The aim of this study was to analyze the mediation role of meaning in life in the context of the relationship between the university students’ emotional intelligence and their satisfaction with life. The population of the study, had been determined using simple random sampling, consisted of a total of 395 participants, studying in Amasya University Faculty of Education, 74.7 % (n=295) whereof was female whereas 24.8% (n=98) was male. The ages of the partici-pants ranged from 17 to 34 and average of their ages was 20.62 (S.d: 1.78). In the study, the Schutte The Emotional Intelligence Scale by Schutte (1998), adapted in Turk-ish Language by Göçet (2006), the Satisfaction with Life Scale by Diener (1985), adapted in Turkish Language by Köker (1991), and the Meaning in Life Questionnaire by Steger, adapted in Turkish Language by Dursun (2012), were used. The results of the statistical analysis indicated that the Presence of Meaning, a subscale of the Meaning in Life Questionnaire, was a fully mediated varia-ble in the relationship between emotional intelligence and their satisfaction with life. To these results, the higher the emotional intelligence of university students was, the higher their scores in the Presence of Meaning in Life Subscale and the higher satisfaction with life were.
Ardahan, F. (2012). Duygusal zeka ve yaşam doyumu arasındaki ilişkinin doğa sporu yapanlar örneğinde incelen-mesi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(3), 20-33. Retrieved from
Austin, E. J., Saklofske, D. H., & Egan, V. (2005). Personality, well-being and health correlates of trait emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 38(3), 547-558. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2004.05.009.
Bahram, J. (2007). The mediating role of resilience in the relationship between general and emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Contemporary Psychology, 2(4), 3-12.
Bektaş, E. (2014). Üniversite öğrencilerinde duygusal zekâ ve yaşam doyumu ilişkisi (Facebook kullananlar üzerine bir araştırma) (Yüksek lisans tezi), Toros Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Mersin.
Bilir, N. ve Subaşı, N. P. (2006). Yaşlılık sorunları. Ç. Güler ve L. Akın (Ed.). Halk sağlığı temel bilgiler. (ss. 1020-1031). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Cazan, A.-M., & Nastasa, L. E. (2015). Emotional intelligence, satisfaction with life and burnout among university students. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 180, 1574-1578. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.309.
Chamberlain, K., & Zika, S. (1992). Religiosity, meaning in life, and psychological wellbeing. In J. F. Schumaker (Ed.), Religion and mental health (pp. 138–148). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Clonan, S. M., Chafouleas, S. M., McDougal, J. L., & Riley-Tillman, T. C. (2004). Positive psychology goes to school: are we there yet?. Psychology in the Schools, 41(1), 101-110. doi: 10.1002/pits.10142.
Diener, E. (1984). Subjective well-being. Psychological Bulletin, 95(3), 542-575. Retrieved from
Donaldson, S. I., Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Nakamura, J. (2011). Applied positive psychology: Improving Everyday life, health, schools, work, and society. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis.
Dursun, P. (2012). The role of meaning in life, optimism, hope, and coping styles in subjective well-being (Doctoral thesis), Middle East Technical University The Graduate School Of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Emir, S. (2013). Öǧretmenlerin düsünme stillerinin eleştirel düsünme eǧilimlerini yordama gücü (İstanbul-Fatih örneǧi). Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri (KUYEB), 13(1), 337-347.
Field, A. (2005). Discovering statistics using SPSS (2. Edition). London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage Publica-tions.
Frankl, V. E. (1994). Duyulmayan anlam çığlığı. psikoterapi ve hümanizm. Ankara: Öteki Yayınevi.
Goleman, D. (2010). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. London: Bloomsbury.
Göçet, E. (2006). Üniversite öğrencilerinin duygusal zeka düzeyleri ile stresle başa çıkma tutumları arasındaki ilişki (Yüksek lisans tezi), Sakarya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Sakarya.
Hayes, A.F. (2009). Beyond Baron and Kenny: Statistical mediation analysis in the new millennium. Communica-tion Monographs, 76(4), 408-420.
