Writing Rules

Basic rules to be followed during the preparation of the article:

1. The language of the journal is English.
2. The works sent to be published in our journal should not be published in any other journal, accepted for publication, or should not be in the evaluation stage to be published. The author (s) agree and undertake that they will not send the articles they send to the journal to another journal before the evaluation process is completed.
3. Editorial board; reserves the right to reject articles that have not been uploaded by journal rules or return them to the author for editing by editorial guidelines.
4. If some of the research results sent to our journal for evaluation have been previously published/presented on scientific platforms, the name of this scientific platform, the information of the publication (journal, etc.) published by the research, the date of the published/presented and the place (city/country) if available title must be specified on the page.
5. The responsible author (s) of the article, in his studies sent to our journal for publication, excerpt writing, table, picture, etc., if available, obtain written permission from the owner and authors of the publication and state this in the article. Legal responsibility in this matter belongs to the author (s).
6. The format of the articles should be arranged according to the rules of Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: Writing and Editing for Biomedical Publication (http://www.icmje.org/).
7. All responsible authors of the article should state their scientific contributions and responsibilities, no conflict of interest, and if any, partial or in-kind financial or in-kind aid to researchers, by which institution, organization, and drug-supply companies.
8. Scientific and ethical responsibility rests entirely with the author (s).
9. No fee is paid for the articles published in the journal.
10. All submitted articles are screened for plagiarism. Manuscripts with a plagiarism rate of 20% or more are returned to the author.

11. The Corresponding author is obliged to follow up on all procedures from the submission of the article, including spelling rules, evaluation, revision, layout, and final readings. He should take into account the e-mails and messages sent to him. It is obliged to supply all the missing or faulty documents deemed necessary by the Editorial Board at every stage of the submission.

Files that need to be uploaded to the system in the submission of the article

1) Konuralp Medical Journal Publication Rights Transfer and Author Contribution Form will be scanned and uploaded as PDF after signing by ALL AUTHORS. (Wet signature will be scanned and uploaded as PDF)  https://dergipark.org.tr/en/journal/561/file-manager/17193/download   https://dergipark.org.tr/en/journal/561/file/4550/download 
2)Conflict of interest form        https://dergipark.org.tr/en/journal/561/file/4549/download  
3) Ethics committee Approval Form
4) Title Page (WORD format)
Title Page: Title of the article (English and Turkish), short title not exceeding 40 characters, names of all authors, academic titles (in English), ORCID® numbers, institutions (in English), e-mail addresses as well as the name of the responsible author, address of correspondence must include phone number, email address. If the article was previously presented in a scientific meeting, the name, date, and place of the meeting (if not present) should be specified.

5) Main text file
In the main text file, the Turkish Article title, Turkish abstract, keywords, English title, English summary, keywords, Introduction, Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, References, Tables subtitles should be listed respectively. Abstract section should be listed as Objective, Method, Result, Conclusion, and Keywords.
Figures (Since all the photographs, graphics and diagrams are accepted as figures, they must be uploaded to the system in their original size, 300 dpi resolution and in JPEG format, or they must be uploaded in one piece from PDF format. Figure numbers must be indicated in the text with Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3 ...) Figure writings should be included in the main text file immediately after the references together with the figure numbers.)

In terms of scientific publishing standards, articles to be submitted should be prepared by the criteria of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).
• All articles must have complied with the research and publication ethics. The responsibility of the articles belongs to the authors.
• Articles are required to have not been published anywhere previously, and/or are not in the evaluation process for publication.
• Articles must be submitted with the Copyright Transfer Form signed by all authors to begin the evaluation process. For authors' order, the signature order in the Copyright Transfer Form is based on.
• The corresponding author is responsible for the final version of the article on behalf of all authors.

