Writing Rules

- The articles and studies planned to be submitted to KMU Journal of Social Sciences should not have been published or submitted for publication anywhere before.
- KMU Journal of Social Sciences primarily publishes original research, original reviews/reviews, extended papers, original translations, book reviews/reviews, evaluation articles, opinion articles and letters to the editor in Turkish and English in the field of social sciences and humanities.
- The manuscripts submitted to KMU Journal of Social Sciences are first carefully and objectively reviewed by the editorial board. If the articles submitted to KMU Journal of Social Sciences do not comply with the spelling rules, the editorial group may reject the articles directly. If the articles are prepared in accordance with the publication and writing rules of KMU Journal of Social Sciences, they are sent to three referees with the “double-blinding” technique. Upon the positive report of at least two of the three referees, the studies are published in the relevant issues after the necessary arrangements are made.
- In accordance with the “double-blinding” technique, the names and institutional information of the authors are removed from the original text and sent to referees who are experts in their fields. Referee information is not shared with authors and author information is not shared with referees under any circumstances.
- Referee evaluation process is determined as maximum 30 days. For articles that are sent to the referee for evaluation but no response is received, a new referee is determined and the referee process is restarted for the study. The “Referee Board” membership of the referee who does not evaluate the work sent to him/her within the given period is taken into consideration by the journal management.
- The current situation should be stated as a footnote at the bottom of the first page of the studies supported by an institution or organization or prepared from Master's or Doctoral theses sent to KMÜ Journal of Social Sciences.
- When the articles submitted to KMU Journal of Social Sciences are sent to the authors to make the necessary corrections after the referee process, the author cannot make additions or subtractions that will be outside the referee's recommendations and change the original text.
- The final version of the articles sent to KMU Journal of Social Sciences and deemed appropriate for publication in line with the referee's recommendations is sent back to the author for review. After the author's control, the works whose referee process is completed are published based on the date of acceptance.
- All rights of the articles sent to KMU Journal of Social Sciences are deemed to be transferred to the journal by the author. For this process, a “Copyright Transfer Form” is requested from the author. This form must be uploaded to the DergiPark Article Application System with the article.
- The responsibility of the articles submitted to KMU Journal of Social Sciences (scientific ethics rules, plagiarism, etc.) unilaterally belongs to the author or authors. KMU Journal of Social Sciences cannot be put under any obligation in this regard.
- Articles submitted to KMU Journal of Social Sciences are scanned with plagiarism detection programs named “iThenticate” or “Turnitin”. In cases where the plagiarism rate is exceeded, the Editorial Group retains the authority to take necessary sanctions. Works may be rejected on this grounds.
- Please note that works that do not comply with the above-mentioned rules will not be evaluated under any circumstances.
- You can send your articles that you want to be published in KMU Journal of Social Sciences to us at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/kmusbd.


The rules to be followed regarding the bibliography, imprint, in-text reference and citation used and to be used in the KMÜ Journal of Social Sciences have been prepared based on the commonly used reference notations in the fields of Social Sciences and Humanities.
- The articles to be submitted to the journal should be prepared in Word file in A4 size; 2.5 cm from the top and 2.5 cm from the bottom, 2.5 cm from the left and 2.5 cm from the right.
- Articles should be written in Times New Roman font and single-spaced. The title of the main article should be short, not exceeding 15 words, and should cover the subject, and the words should be written in capital letters, 12 point font size and bold. The second article title (Turkish/English) should have the same meaning as the main title, and the words should be written in lower case, 12-point font and bold.
- The “abstract” section of the article should be prepared in Turkish and English in a way that reflects the purpose, method and findings of the research, with a minimum of 100 and a maximum of 350 words. If the language of the article is Turkish, “Abstract” should come first, and if the language of the article is English, “Abstract” should come first. Keywords should be at least 3 and at most 5 words.
- Author names should be written in 12-point font and bold, leaving two blank lines after the title of the article, with the initial letter of the name(s) capitalized and the surname(s) capitalized in full. Author names should be aligned on the right side of the page. Academic titles and other information should be indicated in the footnote in 10-point font size (e.g. Title, Institution name and Information, City/Country. E-mail: ...., Orcid: ...).
- First level main headings should be left justified, 12-point, bold and plain, and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. In articles, the problem/subject of the study should be clearly stated in the introduction. The introduction should not be numbered. The introduction should be followed by the method, findings (if any), interpretation/discussion and conclusion sections. There may be different sections according to the fields. All other sections in the text should be written in 12-point font and single-spaced, without breaking the formatting.
- Second, third and fourth level subheadings should be left justified, in 12-point font, with the first letters of the words capitalized, in lower case and bold.
- Tables in the article should be formatted as required by their content, and the table title should be numbered, written above the table and centered.
- In the conclusion section, subheadings and numbering should not be used; if desired, it can be sorted into articles.
- If the number of authors is more than five, the names of the first five authors should be given in the colophon, and the expression “and others” should be used after the fifth author.
- In the text and in the titles, the abbreviation “Before BC” should be given as BC and the abbreviation “After BC” should be given as MS.
- At the end of the article; Statement of Contribution Rate of the Researchers, Statement of Support and Acknowledgment, if any, and Conflict Statement should be included.
- If the publication date of a study cannot be found, the date of the last copyright should be given; if the date information cannot be found in any way, the abbreviation “n.d.” meaning “no date” should be used.
- In the bibliography section, after the name of the author, the abbreviation (Haz.) should be used instead of the author(s) and (Ed.) should be used instead of the editor(s).
- In the bibliography section, journal and book titles should be written in italics without abbreviating the full name.
- In the bibliography section, proceedings books should be indicated as “books” and a paper taken from a proceedings book should be indicated as a “book chapter”.
- In the bibliography section, information utilized from a certain section of sources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, etc. should be written as “a chapter in a book”.
- In the bibliography section, if the author of the articles in sources such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, biographies, etc. is not known, the entry should be made using the article name.
- In theses to be used in the bibliography section, the expressions “Unpublished master's thesis”, “Unpublished doctoral thesis” or “Unpublished proficiency in arts thesis” must be used after the name of the thesis. The name of the university or institution where the degree was obtained must be stated.
- In the bibliography section, in the case of laws and regulations, the entry should be made with the name of the law. After the name of the law, the date of adoption of the law (only the year) should be indicated in brackets, and the date of the journal in which the law was published (day, month, year) should be indicated at the end of the imprint.
- In the bibliography section, in addition to basic information in electronic sources, the date of access and access address information should be given; in e-sources, the last update date should be determined as the publication date.
- In the bibliography section, personal interviews such as letters, e-mails, phone calls, etc. do not need to be included in the bibliography; the interviews should be referred to in the text.

