Writing Rules

Article Writing Rules
1. Manuscripts should be written in Times New Roman (special fonts may be used, provided that they are partial), in 11-point font and single-spaced.

2. Articles should include the title in English (10 pt.), abstract in English and five keywords immediately below the title in Turkish (14 pt.) in capital letters. Turkish abstract and English abstract should be included separately and before the beginning of the article. The Turkish abstract and English abstract should be maximum 700 words.

3. The author's name should appear immediately below the title, and his/her title and institution should be written with a footnote "*". The person submitting the manuscript should also clearly write his/her address, phone numbers and e-mail for communication.

4. Manuscripts should be sent in triplicate and on diskette.

5. Submitted articles should not exceed 40 pages (excluding the supplementary document for the article).

6. The Turkish Language Association's Spelling Guide should be followed in articles and abbreviations.

7. One of Timesefras, Munevver, Oktay New Transcription or Timestrans fonts will be used in translated text studies. Transcriptions submitted in fonts other than these will not be accepted. These fonts will only be used in the text. In the "introduction, review, conclusion, etc." sections of the articles, Times New Roman character will be used as stated in Article 1. 

8. Those submitting translations should also send a sample of the original text and bibliographic bibliography to the journal.

9. The following rules should be followed while footnoting the articles and preparing the bibliography:

a. Footnote system will be applied for in-text citations or references. Footnotes will be written in Times New Roman font and 10 points.

If the article is to be cited;

Author's name and surname, "Article title", Name of the journal in which the article was published, Volume and issue number, place and date of printing, page.

Example: Faruk Kadri Timurtaş, "Old Anatolian Turkish", Turkish World Handbook, C. II, 2nd bs., Turkish Culture Research Institute Publications, Ankara 1992, pp. 120-145.

If the book is to be cited;

Author's name and surname, Book title, place and date of printing, page number.

Example: Ahmet Caferoğlu, Turkish Language History I, Istanbul 1970, p. 48.

If it will continue to give examples from the same work;

Author's name and surname, a.g.e., p. 48


Ahmet Caferoğlu, a.g.e., p. 40.

If the thesis is to be cited;

Author's name and surname, Name of the thesis, Name of the university and institute where the thesis was done (Unpublished Master's/Doctoral Thesis), Name and date of the province where the thesis was done.

Example: Mertol Tulum, Sinan Pasha, Maarifname, Metin ve ki'li Birleşik Cümleler Üzerine Bir İnceleme (Unpublished Associate Professorship Thesis), İstanbul 1978.

b. In the bibliography section at the end of the article, the references should be cited as described above, with the only difference being that they should be cited in alphabetical order, in 10 pt. font size, as "Author's surname, name".