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Cinsiyete göre ebeveynleşmenin farklı boyutları arasındaki ilişkiler ve ebeveynleştirme boyutlarının psikolojik belirtileri yordama düzeyi

Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 317 - 330, 26.12.2022


Aile sistemindeki bir tür işlev bozulması olan ebeveynleşme (parentification), ebeveyn ile çocuk arasındaki rol değişimi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Çocuk ya da ergen uygun zamandan daha erken ya da uygun olmayan bir biçimde ebeveyn sorumluluklarını üstlenmek zorunda bırakıldığında ebeveynleşme olgusu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Filial Sorumluluk Ölçeği (FSÖ-Y) ve Ebeveynleşme Ölçeğinin (EE) arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesidir. İkinci olarak, ölçeklerin psikolojik iyilik halini yordayıp yordamadığı değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın örneklemi 19 ile 23 yaş aralığında (Ort. = 21.10, SS = 1.38) 197 üniversite öğrencisinden (99 kadın ve 98 erkek) oluşmaktadır. FSÖ-Y ve EE alt boyutları arasındaki ilişkiler Pearson korelasyon analizleri ile kadınlar ve erkekler için ayrı ayrı incelenmiştir. Analiz sonuçları her iki ölçeğe ait alt boyutların birbirleriyle anlamlı ilişkileri olduğuna işaret etmiştir. FSÖ-Y’nin ve EE’nin genel psikolojik belirti düzeyi üzerindeki yordayıcı gücünü değerlendirebilmek için iki ayrı hiyerarşik regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Regresyon analizi sonuçları ebeveynleşme türüne (FSÖ-Y boyutları) dayanan modelin psikolojik belirtilere ait varyansın %22.3’nü tahmin ettiğine işaret etmiştir. Öte yandan ebeveynleşmenin kime yönelik olduğuna (EE boyutları) dayanan model psikolojik belirtilere ait varyansın %18’ini tahmin etmiştir.


