Aim & Scope

Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology ISSN 1302-7840 (pressed) and E-ISSN 2667-8225 (online) is being published online since 2019. Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology is the academic official publication of the Cyprus Mental Health Institute. Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology – Cyp Turk J Psychiatry and Psychol in abbreviation, aims to reach a national and international audience and accept applications from worldwide authors. The journal gives high priority to the publication of original studies of clinicians and scientists in disciplines related to psychiatry and psychology. In addition, Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology publishes high-quality research by experts and scientists in neurology, pharmacology, social services, genetics, physiology, psychiatry nursing, and other related sciences related to the fields of psychiatry and psychology after a meticulous review of a referee.

The journal is accessible to all interested people without a subscription fee, which increases the goal of reaching all interested national and international associations and individuals.

Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology is found on the List of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
The journal follows the updates of the ICMJE Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals.

Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology was included in the NAPS Journal List by the Novel Academy Publication Standard (NAPS) in the assessment, recommendation, accreditation and certification process in order to raise the publication quality standard.

In line with the decision of the Editorial Board of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology on December 20, 2020, it has been decided to publish the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology in 4 issues (March, June, September, December) as of 2021.

Articles accepted for publication by the Editorial Board are read by language (Turkish, English) editors. During the evaluation process of the articles, the editorial board, referees, or language editors may suggest corrections regarding the writing of the article. It is the authors’ responsibility to make these corrections.

The aim of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, Cyprus, Turkey and in the world, mainly Psychiatry and Psychology, to provide the scientific level of theoretical knowledge and clinical experience to create and promote a forum.

In the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, original research articles, review articles, case reports, letters / debates, books and dissertations will be published. The Turkish Cypriot Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology, whose short name is Cyp Turk J of Psychiatry and Psychol, is published both in print (ISSN: 1302-7840) and online (E-ISSN: 2667-8225).

Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology recommends that authors follow the Recommendations for the conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Period Months
March June September December