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Güven, Örgütsel Güven ve Örgütsel Güven Modelleri

Year 2007, Volume: 2007 Issue: 2, 93 - 118, 01.06.2007



  • Anderson, E. ve B. Weitz (1988), “Determinants Of Continuity In Conventional Industrial Channel Dyads”, Marketing Science, 8:4,310-323.
  • Anderson, E. ve J.A.,Narus (1990), “A Model Of Distributor Firm And Manufacturer Firm Working Partnership, Journal of Marketing, 54,42-58.
  • Atkinson, S. ve D.Butcher (2003), “Trust In Managerial Relationships”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18:4,282-304.
  • Bhattacharya, R. (1998), “A Formal Model Of Trust Based On Outcomes”, Academy Of Management Review, 23:3.
  • Börü, D. (2001), “Örgütlerde Güvenilir İnsan Yaratılmasında İlk Adım. Güvenilir İnsan Kim?” Ulusal Yönetim Ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildirileri:24-26 Mayıs 2001, 189-204.
  • Bradach, J.L. ve R.G. Eccles (1989), “Price, Authority, And Trust: From Ideal Types To Plural Forms”, Annual Review of Sociology, 15:97-118.
  • Brockner, J., Siegel P.A., Daly J.P vd., (1997), “When Trust Matters: The Moderating Effect Of Outcome Favorability”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 42, 558-583.
  • Butler J. Ve R.Cantrell (1984), “A Behavioral Decision Theory Approach to Modeling Dyadic Trust In Superiors And Subordinates”, Psychological Reports, 55: 19-28.
  • Bromiley, P. Ve L.L. Cummings (1992), “Transactions Cost In Organizations with Trust”. Discussion Paper, 128. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Strategic Management Research Center.
  • Bromiley, P. Ve L.L. Cummings (1996), The Organizational Trust Inventory (OTI). Roderick M. Kramer ve Tom R. Tyler (Der.), Trust in Organizations: 302-319. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Brownell, E.O. (2000), “How to Create Organizational Trust”, Manage, Vol 52:2. Butler, J.K. (1991), “Towards Understanding and Measuring Conditions Of Trust; Evolution Of A Conditions Of Trust Inventory”, Journal of Management, 17:3, 643-663.
  • Cheney, G. (1983), “On The Various And Changing Meaning Of Organizational Membership: A Field Study Of Organizational Identification”, Communication Monographs, 50, 342-362.
  • Chiles, T.D. ve J.F. McMackin (1996), “Integrating Variable Risk Preferences, Trust And Transaction Cost Economics”. Academy of Management Review, 21: 73-99.
  • Cook, J. ve T. Wall (1980), “New Work Attitude Measures Of Trust, Organizational Commitment And Personal Need Non-Fulfillment”, Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53, 39-52.
  • Cowles, D. (1997), “The Role of Trust in Customer Relationships: Asking the Right Questions”, Management Decision, 35, 4: 273-282.
  • Creed, D.W.E. ve R.E. Miles (1996), “Trust in organization: A Conceptual Framework Linking Organizational Forms Managerial Philosophies and the Opportunity” Cost of Controls. Roderick M Kramer ve Rom T.Tyler (Der), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research, 114-139, Sage Publications, London.
  • Deutsch, M. (1958), “Trust and Suspicion”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2, 4: 265-279.
  • Doney, P.M., Cannon J.P., ve M.M. Mullen (1998) ”Understanding The Influence Of National Culture On The Development Of Trust,” Academy of Management Journal,23:3,601-620.
  • Driscoll, J.W. (1978), “Trust And Participation If Organizational Decision Making As Predictors Of Satisfaction, Academy of Management Journal, 21:44,44-56.
  • Erdem, F. (2003) Örgütsel Yaşamda Güven, Ferda Erdem (Der), Sosyal Bilimlerde Güven, Vadi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Ferres, N., Connell J. ve A. Travaglione (2004), “Coworker Trust As A Social Catalyst For Constructive Employee Attitudes”, Journal Managerial Psychology, 19:6, 608-622.
  • Frost, T.D., Stimson J. ve M. Maughan (1978), “Some Correlates Of Trust”, Journal of Psychology, 99: 103-108.
  • Gabarro, J. (1978), The Development Of Trust Influence And Expectations. Englewood: Prentice Hall.
  • Gambetta, D. (1988), Can We Trust, D.G. Gambetta (Der), Trust: Making and Breaking Cooperative Behaviors, 131-185, New York: Basil Blackwell.