  • Becker, S. (2007). Global perspectives on children’s unpaid caregiving in the family: Research and policy on “young carers” in the UK, Australia, the USA and Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Social Policy, 7, 23–50.
  • Carroll, J. J. ve Robinson, B. E. (2000). Depression and parentification among adults as related to parental workaholism and alcoholism. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 8(4), 360–367.
  • Champion, J. E., Jaser, S. S., Reeslund, K. L., Simmons, L., Potts, J. E., Shears, A. R. ve Compas, B. E. (2009). Caretaking behaviors by adolescent children of mothers with and without a history of depression. Journal of Family Psychology, 23, 156–166.
  • Chase, N. D. (1999). An overview of theory, research, and societal issues. N. D. Chase (Ed.), Burdened children: Theory, research, and treatment of the parentified child içinde (s. 3–33). Sage.
  • Chase, N. D., Demming, M. ve Wells, M. (1998). Parentification, parental alcoholism, and academic status among young adults. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 25, 105–114.
  • Dağ, I. (1991). Belirti Tarama Listesi’nin (SCL-90-R) üniversite öğrencileri için güvenirliği ve geçerliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2(1), 5–12.
  • Derogatis, L. R. (1977). SCL-90: Administration, scoring and procedure Manual-I for the Revised Version. John Hopkins Univ., School of Medicine, Clinical Psychometrics Unit.
  • Hooper, L. M. (2007a). Expanding the discussion regarding parentification and its varied outcomes: Implication for mental health research and practise. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 29, 322–337.
  • Hooper, L. M. (2007b). The application of attachment theory and family systems theory to the phenomena of parentification. The Family Journal, 15, 217–223.
  • Hooper, L. M. (2009). Parentification Inventory. L. M. Hooper, Department of Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487.
  • Hooper, L. M., Doehler, K., Jankowski, P. J. ve Tomek, S. E. (2012). Patterns of self-reported alcohol use, depressive symptoms, and body mass index in a family sample: The buffering effects of parentification. The Family Journal, 20(2), 164–178.
  • Hooper, L. M, Doehler K., Wallace, S. A. ve Hannah, N. J. (2011). The Parentification Inventory: Development, validation, and cross-validation The American Journal of Family Therapy, 39, 226–241.
  • Hooper, L. M., Marotta, S. A. ve DePuy, V. (2009). A confirmatory factor analytic study of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory among a sample of racial minority college students. International Journal of Mental Health, 18, 335–343.
  • Hooper, L. M., Marotta, S. A. ve Lanthier, R. P. (2008). Predictors of growth and distress following parentification among college students. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 17, 693–705.
  • Hooper, L. M. ve Doehler K. (2012). Assessing family caregiving: A comparison of three retrospective parentification measures. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 38(4), 653–666.
  • Hooper, L. M. ve Wallace, S. (2010). Evaluating the Parentification Questionnaire: Psychometric properties and psychopathology correlates. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 32, 52–68.
  • Jacobvitz, D. B., Hazen, N., Curran, M. ve Hitchens, K. (2004). Observations of early triadic family interactions: Boundary disturbances in the family predict symptoms of depression, anxiety, and attention/deficit/hyperactivity disorder in middle childhood. Development and Psychopathology, 16(3), 577–592.
  • Jacobvitz, D. B. ve Bush, N. F. (1996). Reconstructions of family relationships: Parentchild alliances, personal distress, and self-esteem. Developmental Psychology, 32(4), 732–743.
  • Jankowski, P. J., Hooper, L. M., Sandage, S. J. ve Hannah, N. J. (2013). Parentification and mental health symptoms: Mediator effects of perceived unfairness and differentiation of self. Journal of Family Therapy, 35(1), 43–65.
  • Jones, R. ve Wells, M. (1996). An empirical study of parentification and personality. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 24, 145–152.
  • Jurkovic, G. J. (1997). The plight of the parentified child. Brunner Mazel.
  • Jurkovic, G. J. (1998). Destructive parentification in families: Causes and consequences. L. L’Abate (Ed.), Family psychopathology içinde (s. 237–255). Guilford.
  • Jurkovic, G. J., Morrell, R. ve Thirkield, A. (1999). Assessment of childhood parentification: Guidelines for researchers and clinicians. Chase, N. (Ed.), Burdened Children: Theory, Research, and Treatment of Parentification içinde (s. 92–113). Sage.
