Memorization plays an important role for performers in developing their ideas about execution more freely and sharing these ideas with listeners more effectively. Therefore, the acquisition of memory techniques is a necessary fact for performers. Types of memory and the process of memorization of music by learning for the acquisition of a safe memory of music have been researched. The memorization process consists of four components: Visual (photographic), acoustic, motor (kinetic/fingers) and analytic (intellectual). When these four components are used together during the study, a lasting and safe memory skill is acquired. The process of memorization consists of four steps: Perception, placement (internalization) protection, and recollection. A process of memorization where these steps are completed in full helps the memory to be created without any mistake. Also, the relationship between memorization and anxiety is also examined. When the components that factor in safe memorization are used together, the performance anxiety can be decreased, even eradicated. The artist can deliver a flawless performance with increased self-confidence. In this article suggestions such as analysis towards the improvement of memorization, memory study with increasing the amount from cellular to large section, cognitive study and notation are presented with the help of information presented above.