Armenian nationalism, formed the theoretical basis in XIX century, have passed a new stage at the end of the century. Armenians were conscious of that they wouldn’t achieve the “Independent Armenia” goal without propaganda, agitation and vigorously activities. In a short period of time the committees and associations were established by the Armenians in many countries. Dasnaktsutyun Party, established in 1890, was prominent between these committee and associations. The most important features, distinguished the Dasnaktsutyun from the others, was that it reflected the most radical and the most aggressive part of Armenian nationalism However, using terrorist activities took an important place in its methods. The first program of the party clearly stated that his main goal: attaining the economic and political independence of Armenian of Turkey with using as a means of rebellion. To reach the this aim, its strategy consisted of two steps. The first was “the language of tears”, means that taking the public support of big states with diplomatic activities, propaganda and agitation. The other was “sword method” means that using terrorist activities, starting armed gangs and prompting revolts in Turkey. The Russian archive documents have showed that the party was involved in intensive activities in a short period of time after the establishing, in 25 years, it made an endeavour to start armed gangs and to arm the people and with like these activities it paved the suitable way for enthusiastic foreign countries to interfere in the internal affairs of the Ottoman Empire. As a result of taking up arms secretly and illegally, starting gangs and organizing revolts, that started in 1890’s and attained large sizes in 1910’s, Dasnaktsutyun posed a serious threat for Turkey. To change of the population ratio in six provinces in East of Turkey in favor of Armenians, Dashnaks that implemented policies consisted of carnage and plunder against the Muslim people living in the region, participated in the war the Russian side, the enemy of the Ottoman Empire and refused to compromise with the Ottoman government. When all these negative activities added to war conditions, Turkish government had to take a radical decision that forcing the Armenians living in Turkey to emigrate.