  • Jurkovic, G. J., Thirkeild, A., ve Morrell, R. (2001). Parentification in adult children of divorce: A multidimensional analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 30(2), 245–257.
  • Jurkovic, G. J. ve Thirkield, A. (1998). Parentification Questionnaire. G. J. Jurkovic, Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, University Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303.
  • Jurkovic, G. J. ve Thirkield, A. (1999). Filial Responsibility Scale. Gregory J. Jurkovic at Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, MSC 2A1155, 33 Gilmer St. SE Unit 2, Atlanta, GA, 30303-3080 or
  • Karagöbek, A. B. (2014). The effect of maternal parentification history, maternal attachment styles, socioeconomic status and children’s self-construals on parentification roles and perceived parental caregiving (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). ODTÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Katz, J., Petracca, M. ve Rabinowitz, J. (2009). A retrospective study of daughters' emotional role reversal with parents, attachment anxiety, excessive reassurance-seeking, and depressive symptoms. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 37(3), 185–195.
  • Kelley, M. L., French, A., Bountress, K., Keefe, H. A., Schroeder, V., Steer, K. ve Gurnienny, L. (2007). Parentification and family responsibility in the family of origin of adult children of alcoholics. Addictive Behaviors, 32, 675–685.
  • Köyden, D. ve Uluç, S. (2018). Ebeveynleşme ile psikolojik belirtiler arasındaki ilişkide cinsiyetin ve ebeveynleşmeden algılanan yararın rolü. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 33(81), 28–38.
  • Kuperminc, G. P., Jurkovic, G. J. ve Casey, S. (2009). Relations of filial responsibility to the personal and social adjustment of Latino adolescents from immigrant families. Journal of Family Psychology, 23(1), 14–22.
  • Mayseless, O., Bartholomew, K., Henderson, A. ve Trinke, S. (2004). “I was more her mom than she was mine”: Role reversal in a community sample. Family Relations, 53(1), 78–86.
  • McMahon, T. J. ve Luthar, S. S. (2007). Defining characteristics and potential consequences of caretaking burden among children living in urban poverty. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77(2), 267–281.
  • Mika, P., Bergner, R. M. ve Baum, M. C. (1987). The development of a scale for the assessment of parentification. Family Therapy, 14(3), 229–235.
  • Minuchin, P. (1988). Relationship within the family: A systems perspective on development. R. A. Hinde ve J. Stevenson-Hinde (Ed.), Relationships within families: Mutual influences içinde (s. 7–26). Clarendon Press.
  • Minuchin, S., Montalvo, B., Guerney, B. G., Rosman, B. ve Schumer, F. (1967). Families of the slums: An exploration of their structure and treatment. Basic Books.
  • Peris, T. S., Goeke-Morey, M. C., Cummings, E. M. ve Emery, R. E. (2008). Marital conflict and support seeking by parents in adolescence: Empirical support for the parentification construct. Journal of Family Psychology, 22(3), 633–642.
  • Ponizowsky, Y., Kurman, J. ve Roer-Strier, D. (2012). When role reversal and brokering meet: Filial responsibility among young immigrants to Israel from the Former Soviet Union. Journal of Family Psychology. 26(6), 987–997.
  • Rowa, K., Kerig, P. ve Geller, J. (2001). The family anorexia nervosa: Examining parent-child boundary problems. European Eating Disorders Review, 9, 97– 114.
  • Sessions, M. ve Jurkovic, G. J. (1986). The Parentification Questionnaire. Gregory J. Jurkovic, Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, University Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303.
  • Shin, Y. ve Hecht, M. L. (2013). Does parentification place Mexican-heritage youth at risk for substance use? Identifying the intervening nature of parent–child communication about alcohol. Journal of Adolescence, 36(1), 149–159.
  • Sroufe, L. A. ve Fleeson, J. (1988). The coherence of family relationships. R. A. Hinde ve J. Stevenson-Hinde (Ed.), Relationships within families: Mutual influences içinde (s. 27–47). Clarendon Press.
  • Wells, M., Glickauf-Hughes, C. ve Jones, R. (1999). Codependency: A grass roots construct's relationship to shame-proneness, low self-esteem, and childhood parentification. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 27(1), 63–71.
  • Wells, M. ve Jones, R. (1998). Relationship among childhood parentification, splitting, and dissociation: Preliminary findings. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 26(4), 331–339.
  • Wells, M. ve Jones, R. (2000). Childhood parentification and shame-proneness: A preliminary study. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 28, 19–2.

