Ethical journalism or broadcasting is widely used terms by media institutions to improve their public credibility and increase their power on public or political institutions. Yet, due to economic, social or political concerns of media organisations, ethics are often twisted to be able to serve their political or financial interests. As a result of such ill-actions or ill-considerations media organisations have been gradually losing the trust of public in them. This article evaluates the relationship between media ethics and public credibility in them, and as a solution to the problem, it proposes setting up a new „Media Ethics Watch Committee‟ to improve better implementation of ethical standards in media organisations.
Altheide, D. L. (1993). “Electronic Media and State Control: The Case of Azscam”. The Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 43, No: 1, ss. 53-69.
Arant, D, ed. (1999), Perspectives: Ethics, Issues and Controversies in Mass Media. Coursewise Publishing, St. Paul, MN.
Avşar, Z. (2001), Medyada Klasik Etik Kodları Bir İllüzyon mu?, I. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi Kitabı, ODTÜ, Felsefe Bölümü, 12-13 Kasım 2001, ss. 112-132
Barut, B. (2001), Türk Basınında Etik, I. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi Kitabı, ODTU, Felsefe Bölümü, 12-13 Kasım 2001, ss. 112-132
Bennett, W. L. and Paletz, D. L. (1994), Taken by Storm: Media, Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Gulf War, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Bennett, W.L., Gressett, L. and Haltom W. (1985), Repairing the News: A Case Study of the News Paradigm, Journal of Communication, Vol. 35, No: 2, ss. 50–68.
Berkman, R.I. and Christopher A.S. (2003), Digital Dilemmas: Ethical Issues for Online Media Professionals. Iowa State Press, Ames.
Berry, D., ed. (2000), Ethics and Media Culture, Focal Press, Woburn, MA: Bertrand, C.J. (2003), An Arsenal for Democracy: Media Accountability Systems, Hampton Press. Cresskill, NJ.
Boeyink, D.E. and Sandra L.B. (2010), Making Hard Choices in Journalism Ethics: Cases and Practice, Routledge, New York.
Carruthers, S. L. (2000), The Media at War: Communication and Conflict in the Twentieth Century, McMillan Press Ltd., London.
Chomsky, N. and Herman, E S. (2006), Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, Vintage, New York.
Clifford, C. and Traber, M. (eds.), (1997), Communication Ethics and Universal Values, Sage Publication, London.
Couch, C. J. (1990), Mass Communications and Stale Structures, The Social Science Journal, Vol, 27, ss. 111 -128.
Elliott D.C. and Elliott, D. (eds), (1998), Journalism Ethics: A Reference Handbook, Abc-Clio, Santa Barbara (CA).
Entman, R. M. (2004), Projections of Power: Framing News, Public Opinion, and U.S. Foreign Policy, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
GfK Group (2007), GfK Trust Index 2007, GfK Group, Nürnberg.
Gordon A.D. and Kittross, J. M. (1999), Controversies in Media Ethics, Addison Wesley, New York.
Gunter, B. (1987), Television and Perceptions of Crime: The British Experience, in Television and the Fear of Crime, ss. 67-89, John Libbey, London.
Hall, P.M. (1988), Asymmetry, Information Control, and Information Technology, pp. 341-356, in Communication and Social Structure, edited by D. R. Maines and C. J. Couch Springfield, III: Charles C. Thomas.
Hausman, C. (1992), Crisis of Conscience - Perspectives on Journalism Ethics, Harper Collins, New York.
Iggers, J. (1998), Good News, Bad News - Journalism Ethics and the Public Interest, Westview Press, New York.
Jean-Bertrand, C. (2004), Medya Etiği, Başbakanlık Basın Yayın ve Enformasyon Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
Johnson, T. J. & Kaye, B. K. (1998), Cruising Is Believing? Comparing The Internet and Traditional Sources on Media Credibility Measures”, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 75, Sayı 3, ss. 325–340.
Kiousis, S. (2001), Public Trust or Mistrust? Perception of Media Credibility in the Information Age, Mass Communication & Society, Vol. 4 sayı 4, ss. 381–403.
Meyrowitz, J. (1994), The (Almost) Invisible Candidate: A Case Study in News Judgement as Political Censorship, in M. Aldridge and N. Hewitt (eds), Controlling Broadcasting, ss. 93-107, University of Manchester Press, Manchester.
Packard, V. (2007), The Hidden Persuaders, Ig Publishing, New York.
Pew Research Centre, (2011), Views of the News Media: 1985-2011, The Pew Research Centre, Washington, D.C.
