A Simulative Analysis on the Usability of Cement Bonded Flat Plates in Noise Barrier Systems in Environmental Noise Control with Traffic Source
Year 2020,
, 392 - 403, 03.06.2020
Ebru Kaya
Lütfullah Gündüz
The noise barrier systems with different design components are widely used all over the
world in order to provide traffic-induced environmental noise reductions. The use of cement-based
materials in the installation of noise barrier systems is becoming increasingly important. In this paper, it
is presented the findings of a series of experimental analyzes carried out for the use of cement-bonded
fiber boards in noise barrier sections, and in the light of the findings, the applicability of an Excel-based
simulation module for different design conditions is discussed with examples. A series of analysis for the
dimensions of the barrier systems and the application environment conditions are summarized.
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Yüksek lisans tezi, s 1-13.
- Chen Y., Cai W., Jian S., 2014. Simulation Analysis of Sound Insulation for Urban Traffic Noise, Applied
Mechanics and Materials Vol. 684 (2014) pp 213-218 Submitted: 15 September 2014, doi:
- FHWA (Federal Highway Administration), 2019. Traffic Noise
- Gasparoni S., Reiter P., Wehr R., Conter M., Haider M., 2013. Bem simulations of diffraction optimized
geometrical noise barriers, with a focus on tunability. Acoustics Australia, 202- Vol. 41, No. 3,
December 2013, Vienna, Austria.
- İlgürel N., Yüğrük Akdağ N., Akdağ A., 2016. Evaluation of noise exposure before and after noise barriers,
Journal Of Envıronmental Engıneerıng And Landscape Management, ISSN 1648-6897 / eISSN
1822-41992016 Volume 24(04): 293–302, http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/16486897.2016.1184671.
- Lupea I., 2017. Consıderations On The Outdoor Noise Barriers Design And Simulation, Technical
Unıversity Of Cluj-Napoca Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics,
and Engineering, Vol. 60, Issue III, pp 343-350, September 2017.
- Navcon Engineering, 2019. Navcon Engineers for a Light Rail System.
https://navcon.com/www/content/noise-barrier-optimization, ET: 27.03.2019.
- Olive Tree Lab, 2019. Olive Tree Lab- Terrain Module. https://sagetechnologies.com/products/test-ameasurement/
acoustical/prediction-software/113-olive-tree-lab-terrain, ET: 28.03.2019.
- Sound PLAN,2019. https://www.soundplan.eu/english/soundplan-acoustics/highlights/wall-design/,
ET: 29.03.2019.
- Subera, 2019. INSUL. http://www.subera.com/urun_detay.php?id=5, ET: 29.03.2019.
Year 2020,
, 392 - 403, 03.06.2020
Ebru Kaya
Lütfullah Gündüz
Trafik kaynaklı çevresel gürültü azaltımlarının sağlanması amacıyla farklı tasarım bileşenlerine sahip
gürültü bariyerleri yaygın olarak tüm dünyada kullanılmaktadır. Çimento esaslı malzemelerin gürültü
bariyer sistemlerinin tesisinde kullanımları da giderek önem kazanmaktadır. Bu makalede, çimento
bağlayıcılı lif katkılı düz levhaların gürültü bariyer kesitlerinde kullanımına yönelik sürdürülmüş bir dizi
deneysel analizlerin bulguları sunulmakta olup, elde edilen bulgular ışığında Excel tabanlı geliştirilen bir
simülasyon modülünün farklı tasarım koşulları için uygulanabilirliği örneklerle tartışılmaktadır. Bariyer
kesit boyutlandırması ve uygulama ortamı koşullarının bir dizi analizi özetle verilmektedir.
- Aksoylu C., 2014. Yapılardaki ses izolasyonunun bilgisayar ortamında simülasyonu. Selçuk Üniversitesi,
Yüksek lisans tezi, s 1-13.
- Chen Y., Cai W., Jian S., 2014. Simulation Analysis of Sound Insulation for Urban Traffic Noise, Applied
Mechanics and Materials Vol. 684 (2014) pp 213-218 Submitted: 15 September 2014, doi:
- FHWA (Federal Highway Administration), 2019. Traffic Noise
- Gasparoni S., Reiter P., Wehr R., Conter M., Haider M., 2013. Bem simulations of diffraction optimized
geometrical noise barriers, with a focus on tunability. Acoustics Australia, 202- Vol. 41, No. 3,
December 2013, Vienna, Austria.
- İlgürel N., Yüğrük Akdağ N., Akdağ A., 2016. Evaluation of noise exposure before and after noise barriers,
Journal Of Envıronmental Engıneerıng And Landscape Management, ISSN 1648-6897 / eISSN
1822-41992016 Volume 24(04): 293–302, http://dx.doi.org/10.3846/16486897.2016.1184671.
- Lupea I., 2017. Consıderations On The Outdoor Noise Barriers Design And Simulation, Technical
Unıversity Of Cluj-Napoca Acta Technica Napocensis, Series: Applied Mathematics, Mechanics,
and Engineering, Vol. 60, Issue III, pp 343-350, September 2017.
- Navcon Engineering, 2019. Navcon Engineers for a Light Rail System.
https://navcon.com/www/content/noise-barrier-optimization, ET: 27.03.2019.
- Olive Tree Lab, 2019. Olive Tree Lab- Terrain Module. https://sagetechnologies.com/products/test-ameasurement/
acoustical/prediction-software/113-olive-tree-lab-terrain, ET: 28.03.2019.
- Sound PLAN,2019. https://www.soundplan.eu/english/soundplan-acoustics/highlights/wall-design/,
ET: 29.03.2019.
- Subera, 2019. INSUL. http://www.subera.com/urun_detay.php?id=5, ET: 29.03.2019.