Writing Rules

General Information:

The language of the Cyprus Turkish Journal of Psychiatry and Psychology is Turkish and English. Manuscripts should be written in a clear, fluent, simple language and long narratives should be avoided. Turkish equivalents of foreign words and abbreviations must be fully written in parenthesis where they crossed. Generic names of drugs should be used. Footnotes should not be used.

The names of the authors should be placed at the bottom right of one line of the article title and the title, institution, address, telephone, e-mail address should be given with the asterisk (*). Authors / text-specific terminology and / or abbreviations should be explained in footnotes. The author (s) must be the person (s) who makes the work and writes directly.

If the research has received financial support from an organization or has been presented in a congress, it should be placed on the last word of the title of the manuscript (*) and should be indicated as a bottom note.

Articles are on one side of A4 paper size, 2.5 cm on all sides. It should be written with “Times New Roman” font with 12 pt and one and a half line spacing. The Turkish title should not exceed 19 words. Subheadings must be preceded by line spacing, no space between paragraphs and no paragraph indented. Footnotes should be used to provide additional information, not for source representation, should be numbered on the page, written in 10 pt and 1line spacing and justified. The page numbers must also be placed at the bottom with 11 pt.

Accepted articles are published in order.

Preparation of articles

Title page

The Turkish and English title of the article should not exceed 19 words. Abbreviations should not be used in the title. In the article, only the names and surnames of the authors who directly contributed to the study, their titles, and the institutions they work for should be written clearly. Funds and organizations supporting the study should be specified on the title page.

Contact information of the author to be contacted should be written at the bottom of the title page (Author’s name, surname, full address, postal code, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address should be written).


Abstracts should be written in Turkish and English and should contain a maximum of 250 words. The abstract should be organized according to purpose-method-results-discussion sections. Turkish and English key words (3-8) for the article should be given right after the abstracts. English keywords should be given in accordance with “Medical Subject Headings (MESH)” (http://www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html). Turkish keywords should be in accordance with Turkey Science Terms (TBT) (http://www.bilimterimleri.com). Using abbreviations in abstracts should be avoided as much as possible. When abbreviations must be used, they should be used after they are defined in parentheses at the first mention.

Article Text Body:

Research articles: After the abstract, the subtitles of introduction-method and materials-results-discussion-resources should be included, the latest information on the subject should be included, the method should be written clearly, the validity and reliability studies of the measurement tools used and the tests used for evaluation, standard deviation, test values ​​must be specified. In the discussion, the clinical and theoretical benefits of the results, application areas, and innovations should be emphasized. Articles should not exceed 3500 words. The article should contain a maximum of 6 tables or figures. Care should be taken that the number of references does not exceed 50 resources.

Review articles: The purpose, the method used, the sources used, the results obtained should be stated. Articles should not exceed 3500 words. The article should contain a maximum of 6 tables or figures. Care should be taken that the number of references does not exceed 50 resources.

Case reports: Case reports should include introduction, description of the cases, discussion and references sections. The article should not exceed 3000 words. It should be noted that the number of references for typical or rare cases that are found useful in terms of clinical or theoretical education should not exceed 30 references. The number of tables or figures should not exceed 2.

Perspectives: In these articles, experience-based opinions on controversial or controversial issues affecting the profession should be discussed with the introduction of the literature. The article should not exceed 2500 words. Number of Resources should not exceed 20. The number of tables or figures should not be more than 2.

Practical Psychotherapy: In these articles, the introduction and information about psychotherapy application should be discussed in the light of the literature. The article should not exceed 2500 words. Number of Resources should not exceed 20. The number of tables or figures should not be more than 2.

Comments: The features of the article discussed with the introduction should be discussed in the light of the literature. The article should not exceed 2500 words. Number of Resources should not exceed 20. The number of tables or figures should not be more than 2.

Letter: Opinions in which a discussion forum can be formed on various issues in the journal are included in the letter section. The article should not exceed 500 words.