  • Gefen, D. Karahanna E. ve D. Straub (2003), “Trust and TAM in Online Shopping: An Integrated Model”, MIS Quarterly,27:1, 51-90
  • Giffin, K. (1967), “The Contribution of Studies of Source Credibility To A Theory of Interpersonal Trust And The Communication Process”, Psychological Bulletin, 68: 104-120.
  • Günaydın, S.C. (2001), ”İşletmelerde Örgütsel Adalet Ve Örgütsel Güven Değişkenlerinin Politik Davranış Algısı Ve İşbirliği Yapma Eğilimine Etkisini İnceleyen Bir Çalışma” Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Golembiewski, .T. Ve M. Mcconkie (1975), The Centrality Of Interpersonal Trust In Group Process”, Cooper, C.L. (Der), Theories of Group Process, London, Wiley:131-185.
  • Hardin, R. (1998, Trust, New York: Russell Sage.
  • Hettonen, K. ve K. Blomqvist (2005), “Managing Distance In A Global Virtual Team: The Evolution Of Trust Through Technology Mediated Relational Communication”, Strategic Change, 14, 107-119.
  • Hosmer, L.T. (1995), “Trust: The Connecting Link between Organization Theory Philosophical
  • Hovland, C. ve J. Kelley (1953), Communication and Persuasion. New Haven: Yale University Pres
  • Huff, L. ve L. Kelley (2003), “Levels of Organizational Trust in Individualist Versus Collectivist Societies: A Seven Nation Study”, Organization Science, Vol 14:1. Jones, G.R. ve J. M George (1998), “The Experience And Evolution Of Trust: Implications For Cooperation And Teamwork”, Academy of Management Review, 23:3.
  • Kamer, M. (2001), “Örgütsel Güven, Örgütsel Bağlılık Ve Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışlarına Etkileri”, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Kwant, R. (1965) Phenomenology of Social Existence. Pittsburg: Duquence University Press.
  • Lashinger, K.S.H ve J. Finegan (2005), “Using Empowerment to Build Trust and Respect in the Workplace: A Strategy for Addressing the Nursing Shortage”, Nursing Economics,23:1.
  • Lewicki, R.J. ve B.B.Bunker (1996), Developing and Maintaining Trust in Work Relationships. Roderick M Kramer ve Rom T.Tyler (Ed), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research, 114-139, Sage Publications, London
  • Lewis, J.D. ve A. Weigert (1985) “Trust as a Social Reality”, Social Forces, 63. Manuel, G. Anil (1999) “Trust Within The Organization: Integrating The Trust Literature With Agency Theory And Transaction Cost Economics”. Public Administration Quarterly, 2: 177-204.
  • Mayer, R., Davis J.H.Ve F.D Schoorman (1995), “ Integration Model Of Organizational Trust”, Academy of Management Review, Vol 20:3.
  • McAllister, D.(1995), “Affect And Cognition Based Trust As Foundations For Interpersonal Cooperation In Organization”, Academy Of Management Journal, 38:1 ,24-59
  • McCauley, D.P. ve K.W. Kuhnert (1992), “A Theoretical Review And Empirical Investigation Of Employee Trust In Management”, Public Administration Quarterly, Summer, 265-284
  • Mcknight, D.H. Cummings L.L. ve N.L.Chernay (1995), “Trust Formation in New Organizational Relationships” Information and Decision Sciences Workshop, Working paper, University of Minnesota.
  • Mishra, A.K (1996), Organizational Responses to Crisis: the Role of Trust, Roderick M Kramer ve Rom T.Tyler (Der), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research, 114-139, sage Publications, London
  • Mishra, J. ve M.A. Morrisey (1990), “Trust In Employee/Employer Relationships: A Survey Of West Michigan Managers”, Public Personnel Management , Washington: Winter, Vol 19:4.
  • Moorman, C., Deshapande R. ve G. Zaltman (1992), “Factors Affecting Trust In Market Research Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, 57, 1: 81-101. Morgan, R. ve S. Hunt (1994) “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 58, July: 20-38.
  • Neveu, V. (2000), Organizational Trust: Definition and Measurement”,
  • Ovaice, G (2001), “The Relationship Of Individualism And Collectivism To Perception Of Interpersonal Trust In A Global Constituting Firm”, University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign, Doctoral Dissertation.
