Research Article
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Usability of Some Landscape Plants in Biomonitoring Technique: an Anaysis With Special Regard to Heavy Metals

Year 2022, , 1413 - 1421, 26.09.2022


As a result of the widespread industrial activities in today's cities and the increase in the urban population and building density, the pollution values in the urban geography are increasing. The accumulation of environmental pollutants is one of the most important problems to be considered in the construction of cities. Heavy metal pollution from various activities in urban areas is one of the riskiest environmental problems. Heavy metals are concentrated due to human activities and it is necessary to monitor and determine their accumulation levels. Detection and reduction studies of heavy metal levels in regions and areas with population density are of critical importance, as accumulation above a certain dose can cause vital problems. Studies on the accumulation of heavy metals are affected by parameters of quite different sizes, and determination of the level and identification of the source is quite complex. However, due to the high accumulation of pollutants in some landscape areas due to the effect of their type, it reveals the course of pollutants in these regions. This study aimed to determine the concentrations of Copper (Cu) and Iron (Fe) in leaves, bark and wood in various landscape species by biomonitoring heavy metals. By comparing the Cu and Fe concentrations, the heavy metal holding capacities of the species used varied significantly in plant species and in different organs of the same plant. As a result of the study, it has been determined that Schinus molle L. can be preferred in urban areas and can be used as a biomonitor in Cu and Fe accumulation.