Relationships between different dimensions of parentification according to gender and prediction level of parentification dimensions for psychological symptoms

Year 2022, Volume: 6 Issue: 3, 317 - 330, 26.12.2022


Parentification, a kind of dysfunction in the family system, is defined as a role change between parent and child. Parentification phenomenon occurs when the child or adolescent is forced to take parental responsibilities inappropriately or earlier than the appropriate time. In this study, it was aimed to examine the relationships between the Turkish version of the Filial Responsibility Scale (FRS-A) and the Turkish version of the Parentification Scale (PI). The extent to which the scales predicted the psychological symptoms were evaluated separately. The sample of the study consisted of 197 college students (99 females and 98 males), aged between 19 and 23 (M = 21.10, SD = 1.38). Relationships between FRS and PI sub-dimensions were tested separately for women and men using Pearson's correlation analyses. The results of the analyses indicated that the relationships between the sub-dimensions of both scales were significant. Two hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to evaluate the predictive effects of the FRS-A and the PI on psychological symptoms. The results of the regression analysis indicated that the model based on the parentification type (FRS-A dimensions) estimated 22.3% of the variance of psychological symptoms. On the other hand, the model based on whom the parentification is intended for (PI dimensions) estimated 18% of the variance of psychological symptoms.


  • Becker, S. (2007). Global perspectives on children’s unpaid caregiving in the family: Research and policy on “young carers” in the UK, Australia, the USA and Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Social Policy, 7, 23–50.
  • Carroll, J. J. ve Robinson, B. E. (2000). Depression and parentification among adults as related to parental workaholism and alcoholism. The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Couples and Families, 8(4), 360–367.
  • Champion, J. E., Jaser, S. S., Reeslund, K. L., Simmons, L., Potts, J. E., Shears, A. R. ve Compas, B. E. (2009). Caretaking behaviors by adolescent children of mothers with and without a history of depression. Journal of Family Psychology, 23, 156–166.
  • Chase, N. D. (1999). An overview of theory, research, and societal issues. N. D. Chase (Ed.), Burdened children: Theory, research, and treatment of the parentified child içinde (s. 3–33). Sage.
  • Chase, N. D., Demming, M. ve Wells, M. (1998). Parentification, parental alcoholism, and academic status among young adults. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 25, 105–114.
  • Dağ, I. (1991). Belirti Tarama Listesi’nin (SCL-90-R) üniversite öğrencileri için güvenirliği ve geçerliği. Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi, 2(1), 5–12.
  • Derogatis, L. R. (1977). SCL-90: Administration, scoring and procedure Manual-I for the Revised Version. John Hopkins Univ., School of Medicine, Clinical Psychometrics Unit.
  • Hooper, L. M. (2007a). Expanding the discussion regarding parentification and its varied outcomes: Implication for mental health research and practise. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 29, 322–337.
  • Hooper, L. M. (2007b). The application of attachment theory and family systems theory to the phenomena of parentification. The Family Journal, 15, 217–223.
  • Hooper, L. M. (2009). Parentification Inventory. L. M. Hooper, Department of Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487.
  • Hooper, L. M., Doehler, K., Jankowski, P. J. ve Tomek, S. E. (2012). Patterns of self-reported alcohol use, depressive symptoms, and body mass index in a family sample: The buffering effects of parentification. The Family Journal, 20(2), 164–178.
  • Hooper, L. M, Doehler K., Wallace, S. A. ve Hannah, N. J. (2011). The Parentification Inventory: Development, validation, and cross-validation The American Journal of Family Therapy, 39, 226–241.
  • Hooper, L. M., Marotta, S. A. ve DePuy, V. (2009). A confirmatory factor analytic study of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory among a sample of racial minority college students. International Journal of Mental Health, 18, 335–343.
  • Hooper, L. M., Marotta, S. A. ve Lanthier, R. P. (2008). Predictors of growth and distress following parentification among college students. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 17, 693–705.
  • Hooper, L. M. ve Doehler K. (2012). Assessing family caregiving: A comparison of three retrospective parentification measures. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 38(4), 653–666.
  • Hooper, L. M. ve Wallace, S. (2010). Evaluating the Parentification Questionnaire: Psychometric properties and psychopathology correlates. Contemporary Family Therapy: An International Journal, 32, 52–68.
  • Jacobvitz, D. B., Hazen, N., Curran, M. ve Hitchens, K. (2004). Observations of early triadic family interactions: Boundary disturbances in the family predict symptoms of depression, anxiety, and attention/deficit/hyperactivity disorder in middle childhood. Development and Psychopathology, 16(3), 577–592.
  • Jacobvitz, D. B. ve Bush, N. F. (1996). Reconstructions of family relationships: Parentchild alliances, personal distress, and self-esteem. Developmental Psychology, 32(4), 732–743.
  • Jankowski, P. J., Hooper, L. M., Sandage, S. J. ve Hannah, N. J. (2013). Parentification and mental health symptoms: Mediator effects of perceived unfairness and differentiation of self. Journal of Family Therapy, 35(1), 43–65.
  • Jones, R. ve Wells, M. (1996). An empirical study of parentification and personality. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 24, 145–152.