  • Pfeffer, J. ve G.R. Salancik, (1978), The External Control of Organizations: A Resource Dependence Perspective. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Rempel, J. ve J. Holmes (1986) “How Do I Trust Thee?,” Psychology Today, 28-34. Robbins, S.P ve D.A. Deconze, (2001), Fundamentals Of Management; Essential Concepts And Applications, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Rotter, J.B 1967, “ A New Scale Of Measurement Of Interpersonal Trust”, Journal of Personality, 35,651-665.
  • Rousseau, D., Sitkin, M., Burt, S.B. vd. (1998), “Not So Different After At All: A Cross-Discipline View of Trust”. Academy of Management Review, 23: 393-405.
  • Sargut, S. (2001), Kültürlerarası Farklılaşma ve Yönetim, Imge Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Shamir, B. ve Y. Lapidot (2003), “Trust in Organizational Superiors: Systematic and Collective Considerations”, Organization Studies,24:3 463-491
  • Shappiro, D.L., Sheppard, D.H., ve C. Cheraskin (1992), “Business On A Handshake”, Negotiation Journal, 8:4,365-377.
  • Shaw, R.B. (1997), “Trust in Balance: Building Successful Organizations on Results, Integrity and Concern”, Jossey-Boss Publishers, San Francisco
  • Shockley-Zalabak, P. Ellis K. ve G. Winograd (2000), “Organizational Trust: What It Means, Why It Matters”, Organization Development Journal, Vol 18:4.
  • Shockley-Zalabak, P. Ellis R. Cesaira (2000) “IABC Research Foundation Univels New Study on Trust”, Communication World, Aug/Sep, 17:6
  • Sitkin, S. ve N.Roth (1993), “Explaining The Limited Effectiveness of Legalistic Remedies For Trust/Distrust”, Organization Science, 4: 367-92.
  • Stoner, C.R. ve R.I. Hartman (2000) “Team Building: Answering Tough Questions”, Research Technology Management, 34:4,12-18.
  • Strickland, L.H. (1958), “Surveillance and Trust”, Journal of Personality, 26, 200-215.
  • Swan, J. E. ve I. F. Travick (1987) “Building Customer Trust in the Industrial Salesperson: Process and Outcomes”, Advances in Business Marketing, 2: 81-113.
  • Tan, H ve C.S Tan (2000), “Towards the Differentiation of Trust in Supervisor and Trust in Organization”, Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 126:2,241-260
  • Tompkins P.K. ve G. Cheney (1983), “Account Analysis of Organization: Decision Making and Identification”. L.L. Putnam ve M.E. Pacanowski (Der ). Communication and Organization: An Interpretive Approach, Beverly Hills, CA:Sage, 123-146.
  • Yamagishi, T. (1988), “The Provision Of Sanctioning System In The United States And Japan”, Social Psychology Quarterly, 51, 32-42.
  • Whitener, E.M. Brodt, S., M.A Korsgaard. vd.(1998), “Managers As Initiator Of Trust: An Exchange Relationship Framework For Understanding Managerial Behavior”, Academy Of Management Journal, 23:3, 513-530.
  • Worchel, P.(1979), Trust and Distrust. In G.W. Austin ve S Worchel (Eds.), The Social Psychology and Intergroup Relations, Belmont, CA:Wadsworth.
  • Zaheer A. Mcevily B., Ve V. Perrone (1998), “Does Trust Matter? Exploring Effects Of Interorganizational And Interpersonal Trust On Performance”, Organization Science, 9:2,123-142.
  • Zand, D.E 1972 “Trust And Managerial Problem Solving”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 17: 229-239.

Güven, Örgütsel Güven ve Örgütsel Güven Modelleri

Year 2007, Volume: 2007 Issue: 2, 93 - 118, 01.06.2007


Güven konusunda yapılan çalışmalarda en sık vurgulanan görüş, kavramın tanımlanmasındaki güçlüktür. Bunun temel nedeni bireyler arası ilişkiler, grup davranışı, yönetsel etkinlik, ekonomik değişimler, sosyal ve politik istikrar ve farklı kültürleri anlama gibi mikro ve makro düzeydeki bir çok süreci açıklamada güvenin anahtar bir kavram olmasıdır. En rutin etkileşimlerde bile gerekli olan güven, birey ve grup davranışlarının önemli bir belirleyicisidir. Güvenin fonksiyonlarından biri de karmaşıklığı azaltmasıdır. Özellikle modern ve sanayileşmiş toplumlar bu karmaşık yapılara sahiptirler. Güvenin oluşumu bilgi alışverişinin daha doğru, daha geniş ve daha yerinde olmasına, bir deyişle davranışsal belirsizliğin azalmasına neden olacaktır. Bu çalışmada güven kavramı ve güven türleri farklı bakış açıkları ile tanımlanmış, örgütsel güven kavramı ve kavramın özellikleri, literatürdeki temel söylemler, örgütsel güven modelleri detaylı bir şekilde incelenmiştir. Bu bağlamda çalışma, örgütsel güven konusunda çalışmak isteyen araştırmacılar için teorik alt yapı anlamında faydalı olmayı amaçlamıştır


  • Anderson, E. ve B. Weitz (1988), “Determinants Of Continuity In Conventional Industrial Channel Dyads”, Marketing Science, 8:4,310-323.