Single Author Journal Article
Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Article name. Journal Name, volume (issue), page numbers.
Irzik, G. (1990). Karl Popper's theory of three worlds and the objectivity of scientific knowledge. Philosophy Debates, 7, 45-57.
In-text: (Irzık, 1990: 55) Footnote: Irzık, 1990: 55

Journal Article with Two Authors
Surname, A. & Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Article name. Journal Name, volume (issue), page numbers.
Wegener, D.T. & Petty, R.E. (1994). Mood management across affective states: The hedonic contingency hypothesis. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 66, 1034–1048.
In-text: (Wegener and Petty, 1994: 1042) Footnote: Wegener and Petty, 1994: 1042

Journal Articles with Three or more Authors
Surname, A., Surname, A., Surname, A., Surname, A. & Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Article name. Journal Name, volume (issue), page numbers.
Kandır, Y.S., Karadeniz, E., Özmen, M. and Önal, B.Ö. (2008). Investigation of the effects of growth indicators in the Turkish tourism sector on the financial performance of tourism enterprises. Dokuz Eylul University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 1 (10), 211-237.
In-text: (Kandır et al., 2008: 220) Footnote: Kandır et al., 2008: 220

Journal Articles in Press
Surname, A. & Surname, A. (in publication). Article name. Journal Name.
Zuckermctn, M. & Kieffer, S.C. (in publication). Racial differences in facial expression: Does facial prominence indicate superiority? Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
In-text: (Zuckermctn and Kieffer, y.a.) Footnote: Zuckermctn and Kieffer, y.a.

Single Author Books
Author, A. (Year of Publication). Book name. Place of publication: Publisher.
Musmal, H. (2009). The Antiquities Policy of the Ottoman Empire, The Case of Konya Province (1876-1914). Konya: Kömen Publications.
In-text: (Muşmal, 2009: 45) Footnote: Musmal, 2009: 45

Books with Three or more Authors
Author, A., Author, B., Author, C., Author, D., Author, E. & Author, E. (Year of Publication). Book name. Place of publication: Publisher.
Çevik, O., Doğanay, T. & Karaçayır, E. (2017). Social and Economic Profile of Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University Students. Ankara: Murat Bookstore.
In-text: (Çevik et al., 2017: 45) Footnote: Çevik et al., 2017: 45

Edited Books
Author, A. & Author, B. (Ed.). (Year of Publication). Book name. Place of publication: Publisher.
Gibbs, I.T. & Huang, L. N. (Ed.). (1991). Children of color: Psychological interventions with minority youth. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
In-text: (Gibbs & Huang, 1991) Footnote: Gibbs & Huang, 1991

Books with Legal Entity (Institution) Authorship
Legal entity, (Year of Publication). Book name. Place of publication: Publisher.
Turkish Language Institution, (2017). Turkish dictionary. Ankara: Turkish Language Institution.
In-text: (Turkish Language Institution, 2017: 15-18) Footnote: Turkish Language Institution, 2017: 15-18