Translation, book and thesis presentation: Translation, book and thesis introductions should be short, an original copy of the translation texts and thesis should be sent. The article should not exceed 500 words.

Thank letter:

The letter of acknowledgment can be added to the individuals who contributed or to the funds and organizations supporting the study, if any.


In-article citations and bibliography in the journal should be shown according to the international APA format. For detailed information, see the Resources section on the website.

Reference in Text

References should be written in parentheses in the text by including the surnames and publication date of the manuscripts. If more than one source is to be shown, the (;) sign must be used between the references. References should be sorted alphabetically.

Single author References;

(Akyolcu, 2007)

References with two authors;

(Sayıner and Demirci, 2007, p. 72)

References with three, four and five authors;

For the first use in the text: (Ailen, Ciambrune and Welch 2000, pp. 12 .13) In repeated use within the text: (Ailen et al., 2000).

References with six and more authors;

(Çavdar et al., 2003)

References in References Section

All references should be given in a separate section at the end of the text in alphabetical order.

Examples of literature writing are given below.


a) Book Example

Onur, B. (1997). Developmental Psychology, Ankara: İmge Kitapevi.

b) Translation of Books

Schuckit MA. (1993). Alcohol and Substance Abuse. K Kamberoglu (trans.), Izmir: Kanyilmaz Matbaasi.

c) Multi Writer Turkish Book

Tonta, Y., Bitirim, Y. and Sever, H. (2002). Performance evaluation in Turkish search engines. Ankara: Total Informatics.

d) English Book

Kamien R., & amp; Kamien, A. (2014). Music: An appreciation. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.

e) Section in English Book

Bassett, C. (2006). Cultural studies. In G. Hall & C. Birchall (Eds.), New cultural studies: Adventures in theory (pp. 220 Bir237). Edinburgh, UK: Edinburgh University Press.

f) Section in Turkish Book

Erkmen, T. (2012). Organizational culture: Functions, elements, the importance of business management and leadership. M. Zencirkıran (Ed.), In the book of Organizational Sociology (pp. 233an263). Bursa: Dora Edition Publication.


a) Article

Mutlu, B. and Savaşer, S. (2007). Causes of stress in parents in the intensive care unit after surgery and attempts to reduce. Istanbul University Florence Nightingale Nursing Journal, 15 (60), 179ing182.

b) More Than Seven Writers in Article

Lal, H., Cunningham, A. L., Godeaux, O., Chlibek, R., Diez-Domingo, J., Hwang, S.-J. … Heineman, T. C. (2015). Efficacy of an adjuvanted herpes zoster subunit vaccine in older adults. New England Journal of Medicine, 372, 2087 Medicine2096. http://dx.doi.org/10.1056/nejmoa1501184

Thesis, Presentation, Paper

a) Thesis

Yellow, E. (2008). Cultural identity and policy: Interculturalism in Mardin. (Unpublished PhD Thesis). Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Ankara.

b) Congress Presentation

Çepni, S., Bacanak, A. and Özsevgeç, T. (2001, June). The relation of science teacher candidates attitudes towards science branches and their success in science branches. Paper presented at the X. National Educational Sciences Congress, Abant İzzet Baysal University, Bolu

Tables and Figures:

Tables should be written on a separate page with single spacing. Each table should have a number and descriptive information on top. If abbreviations are included in the table, the expansions of these abbreviations should be placed under the table in the form of subtitles and in alphabetical order.

When using previously printed or electronically published tables, written permission must be obtained from both the author and the publisher, and this must be sent to the editor of the journal by fax or mail.

Transverse and longitudinal lines should not be used in the table, only straight lines should be drawn at the top and bottom.

The visuals and note examples in the articles should be numbered as Figure / Table 1.… with their short explanations centered. All images should be sent separately in JPG format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi in order to avoid resolution problems in printing. Placements in the text can be changed according to the page layout when necessary.

Tables, graphics, figures and photographs should not be more than six, they should be placed on a separate page and their place in the text should be specified. Periods should not be used in arabic numbers and decimals.