Press Complaints Commission, (2010), Press Complaints: Statistics and Case Studies 2009, Press Complaints Commission, London.
Reese, S. D. (1990), The News Paradigm and the Ideology of Objectivity: A Socialist at the Wall Street Journal, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol. 7, Sayı 4, ss. 390–409.
Reporters Without Borders, (2008), Handbook for Journalists -Guide Pratique Anglais, Reporters Without Borders, Paris.
Rimmer, T. and Weaver, D. (1987), Different Questions, Different Answers? Media Use and Media Credibility, Journalism Quarterly, Vol. 64, Sayı. 28, 36- 44
Robinson, P, Goddard, P. and Parry, K. (2010), Pockets of Resistance: British News Media, War and Theory in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Sanders, K. (2003), Ethics and Journalism, Sage Publications, London.
Spitzer, S. (1987), Security and Control in Capitalist Societies: The Fetishism of Security and the Secret Thereof, in J. Lowman, R. Menzies and T. Palys (eds), Transcarceration: Essays in the Sociology of Social Control, ss. 43-61, Gower, Aldershot.
Thussu, D.K. and Freedman, D. (Eds), (2003), War and the Media: Reporting Conflict 24/7, Sage Publication, London.
Ward, S.J.A. (2005), The Invention of Journalism Ethics: The Path to Objectivity and Beyond, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal.
Ward, S.J.A. (2010), Global Journalism Ethics, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal.
Ward, S.J.A. and Wasserman, H. (eds.) (2010), Media Ethics Beyond Borders: A Global Perspective, Routledge, New York.
Piyasa Ekonomisine Geçiş Döneminde Çek ve Slovak Ekonomilerinin Genel Performansının Değerlendirilmesi
“Etiksel habercilik” terimi basılı, görsel ve işitsel medyanın kamuoyu üzerindeki etkilerini artırmak için sıkça kullandıkları kavramlar arasındadır. Ancak medya sektöründe yer alan kişi ve kurumların etik kurallara uyumlu yayıncılık yapmalarını çoğu zaman olumsuz etkileyen sosyal, ekonomik veya politik birçok faktörlerin devreye girebilmesi ile bu kurallara uyum sorunları sıkça yaşanabilmektedir. Diğer taraftan, medyada etiksel değerlerden uzaklaşma ile ortaya çıkan durum bu tür kurumların kamuoyu nezdindeki güvenilirlik derecelerini negatif olarak etkilediğinden ortaya çelişkili bir amaç-sonuç ilişkisi tablosu çıkabilmektedir. Bu yazı medyada etik kurallara uyumlu yayıncılık ile kamuoyunda güvenilirlik kazanma ilişkilerini irdelemekte ve medyada etiksel ilkelere uygun yayıncılığın teşvik edilebilmesi açısından bağımsız ve tarafsız bir „Medya Etiği Takip Kurulu‟ oluşturulmasını önermektedir.
Altheide, D. L. (1993). “Electronic Media and State Control: The Case of Azscam”. The Sociological Quarterly, Vol. 43, No: 1, ss. 53-69.
Arant, D, ed. (1999), Perspectives: Ethics, Issues and Controversies in Mass Media. Coursewise Publishing, St. Paul, MN.
Avşar, Z. (2001), Medyada Klasik Etik Kodları Bir İllüzyon mu?, I. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi Kitabı, ODTÜ, Felsefe Bölümü, 12-13 Kasım 2001, ss. 112-132
Barut, B. (2001), Türk Basınında Etik, I. Ulusal Uygulamalı Etik Kongresi Kitabı, ODTU, Felsefe Bölümü, 12-13 Kasım 2001, ss. 112-132
Bennett, W. L. and Paletz, D. L. (1994), Taken by Storm: Media, Public Opinion and U.S. Foreign Policy in the Gulf War, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
Bennett, W.L., Gressett, L. and Haltom W. (1985), Repairing the News: A Case Study of the News Paradigm, Journal of Communication, Vol. 35, No: 2, ss. 50–68.
Berkman, R.I. and Christopher A.S. (2003), Digital Dilemmas: Ethical Issues for Online Media Professionals. Iowa State Press, Ames.
Berry, D., ed. (2000), Ethics and Media Culture, Focal Press, Woburn, MA: Bertrand, C.J. (2003), An Arsenal for Democracy: Media Accountability Systems, Hampton Press. Cresskill, NJ.