Books Without Authors
Book title (Print number) (Publication Year). Place of publication: Publisher.
Cambridge Turkish-English Dictionary (1st Ed.) (1985), Istanbul: Cambridge.
In-text: (Cambridge, 2000: 45) Footnote: Cambridge, 2000: 45

Translation Books
Author, A. (Year of Publication). Book title, (A. Surname, Trans.). Place of publication: Publisher, (The publication year of the reference work).
Danermark, B., Karlosson, J.C., Jakobsen, L. & Ekstrom, M. (2018). Explaining Society: Critical Realism in Social Sciences, (Ü. Tatlıcan, Trans.). Istanbul: Phoenix, (2001).
In-text: (Danermark et al., 2018: 65) Footnote: Danermark et al., 2018: 65

Chapter or Article in an Edited Book
Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Publication name. A. Editor (Jun./Ed.), Title of the book Inside (pp. page numbers of the publication), Place of publication: Publisher.
Cakir, M. (2016). Analysis of Policy Promises for Young Individuals in Election Proceedings. NETWORK. Baran & M. Çakır (Ed.), The Hope of Youth with an Interdisciplinary Approach Within Society's Expectations (pp. 107-125), Ankara: Hacettepe University Press.
In-text: (Çakır, 2016: 108-109) Footnote: Çakır, 2016: 108-109

Dictionary or Encyclopedia
Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Name of Dictionary or Encyclopedia (Print number, Volume number). Place of publication: Publisher.
Sadie, S. (Ed.). (1980). The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians (6. Bs., C. 1-20). London: Macmillan.
Gurun, O.A. (2001). Dictionary of Psychology (2nd ed., Vol. 1-3). Istanbul: Revolution.

Article in the Encyclopedia
Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Substance name. Encyclopedia Name (Print number, Volume number, Page number). Place of publication: Publisher.
Bergmann, P.G. (1993). Relativity. The new encyclopaedia Britannica (Vol. 26, pp. 501-508). Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Öncül, R. (2000). Psychology. Education and educational sciences dictionary (C. 1, pp. 501-503). Istanbul: National Education.
Note: If there is no author, bring the article to the beginning.

Published - Paper
Surname, A. (Year of Publication). Paper Name. A. Editor (Jun./Ed.), in the title of the book (page numbers), Place of Publication: Publisher.
Aircraft, N. (2005). Production, Access and Use of Knowledge in Social Sciences. O. Horata (Jun.), Periodicals in Social Sciences and Information Technologies Symposium: April 2, 2005 – Ankara: In Proceedings (pp. 92-103), Ankara: New Eurasia.
In-text: (Uçak, 2005: 96) Footnote: Aircraft, 2005: 96

Unpublished - Paper
Speaker, A. (Month Year). Paper name. Meeting Name, information presented in Meeting Place
Undated, Authorless Website
The name of the resource. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://link on Day Month Year.
TMMOBB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Library Catalog Scan (n.d.). Retrieved 8 August 2000 from http://kutuphane.mmo.org.tr/tarama.php?hit=1.

Unpublished Doctorate / Master's / Proficiency in Art Theses
Surname, A. (Year). Thesis Name. Unpublished master's/doctoral thesis/proficiency in arts, Name of University, City.
Akkas, I. (2020). Roman and Early Byzantine/Late Roman Period trade relations in the Ancient City of Parion in the light of amphora finds between 2008-2019. Unpublished doctoral thesis, Mersin University, Mersin.
Özkaya Karaismailoğlu, A. (2006). Power debates in social theory; Marx, Nietzsche, Weber, Foucault. Unpublished master's thesis, Uludag University, Bursa.
In text: (Akkaş, 2020: 150-151) Footnote: Akkaş, 2020: 150-151

Anonymous, 1993. Summary of Agricultural Statistics. T.R. Prime Ministry State Institute of Statistics, Publication No: 1579, Ankara.

Internet Only Article
Author, A. (Month Year). Article name. Journal/Site Name, Issue. Retrieved from https://link on Day Month Year.
Fredrickson, B.L. (March 2000). Developing positive emotions to maximize health and well-being. Prevention&Treatment, 3, retrieved 20 November 2000 from http://:'journals.apa.org/volume3/pre301a.

Chapter or Section in an Internet Document
Document Name. (Month year). Chapter/Chapter name. Retrieved from https://link on Day Month Year.
Benton Foundation. (July 7, 1998). Barriers to closing the gap. Losing ground bit by bit: Low- income communities in the information age. Retrieved August 18, 2001 from http://www.benton.org/Library/Low-Income/two.html.

Undated, Authorless Website
The name of the resource. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://link on Day Month Year.
TMMOBB Chamber of Mechanical Engineers Library Catalog Scan (n.d.). Retrieved 8 August 2000 from http://kutuphane.mmo.org.tr/tarama.php?hit=1. https://www.yok.gov.tr/Documents/Mevzuat/yuksekogretim-kurumlari-bilimsel-arastirma-ve-yayin-etigi-yonergesi.pdf

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