Copyright Regulation and the Conflict of Interest Principle

Manuscripts to be submitted to Mediterranean Journal of GWS should not have been published earlier, scheduled for publication, or at the evaluation process in another journal. The articles in Mediterranean Journal of GWS are open access articles licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License which permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. Authors have to sign the Copyright Transfer and the Conflict of Interest Forms and upload them on the system during the submission process. Authors authorize the journal to share their works with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and the journal under the principles of the Creative Commons Attribution.

Click here for Copyright Transfer and the Conflict of Interest Forms.

On the behalf of all authors, the corresponding author:

  • The article submitted is the original work of author(s);
  • All authors participated in the work in an individual way and are prepared to take all kinds of the responsibilities for the work;
  • In the submitted article, all authors are authorized to transfer all the financial rights of them related to the article to KTC Journal and make commitments in the form, therefore they will be responsible for all disputes that have occurred and that may occur;
  • All authors have seen and approved the submitted article’s latest form.
  • E-mail and street addresses of all authors have been entered into the Dergipark System correctly.
  • The article has not been published and is not being submitted or considered for publication elsewhere;
  • The text, illustrations, and any other materials included in the article do not infringe upon any existing copyright or other rights of anyone.
  • S/he accepts and undertakes that his/her financial rights on the submitted article, in particular all public transmission rights including processing, reproduction, representation, printing, distribution, and online transmittal are transmitted to KTC Journal for unlimited use. 

Notwithstanding the above, the author(s) retain(s) intellectual property rights such as:

  • the right to use the entire article free of charge in their books or other works in the future,
  • the right to reproduce the article for their own purposes provided the copies are not offered for sale.

With that being said, author(s) has/have the right to reproduce, distribute the article by mail or electronically. The use of any part of the article in another publication is permitted, provided that Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women's Studies is specified as the publisher and referred to the Journal. While citing, Journal Name, Article Name, Name (Surname) of the Author (s), Volume No, Issue No and Year should be given.

The corresponding author also undertakes that “GWS Journal and Journal editors” are not responsible for the demands for rights or cases to be opened by the third parties due to the violation of right and all the responsibilities belong to him/her as a corresponding author. Besides, the author undertakes that there is not any crime element or any statement against law in the article, any kind of method or material which is against law is not used during the research process, and takes all necessary legal permissions and behave in accordance with the ethical rules about the work. 

  • Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies guarantees to preserve the highest standards of publication ethics and adheres to the following principles of Core Practices prepared in accordance with the guidelines and policies developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for journal editors.
  • Submitted manuscripts should not have been previously published, or scheduled and/or evaluated to be published in another journal.
  • Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies abides by the standards of COPE for publication ethics. Therefore, in cases of misconduct or violation of publication ethics, the journal will take the publication ethics flowcharts developed by COPE ( as a reference.
  • In accordance with the double-blind peer review process, Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies conserves the anonymity of authors and reviewers when submitted articles are sent for review.
  • It is the journal’s responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of any information regarding authors. However, such information may be shared in a possible enquiry in order to investigate any allegations of misconduct. Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies defines its principles regarding any allegations of misconduct in accordance with the guidelines prepared by the COPE and shares these principles with the stakeholders on its website.
  • Text recycling, that is using the chapters of a single text in various publications of the same author without any reference, is unacceptable for Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies. In such cases, the journal acts according to the relevant guidelines determined by the COPE.
  • Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies protects and supports freedom of expression under all circumstances. Moreover, the journal considers any racist, sexist or discriminatory content as hate speech and uses its right to refuse such contents without sending them for review.
  • In case of a conflict of interest regarding an article, the journal openly supports intellectual and ethical standards; and defines relevant ethical principles that authors, reviewers, editors and theme editors should comply with.
  • In case of a conflict of interest regarding an article, the journal suspends the peer review process until the ambiguity is clarified; and it has the authority to request the Ethics Board Waiver Form, Interview Consent Form and other documents that need to be submitted by authors regarding their articles.
  • Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies is sensitive and responsible for publishing edited contents, commentaries, apologies and refutations.
  • Editors and publishers of the journal are obliged to follow legal advices in case that repetitions in an article, that is coinciding texts in two different publications, violate any intellectual property rights.

Policies concerning possible abuse claims

KTC Journal adopts the measures of COPE's "possible abuse" situations against abuse and misuse. Therefore, in the Publication Ethics Principles section publisher, editors, referers, editorial board and authors ' obligations throughout the pre-, in progress- and post- publication possible abuse situations are clearly defined in detail.

  • The purpose of collaborating and making efforts to investigate in cases of suspected abuse is to provide benefits such as acting in a cooperative way with investigations/writers and/or institutions. In cases where the same work is sent to different publications, comparing different versions of the same works submitted to different journals while comparing the descriptions compiled from the authors and investigators for the submitted work is necessary.
  • KTC Journal, considering the importance of confidentiality in the process of scientific publishing, shares information about the authors and referers only to prevent and respond to a suspicious misuse of research and to fulfill its obligation.
    Upon any necessity, information is shared only with editors who are believed to have familiarity with the subject, and the shared information is limited solely to the fact-only content.
  • Editor and field editors commit to ensure the largest possible protection of communication confidentiality.
  • Mediterranean Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies contemplates that possible conflicts of interest among its stakeholders could damage the publication ethics. Therefore, the journal defines the liabilities of all stakeholders in order to determine and prevent conflicts of interest.

Referee Responsibilities

  • The referers evaluate the articles in terms of scientific content, regardless of their authors' ethnic origin, gender, religion, religious beliefs or political philosophy. In terms of referers; there should be no conflict of interest or competition related to or between researchers, authors or other related parties. Referee decisions must be objective.
  • Referers must indicate the published related publications not cited by the author. They are obliged to inform the editor when all information about the submitted article is kept confidential and it notices the copyright infringement and plagiarism made by the author.
  • If the referee thinks that the content of a submitted post is incompatible with his or her scientific field or accumulation, he/she must inform the editor and ask for forgiveness from the evaluation process.
    Click to access the PDF document "Referee Guide" prepared by COPE.

Editorial responsibilities

  • Editors evaluate the articles from the in terms of scientific content, regardless of their authors ' ethnic origin, gender, gender preference, religion, religious beliefs or political philosophers. They provide a fair pair of double-blind peer-review processes for the publication of sent posts. They ensure that all information about the submitted article is kept confidential until publication.
  • Editors are responsible for the content and total quality of the publication. They publish corrections as needed through the typesetting error pages.
  • Editors should not allow any conflicts of interest or competition between authors, editors and referers. In KTC Journal, only the editor has full authority in the appointment of the referee and is responsible for the outcome decision on the publication of the articles.
    Click to access the PDF document "general duties and responsibilities of editors" prepared by COPE.

Last Update Time: 9/16/20, 11:54:22 AM

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