Research Article
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Year 2021, , 51 - 62, 26.12.2021


The law on “Development of Cooperatives” was adopted in Georgia in 2013 to promote business-oriented agricultural cooperatives but in 2014, was established. the LEPL “Cooperative Development Agency” under the Ministry of Agriculture.
The aim of the research was to study the development trends of cooperatives and their legal regulation mechanisms; Researching the problems and needs of beekeeping cooperatives; Analysis of production and productivity indicators and identifying opportunities to increase honey export potential.
Samtskhe-Javakheti beekeeping farmers and cooperatives (N:20) were selected as the object of the study. The research was conducted through pre-prepared, open and closed questionnaires.
The paper analyzes the dynamics of honey production and prices in Georgia, neighboring countries and EU markets, export-import balance and other economic indicators, which revealed a pessimistic picture of Georgia's acquisition of EU markets. Though, it should be noted that recently, the European market has seen an upward trend in demand for organic products, including honey.Georgian honey, especially alpine, polyflora one is really highly competitive with its quality indicators and in case of proper volume growth it may occupy this niche in the European market.
On the base of the research of beekeeping cooperatives and beekeeping farmers, the reasons hindering the development of beekeeping in Georgia have been identified and recommendations have been proposed, which will help the cooperatives produce ecologically clean products, increase honey productivity, promote employment and increase the export potential of honey.


  • Government Resolution (2013). Law of Georgia on Agricultural Cooperatives;doc.#816rs; Government of Georgia
  • Technical Regulation (2010). General Rule of Food / Animal Feed Hygiene" and "Simplified Rule of Food / Animal Feed Hygiene; Doc.# 173; Government of Georgia
  • Government Resolution (2014); Technical Regulation of Honey, Ordinance of the Government of Georgia; Doc.#714; Government of Georgia
  • Governmen Resolution (2013). Ordinance of the Government of Georgia on approval of the technical regulation - "On additional requirements for food labeling"; document #441; Government of Georgia
  • Government Resolution (2011). Ordinance of the Government of Georgia On approval of the forms of veterinary certificates to be used during the export of products subject to veterinary control and the procedure for their issuance; document number-430
  • Axinn, G.H(1997). Challenges to agricultural extension in the twenty-first century. In V. Scarborough, S. Killough. D.A. Jonson.& J. Farrington(Eds.) Farmer-Led extension: Concepts and practices, Intermediate Technology, London
  • Andrews, M. P. Place, N.T.,& Crago, N.E.(2003). A globally focused extension service. In F.L Brewer (Ed.) Agricultural extension systems: An international perspective. Ann Arbor, ML Xan -Edu Original Works; Colorado, US
  • Buford, J. A.,& Lindner, J.(1995). Management in Cooperative Extension (3rd ed.) Columbus: The Ohio State University; USA.
  • Clark, C.,(2005). Identifying new and innovative staffing in Cooperative Extension, Report of Stady sponsored by Personnel Subcommittee of the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy; USA Conral , R.(2013). Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture, 2nd Edition, Chelsea Green Publishing, USA
  • Guide for Farms and Cooperatives (2020); Beekeeping and Honey Production in Georgia and in the European Union,; ENPARD, CENN; Tbilisi
  • Sirbiladze, G., Memanishvili, N.(2016). Survey Report of Georgian Farmers' Cooperatives; IFAD, Elkana AGRO Inform, Tbılısı
  • Stepanishvili, V., (2015); Basis of Beekeeping, “Universali”, Tbilisi
  • Economic research service (2012). Economics of the food CPI. Prices and expenditure, USDA retrieved from: june/indicators


