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Birleşik Krallık’ın Öğretmen Eğitimine Yönelik Yedi Çağdaş İdeolojik Perspektifi

Year 2016, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 116 - 141, 20.12.2015


Bu çalışma Birleşik Krallık’taki öğretmen eğitimine yönelik yedi çağdaş ideolojik perspektifi incelemekte ve eleştirel olarak değerlendirmekte; Radikal Sağ, ‘Soft Merkez, ‘Katı Merkez ve ‘Merkezde Sol Left in the Centre ’ incelenmektedir. İncelerken birbiriyle bağlantılı üç söylem düzeyine atıf yapılmaktadır; bunlar popüler basın, akademik basınla birlikte ideologların çalışmaları ve son olarak parti politikasıdır. Bu çalışma öğretmen eğitimi alanının kültürel ve ideolojik olan sanal etki gücünü yitirmiş olmasını eleştirerek sadece Radikal Sağı değil, aynı zamanda eski Sol, Sol ve ‘Merkezde Sol’ gibi merkezi konumları da eleştirel olarak değerlendirmektedir. Sosyal adalete ve ahlak-etik seviyesinde yansımalar oluşturan öğretmen eğitimi ile öğretime güçlü bir bağlılık gösteren Radikal Sol söylemin üç tipi, bu dönemde izole edilmiştir; 1. Hemy Giroux ile Peter McLaren ve Stanley Aronowitz ve arkadaşlarının eleştirel ütopyacı dönüştürücü entelektüel olanakçı düşünüsü; 2. Kenneth Zeicimer ve Tom Popkewitz gibi isimlerle ‘Madison Ekolünün’ çoğulcu otonomist eleştirel düşünüsü; 3. Belirli açılardan, John Smyth tarafından sunulan deterministik yeniden üretimci model. Giroux’nun modeli sınıfın hem içinde hem dışında siyasal eylem çağırısında bulunurken, Zeichner modeli sınıf içi için kaçındığı siyasal eylem çağrısını sınıf dışı için yapar; yeninden üretimci model ise deterministik bir biçimde okul temelli veya entelektüel temelli siyasal değişim olasılığı hakkında karamsardır. Bu çalışma, çarpıcı derecede Radikal Sol söylem ve program ile İngiltere’deki öğretmen eğitimine ilişkin eylemlerin sav ve doğrulamalarının lehine sonlanmakta ve öğretmenlerin ‘dönüştürücü entelektüeller’ olarak yetiştirilmesine yönelik çağrıda bulunmaktadır


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Seven Contemporary Ideological Perspectives on Teacher Education in Britain Today

Year 2016, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 116 - 141, 20.12.2015


This paper examines and critiques seven contemporary ideological perspectives on teacher education in Britain, it examines the Radical Right, the 'Soft Centre', the 'Hard Centre', and the 'Left in the Centre'. In doing so it refers to three interrelated levels of discourse: the popular Press, the academic Press and the work of ideologues, and the Party political. The paper critiques not only the Radical Right but also Centrist positions such as the erstwhile Left, the 'Left in the Centre', criticising their virtual evacuation of the cultural and ideological field of teacher education. Three types of Radical Left discourse, all of which express strong commitment to social justice and to teacher education and schooling developing a moral-ethical level of reflection, are then isolated: 1. the critical utopian transfomative intellectual possibilitarian project of Henry Giroux and associates such as Peter McLaren and Stanley Aronowitz; 2. the pluralistic autonomistic critical project of the 'Madison School' such as Kenneth Zeichner and Tom Popkewitz; 3. the deterministic reproductionist model represented, in the some respects, by John Smyth. The Giroux model calls for political action within as well as outside the classroom, the Zeichner model eschews political action within the classroom but calls for it outside, the reproductionist model is deterministically pessimistic about the possibility of school based or intellectual based political change. The paper ends by arguing for an assertion and reassertion of a distinctively Radical Left discourse and programme, and action on teacher education in Britain and calls for the development of teachers as 'transformative intellectuals '


