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Çevre, Mimari, İnsan, Zaman Faktörleri Bağlamında Feng Shui’nin İç Mekân Tasarımında Uygulama Kriterlerinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 1030 - 1059, 16.05.2024


Çin kültüründe doğanın iki büyük gücü rüzgâr ve su anlamına gelen Feng Shui, binlerce yıllık bilgi, gözlem ve birikimle günümüze kadar ulaşan kadim bir bilgi ve öğretidir. Feng Shui’nin özünde; insan, yer ve göğün incelenmesiyle evren ve doğanın enerjilerinden faydalanma, denge içinde yaşama, enerjiyi doğru bir şekilde yönlendirme, etkinleştirme ve olumsuz olandan korunma için önlem almak vardır. Çin felsefesi, sanat ve bilim birleşimi olan Feng Shui; Çin astrolojisi, jeoloji, matematik, doğa ve sosyal bilimler gibi birçok disiplinden referansla topladığı bilgileri analiz ederek önerilerde bulunur. Çevre, mimari, insan ve zaman bağlamında; şehir bölge planlama, peyzaj mimarlığı, mimarlık ve iç mimarlık gibi odağın insan olduğu meslek disiplinleri ile etkileşim içindedir. Çalışmanın amacı günümüz popüler kültürde aksesuar veya renk gibi çeşitli öğelerle dekoratif iç mekân düzenlemesi olarak algılanan Feng Shui’nin özünde analizlere dayalı bir sistem olduğuna dikkat çekmek ve uygulama adımları için kontrol referansları oluşturmaktır. Çalışma kapsamında yapılan incelemeler doğrultusunda Feng Shui’nin; çevre, arazi ve yapı seçiminde dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlarla iç mekân tasarımında uygulanma kriterlerinin neler olabileceği sorularına yanıtlar aranmaktadır. Çalışmada nitel analiz ve gözlem yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bilgiler ışığında Feng Shui 4 Ana Faktör Kontrol Tablosu, Feng Shui İç Mekân Ölçütleri Kontrol Tablosu ve Zaman Faktörü Kontrol Tablosu oluşturulmuştur. Feng Shui kontrol tabloları üzerinden örnek çevre, arazi seçimi, konut ve ticari mekânlar incelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak disiplinler arası uygulamalarda kullanıcılar açısından verimli sonuçların alınabilmesi için belirli adımların izlenmesinin gerekli olduğu ve analizler doğrultusunda yapılan doğru uygulamaların kullanıcılara pozitif katkı sağladığı ön görülmüştür.


