mahasneh, M. A. & Rababah, T. M. (2007). Effect of moisture content on some physical properties of green wheat. Journal of food engineering, 79(4), 1467-1473.
  • Dursun, E. & Dursun, I. (2005). Some physical properties of caper seeds. Biosystems Engineering, 92(2), 237-245.
  • Anonymous (1999). Agricultural mechanization tools testing principles and methods, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs p: 246, Ankara.
  • Karayel, D. & Özmerzi A. (2001). Effect of the distance and sowing speed in the row on the evenness of sowing in melon and cucumber planting with an air-suction single-grain planter system, Journal of Akdeniz University Faculty of Agriculture, 14(2), 63-67.
  • Ünal H.G. (2006). A study on the possibilities of planting shallots with a garlic planting machine prototype, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 12(1), 37-43.
  • Karagülmez A., Konak M. & Özbek O. (2018). Effect of some operating parameters on the evenness of seed distribution in the row in a horizontal plate mechanical precision planter system, Selçuk Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 32(3), 350-354.
  • Ünal H.G. (2003). Determination of the effect of seed tube material, falling angle and seed size on falling time in garlic, Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 10(3), 287-290.
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Plant Developmental and Reproductive Biology, Machine Design and Machine Equipment
Journal Section Research Article

Atilla Verep 0000-0001-8195-0275

Hüseyin Güran Ünal 0000-0003-2891-3488

Early Pub Date December 23, 2024
Publication Date December 25, 2024
Submission Date September 30, 2024
Acceptance Date December 12, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Verep, A., & Ünal, H. G. (2024). Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 10(2), 63-72.
AMA Verep A, Ünal HG. Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting. KUJES. December 2024;10(2):63-72. doi:10.55385/kastamonujes.1558417
Chicago Verep, Atilla, and Hüseyin Güran Ünal. “Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 10, no. 2 (December 2024): 63-72.
EndNote Verep A, Ünal HG (December 1, 2024) Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 10 2 63–72.
IEEE A. Verep and H. G. Ünal, “Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting”, KUJES, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 63–72, 2024, doi: 10.55385/kastamonujes.1558417.
ISNAD Verep, Atilla - Ünal, Hüseyin Güran. “Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences 10/2 (December 2024), 63-72.
JAMA Verep A, Ünal HG. Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting. KUJES. 2024;10:63–72.
MLA Verep, Atilla and Hüseyin Güran Ünal. “Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting”. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, vol. 10, no. 2, 2024, pp. 63-72, doi:10.55385/kastamonujes.1558417.
Vancouver Verep A, Ünal HG. Examination of the Performance of Spoon-Type Planting Machine in Kastamonu Taşköprü Garlic Planting. KUJES. 2024;10(2):63-72.