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  • Adams, A. & Tulasiewicz, W. (1989,13 October). Which way the PGCE? Times Educational Supplement. London.
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  • Apple, M. (1989a). Critical introduction: Ideology and the state in educational policy. In Dale, R The State and Education Policy. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
  • Apple, M. (1989b). How Equality has been redefined in the conservative restoration. In Secada, W. Equity in Education. London: Falmer Press.
  • Aronowiz, G. & Giroux, H. (1986). Education Under Siege: The Conservative, Liberal and Radical Debate Over Schooling. London: RKP.
  • Baker, R (1989). PGCE courses show up faults of articled scheme. Times Educational Supplement. London.
  • Ball, S. (1990). Markets, Morality and Equality in Education. Hillcole Paper No. 4. London: The Tufnell Press.
  • Barrett, E. et al. (1992). Initial Teacher Education in England and Wales: A Topography. London: Goldsmith's College (Interim Report of the Modes of Teacher Education Project).
  • Bassey, M. (1991,29 March). All right in theory, but short on time. Times Education Supplement. London.
  • Beardon, T., Booth, M., Hargreaves, D. Reiss, M. (1992). (1992). School-led initial training: The way. forward. Cambridge Education Paper No. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Department of Education.
  • Bocock, J. (1991). Quality Teacher Education: Reflection on a Decade. Assessment and Evaluation in Teacher
  • Boyne, R. & Rattansi, A. (1990). Post Modernism and Society. London: Macmillan.
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  • Boyson, R (1990,25 February). Teachers should be trained on the job and not in ivory towers. Observer. Chicago Common Ground Network, (1987, November-December). Keep strong. Chicago Common Ground Network.
  • Chitty, C. (1989). Towards a New Education System: The Victory of the New Right. London: Falmer Press.
  • Clarke, K. (1992a, 26 January). Education's insane Bandwagon finally goes into the ditch. The Sunday Times. London.
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  • Cole, M. (1990). Education for Equality: Some Guidelines for Good Practice. London: Routledge.
  • Cole, M. (1992, 18 February). Winding up the studies business. The Guardian. London.
  • Cole, M., Clay, L and Hill, D. (1991). The Citizen as 'individual' and nationalist or as 'social' and internationalist? What is the Role of education? Critical Social Policy,)0(3).
  • Clay, J., Cole, M. & Hill, D. (1990, Summer). Black Achievement in Initial Teacher Education - How do we proceed into the 1990's. Muiticuitural Teaching, 8(3).
  • Cowens, R (1990). Teacher Education: A Comparative View. In Graves, N. Initial Teacher Education: Policies and Progress. London: Institute of Education University of London.
  • Craft, M. (1990). Charting the Changes in Teacher Education. Cambridge JOll/'l1al of Education, 20(1).
  • Crozier, G., Menter, I. & Pollard, A. (1990). Changing Partnership. In Booth, M., Furlong, J., & Wilkin, M. Partnership in Initial Teacher Training. London: Cassell.
  • Daily Mail. (1992,6 January). At the Chalk Face. (Editorial) Daily Mail. London.
  • DENI (Department of Education, Northern Ireland. (1991). Teachers for the 21st Century: A Review of Initial Teacher Training, Consulitative Paper.
  • Bangor, N. Ireland: DEN . DES. (Department of Education and Science) (1989a). The Education (Teachers) Regulations 1989. Circular 18/89 (on Licensed Teachers). London: HMSO.
  • DES. (Department of Education and Science) (1989a). Future Arrangements for the Accreditation of course of Initial Teacher Training, A Consultation. London: HMSO.
  • DES. (Department of Education and Science) (1989b). Initial Teacher Training: Approval of Courses. Circular 24/89. London: HMSO.
  • DES. (Department of Education and Science) (198ge, 27 June) Articled Teacher Pilot Scheme: Invitation to Bid for Funding. London: DES.
  • DES. (Department of Education and Science) (1989f, 27 June). New 'On the Job' Teacher Training Scheme for Graduates. DES Press Release. London: DES.
  • DES. (Department of Education and Science) (1989g, November). TASC (Teaching as a Second Career) pamphlet on the Articled Teacher Scheme, 1st edition. London: DES.
  • DES. (Department of Education and Science) (1991a, 4 December). Primary Education. A statement by the Secretary of State for Education and Science, Kenneth Clark. London: DES.
  • DES. (Department of Education and Science) (1992b). Reform of Initial Teacher Training. A Consultation Document. London: DES.
  • Elliott, J. (1992, 7 January). Defeat the Defeatists: Surrender is the Wrong Response to Kenneth Clarke's Training Proposals. Times Educational Supplement. London.
  • Fernandes, J. (1990). Rejlexoes(as) Sobre 0 El1sino da Sociologia da Educacao 110 Formacao de Professores. Paper presented at the 1st International Sociology of Education Conference, Faro, Portugal.
  • Gilroy, D. (1992). The Political Rape of Initial Teacher Education in England and Wales: a JET rebuttal. journal of Education for Teaching, 18(1).
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  • Giroux, H. (1983a). Theory and Resistance in Education: A Pedagogy for the Opposition. London: Heinemann.
  • Giroux, H. (1983b). Theories of Reproduction and Resistance in the New Sociology of Education: A Critical Analysis. Harvard Educational Review, 53(3).
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There are 137 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

Dave Hill This is me

Turgay Öntaş This is me

Müge Bakioğlu This is me

Publication Date December 20, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 4 Issue: 2


APA Hill, D., Öntaş, T., & Bakioğlu, M. (2015). Birleşik Krallık’ın Öğretmen Eğitimine Yönelik Yedi Çağdaş İdeolojik Perspektifi. Karaelmas Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 4(2), 116-141.