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Endüstriyel Parkların Eko-Endüstriyel Parklara Dönüşümünde Devletin Rolünün Analizi

Year 2023, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 1781 - 1795, 15.09.2023


Bu çalışma, endüstri parklarının eko-endüstriyel parklara dönüşümünü yeni kurumsalcı teorik bir bakış açısıyla incelemektedir. Kötüleşen iklim krizi, mevcut Lineer Ekonomik (LE) sistemi işlevsiz hale getirdiğinden dünya genelinde sistemik bir değişim ihtiyacı ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu ihtiyacın bir sonucu olarak Döngüsel Ekonomi (DE) fikri popülerlik kazanmıştır. DE, özellikle LE'nin “al-yap-kullan-at” mantığından kaynaklanan ekonomik eylemlerdeki doğrusallığı, “geri dönüştür-yeniden kullan-azalt” mantığı üzerine inşa edilen döngüsel ekonomik eylemler ile değiştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Bu noktada endüstri parklarının DE ilkeleri doğrultusunda eko-endüstriyel parklara dönüştürülmesi DE fikrinin nasıl kurumsallaştırılabileceğini görmek için yararlı bir örnek oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma, piyasa aktörlerinin kısa vadeli çıkar hesapları ve mevcut LE sistemine olan yapısal patika bağımlılıkları nedeniyle bu dönüşümü etkin bir şekilde başlatamadıklarını iddia etmektedir. Öte yandan, etkin kurumsal gücü ile devlet, bu dönüşüm sürecini hızlandıran bir katalizör rolü oynayabilir. Özellikle devlet, LE sistemine bağımlılıklarının üstesinden gelmeleri için piyasa aktörlerine yasal, finansal, teknolojik ve toplumsal ağ desteği sağlayabilir. Ancak devlet bu süreçte girişimci olmalı ama müdahaleci olmamalıdır. Yatay bir yönetişim yaklaşımına sahip olmalı ve bu yaklaşımın merkezine altyapısal yardım, iletişim, sosyal ağlar ve öğrenmeyi koymalıdır. Bu, devletin söz konusu dönüşüm sürecinde hükmeden değil patika açıcı olması gerektiği anlamına gelmektedir. Bu nedenle, devlet mi yoksa piyasa mı sorusuna takılmış saplantılı ideolojik tartışmalardan ziyade, kötüleşen iklim krizi ile etkili bir mücadele için gerekli sürdürülebilir döngüsel bir sistemin geliştirilmesinde odak noktası devlet ve piyasaya uygun işlevselliğin kazandırılması olmalıdır.


  • Abu-Qdais, H. A., & Kurbatova, A. I. (2022). The role of eco-industrial parks in promoting circular economy in Russia: A life cycle approach. Sustainability, 14(7), 3893.
  • Adami, L., & Schiavon, M. (2021). From circular economy to circular ecology: A review on the solution of environmental problems through circular waste management approaches. Sustainability, 13(2), 925.
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  • Aoki, M., Kim, H. K., & Okuno-Fujiwara, M. (1997). The role of government in East Asian economic development: comparative institutional analysis. Clarendon Press.
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  • Chen, L., Zhou, Y., Zhou, D., & Xue, L. (2017). Clustering enterprises into eco-industrial parks: Can interfirm alliances help small and medium-sized enterprises? Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, 1070-1079.
  • Chin, H. H., Varbanov, P. S., Klemeš, J. J., & Bandyopadhyay, S. (2021). Subsidised water symbiosis of eco-industrial parks: A multi-stage game theory approach. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 155, 107539.
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  • Daddi, T., Iraldo, F., Frey, M., Gallo, P., & Gianfrate, V. (2016). Regional policies and eco-industrial development: the voluntary environmental certification scheme of the eco-industrial parks in Tuscany (Italy). Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 62-70.
  • de Abreu, M. C. S., & Ceglia, D. (2018). On the implementation of a circular economy: The role of institutional capacity-building through industrial symbiosis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 138, 99-109.
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  • Kaplan, Y. (2022b). A structural analysis on the global actors’ adaptive change tendencies towards the Circular Economy. BİLTÜRK Journal of Economics and Related Studies, 4(4), 193-212.
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Analysing the Role of the State in the Transformation of Industrial Parks to Eco-industrial Parks