  • Bramble, C. (2003). Architect’s guide to feng shui: Exploding the myth (1. baskı). Architectural Press.
  • Chang, L. W. (2009). Using Feng Shui to create a positive corporate reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 12 (1), 43-51.
  • Cho, A. (2021, Mayıs 17). How to fix Feng Shui for bad bathroom locations. The Spruce Make Your Best Home.
  • Cho, A. (2020, Nisan 11). Feng Shui rules for every room in your Home. The Spruce Make Your Best Home.
  • Cho, A. (2023, Haziran 7). The basic principles of Feng Shui tips for creating balance in life and at home. The Spruce Make Your Best Home.
  • Eitel, E. J. (1873). Feng Shui or the rudiments of natural science in China. Hong Kong: Lane, Crawford&Co.Press
  • Erdoğan, E., Erdinç, L. (2009). Peyzaj Tasarımı ve Feng-Shui. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(3) , 291-301.
  • Han, K.T. (2009) Traditional Chinese site selection-Feng Shui: an evolutionary/ecological perspective. Journal of Cultural Geography, 19(1), 75-96,
  • Hwangbo, A. B. (1999). A new millennium and feng shui. The Journal of Architecture, 4(2), 191-198.
  • Hongmei, L. (2014). Analysis of the application of traditional “Feng Shui” theory in modern home space. Studies in Sociology of Science, 5(3), 105-109.
  • Jin, Z., Juan, Y.K. (2021). Is Fengshui a science or superstition? A new approach combining the physiological and psychological measurement of indoor environments. Building and Environment, 201, Makale 107992.
  • Kennedy, D. D. (2019). Feng Shui for Dummies (2. Baskı). Wiley Publishing Inc.
  • Koyuncu, E. (2012). Feng shui pusula içinizde (2. baskı). Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Laird, J. (2018, Mayıs 7). In depth the lowdown on the luo pan, an indispensable tool for the authentic feng shui practitioner. Feng shui.
  • Lee, S.H. (1986). ‘Feng-Shui: Its context and meaning’ (China), Cornell University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  8607264.
  • Lu, S.J., Jones, P.B. (2000). House design by surname in Feng Shui. The Journal of Architecture, 5(4), 355-367,
  • Madeddu, M., Zhang, X. (2017) Harmonious spaces: the influence of Feng Shui on urban form and design. Journal of Urban Design, 22(6), 709-725, doi:10.1080/13574809.2017.1336061
  • Mair, V., H. (Ed.) (2000). The shorter Columbia anthology of traditional Chinese literature. Columbia University Press.
  • Mak, M. Y., Ng, S.T. (2008). Feng Shui: an alternative framework for complexity in design. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 4(1), 58-72.
  • Mak, M. Y., Ng, S.T. (2005). The art and science of Feng Shui—a study on architects’ perception. Building and Environment. 40(3), 427-434.
  • Öztürk, K., Polat, A.T. (2018). Feng shui felsefesi: bir ev bahçesi peysaj tasarım örneği. İçinde A. Ötegen, F. Akınerdem, C. Kılıç & A. Öztürk, S. Uçar (Eds.), IGCC uluslararası yeşil başkentler kongresi. 3.2. kentsel tasarım ve dönüşüm (ss. 149-160). Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi.
  • Ren, H. (2000). Feng Shui And Chinese Traditional Domestic Architecture [Master's thesis, University of Cincinnati]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.
  • Rossbach, S. (2001). Feng shui ile iç mekan dekorasyonu (L. Akçatepe, Çev.; 1. baskı). (2001). Dharma Yayınları.
  • Shafii, H., Yi, L.P., & Yassin, A.Md. (2020). The importance of Feng Shui influence on the housing selection among the Chinese in generation Y: a study on the developers’ perceptions. Journal of Technology. Management and Business, 7 (2), 23-31.
  • Skinner, S. (2009). Feng shui style the Asian art of gracious living. Tutle Publishing.
  • Skinner, S. (2002). Flying star feng shui: change your energy; change your Luck. Tutle Publishing.
  • Summers, S. (2004). Bes dakikada feng shui (D. Engin, Çev.; 1. Baskı). Kozmik Kitaplar.
  • Twicken, D. (2002). Flying star feng shui easy (3. Baskı). Writers Club Press.
  • Wang, C., Hong, W.T. & Abdul-Rahman, H. (2018). Architectural examination on Feng Shui bedroom. Open House International, 43 (2), 40-48.
  • Webster, R. (2002). Feng shui for beginners successful living by design. ‎ Llewellyn Publications.
  • Xu, P. (1997). Design with meanings: Feng-shui and cosmology in architecture. İçinde L. W. Speck (Ed.). Proceeding of the 85th Acsa annual meeting arcitecure: Material and imagined and technology conference (ss.225-260). ACSA.
  • Zadik, S. (2023,Ocak 19). Feng shui ile dekorasyon. Evimi tasarla.
  • Zhang, J. (2004). A translation of the ancient chinese the Book of burial (Zang Shu) by Guo Pu (276-3247) (J. Zhang, Çev.). Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Zhong, F.W. (2015). (800 yıllık kesintisiz miras emei linji qigong okulu) şifa sanatları (Doğar, S.M.B. Ed.) (O. Koçak, Çev.; 2.baskı). Pozitif Yayınları.
  • Zhong, Z., Ceranic, B. (2008). Modern interpretation of FengShui in contemporary sustainable residential design. İçinde G. Broadbent (Ed.), WIT transactions on ecology and the environment: Vol. 113, Eco-Architecture II 47 (ss. 47-56). WITT Press. doi:10.2495/ARC080051

Determining the Application Criteria of Feng Shui in Interior Design within the Context of Environmental, Architectural, Human, and Temporal Factors

Year 2024, Volume: 17 Issue: 3, 1030 - 1059, 16.05.2024


In Chinese culture, Feng Shui, meaning wind and water, represents the two primary forces of nature. It is an ancient body of knowledge and teachings that has been passed down through thousands of years of observation and accumulation. At the heart of Feng Shui lies the study of humans, space, and the heavens to harness the energies of the universe and nature, to live in harmony, to properly channel and activate energy, and to guard against negative influences. Chinese philosophy, known as Feng Shui, combines art and science to analyze information from disciplines like Chinese astrology, geology, mathematics, and natural and social sciences. It provides recommendations and interacts with professions focusing on humans, such as urban and regional planning, landscape architecture, architecture, and interior design, in the areas of environment, architecture, people, and time. The study aims to highlight that Feng Shui, often seen as a form of interior decoration involving elements such as accessories or colors in modern culture, is essentially a system rooted in analysis and serves as a guide for implementing steps. In the study, research has been conducted to determine the factors to consider in selecting the environment, land, structures, and interior design when applying Feng Shui. Qualitative analysis and observation methods were utilized. As a result, Feng Shui 4 Main Factor Control Table, Feng Shui Interior Criteria Control Table, and Time Factor Control Table were developed. Feng Shui control tables are utilized for analyzing sample environments, land selection, residential, and commercial spaces. It is anticipated that adhering to specific steps is crucial for users to achieve effective results in interdisciplinary applications, and that accurate practices grounded in analysis offer beneficial contributions to users.


  • Bramble, C. (2003). Architect’s guide to feng shui: Exploding the myth (1. baskı). Architectural Press.
  • Chang, L. W. (2009). Using Feng Shui to create a positive corporate reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 12 (1), 43-51.
  • Cho, A. (2021, Mayıs 17). How to fix Feng Shui for bad bathroom locations. The Spruce Make Your Best Home.
  • Cho, A. (2020, Nisan 11). Feng Shui rules for every room in your Home. The Spruce Make Your Best Home.
  • Cho, A. (2023, Haziran 7). The basic principles of Feng Shui tips for creating balance in life and at home. The Spruce Make Your Best Home.
  • Eitel, E. J. (1873). Feng Shui or the rudiments of natural science in China. Hong Kong: Lane, Crawford&Co.Press
  • Erdoğan, E., Erdinç, L. (2009). Peyzaj Tasarımı ve Feng-Shui. Tekirdağ Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 6(3) , 291-301.
  • Han, K.T. (2009) Traditional Chinese site selection-Feng Shui: an evolutionary/ecological perspective. Journal of Cultural Geography, 19(1), 75-96,
  • Hwangbo, A. B. (1999). A new millennium and feng shui. The Journal of Architecture, 4(2), 191-198.
  • Hongmei, L. (2014). Analysis of the application of traditional “Feng Shui” theory in modern home space. Studies in Sociology of Science, 5(3), 105-109.
  • Jin, Z., Juan, Y.K. (2021). Is Fengshui a science or superstition? A new approach combining the physiological and psychological measurement of indoor environments. Building and Environment, 201, Makale 107992.
  • Kennedy, D. D. (2019). Feng Shui for Dummies (2. Baskı). Wiley Publishing Inc.
  • Koyuncu, E. (2012). Feng shui pusula içinizde (2. baskı). Kaknüs Yayınları.
  • Laird, J. (2018, Mayıs 7). In depth the lowdown on the luo pan, an indispensable tool for the authentic feng shui practitioner. Feng shui.
  • Lee, S.H. (1986). ‘Feng-Shui: Its context and meaning’ (China), Cornell University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing,  8607264.
  • Lu, S.J., Jones, P.B. (2000). House design by surname in Feng Shui. The Journal of Architecture, 5(4), 355-367,
  • Madeddu, M., Zhang, X. (2017) Harmonious spaces: the influence of Feng Shui on urban form and design. Journal of Urban Design, 22(6), 709-725, doi:10.1080/13574809.2017.1336061
  • Mair, V., H. (Ed.) (2000). The shorter Columbia anthology of traditional Chinese literature. Columbia University Press.
  • Mak, M. Y., Ng, S.T. (2008). Feng Shui: an alternative framework for complexity in design. Architectural Engineering and Design Management, 4(1), 58-72.
  • Mak, M. Y., Ng, S.T. (2005). The art and science of Feng Shui—a study on architects’ perception. Building and Environment. 40(3), 427-434.
  • Öztürk, K., Polat, A.T. (2018). Feng shui felsefesi: bir ev bahçesi peysaj tasarım örneği. İçinde A. Ötegen, F. Akınerdem, C. Kılıç & A. Öztürk, S. Uçar (Eds.), IGCC uluslararası yeşil başkentler kongresi. 3.2. kentsel tasarım ve dönüşüm (ss. 149-160). Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi.
  • Ren, H. (2000). Feng Shui And Chinese Traditional Domestic Architecture [Master's thesis, University of Cincinnati]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.
  • Rossbach, S. (2001). Feng shui ile iç mekan dekorasyonu (L. Akçatepe, Çev.; 1. baskı). (2001). Dharma Yayınları.
  • Shafii, H., Yi, L.P., & Yassin, A.Md. (2020). The importance of Feng Shui influence on the housing selection among the Chinese in generation Y: a study on the developers’ perceptions. Journal of Technology. Management and Business, 7 (2), 23-31.
  • Skinner, S. (2009). Feng shui style the Asian art of gracious living. Tutle Publishing.
  • Skinner, S. (2002). Flying star feng shui: change your energy; change your Luck. Tutle Publishing.
  • Summers, S. (2004). Bes dakikada feng shui (D. Engin, Çev.; 1. Baskı). Kozmik Kitaplar.
  • Twicken, D. (2002). Flying star feng shui easy (3. Baskı). Writers Club Press.
  • Wang, C., Hong, W.T. & Abdul-Rahman, H. (2018). Architectural examination on Feng Shui bedroom. Open House International, 43 (2), 40-48.
  • Webster, R. (2002). Feng shui for beginners successful living by design. ‎ Llewellyn Publications.
  • Xu, P. (1997). Design with meanings: Feng-shui and cosmology in architecture. İçinde L. W. Speck (Ed.). Proceeding of the 85th Acsa annual meeting arcitecure: Material and imagined and technology conference (ss.225-260). ACSA.
  • Zadik, S. (2023,Ocak 19). Feng shui ile dekorasyon. Evimi tasarla.
  • Zhang, J. (2004). A translation of the ancient chinese the Book of burial (Zang Shu) by Guo Pu (276-3247) (J. Zhang, Çev.). Edwin Mellen Press.
  • Zhong, F.W. (2015). (800 yıllık kesintisiz miras emei linji qigong okulu) şifa sanatları (Doğar, S.M.B. Ed.) (O. Koçak, Çev.; 2.baskı). Pozitif Yayınları.
  • Zhong, Z., Ceranic, B. (2008). Modern interpretation of FengShui in contemporary sustainable residential design. İçinde G. Broadbent (Ed.), WIT transactions on ecology and the environment: Vol. 113, Eco-Architecture II 47 (ss. 47-56). WITT Press. doi:10.2495/ARC080051
There are 35 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Interior Architecture , Architectural Design
Journal Section All Articles

Gülşah Karyağdı 0000-0002-5377-1074

Esra Koyuncu 0000-0002-9903-1768

Publication Date May 16, 2024
Submission Date April 10, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2024 Volume: 17 Issue: 3


APA Karyağdı, G., & Koyuncu, E. (2024). Çevre, Mimari, İnsan, Zaman Faktörleri Bağlamında Feng Shui’nin İç Mekân Tasarımında Uygulama Kriterlerinin Belirlenmesi. Kent Akademisi, 17(3), 1030-1059.

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