  • Anderson, E. ve J.A.,Narus (1990), “A Model Of Distributor Firm And Manufacturer Firm Working Partnership, Journal of Marketing, 54,42-58.
  • Atkinson, S. ve D.Butcher (2003), “Trust In Managerial Relationships”, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 18:4,282-304.
  • Bhattacharya, R. (1998), “A Formal Model Of Trust Based On Outcomes”, Academy Of Management Review, 23:3.
  • Börü, D. (2001), “Örgütlerde Güvenilir İnsan Yaratılmasında İlk Adım. Güvenilir İnsan Kim?” Ulusal Yönetim Ve Organizasyon Kongresi Bildirileri:24-26 Mayıs 2001, 189-204.
  • Bradach, J.L. ve R.G. Eccles (1989), “Price, Authority, And Trust: From Ideal Types To Plural Forms”, Annual Review of Sociology, 15:97-118.
  • Brockner, J., Siegel P.A., Daly J.P vd., (1997), “When Trust Matters: The Moderating Effect Of Outcome Favorability”, Administrative Science Quarterly, 42, 558-583.
  • Butler J. Ve R.Cantrell (1984), “A Behavioral Decision Theory Approach to Modeling Dyadic Trust In Superiors And Subordinates”, Psychological Reports, 55: 19-28.
  • Bromiley, P. Ve L.L. Cummings (1992), “Transactions Cost In Organizations with Trust”. Discussion Paper, 128. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Strategic Management Research Center.
  • Bromiley, P. Ve L.L. Cummings (1996), The Organizational Trust Inventory (OTI). Roderick M. Kramer ve Tom R. Tyler (Der.), Trust in Organizations: 302-319. Thousand Oaks: Sage.
  • Brownell, E.O. (2000), “How to Create Organizational Trust”, Manage, Vol 52:2. Butler, J.K. (1991), “Towards Understanding and Measuring Conditions Of Trust; Evolution Of A Conditions Of Trust Inventory”, Journal of Management, 17:3, 643-663.
  • Cheney, G. (1983), “On The Various And Changing Meaning Of Organizational Membership: A Field Study Of Organizational Identification”, Communication Monographs, 50, 342-362.
  • Chiles, T.D. ve J.F. McMackin (1996), “Integrating Variable Risk Preferences, Trust And Transaction Cost Economics”. Academy of Management Review, 21: 73-99.
  • Cook, J. ve T. Wall (1980), “New Work Attitude Measures Of Trust, Organizational Commitment And Personal Need Non-Fulfillment”, Journal of Occupational Psychology, 53, 39-52.
  • Cowles, D. (1997), “The Role of Trust in Customer Relationships: Asking the Right Questions”, Management Decision, 35, 4: 273-282.
  • Creed, D.W.E. ve R.E. Miles (1996), “Trust in organization: A Conceptual Framework Linking Organizational Forms Managerial Philosophies and the Opportunity” Cost of Controls. Roderick M Kramer ve Rom T.Tyler (Der), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research, 114-139, Sage Publications, London.
  • Deutsch, M. (1958), “Trust and Suspicion”, Journal of Conflict Resolution, 2, 4: 265-279.
  • Doney, P.M., Cannon J.P., ve M.M. Mullen (1998) ”Understanding The Influence Of National Culture On The Development Of Trust,” Academy of Management Journal,23:3,601-620.
  • Driscoll, J.W. (1978), “Trust And Participation If Organizational Decision Making As Predictors Of Satisfaction, Academy of Management Journal, 21:44,44-56.
  • Erdem, F. (2003) Örgütsel Yaşamda Güven, Ferda Erdem (Der), Sosyal Bilimlerde Güven, Vadi Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Ferres, N., Connell J. ve A. Travaglione (2004), “Coworker Trust As A Social Catalyst For Constructive Employee Attitudes”, Journal Managerial Psychology, 19:6, 608-622.