Year 2023, Volume: 16 Issue: 3, 1781 - 1795, 15.09.2023


This study analyses the transformation of industrial parks to eco-industrial parks from a new institutionalist theoretical perspective. The worsening climate crisis has made the existing Linear Economic (LE) system dysfunctional; thus, a need for systemic change has emerged across the globe. As a result of this need, the idea of Circular Economy (CE) has gained popularity. The CE particularly aims to replace the linearity in economic actions originating from the LE’s “take-make-use-dispose” logic with the circularity of economic actions constructed through a “recycle-reuse-reduce” logic. At this point, the transformation of industrial parks to eco-industrial parks in line with the CE principles constitutes a useful case to see how the idea of the CE can be institutionalized. The study argues that the market actors cannot effectively initiate this transformation due to their short-run interest calculations and path-dependence on the existing LE system. On the other hand, the state with its strong institutional power could play a catalyst role accelerating this transformation process. In particular, the state could provide regulative, financial, technological, and societal network support to the market actors to deal with their dependence on the LE system. However, the state should become entrepreneurial, but not interventionist in this process. It should have a horizontal governance approach and put infrastructural help, communication, networks and learning at the centre. This means that the state should become a path-opener but not the dominator of the mentioned transformation process. Therefore, rather than obsessive ideological debates over the state versus the market, the focal point should be the proper functionality of the state and market in the establishment of a sustainable circular system to cope with the worsening climate crisis.


