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Karpal Tunel Sendromu ve Ortalama Trombosit Hacmi Arasındaki İlişki

Yıl 2021, , 178 - 181, 07.07.2021


Amaç:Bu çalışmanın amacı, Karpal Tünel Sendromu (KTS) ile anjiyogenez, tromboz, immünite ve inflamasyonla sonuçlanan ortalama trombosit hacmi (MPV) arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmektir
Gereç ve Yöntemler:2013 ve 2019 yılları arasında, 1660 hastaya mini-açık dekompresyon uygulandı ve sırasıyla 1056 sağlıklı birey kontrol grubu olarak çalışmaya dahil edildi. Dışlama kriterleri sağlandıktan sonra 166 KTS hastası (141 kadın, 25 erkek) ve 156 kontrol hastası (80 kadın, 76 erkek) olarak iki grup belirlendi. KTS ve kontrol gruplarında, 12 saat aç kalındıktan sonar alınan venöz kan örneklerinden MPV, trombositsayısı (PLT), trombosit dağılım genişliği (PDW), beyaz kan hücre (WBC) sayısı, hemoglobin (Hb), ESR ve CRP düzeyleri elde edildi ve hastane veritabanında geriye dönük olarak kaydedildi. Ayrıca KTS grubundaki hastalardan postoperative 6. ve 12. ay kontrollerinde kan örnekleri alınarak operasyon öncesi çalışılan değerler dosyadan tekrardan kaydedildi.
Bulgular:KTS hastaları arasında, ameliyat sonrası 6 ayda ortalama MPV'de bazal değere kıyasla anlamlı bir fark vardı (p = 0,027). Ortalama MPV'de 1. yılda bazal değere göre anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı (p = 0,70). Ek olarak, KTS'li hastalar ve kontroller arasında MPV değerlerinde veya diğer kan parametrelerinde (trombosit sayısı, beyaz kan sayımı, trombosit dağılımı geniş hemoglobin) anlamlı bir fark bulunmadı.
Sonuç:Çalışmamızda KTS ile MPV arasında önemli bir ilişki bulunmadığını tespit ettik. Bu konuyu aydınlatmak için daha büyük örneklem büyüklüğüne ve geniş prospektif çalışmaların gerekli olduğuna inanıyoruz.