  • Frost, T.D., Stimson J. ve M. Maughan (1978), “Some Correlates Of Trust”, Journal of Psychology, 99: 103-108.
  • Gabarro, J. (1978), The Development Of Trust Influence And Expectations. Englewood: Prentice Hall.
  • Gambetta, D. (1988), Can We Trust, D.G. Gambetta (Der), Trust: Making and Breaking Cooperative Behaviors, 131-185, New York: Basil Blackwell.
  • Gefen, D. Karahanna E. ve D. Straub (2003), “Trust and TAM in Online Shopping: An Integrated Model”, MIS Quarterly,27:1, 51-90
  • Giffin, K. (1967), “The Contribution of Studies of Source Credibility To A Theory of Interpersonal Trust And The Communication Process”, Psychological Bulletin, 68: 104-120.
  • Günaydın, S.C. (2001), ”İşletmelerde Örgütsel Adalet Ve Örgütsel Güven Değişkenlerinin Politik Davranış Algısı Ve İşbirliği Yapma Eğilimine Etkisini İnceleyen Bir Çalışma” Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Golembiewski, .T. Ve M. Mcconkie (1975), The Centrality Of Interpersonal Trust In Group Process”, Cooper, C.L. (Der), Theories of Group Process, London, Wiley:131-185.
  • Hardin, R. (1998, Trust, New York: Russell Sage.
  • Hettonen, K. ve K. Blomqvist (2005), “Managing Distance In A Global Virtual Team: The Evolution Of Trust Through Technology Mediated Relational Communication”, Strategic Change, 14, 107-119.
  • Hosmer, L.T. (1995), “Trust: The Connecting Link between Organization Theory Philosophical
  • Hovland, C. ve J. Kelley (1953), Communication and Persuasion. New Haven: Yale University Pres
  • Huff, L. ve L. Kelley (2003), “Levels of Organizational Trust in Individualist Versus Collectivist Societies: A Seven Nation Study”, Organization Science, Vol 14:1. Jones, G.R. ve J. M George (1998), “The Experience And Evolution Of Trust: Implications For Cooperation And Teamwork”, Academy of Management Review, 23:3.
  • Kamer, M. (2001), “Örgütsel Güven, Örgütsel Bağlılık Ve Örgütsel Vatandaşlık Davranışlarına Etkileri”, Marmara Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Yüksek Lisans Tezi.
  • Kwant, R. (1965) Phenomenology of Social Existence. Pittsburg: Duquence University Press.
  • Lashinger, K.S.H ve J. Finegan (2005), “Using Empowerment to Build Trust and Respect in the Workplace: A Strategy for Addressing the Nursing Shortage”, Nursing Economics,23:1.
  • Lewicki, R.J. ve B.B.Bunker (1996), Developing and Maintaining Trust in Work Relationships. Roderick M Kramer ve Rom T.Tyler (Ed), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research, 114-139, Sage Publications, London
  • Lewis, J.D. ve A. Weigert (1985) “Trust as a Social Reality”, Social Forces, 63. Manuel, G. Anil (1999) “Trust Within The Organization: Integrating The Trust Literature With Agency Theory And Transaction Cost Economics”. Public Administration Quarterly, 2: 177-204.
  • Mayer, R., Davis J.H.Ve F.D Schoorman (1995), “ Integration Model Of Organizational Trust”, Academy of Management Review, Vol 20:3.
  • McAllister, D.(1995), “Affect And Cognition Based Trust As Foundations For Interpersonal Cooperation In Organization”, Academy Of Management Journal, 38:1 ,24-59
  • McCauley, D.P. ve K.W. Kuhnert (1992), “A Theoretical Review And Empirical Investigation Of Employee Trust In Management”, Public Administration Quarterly, Summer, 265-284
  • Mcknight, D.H. Cummings L.L. ve N.L.Chernay (1995), “Trust Formation in New Organizational Relationships” Information and Decision Sciences Workshop, Working paper, University of Minnesota.
  • Mishra, A.K (1996), Organizational Responses to Crisis: the Role of Trust, Roderick M Kramer ve Rom T.Tyler (Der), Trust in Organizations: Frontiers of Theory and Research, 114-139, sage Publications, London
  • Mishra, J. ve M.A. Morrisey (1990), “Trust In Employee/Employer Relationships: A Survey Of West Michigan Managers”, Public Personnel Management , Washington: Winter, Vol 19:4.
  • Moorman, C., Deshapande R. ve G. Zaltman (1992), “Factors Affecting Trust In Market Research Relationships”, Journal of Marketing, 57, 1: 81-101. Morgan, R. ve S. Hunt (1994) “The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing”, Journal of Marketing, 58, July: 20-38.