Year 2021, , 51 - 62, 26.12.2021


Для поддержания сельско-хозяйственных кооперативов, ориентированных на бизнес, в 2013 году в Грузии был принят закон ,,О развитии кооперативов”.
Несмотря на то, что со дня основания кооперативов совместно с Министерством сельского-хозяйства, многие международные организации - доноры активно участвуют в поддержке внутриаграрного развития кооперативов, Сельско-хозяйственные кооперативы вновь стоят перед серьезным вызовом.
Целью исследования было определение тенденций развития и изучение механизмов их правовой регуляции, проблемы кооперативного пчеловодства и исследование необходимости производства продукции, анализ показателей продуктивности, а также установление роста возможностей потенциала экспорта мёда.
Объектом исследования были выбраны фермеры-пчеловоды и кооперативы Самцхе-Джавахети (№20) так как, именно, в этом регионе производится экологически чистый, полученный из альпийских цветов, полифлорный мед, который в случае соблюдения стандартов имеет шанс выйти на европейский рынок.
Исследование было проведено по заранее подготовленному открытому и закрытому тестов. В статье проанализирована динамика производства объема продукции в Грузии, в соседних странах и на рынке Евросоюза. Баланс экспорта и импорта, а также другие экономические показатели выявили в освоении рынка пессимистическую картину, хотя, в последнее время чувствуется тенденция повышения потребности на биопродукты, в том числе на мёд. Исходя из этого, растет спрос на мед.
Грузинский мёд, особенно альпийский полифлорный мёд своими качественными показателями действительно высококонкурентный, и в случае роста объема повысится возможность занять нишу на рынке Евросоюза.
На основе исследования выявлены также причины, мешающие развитию пчёловодства и предложены рекомендации, которые поддержат производство экологически чистого продукта - меда, повысят медопродуктивность, поддержат рост трудовых мест и рост экспертного потенциала.


  • Government Resolution (2013). Law of Georgia on Agricultural Cooperatives;doc.#816rs; Government of Georgia
  • Technical Regulation (2010). General Rule of Food / Animal Feed Hygiene" and "Simplified Rule of Food / Animal Feed Hygiene; Doc.# 173; Government of Georgia
  • Government Resolution (2014); Technical Regulation of Honey, Ordinance of the Government of Georgia; Doc.#714; Government of Georgia
  • Governmen Resolution (2013). Ordinance of the Government of Georgia on approval of the technical regulation - "On additional requirements for food labeling"; document #441; Government of Georgia
  • Government Resolution (2011). Ordinance of the Government of Georgia On approval of the forms of veterinary certificates to be used during the export of products subject to veterinary control and the procedure for their issuance; document number-430
  • Axinn, G.H(1997). Challenges to agricultural extension in the twenty-first century. In V. Scarborough, S. Killough. D.A. Jonson.& J. Farrington(Eds.) Farmer-Led extension: Concepts and practices, Intermediate Technology, London
  • Andrews, M. P. Place, N.T.,& Crago, N.E.(2003). A globally focused extension service. In F.L Brewer (Ed.) Agricultural extension systems: An international perspective. Ann Arbor, ML Xan -Edu Original Works; Colorado, US
  • Buford, J. A.,& Lindner, J.(1995). Management in Cooperative Extension (3rd ed.) Columbus: The Ohio State University; USA.
  • Clark, C.,(2005). Identifying new and innovative staffing in Cooperative Extension, Report of Stady sponsored by Personnel Subcommittee of the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy; USA Conral , R.(2013). Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture, 2nd Edition, Chelsea Green Publishing, USA
  • Guide for Farms and Cooperatives (2020); Beekeeping and Honey Production in Georgia and in the European Union,; ENPARD, CENN; Tbilisi
  • Sirbiladze, G., Memanishvili, N.(2016). Survey Report of Georgian Farmers' Cooperatives; IFAD, Elkana AGRO Inform, Tbılısı
  • Stepanishvili, V., (2015); Basis of Beekeeping, “Universali”, Tbilisi
  • Economic research service (2012). Economics of the food CPI. Prices and expenditure, USDA retrieved from: june/indicators


