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Writing Rules

The articles submitted to the journal must be original. Articles containing plagiarism or published partially or fully before should not be submitted.

The author (s) who send articles to the journal accept and declare that they give full rights, such as copyright and broadcasting rights, to the journal.

Since the double-blind review is applied in our journal, the following rules should be given maximum importance.

  • The texts sent to the journal should be in Times New Roman, 10 pt, 1.5 cm on the left and right margins,with single space in Microsoft Word program.
  • Never use the space or tab key for formal corrections in the article.
  • The title of the article should be written in capital letters, centered and bold, and not exceed 12 words. The headings in Turkish, English and Russian should be written at the top, as in the example below.
  • If present, all other headings in the text should be numbered, the title (s) should be bold, and the first letter of each word should be capital.
  • The Turkish Language Institution's Spelling (Imprint) Guideline should be taken as a basis in studying, and as many Turkish words as possible should be used instead of foreign words.
  • It is preferred that texts do not exceed 25 pages including bibliography.
  • Author name(s) should be written on the left just under the heading. Authors' names / titles should be accompanied by an asterisk (*) and the author's ORCID number (title, institution, address, e-mail) should be included. For example; ORCID: 0000-0001-9160-4288 Res. Assistant, Ardahan University, Faculty of Humanities and Literature, Turkish Language and Literature, bunyamintetik@gmailcom 
  • An "Abstract" written in Turkish, English and Russian between 200-250 words should be placed before the main text. The scope and purpose of the study should be specified, the method used should be defined and the results achieved should be briefly stated. At least five and a maximum of eight keywords should be placed immediately below the abstract, and these keywords should be written in small letters except for private names. Abstract and keywords should be 10 points, and no paragraph indent should be left.
  • The table should include the number and title of figures, figures, graphics, and the like. These materials must be 10 pt with a single spacing so that the journal does not exceed 10 x 17 cm. The recording of pictures, graphics and the like should be submitted in a separate file in JPEG format. These materials should be less than one-third of the whole text.

Citations and Bibliography

  • All citations in the main text are specified by the in-text citation system in the APA6 standard. It is recommended to use the automatic citation system of MS Word program for ease of editing and control and to minimize mistakes.
  • Authors preferring to do citation manually can refer to Turkish Librarians ' Journals' APA 6 Guidelines on Sourcing, Tables and Figures for Scientific Publications'. This link can be accessed at http://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf