Purpose: The aim of this study is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the trends, characteristics, and transformations of political parties and party competition in Turkey, from their emergence to the present day.
Design/Methodology: The study adopts a historical approach and examines different periods of the Turkish party system in a comparative manner. The quantitative data used in the study is based on the results of the 20 general elections between 1950 and 2023.
Findings: This study argues that the Turkish party system is generally characterised by a moderate multiparty system with one dominant party, and that it approaches a predominant party system under certain conditions.
Limitations: The fact that the research is limited to the Turkish party system makes its results less generalizable.
Originality/Value: Much of the literature on the Turkish party system is based on insufficient empirical data, uses a descriptive method and has a historical scope limited to the 1990s and 2000s. This study not only describes the general characteristics of the Turkish party system, but also compares different periods and discusses the reasons for the emergence of different party systems.
Altınbaş, S. (2021). Türkiye’de siyasal parti tipolojileri. Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
Arslantaş, D., & Arslantaş, Ş. (2020). Keeping power through opposition: Party system change in Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey, 62, 27-50. https://doi.org/10.1017/npt.2020.1
Arslantaş, D., Arslantaş, Ş., & Kaiser, A. (2020). Does the electoral system foster a predominant party system? Evidence from Turkey. Swiss Political Science Review, 26(1), 125-143. https://doi.org/10.1111/spsr.12386
Ayan-Musil, P. (2015). Emergence of a dominant party system after multipartyism: Theoretical implications from the case of the AKP in Turkey. South European Society and Politics, 20(1), 71-92. https://doi.org/10.1080/13608746.2014.968981
Blondel, J. (1968). Party systems and patterns of government in Western democracies. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 1(2), 180-203.
Bölükbaşı, M. (2021). A reassessment of the Turkish party system. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences, 30(2), 277-289. https://doi.org/10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.953777
Bölükbaşı, M. (2022). 1980 sonrasında Alman parti sistemi: Siyasal parçalanma çağı. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 55(4), 79-99.
Bölükbaşı, M. (2022). Measuring the level of party institutionalization in Turkey. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences, 31(2), 305-321. https://doi.org/10.26650/siyasal.2022.31.1100558
Çarkoğlu, A. (1998). The Turkish party system in transition: Party performance and agenda change. Political Studies, 46(3), 544–571. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9248.00154
Çarkoğlu, A. (2011). Turkey’s 2011 general elections: Towards a dominant party system? Insight Turkey, 13(3), 43-62.
Çarkoğlu, A., & Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2007). Turkish democracy today. I.B. Tauris.
Dahl, R. A. (1966). Patterns of opposition. In R. A. Dahl (Ed.), Political oppositions in Western democracies (pp. 332-347). Yale University Press.
Dalton, R. J. & Wattenberg, M. P. (Eds.). (2000). Parties without partisans: Political change in advanced industrial democracies. Oxford University Press.
Demirel, M. (1999). Abdülkadir Kemali (Öğütçü) Bey’in 1930’da kurduğu ahali cumhuriyet fırkası. Tarih ve Toplum, 192, 5-11.
Duverger, M. (1964). Political parties: Their organization and activity in the modern state. (B. North, & R. North, Trans.). Methuen.
Ecevit, Y. (2023). Transformation of party and election system in Turkey. In Arıkan, H., Alemdar, Z. (Eds.) Turkey’s challenges and transformation (pp. 7-22). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25799-5_2
Emanuele, V., & Chiaramonte, A. (2018). A growing impact of new parties: myth or reality? Party system innovation in Western Europe after 1945. Party Politics, 24(5), 475-487. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068816678887
Esen, B., & Ciddi, S. (2011). Turkey’s 2011 elections: An emerging dominant party system? Middle Eastern Review of International Affairs, 15(3), 19-31.
Ete, H., Altunoğlu, M., & Dalay, G., (2015). Turkey under AK Party Rule: From Dominant Party Politics to Dominant Party System. Insight Turkey, 17(4), 171-192.
Golosov, G. V. (2011). Party system classification: a methodological inquiry. Party Politics, 17(5), 539-560. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068810377189
Gümüşçü, Ş. (2013). The emerging predominant party system in Turkey. Government and Opposition, 48(2), 223-244. https://doi.org/10.1017/gov.2012.13
Hale, W. (1994). Turkish politics and the military interventions. Routledge.
Heper, M., & Landau, J. M. (Eds). (1991). Political parties and democracy in Turkey. I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd. Publishers.
Kabasakal, M. (1991). Türkiye’de siyasal parti örgütlenmesi: 1908-1960. Tekin Yayınevi.
Katz, R. S. & Mair, P. (1995). Changing models of party organisation and party democracy: The emergence of the cartel party. Party Politics, 1(1), 5-28. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068895001001001
Koçak, C. (2010). İkinci parti: Türkiye’de iki partili siyasi sistemin kuruluş yılları (1945-1950), cilt: 1, İletişim Yayınları.
Laakso, M., & Taagepera, R. (1979). Effective number of parties: A measure with application to West Europe. Comparative Political Studies, 12(1), 3-27.
Lijphart, A., Bowman, P. J., & Hazan, R. Y. (1999). Party systems and issue dimensions: Israel and thirty‐five other old and new democracies compared. Israel Affairs, 6(2), 29-51. https://doi.org/10.1080/13537129908719558
Mair, P. (1997). Party system change: Approaches and interpretations. Oxford University Press.
Mair, P. (2002). Comparing party systems. In L. Lawrence, R. G. Niemi, & P. Norris (Eds.), Comparing democracies 2: New challenges in the study of elections and voting (pp. 88-107). Sage Publications.
Mete-Dokucu, H., & Just, A. (2022) Party system polarization in developing democracies: the case of Turkey, 1950–2018. Turkish Studies, 23(3), 331-353. https://doi.org/10.1080/14683849.2021.2002148
Mudde, C. (2014). Fighting the system? Populist radical right parties and party system change. Party Politics, 20(2), 217-226. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068813519968
Özbudun, E. (1979). Siyasal partiler. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayını.
Özbudun, E. (2000). Contemporary Turkish politics: Challenges to democratic consolidation. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Özbudun, E. (2011). The constitutional system of Turkey: 1876 to the present. Palgrave Macmillan.
Panebianco, A. (1988). Political parties: Organization and power. Cambridge University Press.
Rokkan, S. (1968). The growth and structuring of mass politics in smaller European democracies. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 10, 173-210.
Sarıbay, A. Y. (2001). Türkiye’de demokrasi ve politik partiler. Alfa Yayınları.
Sartori, G. (2005). Parties and party systems. ECPR Press.
Sayarı, S. (1976). Aspects of party organization in Turkey. Middle East Journal, 30(2), 187-199.
Sayarı, S. (2002). The changing party system. In S. Sayarı, & Y. Esmer (Eds.), Politics, parties, and elections in Turkey (pp. 9-32). Lynne Rienner.
Sayarı, S. (2007). Towards a new Turkish party system? Turkish Studies, 8(2), 197-210.
Sayarı, S. (2012). Political parties. In M. Heper, & S. Sayarı (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey (pp. 182-193). Routledge.
Sayarı, S. (2016). Back to a predominant party system: the November 2015 snap election in Turkey. South European Society and Politics, 21(2), 263-280. https://doi.org/10.1080/13608746.2016.1170254
Siaroff, A. (2000). Comparative European party systems: an analysis of parliamentary elections since 1945. Garland Publishing.
Siaroff, A. (2003). Two-and-a-half-party systems and the comparative role of the ‘half’. Party Politics, 9(3), 267-290. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068803009003001
Taagepera, R. (1999). Supplementing the effective number of parties. Eloctoral Studies, 18(4), 497-504. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-3794(99)00020-7
Toros, T. (1985). Yaman bir muhalif: Abdülkadir Kemali (Öğütçü). Tarih ve Toplum, 4, 19-21.
Tunaya, T. Z. (1952). Türkiye’de siyasi partiler. Doğan Kardeş Yayınları.
Ünal, S. (2015). Türkiye’de 1923-1960 yılları arasında kapatılan siyasi partiler. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(10), 100-156. https://doi.org/10.17828/yasbed.43547
Van Biezen, I. (2003). Political parties in new democracies party organization in southern and east-central Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Van Biezen, I. (2004). Political parties as public utilities. Party Politics, 10(6), 701-722. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068804046914
Van Biezen, I., Mair, P., & Poguntke, T. (2012). Going, Going, . . . Gone? The decline of party membership in contemporary Europe. European Journal of Political Research, 54(1), 24-56. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-6765.2011.01995.x
Wolinetz, S. B. (2006). Party systems and party system types. In R. Katz, & W. Crotty (Eds.), Handbook on Political Parties (pp. 51-62). Sage.
Yılmaz, M. (2012). 1931 Seçimlerinde köylü ve amele mebusların seçimi. HAK-İŞ Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi, 1(2), 102-115.
Zürcher, E. J. (2017). Turkey: a modern history. New York: I.B. Tauris.
Bir Asrın Muhasebesi: 1923’ten 2023’e Türk Parti Sistemi Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme
Yıl 2024,
Cilt: 16 Sayı: Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Türkiye'nin İktisadi ve Siyasi Gelişimi, 91 - 106, 29.10.2024
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, ortaya çıkışından günümüze kadar geçen sürede, Türkiye’deki siyasi partiler ve parti rekabetindeki eğilimlerin, özelliklerin ve dönüşümlerin kapsamlı bir analizini gerçekleştirmektir.
Tasarım/Yöntem: Çalışma, tarihsel bir yöntem benimsemekte ve Türk parti sisteminin farklı dönemlerini karşılaştırmalı bir şekilde ele almaktadır. Araştırmanın kullandığı nicel veriler, 1950-2023 arasındaki 20 genel seçim sonucuna dayanarak hesaplanmıştır.
Bulgular: Bu makale, Türk parti sisteminin genel olarak, dominant bir partinin olduğu ılımlı çok partili sistem özelliği gösterdiğini ve uygun koşullar altında hâkim parti sistemine yakınlaştığını öne sürmektedir.
Sınırlılıklar: Araştırmanın Türk parti sistemi ile sınırlı olması sonuçlarını daha az genelleştirilebilir hale getirmektedir.
Özgünlük/Değer: Türk parti sistemi üzerine olan literatürün birçoğunun ampirik verisi yetersiz, yöntemi betimleyici ve tarihsel kapsamı 1990’lar ve 2000’lerle sınırlıdır. Bu çalışma, Türk parti sisteminin genel özelliklerini betimlemenin yanı sıra farklı dönemler arasında da bir karşılaştırma yapmakta ve farklı parti sistemlerinin ortaya çıkma nedenlerini tartışmaktadır.
Altınbaş, S. (2021). Türkiye’de siyasal parti tipolojileri. Nobel Bilimsel Eserler.
Arslantaş, D., & Arslantaş, Ş. (2020). Keeping power through opposition: Party system change in Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey, 62, 27-50. https://doi.org/10.1017/npt.2020.1
Arslantaş, D., Arslantaş, Ş., & Kaiser, A. (2020). Does the electoral system foster a predominant party system? Evidence from Turkey. Swiss Political Science Review, 26(1), 125-143. https://doi.org/10.1111/spsr.12386
Ayan-Musil, P. (2015). Emergence of a dominant party system after multipartyism: Theoretical implications from the case of the AKP in Turkey. South European Society and Politics, 20(1), 71-92. https://doi.org/10.1080/13608746.2014.968981
Blondel, J. (1968). Party systems and patterns of government in Western democracies. Canadian Journal of Political Science, 1(2), 180-203.
Bölükbaşı, M. (2021). A reassessment of the Turkish party system. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences, 30(2), 277-289. https://doi.org/10.26650/siyasal.2021.30.953777
Bölükbaşı, M. (2022). 1980 sonrasında Alman parti sistemi: Siyasal parçalanma çağı. Amme İdaresi Dergisi, 55(4), 79-99.
Bölükbaşı, M. (2022). Measuring the level of party institutionalization in Turkey. Siyasal: Journal of Political Sciences, 31(2), 305-321. https://doi.org/10.26650/siyasal.2022.31.1100558
Çarkoğlu, A. (1998). The Turkish party system in transition: Party performance and agenda change. Political Studies, 46(3), 544–571. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9248.00154
Çarkoğlu, A. (2011). Turkey’s 2011 general elections: Towards a dominant party system? Insight Turkey, 13(3), 43-62.
Çarkoğlu, A., & Kalaycıoğlu, E. (2007). Turkish democracy today. I.B. Tauris.
Dahl, R. A. (1966). Patterns of opposition. In R. A. Dahl (Ed.), Political oppositions in Western democracies (pp. 332-347). Yale University Press.
Dalton, R. J. & Wattenberg, M. P. (Eds.). (2000). Parties without partisans: Political change in advanced industrial democracies. Oxford University Press.
Demirel, M. (1999). Abdülkadir Kemali (Öğütçü) Bey’in 1930’da kurduğu ahali cumhuriyet fırkası. Tarih ve Toplum, 192, 5-11.
Duverger, M. (1964). Political parties: Their organization and activity in the modern state. (B. North, & R. North, Trans.). Methuen.
Ecevit, Y. (2023). Transformation of party and election system in Turkey. In Arıkan, H., Alemdar, Z. (Eds.) Turkey’s challenges and transformation (pp. 7-22). Palgrave Macmillan. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25799-5_2
Emanuele, V., & Chiaramonte, A. (2018). A growing impact of new parties: myth or reality? Party system innovation in Western Europe after 1945. Party Politics, 24(5), 475-487. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068816678887
Esen, B., & Ciddi, S. (2011). Turkey’s 2011 elections: An emerging dominant party system? Middle Eastern Review of International Affairs, 15(3), 19-31.
Ete, H., Altunoğlu, M., & Dalay, G., (2015). Turkey under AK Party Rule: From Dominant Party Politics to Dominant Party System. Insight Turkey, 17(4), 171-192.
Golosov, G. V. (2011). Party system classification: a methodological inquiry. Party Politics, 17(5), 539-560. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068810377189
Gümüşçü, Ş. (2013). The emerging predominant party system in Turkey. Government and Opposition, 48(2), 223-244. https://doi.org/10.1017/gov.2012.13
Hale, W. (1994). Turkish politics and the military interventions. Routledge.
Heper, M., & Landau, J. M. (Eds). (1991). Political parties and democracy in Turkey. I. B. Tauris & Co. Ltd. Publishers.
Kabasakal, M. (1991). Türkiye’de siyasal parti örgütlenmesi: 1908-1960. Tekin Yayınevi.
Katz, R. S. & Mair, P. (1995). Changing models of party organisation and party democracy: The emergence of the cartel party. Party Politics, 1(1), 5-28. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068895001001001
Koçak, C. (2010). İkinci parti: Türkiye’de iki partili siyasi sistemin kuruluş yılları (1945-1950), cilt: 1, İletişim Yayınları.
Laakso, M., & Taagepera, R. (1979). Effective number of parties: A measure with application to West Europe. Comparative Political Studies, 12(1), 3-27.
Lijphart, A., Bowman, P. J., & Hazan, R. Y. (1999). Party systems and issue dimensions: Israel and thirty‐five other old and new democracies compared. Israel Affairs, 6(2), 29-51. https://doi.org/10.1080/13537129908719558
Mair, P. (1997). Party system change: Approaches and interpretations. Oxford University Press.
Mair, P. (2002). Comparing party systems. In L. Lawrence, R. G. Niemi, & P. Norris (Eds.), Comparing democracies 2: New challenges in the study of elections and voting (pp. 88-107). Sage Publications.
Mete-Dokucu, H., & Just, A. (2022) Party system polarization in developing democracies: the case of Turkey, 1950–2018. Turkish Studies, 23(3), 331-353. https://doi.org/10.1080/14683849.2021.2002148
Mudde, C. (2014). Fighting the system? Populist radical right parties and party system change. Party Politics, 20(2), 217-226. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068813519968
Özbudun, E. (1979). Siyasal partiler. Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Yayını.
Özbudun, E. (2000). Contemporary Turkish politics: Challenges to democratic consolidation. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
Özbudun, E. (2011). The constitutional system of Turkey: 1876 to the present. Palgrave Macmillan.
Panebianco, A. (1988). Political parties: Organization and power. Cambridge University Press.
Rokkan, S. (1968). The growth and structuring of mass politics in smaller European democracies. Comparative Studies in Society and History, 10, 173-210.
Sarıbay, A. Y. (2001). Türkiye’de demokrasi ve politik partiler. Alfa Yayınları.
Sartori, G. (2005). Parties and party systems. ECPR Press.
Sayarı, S. (1976). Aspects of party organization in Turkey. Middle East Journal, 30(2), 187-199.
Sayarı, S. (2002). The changing party system. In S. Sayarı, & Y. Esmer (Eds.), Politics, parties, and elections in Turkey (pp. 9-32). Lynne Rienner.
Sayarı, S. (2007). Towards a new Turkish party system? Turkish Studies, 8(2), 197-210.
Sayarı, S. (2012). Political parties. In M. Heper, & S. Sayarı (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey (pp. 182-193). Routledge.
Sayarı, S. (2016). Back to a predominant party system: the November 2015 snap election in Turkey. South European Society and Politics, 21(2), 263-280. https://doi.org/10.1080/13608746.2016.1170254
Siaroff, A. (2000). Comparative European party systems: an analysis of parliamentary elections since 1945. Garland Publishing.
Siaroff, A. (2003). Two-and-a-half-party systems and the comparative role of the ‘half’. Party Politics, 9(3), 267-290. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068803009003001
Taagepera, R. (1999). Supplementing the effective number of parties. Eloctoral Studies, 18(4), 497-504. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0261-3794(99)00020-7
Toros, T. (1985). Yaman bir muhalif: Abdülkadir Kemali (Öğütçü). Tarih ve Toplum, 4, 19-21.
Tunaya, T. Z. (1952). Türkiye’de siyasi partiler. Doğan Kardeş Yayınları.
Ünal, S. (2015). Türkiye’de 1923-1960 yılları arasında kapatılan siyasi partiler. Yalova Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 5(10), 100-156. https://doi.org/10.17828/yasbed.43547
Van Biezen, I. (2003). Political parties in new democracies party organization in southern and east-central Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Van Biezen, I. (2004). Political parties as public utilities. Party Politics, 10(6), 701-722. https://doi.org/10.1177/1354068804046914
Van Biezen, I., Mair, P., & Poguntke, T. (2012). Going, Going, . . . Gone? The decline of party membership in contemporary Europe. European Journal of Political Research, 54(1), 24-56. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-6765.2011.01995.x
Wolinetz, S. B. (2006). Party systems and party system types. In R. Katz, & W. Crotty (Eds.), Handbook on Political Parties (pp. 51-62). Sage.
Yılmaz, M. (2012). 1931 Seçimlerinde köylü ve amele mebusların seçimi. HAK-İŞ Uluslararası Emek ve Toplum Dergisi, 1(2), 102-115.
Zürcher, E. J. (2017). Turkey: a modern history. New York: I.B. Tauris.
Bölükbaşı, M. (2024). Bir Asrın Muhasebesi: 1923’ten 2023’e Türk Parti Sistemi Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme. Akademik Araştırmalar Ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD), 16(Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin İktisadi ve Siyasi Gelişimi), 91-106. https://doi.org/10.20990/kilisiibfakademik.1433523
Bölükbaşı M. Bir Asrın Muhasebesi: 1923’ten 2023’e Türk Parti Sistemi Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD). Ekim 2024;16(Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin İktisadi ve Siyasi Gelişimi):91-106. doi:10.20990/kilisiibfakademik.1433523
Bölükbaşı, Mustafa. “Bir Asrın Muhasebesi: 1923’ten 2023’e Türk Parti Sistemi Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme”. Akademik Araştırmalar Ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD) 16, sy. Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin İktisadi ve Siyasi Gelişimi (Ekim 2024): 91-106. https://doi.org/10.20990/kilisiibfakademik.1433523.
Bölükbaşı M (01 Ekim 2024) Bir Asrın Muhasebesi: 1923’ten 2023’e Türk Parti Sistemi Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD) 16 Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin İktisadi ve Siyasi Gelişimi 91–106.
M. Bölükbaşı, “Bir Asrın Muhasebesi: 1923’ten 2023’e Türk Parti Sistemi Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme”, Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD), c. 16, sy. Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin İktisadi ve Siyasi Gelişimi, ss. 91–106, 2024, doi: 10.20990/kilisiibfakademik.1433523.
Bölükbaşı, Mustafa. “Bir Asrın Muhasebesi: 1923’ten 2023’e Türk Parti Sistemi Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme”. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD) 16/Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin İktisadi ve Siyasi Gelişimi (Ekim 2024), 91-106. https://doi.org/10.20990/kilisiibfakademik.1433523.
Bölükbaşı M. Bir Asrın Muhasebesi: 1923’ten 2023’e Türk Parti Sistemi Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD). 2024;16:91–106.
Bölükbaşı, Mustafa. “Bir Asrın Muhasebesi: 1923’ten 2023’e Türk Parti Sistemi Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme”. Akademik Araştırmalar Ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD), c. 16, sy. Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin İktisadi ve Siyasi Gelişimi, 2024, ss. 91-106, doi:10.20990/kilisiibfakademik.1433523.
Bölükbaşı M. Bir Asrın Muhasebesi: 1923’ten 2023’e Türk Parti Sistemi Hakkında Genel Bir Değerlendirme. Akademik Araştırmalar ve Çalışmalar Dergisi (AKAD). 2024;16(Cumhuriyet’in 100. Yılında Türkiye’nin İktisadi ve Siyasi Gelişimi):91-106.