• Compliance with The Principles of Helsinki Declaration (https://www.wma.net/what-we-do/medical-ethics/declaration-of-helsinki/) is required in all studies, including “human” factor. In this kind of studies, authors must state that they perform the study in compliance with these principles, they have taken the approval from the ethics committee of their institution, and the “informed consent” from people participating in the study, in the MATERIAL AND METHODS section.
• If the “animal” factor was used in the study, the authors must state that they have protected the animal rights in line with the principles of Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/olaw/guide-for-the-care-and-use-of-laboratory-animals.pdf) and they have taken the approval from the ethics committee of their institution, in the MATERIAL AND METHODS section.
• In case reports, informed consent must be taken from patients.
• The information of the ethics committee approval should be indicated together with the name of the committee, approval date and number, in the MATERIAL AND METHODS section.
• If there is a direct-indirect commercial relation or an institution giving financial support in the study, authors must state that they have no commercial relationship with the commercial product, medicine, company, etc. used, or if any, what kind of a relationship they have (consultant, other agreements), in the cover letter to the editor.
• The authors are responsible for reporting all personal and financial relationships that may be related to the study. It is necessary to state clearly whether there is any conflict of interest related to the submission and/or evaluation of the article.
• Compliance of the articles with the scientific and ethical rules is the responsibility of the authors.


• The author (s) is obliged to abide by the English grammar rules and the journal's spelling rules when submitting their articles to Konuralp Medical Journal.
• Articles should be prepared as Microsoft Word ® documents. It should be prepared in 12 font size, black, 1.5 line spacing, justified, without leaving paragraph indent. In the main text of the article, all pages should be numbered from the bottom right corner, starting with 1

• The article should be written by the English spelling and punctuation rules. Anatomical terms should be used as written in Latin. Terms written in a form other than English must be quoted in quotation marks. Abbreviations should be given in parentheses where the word goes first, and that abbreviation should be used throughout the text.

1. Title page file

• The title page file should be prepared separately from the article, and it should be uploaded to the system stating that it is a title page. Due to the practice of blind refereeing, there is no place in the main text about the names of institutions and organizations or the information that will reveal the identity of the authors or the institutions they work for. For this reason, such information, which cannot be provided in the main text, is included on the title page.

In general terms, the sections that should be on the title page;
• Title of the article
On the title page, the first letters of each word should be written in capital letters (except conjunctions). No abbreviations should be used in the title (except for accepted standard uses).
• Authors
Only the authors who directly contribute to the study should be included in the article. The names, surnames and ORCID numbers of all authors, the city they are affiliated with, and the city they are affiliated with should be stated. Contact information of the responsible author to be contacted should be written. (Author's name, surname, full address, work and/or mobile phone number, e-mail address)
• Supporting the study
Funds and institutions supporting the study should be stated on the title page. If the study is planned to be presented at any congress or if it was previously presented as a poster or oral presentation, the name, time (day / month / year) and place of the congress must be written.
When the author (s) deem it necessary, they can write thanks to the institutions or individuals whose contributions to the writing are not at the authorship level. Here, the contributions of the institutions/persons thanked (such as monetary or equipment support, technical assistance, etc.) should be clearly stated (eg 'scientific advice', 'draft correction', 'data collection', 'participation in clinical research').

2. Main text file
• It should contain the following titles in order;
Abstract section should consist of Objective, Method, Result, Conclusion, and Keywords subtitles.
Key Words section to be selected from Turkey Science Terms of keywords in a scientific paper, the authors benefit from our magazine, this issue is particularly recommended by the editorial http://www.bilimterimleri.co address.
In the Introduction section, the basic information and the reasons on which the article is based should be briefly mentioned, and the purpose should be stated in the last paragraph with a clear expression.
The method section should be arranged according to subtitles such as research/patient / subject group, tools, application, and statistical evaluation if necessary. This section should be written in a way that someone who is not involved in the study can easily understand.
In the Result section, the main findings should be given complete with statistical data and these findings should be supported visually with appropriate tables, graphics and figures.
In the Discussion section, the findings of the study should be discussed in the context of the results of relevant studies at home and abroad; it should include discussion of specific findings, not a general review.
Conclusion findings of the study should be concluded in the light of the discussions and presented in a summary.

The fact that the number of citations of journals can be determined healthily is directly related to the proper writing of the sources. For the source software to be smooth, the information that will provide accessibility to the article must be included in full and correct. Each journal needs to set these standards in its articles by establishing an international standard for resource writing rules. Use of resources should be selective, and resources that contribute to the study should be included.

References and examples should be as follows;
Liaw S, Hasan I, Wade, V, Canalese R, Kelaher M, Lau P, et al. Improving cultural respect to improve Aboriginal health in general practice: a multi-perspective pragmatic study. Aust Fam Physician. 2015; 44 (6): 387-92.