Ikız, F. E., & Kırtıl Gormez, S. (2010). İlköğretim ikinci kademe öğrencilerinde duygusal zekâ ve yaşam doyumu-nun incelenmesi. Elementary Education Online, 9(3), 1216-1225.
İnci, S. (2014). Aday öğretmenlerin duygusal zekâ ile yaşam doyumu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki (Yüksek lisans tezi). Çanakkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çanakkale.
Kong, F., Zhao, J., & You, X. (2012). Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction in Chinese university students: The mediating role of self-esteem and social support. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(8), 1039-1043. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2012.07.032.
Köker, S. (1991). Normal ve sorunlu ergenlerin yaşam doyumu düzeyinin karşılaştırılması (Yüksek lisans tezi), Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Largen, J. E. (2004) The relationship between stress, satisfaction, and emotional intelligence in college students (Master’s thesis). Western Kentucky University Masters Theses & Specialist Projects. Paper 533. Retrieved from
Linley, A. (2009). Positive psychology (history). In S. Lopez (ed.) In The encyclopedia of positive psychology (pp. 742–746). Chichester: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Liu, Y., Wang, Z., & Lü, W. (2013). Resilience and affect balance as mediators between trait emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(7), 850-855. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2012.12.010.
Maddux, J. E. (2018). Subjective well-being and life satisfaction: An introduction to conceptions, theories, and measures. In J. E. Maddux (Ed.), Frontiers of social psychology. Subjective well-being and life satisfaction (pp. 3-31). New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Mayer, J. D., & Salovey, P. (1997). What is emotional intelligence? In P. Salovey & D. Sluyter (Eds.), Emotional development and emotional intelligence: Educational implications (pp. 3– 31). New York: Basic Books.
Montes-Berges, B., & Augusto-Landa, J. M. (2014). Emotional intelligence and affective intensity as life satisfac-tion and psychological well-being predictors on nursing professionals. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(1), 80-88. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.12.012.
Moore, A (2018, April 23). This happiness course is the most popular class in Yale's history. Retrieved from (2019, April 1).
Palmer, B., Donaldson, C., & Stough, C. (2002). Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 33(7), 1091-1100. doi: 10.1016/S0191-8869(01)00215-X.
Parker, J. D. A., Saklofske, D. H., Wood, L. M., & Collin, T. (2009). The role of emotional intelligence in education. In C. Stough, D. H. Saklofske & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), Assessing emotional intelligence: theory, research, and applications (pp. 239-255). Boston, MA: Springer-Verlag US.
Paschali, A., & Tsitsas, G. (2010). Stress and life satisfaction among university students-a pilot study. Annals of General Psychiatry, 9(1). doi: 10.1186/1744-859X-9-S1-S96.
Rey, L., Extremera, N., & Pena, M. (2011). Perceived emotional intelligence, self-esteem and life satisfaction in adolescents. Psychosocial Intervention, 20(2), 227-234. doi: 10.5093/in2011v20n2a10.
Schutte, N. S., Malouff, J. M., Hall, L. E., Haggerty, D. J., Cooper, J. T., Golden, C. J., & Dornheim, L. (1998). Development and validation of a measure of emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differen-ces, 25(2), 167-177. doi: 10.1016/S0191-8869(98)00001-4.
Seligman, M. E. P., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Positive psychology: an introduction. American Psychologist, 55(1), 5 – 14. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.5.
Steger, M. F., Frazier, P., Oishi, S., & Kaler, M. (2006). The meaning in life questionnaire: Assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(1), 80-93. doi: 10.1037/0022-0167.53.1.80.
Sun, P., Wang, S., & Kong, F. (2014). Core self-evaluations as mediator and moderator of the relationship between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Social Indicators Research, 118(1), 173-180. doi: 10.1007/s11205-013-0413-9.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2014). Using multivariate statistics. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Teques, A. P., Carrera, G. B., Ribeiro, J. P., Teques, P., & Ramon, G. L. (2016). The importance of emotional intelligence and meaning in life in psycho-oncology: Emotional intelligence and meaning in life. Psycho-oncology, 25(3), 324-331. doi: 10.1002/pon.3921.