  • Adimalla, N., Chen, J., & Qian, H. (2020). Spatial characteristics of heavy metal contamination and potential human health risk assessment of urban soils: A case study from an urban region of South India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 194, 110406.
  • Arribas-Bel, D., & Schmidt, C. R. (2013). Self-organizing maps and the US urban spatial structure. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 40(2), 362-371.
  • Bibri, S. E. (2022). Eco-districts and data-driven smart eco-cities: Emerging approaches to strategic planning by design and spatial scaling and evaluation by technology. Land Use Policy, 113, 105830.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Turkyilmaz, A., Isinkaralar, K. (2021). Using Abies's Needles as Biomonitors of Recent Heavy Metal Accumulation. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(1), 1-6.
  • Çetin, N., Mansuroğlu, S., & Onac, A. (2018). Xeriscaping feasibility as an urban adaptation method for global warming: A case study from Turkey. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 27(3).
  • Douglas, I., Alam, K., Maghenda, M., Mcdonnell, Y., McLean, L., & Campbell, J. (2008). Unjust waters: climate change, flooding and the urban poor in Africa. Environment and urbanization, 20(1), 187-205.
  • Fusaro, L., Salvatori, E., Winkler, A., Frezzini, M. A., De Santis, E., Sagnotti, L., ... & Manes, F. (2021). Urban trees for biomonitoring atmospheric particulate matter: An integrated approach combining plant functional traits, magnetic and chemical properties. Ecological Indicators, 126, 107707.
  • Ghoma, W. E. O., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Using indoor plants as biomonitors for detection of toxic metals by tobacco smoke. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 1-10. Graham, S. (1999). Global grids of glass: on global cities, telecommunications and planetary urban networks. Urban Studies, 36(5-6), 929-949.
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2022a). Theoretical removal study of gas form BTEX onto activated carbon produced from Digitalis purpurea L. biomass. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. s13399-022-02558-2
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2022b) Some atmospheric trace metals deposition in selected trees as a possible biomonitor. Romanian Biotechnological Letters; 27(1): 3225-3234.
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2022c) Atmospheric deposition of Pb and Cd in the Cedrus atlantica for environmental biomonitoring. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 10.1007/s11355-022-00503-z
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2022d). Kütahya kent merkezinde hava kalitesinin zamansal ve mekansal değişimi. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 10 (1), 152-160.
  • Isinkaralar, K. & Erdem, R. (2022). The effect of atmospheric deposition on potassium accumulation in several tree species as a biomonitor. Environmental Research and Technology, 5(1), 94-100.
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2021). Changes in Cadmium (Cd) concentrations in some plants depending on traffic density. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences, (14), 63–70.
  • Isinkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2021a). Landscape Plants as Biomonitors for Magnesium Concentration in Some Species. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, 29(2), 468-473.
  • Isinkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2021b). Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(2), 148-154.
  • Isinkaralar, K., Gullu, G., Turkyilmaz, A. (2022). Experimental study of formaldehyde and BTEX adsorption onto activated carbon from lignocellulosic biomass. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-11.
  • Işınkaralar, Ö., & Varol, C. (2021). Kent Merkezlerinde Ticaret Birimlerin Mekansal Örüntüsü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme: Kastamonu Örneği. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6(2), 396-403. Isinkaralar, O., Tonuk, G. U., Isinkaralar, K., Yilmaz, D. (2021). An analysis on sustainability assessment at neighborhood scale. Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences, Education Press, First Edition, Konya, pp: 517-531.
  • Isinkaralar, K., Koc, I., Erdem, R. Sevik, H. (2022). Atmospheric Cd, Cr, and Zn Deposition in Several Landscape Plants in Mersin, Türkiye. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233, 120. Karacocuk, T., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., Turkyilmaz, A., & Cetin, M. (2022). The change of Cr and Mn concentrations in selected plants in Samsun city center depending on traffic density. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 18(1), 75-83.
  • Knickmeyer, D. (2020). Social factors influencing household waste separation: A literature review on good practices to improve the recycling performance of urban areas. Journal of cleaner production, 245, 118605.
  • Mishra, S., Bharagava, R. N., More, N., Yadav, A., Zainith, S., Mani, S., & Chowdhary, P. (2019). Heavy metal contamination: an alarming threat to environment and human health. In Environmental biotechnology: For sustainable future (pp. 103-125). Springer, Singapore. Nakagawa, K., Imura, T., & Berndtsson, R. (2022). Distribution of heavy metals and related health risks through soil ingestion in rural areas of western Japan. Chemosphere, 290, 133316.
  • Novotný, L. (2016). Urban development and migration processes in the urban region of Bratislava from the post-socialist transformation until the global economic crisis. Urban geography, 37(7), 1009-1029.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency-Usepa. (1996). Method 3052: Microwave assisted acid digestion of siliceous and organically based matrices. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste.
  • Öztürk, S., Işınkaralar, Ö., Yılmaz, D., Şimşek, M., Almansourı, H. M. S., & Elahsadı, A. H. M. (2021). COVID-19'un Tüketici Alışkanlıklarına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Türkiye-Libya Karşılaştırması. Journal of Eastern Geography, 26(46), 97-108.
  • Petrova, S., Yurukova, L., & Velcheva, I. (2014). Possibilities of using deciduous tree species in trace element biomonitoring in an urban area (Plovdiv, Bulgaria). Atmospheric Pollution Research, 5(2), 196-202.
  • Rodríguez-Pose, A., & Storper, M. (2020). Housing, urban growth and inequalities: The limits to deregulation and upzoning in reducing economic and spatial inequality. Urban Studies, 57(2), 223-248.
  • Sang, L., Zhang, C., Yang, J., Zhu, D., & Yun, W. (2011). Simulation of land use spatial pattern of towns and villages based on CA–Markov model. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(3-4), 938-943.
  • Savas, D. S., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., Turkyilmaz, A., & Cetin, M. (2021). The potential of using Cedrus atlantica as a biomonitor in the concentrations of Cr and Mn. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(39), 55446-55453.
  • Sellami, S., Zeghouan, O., Dhahri, F., Mechi, L., Moussaoui, Y., & Kebabi, B. (2022). Assessment of heavy metal pollution in urban and peri-urban soil of Setif city (High Plains, eastern Algeria). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194(2), 1-17.
  • Şevik, H. (2021). The variation of chrome consantration in some landscape plants due to species, organ and traffic density. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(3), 595-600.
  • Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., & Isinkaralar, O. (2018). Indoor air quality in hospitals: the case of Kastamonu Turkey. J Chem Biol Phys Sci Sect D, 9(1), 67-73.
  • Shah, N., Khan, A., Ali, R., Marimuthu, K., Uddin, M. N., Rizwan, M., ... & Khisroon, M. (2020). Monitoring bioaccumulation (in gills and muscle tissues), hematology, and genotoxic alteration in Ctenopharyngodon idella exposed to selected heavy metals. BioMed research international, 2020.
  • Singh, V. K., Singh, A. L., Singh, R., & Kumar, A. (2018). Iron oxidizing bacteria: insights on diversity, mechanism of iron oxidation and role in management of metal pollution. Environmental Sustainability, 1(3), 221-231.
  • Tammaru, T. (2001). Suburban growth and suburbanisation under central planning: The case of Soviet Estonia. Urban studies, 38(8), 1341-1357.
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., & Saleh, E. A. A. (2020). Variation of heavy metal accumulation in certain landscaping plants due to traffic density. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22(3), 2385-2398.
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., & Cetin, M. (2018). Using Acer platanoides annual rings to monitor the amount of heavy metals accumulated in air. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 190(10), 1-11. 6956-0
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., & Cetin, M. (2019). Use of tree rings as a bioindicator to observe atmospheric heavy metal deposition. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(5), 5122-5130.
  • Urry, J. (2010). Consuming the planet to excess. Theory, Culture & Society, 27(2-3), 191-212.
  • Valavanidis, A., Fiotakis, K., & Vlachogianni, T. (2008). Airborne particulate matter and human health: toxicological assessment and importance of size and composition of particles for oxidative damage and carcinogenic mechanisms. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 26(4), 339-362. DOI: 10.1080/10590500802494538.
  • Watson, V. (2009). 'The planned city sweeps the poor away…': Urban planning and 21st century urbanisation. Progress in planning, 72(3), 151-193.
  • Węcławowicz, G. (2016). Urban development in Poland, from the socialist city to the post-socialist and neoliberal city. Artificial Towns" in the 21st century. Social Polarisation in the New Town Regions of East-Central Europe. Budapest: Institute for Sociology. Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 65-82.
  • Yilmaz, D., & Isinkaralar, Ö., (2021a). Climate Action Plans Under Climate-Resilient Urban Policies. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(2), 140-147.
  • Yilmaz, D., & Isinkaralar, Ö., (2021b). How Can Natural Environment Scoring Tool (Nest) be Adapted for Urban Parks?. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(2), 127-139.