  • 1. Werner RA, Andary M. Carpal tunnel syndrome: pathophysiology and clinical neurophysiology. Clin Neurophysiol. 2002 Sep;113(9):1373-1381.
  • 2. Reinstein L. Hand dominance in carpal tunnel syndrome. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1981 May;62(5):202-203.
  • 3. Becker J, Nora DB, Gomes I, et al. An evaluation of gender, obesity, age and diabetes mellitus as risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome. ClinNeurophysiol. 2002 Sep;113(9):1429-1434.
  • 4. Bath P, Algert C, Chapman N, Neal B. Association of mean platelet volume with risk of stroke among 3134 individuals with history of cerebro vascular disease. Stroke 2004 Feb;35:622-626.
  • 5. Wagner DD, Burger PC. Platelets in inflammation and thrombosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2003 Sep;23:2131-2137.
  • 6. Kisacik B, Tufan A, Kalyoncu U, Karadag O, Akdogan A, Ozturk MA, et al. Mean platelet volume (MPV) as an inflammatory marker in ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Joint Bone Spine. 2008 May;75:291-294.
  • 7. Karabudak O, Ulusoy RE, Erikci AA, Solmazgul E, Dogan B, Harmanyeri Y. Inflammation and hypercoagulable state in adult psoriatic men. Acta Derm Venereol 2008 Jun;88:337-340.
  • 8. Balbaloglu O, Korkmaz M, Yolcu S, Karaaslan F, Beceren NG. Evaluation of mean platelet volume (MPV) levels in patients with synovitis associated with knee osteoarthritis. Platelets. 2014 Mar;25:81-85.
  • 9. Parh Y, Schoene N, Harris W. Mean platelet volume as a indicator of platelet activation: Methodological Issues. Platelets. 2002 Jul;13:301-306.
  • 10. Foster TE, Puskas BL, Mandelbaum BR, Gerhardt MB, Rodeo SA. Platelet rich plasma: from basic science to clinical applications. Am J Sports Med. 2009 Oct;37:2259-2272.
  • 11. Nguyen RT, Bory-stein J, Mclinnis K. Applications of platelet rich plasma in musculo skeletal and sports medicine: an evidence based approach. PM&R. 2011 Mar;3:226-250.
  • 12. Down RB. The clinical and laboratuary utility of platelet volume parameters. Aust J Med Sci. 1994 Jun;15:12–15.
  • 13. Bancroft AJ, Abel EW, Mclaren M, Belch JJ. Mean trombosit volume is a useful parameter: a reproducible routine method using a modified Coulter thrombocytometer. Trombosits. 2000 Jul;11:379-387.
  • 14. Gasparyan AY, Ayvazyan L, Mikhailidis DP, Gitas GD. Mean platelet volume: a link between trombosit and inflammation? Curr Pharm Des. 2011 Oct;17:47-58.
  • 15. Kaser A, Brandacher G, Steurer W, Kaser S, Offner FA, Zoller H, et al. Interleukin-6 stimulates thrombopoiesis through thrombopoietin: role in inflammatory thrombocytosis. Blood. 2001 Nov;98:2720-2755.
  • 16. Smyth SS, McEver RP, Weyrich AS, Morrell CN, Hoffman MR, Arepally GM, et al. Platelet functions beyond hemostasis. J Thromb Haemost. 2009 Oct;7:1759-1766.
  • 17. Pelletier JP, Martel-Pelletier J, Abramson SB. Osteoarthritis, an inflammatory disease: potential implication for the selection of new therapeutic targets. Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Jun;44:1237-1247.
  • 18. Canpolat F, Akpinar H, Eskioglu F. Meanplateletvolume in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Clin Rheumatol. 2010 Dec;29:325-328.
  • 19. Shiri R, Heliovaara M, Moilanen L, Viikari J, Liira H, Viikari-Juntura E. Associations of cardiovascular risk factors, carotidintima-media thickness and manifest atherosclerotic vascular disease with carpal tunnel syndrome. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2011 Apr;12:80.
  • 20. Park JH, Kim SN, Han SM, Cheon KY, Han SW, Kim JY, et al. Carotidintima-media thickness in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. J UltrasoundMed. 2013 Oct;32:1753-1757.

The Relation Between Mean Platelet Volume and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Yıl 2021, , 178 - 181, 07.07.2021


Objectives:The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and mean platelet volume (MPV) in which is raleted with angiogenesis, thrombosis, immunity and inflammation.
Material and Methods:Between 2013 and 2019, 1660 patients underwent mini-open decompression and 1056 healthy individuals were included in the study as study and control grup respectively. After the exclusion criteria are provide, patients were determined 166 CTS patients and 156 control patients in two groups. In the CTS and control groups, MPV, platelet count (PLT), platelet distribution width (PDW), white blood cell(WBC) count, haemoglobin (Hb), ESR and CRP levels were obtained from venous blood samples drawn after 12-h fasting and were recorded retrospectively from the hospital database.In addition, blood samples were taken from the patients in the CTS group at the postoperative 6th and 12th month controls and the values studied before the operation were re-recorded from the file.
Results:Among the CTS patients, only there was a significant difference in the mean MPV at 6 months postoperatively compared to baseline (p=0.027). No significant difference was detected inthe mean MPV at 1 year compared to baseline (p=0.70). In addition, no significant differences were found in MPV values or in other blood parameters (platelet count, white blood count, platelet distribution widthand, haemoglobin) between patients with CTS and controls.
Conclusion:We found that no significant relationship was detected between CTS and MPV in our study. We believe that further prospective studies with larger sample size are needed to elucidate this topic.