Johnson C, Anderson SR, Dallimore J, Winser S, Warrell D, Imray C, et al. Oxford handbook of expedition and wilderness medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2015.

McLatchie GR, Borley NR, Chikwe J, editors. Oxford handbook of clinical surgery. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2013.

• e-book;
Hoffmann T, Del Mar C, Bennett S. Evidence-based practice across the health professions [Internet]. 3rd ed. Chatswood (NSW): Elsevier Australia; 2017 [cited 2019 Feb 14]. Available from: https://www-clinicalkey-com-au.ezproxy.library.uwa.edu.au/ #! / Browse / book / 3-s2.0-C20160032369

Bydder S. Liver metastases. In: Lutz S, Chow E, Hoskin P, editors. Radiation oncology in palliative cancer care. Chichester (UK): John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2013. p. 283-98.

Meechan JG, Jackson G. Local anesthesia for children. In: Welbury R, Duggal MS, Hosey MT, editors. Paediatric dentistry [Internet]. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2018 [cited 2019 Jan 4]; p. 84-95. Available from: https://ebookcentral-proquest-com.ezproxy.library.uwa.edu.au/lib/uwa/reader.action?docID=5354016&ppg=103

• THESIS (printed);
Ho SH. Preventative risk modeling and mapping of Murray Valley encephalitis virus and dengue virus in Western Australia [master’s thesis]. [Perth (AU)]: University of Western Australia; 2015.

• THESIS (electronic);
Seale AC. The clinical and molecular epidemiology of Streptococcus agalactiae in Kenya: maternal colonization and perinatal outcomes [dissertation on the Internet]. [Oxford (England)]: University Oxford; 2015 [cited 2015 Jul 28]. Available from: http://ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:6e7d952a-dc5b-4af0-b0bb-f2ae2184eed0

World Health Organization. Drinking water [Internet]. Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2015 Jun [cited 2018 Jul 20]. Available from: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs391/en/

Castillo RR, Abarquez RF, Aquino AV, Sy RG, Gomez LA, Divinagracia RA, et al. editors. 10th Asia Pacific Congress of Hypertension (APCH) 2014; 2014 Feb 12-15; Cebu City (Philippines). Florence (Italy): Monduzzi Editore, International Proceedings Division; C2014.

Tables file
Each table should have a title, be included in the main text file after the References. The table number and title should be located just above the table (it should be written separately for each table). The name of the table should be written in a sentence format with the first letter of the first word capital.
If a previously printed table is used, written permission must be obtained and this permission must be stated in the explanation section.
As the figures, photographs, graphics and diagrams are all considered to be figures, they must be uploaded to the system in its original size, at 300 dpi resolution (images must have contrast and clarity so that colors and details are visible) and uploaded in one format from PDF format. Figure numbers should be indicated with Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3 ...) in the text. Figure writings should be included in the main text file immediately after the references, along with the figure numbers.

The types of articles to be sent to our journal should be in the following categories and should be prepared with the specified specifications.

1. Research Article
• Research Articles and Reviews; prospective, retrospective and all kinds of experimental studies. Text word count (excluding references and tables) should be maximum 3,500 words and this number should not be exceeded.
• Abstract; It should be arranged to be at least 200 and at most 250 words.

2. Review
• Review articles should be prepared by discussing the latest literature in health (especially publications of the last 5 years). In the acceptance of the reviews, the author should have published publications on the subject. The number of text words (excluding references and tables) should be at most 4500 words and this number should not be exceeded.
• Abstract; It should be arranged to have a minimum of 250 and a maximum of 300 words.
• Number of references should be 50 at most.

3. Case Report
• Case reports are articles that discuss and discuss the characteristics of one or more cases of clinical importance and scientific significance. These are rare articles that differ in diagnosis and treatment. A sufficient number of photographs and diagrams should support it. Text word count (excluding references and tables) should be a maximum 1500 words and this number should not be exceeded. • Abstract; It should be arranged to be at least 100 and 150 words.

4. Letter to the Editor
• These articles contain different opinions, experiences and questions of the readers regarding the articles published in the journal last year. It should be stated which article is dedicated to the article by giving the number and date. The answers given by the author (s) of the article, which have been criticized as much as possible, are published together with. There are no title and summary sections.

Konural Medical Journal Editorial Board




Last Update Time: 3/6/25, 10:39:48 AM