Year 2021, , 51 - 62, 26.12.2021


İş odaklı tarım kooperatiflerini desteklemek için 2013'te Gürcistan Devleti tarafından “Kooperatiflerin Geliştirilmesi” başlıklı bir yasa çıkarıldı.
Kooperatiflerin kuruluşundan bu yana Tarım Bakanlığı ile birlikte birçok uluslararası bağışçı kuruluşun kooperatiflerin gelişimini desteklemek hakkında aktif olarak yer almalarına rağmen, Tarım kooperatifleri yine de ciddi bir zorlukla karşı karşıyadır.
Çalışmanın amacı kalkınma yöntemlerini belirlemekle birlikte yasal mekanizmaları, arıcılık kooperatiflerinin sorunlarını ve üretim sürecindeki ihtiyaçlarını incelemek ile verimlilik analizinin yanı sıra balın ihracat potansiyelini artırmak için gerekli fırsatların ortaya konmasıdır.
İncelemeler Samtshe-Cavakheti bölgesi (No. 20) arıcılıkla uğraşan kooperatifler üzerine yapıldı. Rakımı yüksek olan Samtskhe-Cavakheti Bölgesi’nde yetişen çiçeklerden elde edilen ekolojik olarak saf polifloral bal gerekli standartları sağlandığında Avrupa’ya da pazarlanabilir.
Çalışma açık ve kapalı testler kullanarak yapılmıştır. Makalede Gürcistan’da, komşu ülkelerde ve AB ülkelerinde elde edinilen ürünlerin üretim hacminin gidişatı analiz edilmiştir.
Araştırmaya göre İhracat ve ithalat dengesinin yanı sıra diğer ekonomik göstergeler piyasa gelişmesinde karamsar bir tablo ortaya koymuştur. Ancak son zamanlarda bal dahil olmak üzere organik ürünlere olan talep artış eğilimi göstermiş ve buna bağlı olarak bala karşı talep de artmıştır
Gürcistan’da üretilen bal, özellikle yüksek rakımlarda üretilen polifloral bal, kalite açısından rekabet gücüne sahip bir üründür ve hacmin artması durumunda AB pazarında rekabet sağlayabilir.
Araştırmada ayrıca arıcılığın gelişmesini engelleyen nedenler ve çevre dostu bir ürün olan balın tıbbi verimliliğin artırılması için gerekli öneriler ortaya konulmuştur.


  • Government Resolution (2013). Law of Georgia on Agricultural Cooperatives;doc.#816rs; Government of Georgia
  • Technical Regulation (2010). General Rule of Food / Animal Feed Hygiene" and "Simplified Rule of Food / Animal Feed Hygiene; Doc.# 173; Government of Georgia
  • Government Resolution (2014); Technical Regulation of Honey, Ordinance of the Government of Georgia; Doc.#714; Government of Georgia
  • Governmen Resolution (2013). Ordinance of the Government of Georgia on approval of the technical regulation - "On additional requirements for food labeling"; document #441; Government of Georgia
  • Government Resolution (2011). Ordinance of the Government of Georgia On approval of the forms of veterinary certificates to be used during the export of products subject to veterinary control and the procedure for their issuance; document number-430
  • Axinn, G.H(1997). Challenges to agricultural extension in the twenty-first century. In V. Scarborough, S. Killough. D.A. Jonson.& J. Farrington(Eds.) Farmer-Led extension: Concepts and practices, Intermediate Technology, London
  • Andrews, M. P. Place, N.T.,& Crago, N.E.(2003). A globally focused extension service. In F.L Brewer (Ed.) Agricultural extension systems: An international perspective. Ann Arbor, ML Xan -Edu Original Works; Colorado, US
  • Buford, J. A.,& Lindner, J.(1995). Management in Cooperative Extension (3rd ed.) Columbus: The Ohio State University; USA.
  • Clark, C.,(2005). Identifying new and innovative staffing in Cooperative Extension, Report of Stady sponsored by Personnel Subcommittee of the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy; USA Conral , R.(2013). Natural Beekeeping: Organic Approaches to Modern Apiculture, 2nd Edition, Chelsea Green Publishing, USA
  • Guide for Farms and Cooperatives (2020); Beekeeping and Honey Production in Georgia and in the European Union,; ENPARD, CENN; Tbilisi
  • Sirbiladze, G., Memanishvili, N.(2016). Survey Report of Georgian Farmers' Cooperatives; IFAD, Elkana AGRO Inform, Tbılısı
  • Stepanishvili, V., (2015); Basis of Beekeeping, “Universali”, Tbilisi
  • Economic research service (2012). Economics of the food CPI. Prices and expenditure, USDA retrieved from: june/indicators
There are 13 citations in total.


Primary Language Russian
Subjects Business Administration
Journal Section Articles

Tina Gelashvili 0000-0002-0554-845X

Publication Date December 26, 2021
Submission Date November 3, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021