  • Abu-Qdais, H. A., & Kurbatova, A. I. (2022). The role of eco-industrial parks in promoting circular economy in Russia: A life cycle approach. Sustainability, 14(7), 3893.
  • Adami, L., & Schiavon, M. (2021). From circular economy to circular ecology: A review on the solution of environmental problems through circular waste management approaches. Sustainability, 13(2), 925.
  • Andrews, D. (2015). The circular economy, design thinking and education for sustainability. Local Economy, 30(3), 305-315.
  • Aoki, M., Kim, H. K., & Okuno-Fujiwara, M. (1997). The role of government in East Asian economic development: comparative institutional analysis. Clarendon Press.
  • Arthur, W. B. (1989). Competing technologies, increasing returns, and lock-in by historical events. The Economic Journal, 99(394), 116-131.
  • Block, F. (2003). Karl Polanyi and the writing of the Great Transformation. Theory and Society, 32(3), 275-306.
  • Blyth, M. (2002). Great transformations: Economic ideas and institutional change in the twentieth century. Cambridge University Press.
  • Boschma, R. (2005). Proximity and innovation: a critical assessment. Regional Studies, 39(1), 61-74.
  • Cameli, S. A. (2022). A complexity economics framework for 21st-century industrial policy. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 64, 168-178.
  • Chang, H. J., & Kozul‐Wright, R. (1994). Organising development: comparing the national systems of entrepreneurship in Sweden and South Korea. The Journal of Development Studies, 30(4), 859-891.
  • Chen, L., Zhou, Y., Zhou, D., & Xue, L. (2017). Clustering enterprises into eco-industrial parks: Can interfirm alliances help small and medium-sized enterprises? Journal of Cleaner Production, 168, 1070-1079.
  • Chin, H. H., Varbanov, P. S., Klemeš, J. J., & Bandyopadhyay, S. (2021). Subsidised water symbiosis of eco-industrial parks: A multi-stage game theory approach. Computers & Chemical Engineering, 155, 107539.
  • Côté, R. P., & Cohen-Rosenthal, E. (1998). Designing eco-industrial parks: a synthesis of some experiences. Journal of Cleaner Production, 6(3-4), 181-188.
  • Daddi, T., Iraldo, F., Frey, M., Gallo, P., & Gianfrate, V. (2016). Regional policies and eco-industrial development: the voluntary environmental certification scheme of the eco-industrial parks in Tuscany (Italy). Journal of Cleaner Production, 114, 62-70.
  • de Abreu, M. C. S., & Ceglia, D. (2018). On the implementation of a circular economy: The role of institutional capacity-building through industrial symbiosis. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 138, 99-109.
  • DiMaggio, P. (1998). The new institutionalisms: avenues of collaboration. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE)/Zeitschrift für die Gesamte Staatswissenschaft, 154(4), 696-705.
  • Ebner, A. (2007). Public policy, governance and innovation: entrepreneurial states in East Asian economic development. International Journal of Technology and Globalisation, 3(1), 103-124.
  • Ebner, A. (2009). Entrepreneurial state: The schumpeterian theory of industrial policy and the East Asian. In U. Cantner, J. L. Gaffard, & L. Nesta (Eds.), Schumpeterian perspectives on innovation, competition and growth. Springer.
  • Ebner, A. (2015). Institutional transformations of technology policy in East Asia: the rise of the entrepreneurial state In U. Hilpert (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Politics and Technology (pp. 367-379). Routledge.
  • Eckstein, H. (2000). Case Study and Theory in Political Science. In R. Gomm & Hammersley (Eds.), Case study method: Key issues, key texts (pp. 119-164). Sage Publications.
  • Ellen MacArthur Foundation. (2013). Towards the circular economy: Economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition.
  • Evans, P. (1989). Predatory, developmental, and other apparatuses: A comparative political economy perspective on the third world state. Sociological Forum, 4(4), 561-587.
  • Evans, P. (1995). Embedded autonomy: states and industrial transformation. Princeton University Press.
  • Freeman, C. (1987). Technology and economic performance: lessons from Japan. Pinter.
  • Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N. M., & Hultink, E. J. (2017). The Circular Economy–A new sustainability paradigm? Journal of Cleaner Production, 143, 757-768.
  • George, A. L., & Bennett, A. (2005). Case Studies and theory development in the social sciences. The MIT Press.
  • Ghosh, S. K. (2020). Circular economy: Global perspective. Springer.
  • Gibbs, D., & Deutz, P. (2007). Reflections on implementing industrial ecology through eco-industrial park development. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(17), 1683-1695.
  • Giddens, A. (1984). The constitution of society: Outline of the theory of structuration. Polity Press.
  • Giddens, A. (1985). The nation-state and violence: Volume two of a contemporary critique of historical materialism. Polity Press.
  • Guo, L. (2012). The Diffusion of Green Technological Innovations and Stimulus: The Case of LUBEI Eco-Industrial Park in China. In D. A. Vazquez-Brust & Sarkis J. (Eds.), Green Growth: Managing the transition to a sustainable economy (pp. 245-263). Springer.
  • Hartley, K., van Santen, R., & Kirchherr, J. (2020). Policies for transitioning towards a circular economy: Expectations from the European Union (EU). Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 155, 104634.
  • Healey, P. (1998). Building institutional capacity through collaborative approaches to urban planning. Environment and Planning A, 30(9), 1531-1546.
  • Heeres, R., Vermeulen, W. J., & De Walle, F. (2004). Eco-industrial park initiatives in the USA and the Netherlands: first lessons. Journal of Cleaner Production, 12(8-10), 985-995.
  • Henry, M., Bauwens, T., Hekkert, M., & Kirchherr, J. (2020). A typology of circular start-ups: An Analysis of 128 circular business models. Journal of Cleaner Production, 245, 118528.
  • Hu, W., Tian, J., & Chen, L. (2021). An industrial structure adjustment model to facilitate high-quality development of an eco-industrial park. Science of The Total Environment, 766, 142502.
  • Jayasuriya, K. (2005). Beyond institutional fetishism: From the developmental to the regulatory state. New Political Economy, 10(3), 381-387.
  • Kaplan, Y. (2022a). How to achieve an institutional change towards circular economy? A comparative case study on the EU and China. Globalizations, 1-18.
  • Kaplan, Y. (2022b). A structural analysis on the global actors’ adaptive change tendencies towards the Circular Economy. BİLTÜRK Journal of Economics and Related Studies, 4(4), 193-212.
  • Kim, K. S. (1992). Industrial park development policy and planning in Korea. Asian Geographer, 11(1-2), 23-39.
  • Kirchherr, J., Reike, D., & Hekkert, M. (2017). Conceptualizing the circular economy: An analysis of 114 definitions. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 127, 221-232.
  • Korhonen, J., Von Malmborg, F., Strachan, P. A., & Ehrenfeld, J. R. (2004). Management and policy aspects of industrial ecology: an emerging research agenda. Business Strategy and the Environment, 13(5), 289-305.
  • Kozak-Holland, M., & Procter, C. (Eds.) (2020). Managing transformation projects tracing lessons from the industrial to the digital revolution. Springer.
  • Krasner, S. D. (1988). Sovereignty: An institutional perspective. Comparative Political Studies, 21(1), 66-94.
  • Lane, R. (2019). Decarbonisation. In A. Kalfagianni, D. Fuchs, & A. Hayden (Eds.), Routledge handbook of global sustainability governance (pp. 348-360). Routledge.
  • LeBlanc, R., Tranchant, C., Gagnon, Y., & Côté, R. (2016). Potential for eco-industrial park development in Moncton, New Brunswick (Canada): A comparative analysis. Sustainability, 8(5), 472.
  • Li, J., Pan, S.-Y., Kim, H., Linn, J. H., & Chiang, P. C. (2015). Building green supply chains in eco-industrial parks towards a green economy: Barriers and strategies. Journal of Environmental Management, 162, 158-170.
  • Lin, C. Y. (1992). Policy analysis of industrial park development in Taiwan. Asian Geographer, 11(1-2), 41-57.
  • Lin, J. Y. (2010). Six steps for strategic government intervention. Global Policy, 1(3), 330-331.
  • Lowe, E. A. (1997). Creating by-product resource exchanges: strategies for eco-industrial parks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 5(1-2), 57-65.
  • Maqbool, A. S., Mendez Alva, F., & Van Eetvelde, G. (2018). An assessment of European information technology tools to support industrial symbiosis. Sustainability, 11(1), 131.
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There are 87 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Environment and Culture, Political Science
Journal Section All Articles

Yılmaz Kaplan 0000-0002-0959-5384

Publication Date September 15, 2023
Submission Date December 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 16 Issue: 3


APA Kaplan, Y. (2023). Analysing the Role of the State in the Transformation of Industrial Parks to Eco-industrial Parks. Kent Akademisi, 16(3), 1781-1795.

International Refereed and Indexed Journal of Urban Culture and Management | Kent Kültürü ve Yönetimi Uluslararası Hakemli İndeksli Dergi
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