  • 1. Werner RA, Andary M. Carpal tunnel syndrome: pathophysiology and clinical neurophysiology. Clin Neurophysiol. 2002 Sep;113(9):1373-1381.
  • 2. Reinstein L. Hand dominance in carpal tunnel syndrome. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1981 May;62(5):202-203.
  • 3. Becker J, Nora DB, Gomes I, et al. An evaluation of gender, obesity, age and diabetes mellitus as risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome. ClinNeurophysiol. 2002 Sep;113(9):1429-1434.
  • 4. Bath P, Algert C, Chapman N, Neal B. Association of mean platelet volume with risk of stroke among 3134 individuals with history of cerebro vascular disease. Stroke 2004 Feb;35:622-626.
  • 5. Wagner DD, Burger PC. Platelets in inflammation and thrombosis. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2003 Sep;23:2131-2137.
  • 6. Kisacik B, Tufan A, Kalyoncu U, Karadag O, Akdogan A, Ozturk MA, et al. Mean platelet volume (MPV) as an inflammatory marker in ankylosing spondylitis and rheumatoid arthritis. Joint Bone Spine. 2008 May;75:291-294.
  • 7. Karabudak O, Ulusoy RE, Erikci AA, Solmazgul E, Dogan B, Harmanyeri Y. Inflammation and hypercoagulable state in adult psoriatic men. Acta Derm Venereol 2008 Jun;88:337-340.
  • 8. Balbaloglu O, Korkmaz M, Yolcu S, Karaaslan F, Beceren NG. Evaluation of mean platelet volume (MPV) levels in patients with synovitis associated with knee osteoarthritis. Platelets. 2014 Mar;25:81-85.
  • 9. Parh Y, Schoene N, Harris W. Mean platelet volume as a indicator of platelet activation: Methodological Issues. Platelets. 2002 Jul;13:301-306.
  • 10. Foster TE, Puskas BL, Mandelbaum BR, Gerhardt MB, Rodeo SA. Platelet rich plasma: from basic science to clinical applications. Am J Sports Med. 2009 Oct;37:2259-2272.
  • 11. Nguyen RT, Bory-stein J, Mclinnis K. Applications of platelet rich plasma in musculo skeletal and sports medicine: an evidence based approach. PM&R. 2011 Mar;3:226-250.
  • 12. Down RB. The clinical and laboratuary utility of platelet volume parameters. Aust J Med Sci. 1994 Jun;15:12–15.
  • 13. Bancroft AJ, Abel EW, Mclaren M, Belch JJ. Mean trombosit volume is a useful parameter: a reproducible routine method using a modified Coulter thrombocytometer. Trombosits. 2000 Jul;11:379-387.
  • 14. Gasparyan AY, Ayvazyan L, Mikhailidis DP, Gitas GD. Mean platelet volume: a link between trombosit and inflammation? Curr Pharm Des. 2011 Oct;17:47-58.
  • 15. Kaser A, Brandacher G, Steurer W, Kaser S, Offner FA, Zoller H, et al. Interleukin-6 stimulates thrombopoiesis through thrombopoietin: role in inflammatory thrombocytosis. Blood. 2001 Nov;98:2720-2755.
  • 16. Smyth SS, McEver RP, Weyrich AS, Morrell CN, Hoffman MR, Arepally GM, et al. Platelet functions beyond hemostasis. J Thromb Haemost. 2009 Oct;7:1759-1766.
  • 17. Pelletier JP, Martel-Pelletier J, Abramson SB. Osteoarthritis, an inflammatory disease: potential implication for the selection of new therapeutic targets. Arthritis Rheum. 2001 Jun;44:1237-1247.
  • 18. Canpolat F, Akpinar H, Eskioglu F. Meanplateletvolume in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Clin Rheumatol. 2010 Dec;29:325-328.
  • 19. Shiri R, Heliovaara M, Moilanen L, Viikari J, Liira H, Viikari-Juntura E. Associations of cardiovascular risk factors, carotidintima-media thickness and manifest atherosclerotic vascular disease with carpal tunnel syndrome. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2011 Apr;12:80.
  • 20. Park JH, Kim SN, Han SM, Cheon KY, Han SW, Kim JY, et al. Carotidintima-media thickness in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome. J UltrasoundMed. 2013 Oct;32:1753-1757.
Toplam 20 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Fatih Doğar 0000-0003-3848-1017

Kaan Gürbüz 0000-0002-0144-5517

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Temmuz 2021
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Ekim 2020
Kabul Tarihi 24 Mart 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

AMA Doğar F, Gürbüz K. The Relation Between Mean Platelet Volume and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. KSÜ Tıp Fak Der. Temmuz 2021;16(2):178-181. doi:10.17517/ksutfd.810636