  • Jurkovic, G. J. (1997). The plight of the parentified child. Brunner Mazel.
  • Jurkovic, G. J. (1998). Destructive parentification in families: Causes and consequences. L. L’Abate (Ed.), Family psychopathology içinde (s. 237–255). Guilford.
  • Jurkovic, G. J., Morrell, R. ve Thirkield, A. (1999). Assessment of childhood parentification: Guidelines for researchers and clinicians. Chase, N. (Ed.), Burdened Children: Theory, Research, and Treatment of Parentification içinde (s. 92–113). Sage.
  • Jurkovic, G. J., Thirkeild, A., ve Morrell, R. (2001). Parentification in adult children of divorce: A multidimensional analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 30(2), 245–257.
  • Jurkovic, G. J. ve Thirkield, A. (1998). Parentification Questionnaire. G. J. Jurkovic, Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, University Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303.
  • Jurkovic, G. J. ve Thirkield, A. (1999). Filial Responsibility Scale. Gregory J. Jurkovic at Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, MSC 2A1155, 33 Gilmer St. SE Unit 2, Atlanta, GA, 30303-3080 or
  • Karagöbek, A. B. (2014). The effect of maternal parentification history, maternal attachment styles, socioeconomic status and children’s self-construals on parentification roles and perceived parental caregiving (Yayınlanmamış yüksek lisans tezi). ODTÜ Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Ankara.
  • Katz, J., Petracca, M. ve Rabinowitz, J. (2009). A retrospective study of daughters' emotional role reversal with parents, attachment anxiety, excessive reassurance-seeking, and depressive symptoms. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 37(3), 185–195.
  • Kelley, M. L., French, A., Bountress, K., Keefe, H. A., Schroeder, V., Steer, K. ve Gurnienny, L. (2007). Parentification and family responsibility in the family of origin of adult children of alcoholics. Addictive Behaviors, 32, 675–685.
  • Köyden, D. ve Uluç, S. (2018). Ebeveynleşme ile psikolojik belirtiler arasındaki ilişkide cinsiyetin ve ebeveynleşmeden algılanan yararın rolü. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 33(81), 28–38.
  • Kuperminc, G. P., Jurkovic, G. J. ve Casey, S. (2009). Relations of filial responsibility to the personal and social adjustment of Latino adolescents from immigrant families. Journal of Family Psychology, 23(1), 14–22.
  • Mayseless, O., Bartholomew, K., Henderson, A. ve Trinke, S. (2004). “I was more her mom than she was mine”: Role reversal in a community sample. Family Relations, 53(1), 78–86.
  • McMahon, T. J. ve Luthar, S. S. (2007). Defining characteristics and potential consequences of caretaking burden among children living in urban poverty. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 77(2), 267–281.
  • Mika, P., Bergner, R. M. ve Baum, M. C. (1987). The development of a scale for the assessment of parentification. Family Therapy, 14(3), 229–235.
  • Minuchin, P. (1988). Relationship within the family: A systems perspective on development. R. A. Hinde ve J. Stevenson-Hinde (Ed.), Relationships within families: Mutual influences içinde (s. 7–26). Clarendon Press.
  • Minuchin, S., Montalvo, B., Guerney, B. G., Rosman, B. ve Schumer, F. (1967). Families of the slums: An exploration of their structure and treatment. Basic Books.
  • Peris, T. S., Goeke-Morey, M. C., Cummings, E. M. ve Emery, R. E. (2008). Marital conflict and support seeking by parents in adolescence: Empirical support for the parentification construct. Journal of Family Psychology, 22(3), 633–642.
  • Ponizowsky, Y., Kurman, J. ve Roer-Strier, D. (2012). When role reversal and brokering meet: Filial responsibility among young immigrants to Israel from the Former Soviet Union. Journal of Family Psychology. 26(6), 987–997.
  • Rowa, K., Kerig, P. ve Geller, J. (2001). The family anorexia nervosa: Examining parent-child boundary problems. European Eating Disorders Review, 9, 97– 114.
  • Sessions, M. ve Jurkovic, G. J. (1986). The Parentification Questionnaire. Gregory J. Jurkovic, Department of Psychology, Georgia State University, University Plaza, Atlanta, GA 30303.
  • Shin, Y. ve Hecht, M. L. (2013). Does parentification place Mexican-heritage youth at risk for substance use? Identifying the intervening nature of parent–child communication about alcohol. Journal of Adolescence, 36(1), 149–159.
  • Sroufe, L. A. ve Fleeson, J. (1988). The coherence of family relationships. R. A. Hinde ve J. Stevenson-Hinde (Ed.), Relationships within families: Mutual influences içinde (s. 27–47). Clarendon Press.
  • Wells, M., Glickauf-Hughes, C. ve Jones, R. (1999). Codependency: A grass roots construct's relationship to shame-proneness, low self-esteem, and childhood parentification. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 27(1), 63–71.
  • Wells, M. ve Jones, R. (1998). Relationship among childhood parentification, splitting, and dissociation: Preliminary findings. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 26(4), 331–339.
  • Wells, M. ve Jones, R. (2000). Childhood parentification and shame-proneness: A preliminary study. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 28, 19–2.
There are 45 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Clinical Psychology
Journal Section Research Articles

Sait Uluç This is me 0000-0002-7048-8545

Duygu Köyden This is me 0000-0002-5378-7324

Publication Date December 26, 2022
Submission Date June 7, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 6 Issue: 3


APA Uluç, S., & Köyden, D. (2022). Cinsiyete göre ebeveynleşmenin farklı boyutları arasındaki ilişkiler ve ebeveynleştirme boyutlarının psikolojik belirtileri yordama düzeyi. Journal of Clinical Psychology Research, 6(3), 317-330.