  • Neveu, V. (2000), Organizational Trust: Definition and Measurement”,
  • Ovaice, G (2001), “The Relationship Of Individualism And Collectivism To Perception Of Interpersonal Trust In A Global Constituting Firm”, University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign, Doctoral Dissertation.
  • Pfeffer, J. ve G.R. Salancik, (1978), The External Control of Organizations: A Resource Dependence Perspective. New York: Harper and Row.
  • Rempel, J. ve J. Holmes (1986) “How Do I Trust Thee?,” Psychology Today, 28-34. Robbins, S.P ve D.A. Deconze, (2001), Fundamentals Of Management; Essential Concepts And Applications, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  • Rotter, J.B 1967, “ A New Scale Of Measurement Of Interpersonal Trust”, Journal of Personality, 35,651-665.
  • Rousseau, D., Sitkin, M., Burt, S.B. vd. (1998), “Not So Different After At All: A Cross-Discipline View of Trust”. Academy of Management Review, 23: 393-405.
  • Sargut, S. (2001), Kültürlerarası Farklılaşma ve Yönetim, Imge Yayınevi, Ankara.
  • Shamir, B. ve Y. Lapidot (2003), “Trust in Organizational Superiors: Systematic and Collective Considerations”, Organization Studies,24:3 463-491
  • Shappiro, D.L., Sheppard, D.H., ve C. Cheraskin (1992), “Business On A Handshake”, Negotiation Journal, 8:4,365-377.
  • Shaw, R.B. (1997), “Trust in Balance: Building Successful Organizations on Results, Integrity and Concern”, Jossey-Boss Publishers, San Francisco
  • Shockley-Zalabak, P. Ellis K. ve G. Winograd (2000), “Organizational Trust: What It Means, Why It Matters”, Organization Development Journal, Vol 18:4.
  • Shockley-Zalabak, P. Ellis R. Cesaira (2000) “IABC Research Foundation Univels New Study on Trust”, Communication World, Aug/Sep, 17:6
  • Sitkin, S. ve N.Roth (1993), “Explaining The Limited Effectiveness of Legalistic Remedies For Trust/Distrust”, Organization Science, 4: 367-92.
  • Stoner, C.R. ve R.I. Hartman (2000) “Team Building: Answering Tough Questions”, Research Technology Management, 34:4,12-18.
  • Strickland, L.H. (1958), “Surveillance and Trust”, Journal of Personality, 26, 200-215.
  • Swan, J. E. ve I. F. Travick (1987) “Building Customer Trust in the Industrial Salesperson: Process and Outcomes”, Advances in Business Marketing, 2: 81-113.
  • Tan, H ve C.S Tan (2000), “Towards the Differentiation of Trust in Supervisor and Trust in Organization”, Genetic, Social and General Psychology Monographs, 126:2,241-260
  • Tompkins P.K. ve G. Cheney (1983), “Account Analysis of Organization: Decision Making and Identification”. L.L. Putnam ve M.E. Pacanowski (Der ). Communication and Organization: An Interpretive Approach, Beverly Hills, CA:Sage, 123-146.
  • Yamagishi, T. (1988), “The Provision Of Sanctioning System In The United States And Japan”, Social Psychology Quarterly, 51, 32-42.
  • Whitener, E.M. Brodt, S., M.A Korsgaard. vd.(1998), “Managers As Initiator Of Trust: An Exchange Relationship Framework For Understanding Managerial Behavior”, Academy Of Management Journal, 23:3, 513-530.
  • Worchel, P.(1979), Trust and Distrust. In G.W. Austin ve S Worchel (Eds.), The Social Psychology and Intergroup Relations, Belmont, CA:Wadsworth.
  • Zaheer A. Mcevily B., Ve V. Perrone (1998), “Does Trust Matter? Exploring Effects Of Interorganizational And Interpersonal Trust On Performance”, Organization Science, 9:2,123-142.
  • Zand, D.E 1972 “Trust And Managerial Problem Solving”. Administrative Science Quarterly, 17: 229-239.
There are 67 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İpek KALEMCİ Tüzün This is me

Publication Date June 1, 2007
Published in Issue Year 2007 Volume: 2007 Issue: 2


APA Tüzün, İ. K. (2007). Güven, Örgütsel Güven ve Örgütsel Güven Modelleri. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Sosyal Ve Ekonomik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2007(2), 93-118.

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