Writing Rules

General Rules of Writing

1. Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Journal of Social and Economic Research is per-reviewed international journal that is published twice a year (June and December)

2. Manuscript submitted to KMU Journal of Social and Economic Research shouldn’t have been published or submitted for publication before.

3. The type of the manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal (such as Type: Research Article / Review Article / Book Introduction / Book Review, etc.) should be indicated under “Keywords”.

4. The copyright of the articles published in the journal belongs to the journal. Therefore, the author (s) should upload the Copyright Transfer Agreement form to the system during the article upload process. 
(Address: https://dergipark.org.tr/kmusekad).  
By this way, the author acknowledges that the copyright of the manuscript is approved for publication in the journal.

5. For translated manuscripts submitted to the journal (only translated manuscripts), the author's permission and the original copy of the manuscript are required. In addition, the translation works are sent to the referee for approval, just like the copyright works.

6. The opinions in the articles published in the journal are the personal opinions of the authors. The articles are not official views of KMU and journal boards.

7. If the author is required to make a correction, the correction must be made within 20 days at the latest and sent to the Editorial Board.

8. Authors should submit their titles, institutions, e-mail addresses and Orcid IDs as footnotes (*). All the information about the author (s) is deleted by the editor of the journal in accordance with the principle of blind refereeing and the refereeing process starts in this direction.

9. If the study is supported by an institution or prepared from a doctoral / master's thesis, this should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the first page.

10. The articles sent to the journal should be submitted by plagiarism screening. Similarity in the report (excluding references) should be 20% or less.

Other Principles of Writing Rules

·     All original and scientific articles related to the content of the journal are included as a result of the evaluations of the arbitration board. The submitted articles are first reviewed by the editorial board considering the scope of the journal and the rules of writing. The studies that have the necessary conditions are forwarded to two referees for evaluation. The referee process of the articles is initiated in line with “the principle of blind refereeing". The referees are allowed 15 days to accept the evaluation and to evaluate the work. If there is no return from the referee (s) during this period, new referee appointments are made. Acceptance of the study for publication is required by two referees. If one of the referee evaluations is “accept” and the other is “rejection”, a third referee is appointed to evaluate the study. After all these processes are completed, studies that receive positive reports from the referees are included in the publication process. In this process, the author (s) for the final checks are submitted to the study and eventually taken to the archive for publication.

·      The manuscripts submitted to the journal should be in Turkish or English. Spelling and punctuation and abbreviations are based on the latest edition of the Turkish Language Association Spelling Book. Manuscripts should be clear and understandable in terms of language and expression in accordance with scientific criteria.

·        The manuscripts submitted for publication should not exceed 10,000 words, including the abstract and bibliography, except in exceptional circumstances.


·         Pages should be 2.5 cm apart from the right, left, bottom and top.

·         In the main sections of the article, the font should be aligned with Times New Roman, 11 pt, 1.15 line spacing and justified.

·         Paragraphs should start with a tab (1.25 cm) from the inside.

·         When quoting the block, the entire quotation should be in a tab (1.25 cm). The reference should not be forgotten when the quote is finished (Source, year: page number).

·         In the submitted works, page numbering should be done at the end of the page (bottom, centered).

Structure is separated as;

·         Title of the study

·         Abstract

·         1.Introduction

·         2.Literature Review

·         3.Methodology

·         4.Evaluation and conclusion

·         References

·         Appendix

Title of the Study

·         Turkish and English titles are written in 14 pt, centered on the first page and only the first letters are capitalized.


·        There should be an abstract of 100-150 words (in Turkish and English, whichever language is written first). In addition, at least 3 and 7 keywords should be included for the article, and the keywords should be written in a tab (1,25 cm) from the inside. Abstract should be 1.0 line spacing and 9 points.


·         The titles of the studies should be given numbers starting from the introduction section (such as 1., 1.1., 1.1.1.).  1. Level headings should be typed in capitals, 2. and 3. Level headings should be typed in capitalize the first letter while 4. Level and other subheadings should be italic and typed in capitalize only first letter of first word.

Table, Graphic, Figures and Pictures 

·         Table names should be at the top of the table; graphic, figure and picture names should be under.

·         Figures, pictures, graphics and tables should be numbered and centered on the page.

·         Line spacing should be specified as 1.0 for the articles in tables and figures.

In-text Reference Representation

Citations should be made in the text by using the link method. Citations in the text should be in the form of the surname of the author (s), the year of the source and the page number. In publications with three or more authors, the first citation should be the surname of all authors, followed by “surname of the first author et al.” (eg. Kerse et al., 2018). If there is no author name, institution name should be used instead of author.

·         Citations in single author publications: (Oktay, 2011: 70).

·         Citations in publications with two authors: (Kerse and Babadag, 2019: 422).

·         Citation in publications with three or more authors: (Paksoy, Gokce and Gol, 2014: 35).

·         Four and more: (Ince et al., 2016: 33)

·         Citing multiple sources: (Schumpeter, 1934: 66; Wood, 2005: 36).

·         Citation for the whole resource: (Drucker, 1995).

·         Citation for references without author name: (TUIK, 2012: 45).

·         Citation for more than one publication of an author in the same year: (Kerse, 2019a: 532; Kerse, 2019b: 207).

If the citation is taken from a website and the author of the citation is certain, it should be cited in a similar manner to periodicals. If the date of source downloaded from the Internet is not given, the date of access to the relevant file should be used as the year of the resource.

·         Citation with author's name and publication year: (Gokce, 2012)

·         Citation without author's name and publication year: (Rekabet Kurumu, 2008)


All references used in the article should be included in the bibliography section.

The sources used should be listed alphabetically according to the surname of the author without distinction of quality (thesis, book, article, report, etc.). The works of the same author should be placed in the bibliography starting with the most recent date. Bibliography should be indented (Hanging - 1 cm). Bibliography should be prepared in accordance with the following examples.


Ozdemir, S. and Kerse, G. (2018). The Key to Success in Entrepreneurship: Developing a Qualified Business Idea. Konya: Egitim Publishing.

Translation books

Sandel, M. J. (2009). Justice. M. Kocaoglu (Trans.). Ankara: BigBang Yayınları.

Edited books

Babadag, M. and Kerse, G. (2019). Changing the Limits of Work: Job Crafting and Its Importance. Y. Cakirel (Ed.), Management and Organization: Various Approaches in (pp. 121-128), Berlin: Peter Lang.

Books without author’s name

TMMOB EMO (2013). Nuclear Energy Report, Ankara: GY/2013/555.


Oktay, E. and Pekkucuksen, S. (2009). Civil Society Organizations as an Instrument of Democratization of Local Governments - A Brief Evaluation for Turkey. Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University Journal of Social and Economic Research, 11(16), 172-186.


Kadıoglu, M. (2012). “One and new way climate risk management”, Hurriyet, 8 Ekim.


Candan, H. (2012). Business World and The Bureaucracy Relationship: A Research on Entreprenuers’ Perception of Public Bureaucracy. (Doctoral Thesis). Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University, Social Sciences Institute, Karaman.

Sources based on the Internet

If the source does not belong to an author but an institution or organization, the name of the institution, the title of the manuscript (if any) and the internet address should be given in the bibliography.

For instance;

United Nations (1987). “Our Common Future”, http://www.un-documents.net/wced-ocf.htm, (01.10.2018).

NOTE: In cases where spelling is not specified, the issues adopted in scientific writing should be taken into consideration. 

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