Urquijo, I., Extremera, N., & Villa, A. (2016). Emotional intelligence, life satisfaction, and psychological well-being in graduates: the mediating effect of perceived stress. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 11(4), 1241-1252. doi: 10.1007/s11482-015-9432-9.
Weinstein, N., Ryan, R. M., & ve Deci, E. L. (2012). Motivation, meaning, and wellness, a self-determination perspective on the creation and internalization of personal meanings and life goals. In P. T. P. Wong (Ed.), The human quest for meaning, theories, research, and applications (pp. 81-106). New York: Routledge.
Wing, J. F., Schutte, N. S., & Byrne, B. (2006). The effect of positive writing on emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62(10), 1291-1302. doi: 10.1002/jclp.20292.
Yıkılmaz, M., & Güdül, M. D. (2015). Üniversite öğrencilerinde yaşam doyumu, yaşamda anlam ve bilinçli farkındalık arasındaki ı̇lişkiler. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 16(2), 297-315. doi: 10.12984/ee.09530.
Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Duygusal Zeka ve Yaşam Doyumu: Yaşamda Anlamın Aracı Rolü
Year 2020,
Volume: 28 Issue: 2, 718 - 728, 20.03.2020
Bu çalışmanın amacı üniversite öğrencilerinde duygusal zeka ile yaşam doyumu arasındaki ilişkide yaşamda anlamın aracı rolünü incelemektir. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu basit seçkisiz örnekleme yoluyla 2018-2019 güz döneminde Amasya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi’nde öğrenim gören % 74.7 (n=295)’i kadın ve % 24.8 (n= 98)’i erkek olan 395 öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Katılımcıların yaş aralığı 17 ile 34 yaş aralığında olup, yaş ortalamaları 20.62 (S.s: 1.78) ’dir. Araştırmada Schutte v.d. (1998) tarafından geliştirilen Göçet (2006) tarafından Türkçeye uyarlanan “Schutte Duygusal Zeka Ölçeği”, Diener (1984) tarafından geliştirilen ve Köker (1991) tarafından Türkçe’ye uyarlanan “Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği” ve Steger, Frazier, Oishi ve Kaler (2006) tarafından geliştirilen ve Dursun (2012) tarafından Türkçe’ ye uyarlanan “Yaşamın Anlamı Anketi” kullanılmıştır. Araştırmada yapılan istatistiki analizler sonucunda duygusal zeka ile yaşam doyumu arasındaki ilişkide yaşamda anlamın boyutlarından yaşamda anlamın varlığının tam aracı bir değişken olduğu görülmüştür. Bu sonuçlara göre, duygusal zeka düzeyi yüksek olan üniversite öğrencilerinin yaşamda anlamın varlığı puanlarının ve yaşam doyumlarının yüksek olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
Ardahan, F. (2012). Duygusal zeka ve yaşam doyumu arasındaki ilişkinin doğa sporu yapanlar örneğinde incelen-mesi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(3), 20-33. Retrieved from
Austin, E. J., Saklofske, D. H., & Egan, V. (2005). Personality, well-being and health correlates of trait emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differences, 38(3), 547-558. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2004.05.009.
Bahram, J. (2007). The mediating role of resilience in the relationship between general and emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Contemporary Psychology, 2(4), 3-12.
Bektaş, E. (2014). Üniversite öğrencilerinde duygusal zekâ ve yaşam doyumu ilişkisi (Facebook kullananlar üzerine bir araştırma) (Yüksek lisans tezi), Toros Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Mersin.
Bilir, N. ve Subaşı, N. P. (2006). Yaşlılık sorunları. Ç. Güler ve L. Akın (Ed.). Halk sağlığı temel bilgiler. (ss. 1020-1031). Ankara: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları.