Bazı Peyzaj Bitkilerinin Biyoizleme Tekniğinde Kullanılabilirliği: Ağır Metallere Yönelik Bir Analiz

Year 2022, , 1413 - 1421, 26.09.2022


Günümüz kentlerinde endüstriyel faaliyetlerin yaygınlaşması ile kentsel nüfus ve yapı yoğunluğundaki artış sonucunda kent coğrafyasında kirlilik değerleri artmaktadır. Çevresel kirleticilerin birikimi, kentlerin yapılaşmasında dikkate alınması gereken en önemli sorunlardan biridir. Kentsel alanlarda çeşitli faaliyetlerden kaynaklanan ağır metal kirliliği, en riskli çevresel problemlerden biridir. Ağır metaller, insan faaliyetleri nedeniyle yoğunlaşmakta olup, izlenmesi ve birikim düzeylerinin belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Belirli bir dozun üzerinde birikim yaşanması hayati sorunlara neden olabileceğinden nüfus yoğunluğunun olduğu bölge ve alanların ağır metal seviyelerinin tespiti ve azaltım çalışmaları kritik öneme sahiptir. Ağır metallerin birikimine ilişkin araştırmalar oldukça farklı boyutlarda parametrelerden etkilenmekte olup düzeyin belirlenmesi ve kaynak tespiti oldukça karmaşıktır. Ancak bazı peyzaj alanlarında kirleticilerin türünün etkisiyle yüksek birikim sağlayabilmesi nedeniyle, bu bölgelerdeki kirleticilerin seyrini ortaya koymaktadır. Bu çalışma, ağır metallerin biyoizlenmesi yöntemiyle çeşitli peyzaj türlerinde yaprak, ağaç kabuğu ve odundaki Bakır (Cu) ve Demir (Fe) konsantrasyon değerlerini belirlemeyi amaçlamıştır. Cu ve Fe konsantrasyonu karşılaştırılarak kullanılan türlerin ağır metal tutma kapasiteleri, bitki türleri ve aynı bitkinin farklı organlarında önemli ölçüde değişmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda Schinus molle L. türünün kentsel alanlarda tercih edilebileceği, Cu ve Fe birikiminde biyomonitör olarak kullanılabileceği tespit edilmiştir.