Boeyink, D.E. and Sandra L.B. (2010), Making Hard Choices in Journalism Ethics: Cases and Practice, Routledge, New York.
Carruthers, S. L. (2000), The Media at War: Communication and Conflict in the Twentieth Century, McMillan Press Ltd., London.
Chomsky, N. and Herman, E S. (2006), Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, Vintage, New York.
Clifford, C. and Traber, M. (eds.), (1997), Communication Ethics and Universal Values, Sage Publication, London.
Couch, C. J. (1990), Mass Communications and Stale Structures, The Social Science Journal, Vol, 27, ss. 111 -128.
Elliott D.C. and Elliott, D. (eds), (1998), Journalism Ethics: A Reference Handbook, Abc-Clio, Santa Barbara (CA).
Entman, R. M. (2004), Projections of Power: Framing News, Public Opinion, and U.S. Foreign Policy, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
GfK Group (2007), GfK Trust Index 2007, GfK Group, Nürnberg.
Gordon A.D. and Kittross, J. M. (1999), Controversies in Media Ethics, Addison Wesley, New York.
Gunter, B. (1987), Television and Perceptions of Crime: The British Experience, in Television and the Fear of Crime, ss. 67-89, John Libbey, London.
Hall, P.M. (1988), Asymmetry, Information Control, and Information Technology, pp. 341-356, in Communication and Social Structure, edited by D. R. Maines and C. J. Couch Springfield, III: Charles C. Thomas.
Hausman, C. (1992), Crisis of Conscience - Perspectives on Journalism Ethics, Harper Collins, New York.
Iggers, J. (1998), Good News, Bad News - Journalism Ethics and the Public Interest, Westview Press, New York.
Jean-Bertrand, C. (2004), Medya Etiği, Başbakanlık Basın Yayın ve Enformasyon Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara.
Johnson, T. J. & Kaye, B. K. (1998), Cruising Is Believing? Comparing The Internet and Traditional Sources on Media Credibility Measures”, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Vol. 75, Sayı 3, ss. 325–340.
Kiousis, S. (2001), Public Trust or Mistrust? Perception of Media Credibility in the Information Age, Mass Communication & Society, Vol. 4 sayı 4, ss. 381–403.
Meyrowitz, J. (1994), The (Almost) Invisible Candidate: A Case Study in News Judgement as Political Censorship, in M. Aldridge and N. Hewitt (eds), Controlling Broadcasting, ss. 93-107, University of Manchester Press, Manchester.
Packard, V. (2007), The Hidden Persuaders, Ig Publishing, New York.
Pew Research Centre, (2011), Views of the News Media: 1985-2011, The Pew Research Centre, Washington, D.C.
Press Complaints Commission, (2010), Press Complaints: Statistics and Case Studies 2009, Press Complaints Commission, London.
Reese, S. D. (1990), The News Paradigm and the Ideology of Objectivity: A Socialist at the Wall Street Journal, Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Vol. 7, Sayı 4, ss. 390–409.
Reporters Without Borders, (2008), Handbook for Journalists -Guide Pratique Anglais, Reporters Without Borders, Paris.
Rimmer, T. and Weaver, D. (1987), Different Questions, Different Answers? Media Use and Media Credibility, Journalism Quarterly, Vol. 64, Sayı. 28, 36- 44
Robinson, P, Goddard, P. and Parry, K. (2010), Pockets of Resistance: British News Media, War and Theory in the 2003 Invasion of Iraq, Manchester University Press, Manchester.
Sanders, K. (2003), Ethics and Journalism, Sage Publications, London.
Spitzer, S. (1987), Security and Control in Capitalist Societies: The Fetishism of Security and the Secret Thereof, in J. Lowman, R. Menzies and T. Palys (eds), Transcarceration: Essays in the Sociology of Social Control, ss. 43-61, Gower, Aldershot.
Thussu, D.K. and Freedman, D. (Eds), (2003), War and the Media: Reporting Conflict 24/7, Sage Publication, London.
Ward, S.J.A. (2005), The Invention of Journalism Ethics: The Path to Objectivity and Beyond, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal.
Ward, S.J.A. (2010), Global Journalism Ethics, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal.
Ward, S.J.A. and Wasserman, H. (eds.) (2010), Media Ethics Beyond Borders: A Global Perspective, Routledge, New York.
Çetin, R. (2013). Piyasa Ekonomisine Geçiş Döneminde Çek ve Slovak Ekonomilerinin Genel Performansının Değerlendirilmesi. Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 10(1), 121-136.