Cazan, A.-M., & Nastasa, L. E. (2015). Emotional intelligence, satisfaction with life and burnout among university students. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 180, 1574-1578. doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.02.309.
Chamberlain, K., & Zika, S. (1992). Religiosity, meaning in life, and psychological wellbeing. In J. F. Schumaker (Ed.), Religion and mental health (pp. 138–148). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Clonan, S. M., Chafouleas, S. M., McDougal, J. L., & Riley-Tillman, T. C. (2004). Positive psychology goes to school: are we there yet?. Psychology in the Schools, 41(1), 101-110. doi: 10.1002/pits.10142.
Diener, E. (1984). Subjective well-being. Psychological Bulletin, 95(3), 542-575. Retrieved from
Donaldson, S. I., Csikszentmihalyi, M., & Nakamura, J. (2011). Applied positive psychology: Improving Everyday life, health, schools, work, and society. Hoboken: Taylor & Francis.
Dursun, P. (2012). The role of meaning in life, optimism, hope, and coping styles in subjective well-being (Doctoral thesis), Middle East Technical University The Graduate School Of Social Sciences, Ankara.
Emir, S. (2013). Öǧretmenlerin düsünme stillerinin eleştirel düsünme eǧilimlerini yordama gücü (İstanbul-Fatih örneǧi). Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri (KUYEB), 13(1), 337-347.
Field, A. (2005). Discovering statistics using SPSS (2. Edition). London, Thousand Oaks, New Delhi: Sage Publica-tions.
Frankl, V. E. (1994). Duyulmayan anlam çığlığı. psikoterapi ve hümanizm. Ankara: Öteki Yayınevi.
Goleman, D. (2010). Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. London: Bloomsbury.
Göçet, E. (2006). Üniversite öğrencilerinin duygusal zeka düzeyleri ile stresle başa çıkma tutumları arasındaki ilişki (Yüksek lisans tezi), Sakarya Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Sakarya.
Hayes, A.F. (2009). Beyond Baron and Kenny: Statistical mediation analysis in the new millennium. Communica-tion Monographs, 76(4), 408-420.
Ikız, F. E., & Kırtıl Gormez, S. (2010). İlköğretim ikinci kademe öğrencilerinde duygusal zekâ ve yaşam doyumu-nun incelenmesi. Elementary Education Online, 9(3), 1216-1225.
İnci, S. (2014). Aday öğretmenlerin duygusal zekâ ile yaşam doyumu düzeyleri arasındaki ilişki (Yüksek lisans tezi). Çanakkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Çanakkale.
Kong, F., Zhao, J., & You, X. (2012). Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction in Chinese university students: The mediating role of self-esteem and social support. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(8), 1039-1043. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2012.07.032.
Köker, S. (1991). Normal ve sorunlu ergenlerin yaşam doyumu düzeyinin karşılaştırılması (Yüksek lisans tezi), Ankara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
Largen, J. E. (2004) The relationship between stress, satisfaction, and emotional intelligence in college students (Master’s thesis). Western Kentucky University Masters Theses & Specialist Projects. Paper 533. Retrieved from
Linley, A. (2009). Positive psychology (history). In S. Lopez (ed.) In The encyclopedia of positive psychology (pp. 742–746). Chichester: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Liu, Y., Wang, Z., & Lü, W. (2013). Resilience and affect balance as mediators between trait emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 54(7), 850-855. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2012.12.010.
Maddux, J. E. (2018). Subjective well-being and life satisfaction: An introduction to conceptions, theories, and measures. In J. E. Maddux (Ed.), Frontiers of social psychology. Subjective well-being and life satisfaction (pp. 3-31). New York, NY, US: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Mayer, J. D., & Salovey, P. (1997). What is emotional intelligence? In P. Salovey & D. Sluyter (Eds.), Emotional development and emotional intelligence: Educational implications (pp. 3– 31). New York: Basic Books.