  • Adimalla, N., Chen, J., & Qian, H. (2020). Spatial characteristics of heavy metal contamination and potential human health risk assessment of urban soils: A case study from an urban region of South India. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 194, 110406.
  • Arribas-Bel, D., & Schmidt, C. R. (2013). Self-organizing maps and the US urban spatial structure. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 40(2), 362-371.
  • Bibri, S. E. (2022). Eco-districts and data-driven smart eco-cities: Emerging approaches to strategic planning by design and spatial scaling and evaluation by technology. Land Use Policy, 113, 105830.
  • Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Turkyilmaz, A., Isinkaralar, K. (2021). Using Abies's Needles as Biomonitors of Recent Heavy Metal Accumulation. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(1), 1-6.
  • Çetin, N., Mansuroğlu, S., & Onac, A. (2018). Xeriscaping feasibility as an urban adaptation method for global warming: A case study from Turkey. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 27(3).
  • Douglas, I., Alam, K., Maghenda, M., Mcdonnell, Y., McLean, L., & Campbell, J. (2008). Unjust waters: climate change, flooding and the urban poor in Africa. Environment and urbanization, 20(1), 187-205.
  • Fusaro, L., Salvatori, E., Winkler, A., Frezzini, M. A., De Santis, E., Sagnotti, L., ... & Manes, F. (2021). Urban trees for biomonitoring atmospheric particulate matter: An integrated approach combining plant functional traits, magnetic and chemical properties. Ecological Indicators, 126, 107707.
  • Ghoma, W. E. O., Sevik, H., & Isinkaralar, K. (2022). Using indoor plants as biomonitors for detection of toxic metals by tobacco smoke. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 1-10. Graham, S. (1999). Global grids of glass: on global cities, telecommunications and planetary urban networks. Urban Studies, 36(5-6), 929-949.
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2022a). Theoretical removal study of gas form BTEX onto activated carbon produced from Digitalis purpurea L. biomass. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. s13399-022-02558-2
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2022b) Some atmospheric trace metals deposition in selected trees as a possible biomonitor. Romanian Biotechnological Letters; 27(1): 3225-3234.
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2022c) Atmospheric deposition of Pb and Cd in the Cedrus atlantica for environmental biomonitoring. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 10.1007/s11355-022-00503-z
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2022d). Kütahya kent merkezinde hava kalitesinin zamansal ve mekansal değişimi. Mühendislik Bilimleri ve Tasarım Dergisi, 10 (1), 152-160.
  • Isinkaralar, K. & Erdem, R. (2022). The effect of atmospheric deposition on potassium accumulation in several tree species as a biomonitor. Environmental Research and Technology, 5(1), 94-100.
  • Isinkaralar, K. (2021). Changes in Cadmium (Cd) concentrations in some plants depending on traffic density. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Advances in Pure and Applied Sciences, (14), 63–70.
  • Isinkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2021a). Landscape Plants as Biomonitors for Magnesium Concentration in Some Species. International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies, 29(2), 468-473.
  • Isinkaralar, K., & Erdem, R. (2021b). Changes of Calcium Content on Some Trees in Kocaeli. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(2), 148-154.
  • Isinkaralar, K., Gullu, G., Turkyilmaz, A. (2022). Experimental study of formaldehyde and BTEX adsorption onto activated carbon from lignocellulosic biomass. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 1-11.
  • Işınkaralar, Ö., & Varol, C. (2021). Kent Merkezlerinde Ticaret Birimlerin Mekansal Örüntüsü Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme: Kastamonu Örneği. Journal of Architectural Sciences and Applications, 6(2), 396-403. Isinkaralar, O., Tonuk, G. U., Isinkaralar, K., Yilmaz, D. (2021). An analysis on sustainability assessment at neighborhood scale. Social, Humanities and Administrative Sciences, Education Press, First Edition, Konya, pp: 517-531.
  • Isinkaralar, K., Koc, I., Erdem, R. Sevik, H. (2022). Atmospheric Cd, Cr, and Zn Deposition in Several Landscape Plants in Mersin, Türkiye. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 233, 120. Karacocuk, T., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., Turkyilmaz, A., & Cetin, M. (2022). The change of Cr and Mn concentrations in selected plants in Samsun city center depending on traffic density. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 18(1), 75-83.
  • Knickmeyer, D. (2020). Social factors influencing household waste separation: A literature review on good practices to improve the recycling performance of urban areas. Journal of cleaner production, 245, 118605.
  • Mishra, S., Bharagava, R. N., More, N., Yadav, A., Zainith, S., Mani, S., & Chowdhary, P. (2019). Heavy metal contamination: an alarming threat to environment and human health. In Environmental biotechnology: For sustainable future (pp. 103-125). Springer, Singapore. Nakagawa, K., Imura, T., & Berndtsson, R. (2022). Distribution of heavy metals and related health risks through soil ingestion in rural areas of western Japan. Chemosphere, 290, 133316.
  • Novotný, L. (2016). Urban development and migration processes in the urban region of Bratislava from the post-socialist transformation until the global economic crisis. Urban geography, 37(7), 1009-1029.
  • United States Environmental Protection Agency-Usepa. (1996). Method 3052: Microwave assisted acid digestion of siliceous and organically based matrices. Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste.
  • Öztürk, S., Işınkaralar, Ö., Yılmaz, D., Şimşek, M., Almansourı, H. M. S., & Elahsadı, A. H. M. (2021). COVID-19'un Tüketici Alışkanlıklarına Etkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Türkiye-Libya Karşılaştırması. Journal of Eastern Geography, 26(46), 97-108.
  • Petrova, S., Yurukova, L., & Velcheva, I. (2014). Possibilities of using deciduous tree species in trace element biomonitoring in an urban area (Plovdiv, Bulgaria). Atmospheric Pollution Research, 5(2), 196-202.
  • Rodríguez-Pose, A., & Storper, M. (2020). Housing, urban growth and inequalities: The limits to deregulation and upzoning in reducing economic and spatial inequality. Urban Studies, 57(2), 223-248.
  • Sang, L., Zhang, C., Yang, J., Zhu, D., & Yun, W. (2011). Simulation of land use spatial pattern of towns and villages based on CA–Markov model. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(3-4), 938-943.
  • Savas, D. S., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., Turkyilmaz, A., & Cetin, M. (2021). The potential of using Cedrus atlantica as a biomonitor in the concentrations of Cr and Mn. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28(39), 55446-55453.
  • Sellami, S., Zeghouan, O., Dhahri, F., Mechi, L., Moussaoui, Y., & Kebabi, B. (2022). Assessment of heavy metal pollution in urban and peri-urban soil of Setif city (High Plains, eastern Algeria). Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194(2), 1-17.
  • Şevik, H. (2021). The variation of chrome consantration in some landscape plants due to species, organ and traffic density. Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology, 9(3), 595-600.
  • Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., & Isinkaralar, O. (2018). Indoor air quality in hospitals: the case of Kastamonu Turkey. J Chem Biol Phys Sci Sect D, 9(1), 67-73.
  • Shah, N., Khan, A., Ali, R., Marimuthu, K., Uddin, M. N., Rizwan, M., ... & Khisroon, M. (2020). Monitoring bioaccumulation (in gills and muscle tissues), hematology, and genotoxic alteration in Ctenopharyngodon idella exposed to selected heavy metals. BioMed research international, 2020.
  • Singh, V. K., Singh, A. L., Singh, R., & Kumar, A. (2018). Iron oxidizing bacteria: insights on diversity, mechanism of iron oxidation and role in management of metal pollution. Environmental Sustainability, 1(3), 221-231.
  • Tammaru, T. (2001). Suburban growth and suburbanisation under central planning: The case of Soviet Estonia. Urban studies, 38(8), 1341-1357.
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Cetin, M., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., & Saleh, E. A. A. (2020). Variation of heavy metal accumulation in certain landscaping plants due to traffic density. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 22(3), 2385-2398.
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., & Cetin, M. (2018). Using Acer platanoides annual rings to monitor the amount of heavy metals accumulated in air. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 190(10), 1-11. 6956-0
  • Turkyilmaz, A., Sevik, H., Isinkaralar, K., & Cetin, M. (2019). Use of tree rings as a bioindicator to observe atmospheric heavy metal deposition. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(5), 5122-5130.
  • Urry, J. (2010). Consuming the planet to excess. Theory, Culture & Society, 27(2-3), 191-212.
  • Valavanidis, A., Fiotakis, K., & Vlachogianni, T. (2008). Airborne particulate matter and human health: toxicological assessment and importance of size and composition of particles for oxidative damage and carcinogenic mechanisms. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 26(4), 339-362. DOI: 10.1080/10590500802494538.
  • Watson, V. (2009). 'The planned city sweeps the poor away…': Urban planning and 21st century urbanisation. Progress in planning, 72(3), 151-193.
  • Węcławowicz, G. (2016). Urban development in Poland, from the socialist city to the post-socialist and neoliberal city. Artificial Towns" in the 21st century. Social Polarisation in the New Town Regions of East-Central Europe. Budapest: Institute for Sociology. Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 65-82.
  • Yilmaz, D., & Isinkaralar, Ö., (2021a). Climate Action Plans Under Climate-Resilient Urban Policies. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(2), 140-147.
  • Yilmaz, D., & Isinkaralar, Ö., (2021b). How Can Natural Environment Scoring Tool (Nest) be Adapted for Urban Parks?. Kastamonu University Journal of Engineering and Sciences, 7(2), 127-139.
There are 43 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environmental Engineering
Journal Section Research Article

Kaan Işınkaralar 0000-0003-1850-7515

Öznur Işınkaralar 0000-0001-9774-5137

Hakan Şevik 0000-0003-1662-4830

Publication Date September 26, 2022
Submission Date February 24, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Işınkaralar, K., Işınkaralar, Ö., & Şevik, H. (2022). Usability of Some Landscape Plants in Biomonitoring Technique: an Anaysis With Special Regard to Heavy Metals. Kent Akademisi, 15(3), 1413-1421.

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi

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