Montes-Berges, B., & Augusto-Landa, J. M. (2014). Emotional intelligence and affective intensity as life satisfac-tion and psychological well-being predictors on nursing professionals. Journal of Professional Nursing, 30(1), 80-88. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2012.12.012.
Moore, A (2018, April 23). This happiness course is the most popular class in Yale's history. Retrieved from (2019, April 1).
Palmer, B., Donaldson, C., & Stough, C. (2002). Emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Personality and Individual Differences, 33(7), 1091-1100. doi: 10.1016/S0191-8869(01)00215-X.
Parker, J. D. A., Saklofske, D. H., Wood, L. M., & Collin, T. (2009). The role of emotional intelligence in education. In C. Stough, D. H. Saklofske & J. D. A. Parker (Eds.), Assessing emotional intelligence: theory, research, and applications (pp. 239-255). Boston, MA: Springer-Verlag US.
Paschali, A., & Tsitsas, G. (2010). Stress and life satisfaction among university students-a pilot study. Annals of General Psychiatry, 9(1). doi: 10.1186/1744-859X-9-S1-S96.
Rey, L., Extremera, N., & Pena, M. (2011). Perceived emotional intelligence, self-esteem and life satisfaction in adolescents. Psychosocial Intervention, 20(2), 227-234. doi: 10.5093/in2011v20n2a10.
Schutte, N. S., Malouff, J. M., Hall, L. E., Haggerty, D. J., Cooper, J. T., Golden, C. J., & Dornheim, L. (1998). Development and validation of a measure of emotional intelligence. Personality and Individual Differen-ces, 25(2), 167-177. doi: 10.1016/S0191-8869(98)00001-4.
Seligman, M. E. P., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Positive psychology: an introduction. American Psychologist, 55(1), 5 – 14. doi: 10.1037/0003-066X.55.1.5.
Steger, M. F., Frazier, P., Oishi, S., & Kaler, M. (2006). The meaning in life questionnaire: Assessing the presence of and search for meaning in life. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 53(1), 80-93. doi: 10.1037/0022-0167.53.1.80.
Sun, P., Wang, S., & Kong, F. (2014). Core self-evaluations as mediator and moderator of the relationship between emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Social Indicators Research, 118(1), 173-180. doi: 10.1007/s11205-013-0413-9.
Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2014). Using multivariate statistics. Harlow: Pearson Education.
Teques, A. P., Carrera, G. B., Ribeiro, J. P., Teques, P., & Ramon, G. L. (2016). The importance of emotional intelligence and meaning in life in psycho-oncology: Emotional intelligence and meaning in life. Psycho-oncology, 25(3), 324-331. doi: 10.1002/pon.3921.
Urquijo, I., Extremera, N., & Villa, A. (2016). Emotional intelligence, life satisfaction, and psychological well-being in graduates: the mediating effect of perceived stress. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 11(4), 1241-1252. doi: 10.1007/s11482-015-9432-9.
Weinstein, N., Ryan, R. M., & ve Deci, E. L. (2012). Motivation, meaning, and wellness, a self-determination perspective on the creation and internalization of personal meanings and life goals. In P. T. P. Wong (Ed.), The human quest for meaning, theories, research, and applications (pp. 81-106). New York: Routledge.
Wing, J. F., Schutte, N. S., & Byrne, B. (2006). The effect of positive writing on emotional intelligence and life satisfaction. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62(10), 1291-1302. doi: 10.1002/jclp.20292.
Yıkılmaz, M., & Güdül, M. D. (2015). Üniversite öğrencilerinde yaşam doyumu, yaşamda anlam ve bilinçli farkındalık arasındaki ı̇lişkiler. Ege Eğitim Dergisi, 16(2), 297-315. doi: 10.12984/ee.09530.
Kartol, A., & Erçevik, A. (2020). Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Duygusal Zeka ve Yaşam Doyumu: Yaşamda Anlamın Aracı Rolü. Kastamonu Education Journal, 28(2), 718-728.